T2 2017
Assessment 2 (Part A)
DUE DATE AND TIME: Part 1A Tuesday 22 August 2017, 5:00pm
Part 2A Friday 15 September 2017, 5:00pm
PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: 10% which consists of two parts.
Learning Outcome Details
Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
ULO 1: Comprehend accounting as a language of business GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge
and capabilities
GLO6: Self-management
ULO 4: Evaluate financial statements and appreciate the regulation
of accounting systems of business organisations
GLO7: Teamwork
This assessment comprises of 2 separate submissions –
Part 1A Tuesday 22 August 2017, 5:00pm
Part 2A Friday 15 September 2017, 5:00pm
Part 1A is a hurdle item. Individual feedback will not be provided to each student. Generic
feedback will be provided to the entire cohort. It is imperative that Part 1A is submitted, otherwise,
Part 2A will not be marked, and the student forfeits 10% of the overall marks for this unit.
Assessment Feedback
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on
CloudDeakin on 5 September 2017, 5:00pm for Part 1A and 29 September 2017, and 5:00pm for
Part 2A.
1. Please monitor CloudDeakin for any instructions/announcements.
2. Any questions related to this assignment must be placed on CloudDeakin. Do not email the unit
chair, lecturer or your tutor directly. This ensures all students have access to the same information.
Submission Instructions
1. It is compulsory to submit Part 1A. Students who fail to do so will not have Part 2A marked.
2. The assignment must be submitted using MS Word.
3. Part 1A maximum 400 words and Part 2A maximum 600 words.
4. The assessment submission folder for Part 1A will be open from 5:00pm Monday 15 August 2017
and will close at 5.00 pm Sunday 27 August 2017. The assessment submission folder for Part 2A
will be open from 5:00pm Friday 8 September 2017 and will close at 5:00pm Wednesday 20
September 2017.
Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited.
Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB.
5. You are not required to upload an Assignment Cover Sheet. You will complete a Plagiarism
declaration when you access the Dropbox.
6. Once submitted you cannot take your assignment back BUT you CAN SUBMIT another version.
The most recent version submitted will be marked, however this must be submitted before the
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been
returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to
submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting
collusion and/or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive
an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that
you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after
upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.
The objective of this reflective piece is to enhance students’ engagement in their own learning by
reflecting on their performance while working in teams. You are asked to write about your own
performance within the team in regards to team communication, constructive teamwork and self-
management within the team. This will involve evaluating and describing your own learning
experience in this assignment.
This assignment will help students develop their skills in the process of collection, selection,
curation, direction, evaluation and reflection.
Threshold learning standards (TLSs) for accounting graduates were developed collaboratively across
Australia in 2010 with input from the professional accounting bodies, various business practitioners
and accounting academics. Five TLSs were developed for the Accounting discipline of which the self-
management standard is relevant for this assessment task.
Bachelor graduates in Accounting will be able to 'reflect on performance feedback to identify and
action learning opportunities and self-improvements'.
In this assignment, you are required to reflect on your learning in the group assignment
(Assignment 2 Part B) with an emphasis on team work and self-management. You will also need to
identify and action learning opportunities and self-improvements.
In this unit, self-management refers to skills and strategies by which individuals can effectively
identify and action learning opportunities and self-improvements to direct their own learning
activities toward the achievement of personal and professional learning goals.
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Self-management skills include:
• setting a future plan and establishing clear personal goals
• reviewing and monitoring one's own performance
• taking responsibility for one’s own learning
• setting priorities and milestones
• clearly articulating personal ideas and vision
Team work, in this unit refers to being able to work collaboratively with a group of people in order
to achieve a goal. This involves:
• communicating effectively,
• supporting team members through respectful feedback,
• delegating the tasks and deciding who is the most appropriate to undertake them.
Teamwork encompasses maximising the individual strengths of team members to bring out their
What is reflective practice?
Reflective practice is about taking personal responsibility for actions, self-reflecting and critiquing
your own performance and identifying and planning future development needs. In order to take
personal responsibility for your actions you need to initially record the goals you wish to achieve
when working in a team, past team experiences and ways in which you can improve your
performance while working in your team for Assignment 2 Part B. It is also important to keep
evidence of your experience in working with a team, as this will help you reflect back on your
performance within the team. Evidence can be as simple as recording your thoughts after team
meetings or after communicating with individual team members or staff. This evidence will help you
to put together your final reflection on your performance in the team.
Your task is to develop a reflection that highlights the work you have done in achieving the goals you
have set for yourself while working in a team for Assignment 2 Part B.
There are two parts in the task:
Part 1A: This is due Tuesday 22 August 2017 in the Assessment folder, Assessment 2 Part 1A. Record
your initial thoughts about working in teams. In doing so please answer the following:
1. Consider past teamwork experiences and discuss what areas you were good at and why.
2. During the team experience for MAA261 (Assignment 2 Part B), what skills (eg:
communication, commitment, constructive feedback) would you like to improve in relation
to your teamwork performance and what self-management measures will you take to help
you improve them.
In answering question 2 it is a good idea to determine two goals that you wish to achieve in relation
to your performance. The two goals must be focused on developing team work skills and include
how you will achieve them using self-management skills.
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When setting your goals consider stating them as SMART goals. To set a SMART goal make sure it is:
Specific - Consider who, what, when, where, why and how in developing the goal.
Measurable - Include a numeric or descriptive measurement.
Achievable - Consider the resources needed and set a realistic goal.
Relevant - Make sure the goal is consistent with the mission.
Time-bound - Set a realistic deadline.
Learning how to frame goals as SMART goals and being willing to adjust them to get SMARTer is an
important skill that would help every student. Here is a practical example, starting with a typical, but
not especially SMART, goal:
I will do better on my report card in the next marking period.
This goal is time-bound in that it states “the next marking period”, but does not address the other
components of a SMART goal.
Here is a way to make it SMARTer:
In the next marking period, I will get at least a C on all my math tests, and at least a B on most of my
quizzes and homework assignments.
Notice how the goal has become more specific, by providing a guide to the result intended. But it's
not completely SMART yet because it has no action plan or benchmarks. Here is a pretty SMART goal:
In the next marking period, I will take careful notes and review them at least two days before tests
and quizzes so that I can ask the teacher questions about what I don't understand. I will do my math
homework before I do things with friends, and when I hand it in, I will ask the teacher about anything
I am not sure about. When I get anything wrong, I will make sure to ask the teacher, or one of my
classmates how they got the right answer.
Take time to review the goal and determine which parts relate to being
The goals set must relate to team work in Assignment 2 Part B in MAA261, Financial Accounting.
For example a team work goal could be: in Trimester 2, 2017 I would like to improve the way in which
I support my team members. This will include providing mutual support and tolerance to my fellow
team members. I will ensure at each meeting that I provide respectful feedback and also establish
deadlines to which I can provide feedback to fellow team members on their work on the group
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Part 2A: Due by Friday, 15 September 2017 in the Assessment folder, Assessment 2 Part 2A. After
you have submitted Assignment 2 Part B (group assignment) you must reflect back on the experience
using your initial reflection from Part 1A to compile your final reflective piece. The reflective piece
should tie together the learning experiences that you have completed with regard to Team Work and
Self-Management. Reflect on where you performed well while working with your team as well as
where you did not and if you made any changes along the way to your approach. For example, you
needed to extend the deadline you set for providing feedback to team members as you received their
work later than expected.
Within the reflective piece, you may wish to answer the following questions:
1. Did you achieve the 2 goals that you set in part 1A? Why or Why not?
2. Did you set new goals or slightly change your existing goals?
3. What self-management tools did you use to help you work towards your goals? Were they
4. What was your role in the team and how did your actions help the group complete the tasks
on time?
Important Notes
• Discussion area for this assignment: There is a discussion area on CloudDeakin entitled
‘Assignment Discussion’. This area is for you to discuss the assignment. It is an area to help
each other – it is NOT an area for the answer to be provided to each other.
• Penalties for late submission: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an
assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from
available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days
after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. 'Day' means working
day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may
refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task
after the due date. Requests for special consideration will be considered only in extenuating
• Plagiarism and collusion: Plagarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are considered
serious academic misconduct. There are severe penalties associated with them. Please refer
to the MAA261 unit guide for your responsibilities with regard to plagiarism and other
academic offences. Penalties apply in this assignment.
• For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and
assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a
student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the
CloudDeakin unit site.
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