代写critique of academic literatures
代写critique of academic literatures
Assignment 1 Brief
Assignment 1 is a conventional individual essay of up to 1,500 words. The written essay is designed to assess students’ ability to produce a succinct critique of academic literatures related to Direct and Digital Marketing practice. It will involve answering one question from a choice of three (see below). This assignment is worth 50% of the marks for the Module.
Assignment 1 Questions
1. User generated content can be seen by marketers as both an opportunity and threat.
Evaluate this statement and use recent examples.
2. Instagram is considered by academics and digital marketing practitioners as a new vehicle for brand promotion.
Evaluate this statement and discuss its implications for Digital Marketers. Use examples.
3. Smartphones are multi-functional devices that offer marketers many strategic opportunities.
Discuss this statement and evaluate, with examples.
Some additional points
· Your answer should be a maximum of 1,500 words long.
· If you need to, you may append information in an appendix. It should be no more than 2 pages long and is not included in the wordcount.
· You should also include a List of References (not a Bibliography). It is not included in the wordcount. A guideline to Harvard Referencing is available on Moodle.
Read the General marking guidelines Assignment Assessment Criteria below and section 5.4 for further guidance as to what is being looked for.
Assignment 1 Assessment Criteria
Criterion |
% of marks allocated |
1. Demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the functions and issues raised. |
50 |
2. Use of examples of real, named organisations |
20 |
3. Skills of Critical Evaluation |
20 |
4. Use of evidence and referencing, including from the WWW |
10 |
Further Guidance
Demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the functions and issues raised.
· Have you identified and discussed the major issues raised by the question? The answers to all of the questions require reference to major issues facing DDM today. They will all require you to go beyond, or to develop further, issues mentioned in lectures.
· Does your answer have an appropriate scope? Eg If it was connected with digital marketing, are social media, wireless digital and push digital, such as email, considered as well as websites?
Use of examples
· Do you use examples?
· Are your examples of real named organisations (eg Apple, Pepsi), networks (eg Facebook) or media (eg a specific email campaign)?
· Are they relevant to the points you’re making?
· Are they treated critically, for example, do you evaluate whether they were successful?
Skills of Critical Evaluation
· Students who merely repeat or describe basic theory, or the arguments of others, will lose marks here.
· We wish to see you use evidence from the research or arguments of others to support arguments which you develop yourself. You must be able to critically evaluate established theory, or commonly-held assumptions, or the arguments of others and show, with justification, where they are good, where they may be inadequate and where they have been developed further by others.
Use of evidence and referencing
We wish to see you using
appropriate sources to support your arguments.
The best sources in such an essay are
academic journals.Quotation, paraphrasing and summarising should ALL be
cited in the text and
referenced in the List of References at the end. This includes www-derived material.
Assignment 2 Brief
代写critique of academic literatures
Using report format produce in writing a Direct and Digital marketing plan for an organisation of your choice. You should think carefully what organisation you want to select. It might be a good idea to focus on an organisation that has a more limited digital presence as this will allow you to develop new ideas. The report should be 1500 words (excluding front cover, contents page, headings, reference list, or appendices). This assignment is worth 50% of the marks for the Module
Assignment 2 Assessment Criteria
Criterion |
% of marks allocated |
1. Analysing and evaluating the communications context |
20 |
2. Presenting a coherent and current Direct and Digital Marketing strategy and Tactics (Retention and Acquisition!) |
50 |
3. Presenting and justifying appropriate schedule |
20 |
4. Use of evidence and referencing, including from the WWW |
10 |
Further Guidance
Context Analysis. Analysing and evaluating the communications context (20%)
• It should include a brief evaluation of the organization’s previous DDM or marketing communications activities.
• Uses data from external sources to give further insight. This could include data from research reports, articles, websites, etc.
• Produces Key Issues, usually distilled from the SWOT. A highly summarized SWOT could stand instead of Key Issues.
• Remember – don’t spend too long on Context Analysis. It is only worth 20% of the marks.
Presenting a coherent and appropriate Direct and Digital Marketing strategy and Tactics (Retention and Acquisition!) (50%)
· All strategies presented should be consistent with the organisation’s current marketing strategy and with its brand values.
· Your Tactics should be based on presenting and justifying an appropriate selection of Direct and Digital Marketing media and activities for Customer Acquisition and Retention.
· Media choices: you can include media such as direct mail, magazine advertising, email, internet advertising.
· Activities could include database marketing, search engine marketing, sales promotion, activity in social networks or anything else that is difficult to classify as media but is a recognised DDM activity and something that the organisation needs to do in your plan.
· Creative side: Try to be as creative as you can! Sky is the limit.
Presenting and justifying appropriate schedule (20%)
We need a schedule. We want to see some justification for the patterns you recommend in it and a brief explanation is also needed.
References (10%)
There should be citations in the text and references at the end, where we wish to see a List of References, not a Bibliography.
Additional note for Assignment 1&2
You MUST submit your assessments into Turnitin (via Moodle – where there is a folder set up for this). Please do this before final submission of your assessment.
5.4 General marking guidelines
Below is a schedule, to help you judge what you need to do to achieve any given mark range. Please note this is a general description of how you might achieve a certain percentage and may not apply to all elements of your coursework. Further criteria can be found in the Section 5.3.
Less than 40% - a poor assignment, the student has not answered the assignment properly. There may be a number of errors including insufficient explanation of the theory, and a limited ability to interpret the ideas to practical situations.
40-49% - a weak assignment, the student shows partial understanding of the issues but possibly combined with errors and/or insufficient or unclear explanation of the key points. There is limited interpretation of the issues in relation to the real world.
50-59% - a good assignment, with most of the key points correctly stated, the student demonstrates an ability to interpret at least some of the issues and makes a reasonable attempt at explaining the theoretical concepts.
60-69% - a very good assignment with minimal errors. Demonstrates an understanding of the key issues and is thorough in its analysis of the issues and theoretical concepts. The student shows strong critical and analytical ability.
70-79% - an excellent assignment which is well written and explained. It will demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues, using a high level of critical and analytical ability.
80% + - an exceptional assignment, which is sophisticated in its approach while being correct in every particular detail. Extremely high level of critical ability is demonstrated with original thought being evident.
5.6 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the publication of the ideas, or the expression of the ideas of another, as ones own (Oxford English Dictionary). Some dictionaries use the term stealing.
Plagiarism is not permitted in assessments at Edinburgh Napier University. Student Disciplinary Regulations (SDR) 11.2 categorises plagiarism as Academic Misconduct. Some examples are:
Major examples of plagiarism include the following
· copying from another student (Collusion)
· copying large sections, from an academic or other source (e.g. book, internet article) without acknowledging that source by referencing it
Minor examples of plagiarism include
· Paraphrasing without acknowledgment
· Using original reference obtained from a textbook but not reading “original” material
OK |
Quoting a relevant passage from a book, if the reference is given e.g. Drury C, (2004), Management and Cost Accounting, 6e, London, Thomson. The reference must be clearly linked to the body of your work by putting the Author’s name and date in brackets and the passage must be presented as a quotation. |
Copying from textbooks or articles and failing to acknowledge the source – even if the words/sentences are rearranged. Or acknowledging the source, but presenting the copy as your own words, rather than as a quotation. |
Comparing different authors’ ideas, with acknowledgement of source, and making your own comments. |
Copying from other students – even if the words and/or sentences are rearranged. |
Doing research with others in the library but writing your essay alone. |
Allowing another student to copy your work |
When citing from the WWW give, in the end reference, the author if possible, the entire URL and the date of access, not just the URL of the home page e.g. http://nulis.napier.ac.uk/studyskills/#Plagiarism |
URL of home page alone and /or no date e.g. www.napier.ac.uk |
Every time you submit any piece of work for assessment, you will be required to fill in a declaration form. By signing this form, you confirm that you have understood plagiarism as it is defined by Edinburgh Napier University. You are also confirming that you have not plagiarised.
Below you can find marking sheets for both assignments.
Coursework Assignment 2 Feedback
YOUR MARK IS provisional and is subject to confirmation or alteration by The Module Board of Examiners
代写critique of academic literatures