BMGT1IB International Business 预科assignment 代写
BMGT1IB International Business 预科assignment 代写
Foundation Studies and Diploma Programs
Subject Outline
Trimester 01 - 2017
Subject Code: BMGT1IB
Subject Name: Introduction to International Business
La Trobe Melbourne
Sylvia Walton Building
La Trobe University
Bundoora 3086
Ph: +61 3 9479 2417
La Trobe Melbourne CRICOS Provider Code: 03312D
La Trobe University CRICOS Provider Code: 00115M
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Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2
A Note from your Subject Co-ordinator .................................................................................................. 3
Contact Details ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Subject Information at a Glance ............................................................................................................. 3
Subject Description ................................................................................................................................. 4
Learning and Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 4
Learning Resources ................................................................................................................................. 5
Assessment Tasks .................................................................................................................................... 7
Academic Misconduct ........................................................................................................................... 11
Assignment Submission ........................................................................................................................ 12
Class Attendance ................................................................................................................................... 12
Student Grievance Policy ...................................................................................................................... 12
Additional Support ................................................................................................................................ 13
Trimester Dates ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Trimester Timetable .............................................................................................................................. 14
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A Note from your Subject Co-ordinator
Welcome to MGT1IB. This subject outline explains the aims of the subject and describes the
assessment requirements. You should always read this subject outline first and check it frequently
when preparing to study or embarking on assignment work. This subject is one of 5 core subjects
and 3 elective subjects in the Diploma of Business
Core Subjects (5)
LTM1AI Academic Integrity
1 BBUS1BUF Business Foundations
2 BBUS1AFB Accounting & Finance for Business
3 BBUS1BUE Business Economics
4 BBUS1BAN Business Analytics
5 BBUS1BSW Business Writing
Elective Subjects (3 from)
1 BACC1AMD Accounting for Management Decisions
2 BMGT1FOM Foundations of Management
3 BMKT1MDP Marketing: Defined, Planned, Delivered
4 BFIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance
5 BTHS1THE Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality & Events
6 BMGT1IB Introduction to International Business
Contact Details
Subject Co-ordinator: Mrs Tina Belokozovski
Teacher: Mr Peter Matheis
Subject Information at a Glance
Credit Points
Delivery mode:
12 weeks x 4 hours = 48 hours.
1 x 2 hour lecture
1 x 2 hour tutorial
Students are expected to undertake additional hours for the completion of tutorial exercises and
regular revision of work.
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Your final mark and grade for this subject is determined as follows:
Internal assessment: 50%
Final examination: 50%
Hurdle requirement:
Passing this subject - In order to qualify for a ‘pass’ this subject, students must submit ALL
assessment items AND achieve a MINIMUM aggregate mark of 50% for the subject
Failure to meet these required standards will result in a fail in this subject.
Student Portal:
The portal gives you access to news, documents, timetable, results and Moodle. Moodle is a
Learning Management System. You have a different Moodle site for each of your subjects. You will
find lecture and tutorial material and details of assessment. For some subjects, assessment will be
online via Moodle and may include the completion of online quizzes.
Subject Description
This is an introductory subject in international business, designed to provide students both with the
foundations necessary to commence and to continue their studies in international business and with
a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing firms in international markets. The subject
broadly covers all facets of international business and is divided into five main themes: 1)
globalisation, 2) country differences, 3) the global trade and investment environment, 4) the
strategy and structure of international business, and 5) business operations. Students will develop
cultural awareness, fluency and competence, develop the capacity to evaluate the global
environment, and to analyse the issues in global operation with theories of international business.
Learning and Assessment
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this subject, students will be able to:
1 Display a working knowledge of the concepts and terminology commonly used in the
international business discipline
2 Appreciate the cultural, political and legal factors that influence international business
3 Display an understanding of the influence, structure and strategies of international
4 Demonstrate the ability to identify and critically analyse and synthesise issues of global
5 Develop written and oral communication skills
6 Exhibit the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real life situations.
7 Demonstrate the ability to work in diverse teams
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La Trobe Melbourne Transitional Attributes
All La Trobe Melbourne diploma subjects contribute to the following graduate capabilities:
1. Literacy and communication skills;
2. Inquiry and analytical skills;
3. Personal and professional skills; and
4. Discipline-specific knowledge and skills.
For more detailed information please refer to the La Trobe University website
Assessment Type When Weighting Learning Outcomes
Article Review Week 6 25% 1-7
Group Assignment Week 11 20%
Tutorial exercises Weeks 1 - 11 5% 1-7
Final Examination Week 13 50%
Learning Resources
Prescribed Text:
Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., Rammal, H. G., & Freeman, S. 2015.
International Business: The New Realities 2 nd Edition (Australasian edition). Frenchs Forest:
This text can be purchased from the University’s bookshop.
Recommended Reading:
Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. A., & Moffett, M. H. 2011. International Business (8th edn).
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Peng, M. W. 2013. Global 2. Mason, OH: Cengage.
Wild, J. J. & Wild, K. L. 2014 International Business: The Challenges of Globalization (7th
edn.) Harlow: Pearson.
Most books will be available for Loan from the La Trobe University Library Reserve or
general collection.
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Other Learning Resources:
International Business and Management Journals
Your submitted work will benefit with the inclusion of published research from reputable academic
Students will need to keep up with the latest pay research in order to understand current
developments in the field. Some of the most prominent international business journals containing
academic research include (but are not limited to):
• International Business Review
• Journal of International Business Studies
• Thunderbird International Business Review
• Management International Review
• Journal of International Management
• Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Excellent management journal titles include:
• Academy of Management Journal
• Academy of Management Review
• Administrative Science Quarterly
• British Journal of Industrial Relations
• British Journal of Management
• California Management Review
• Harvard Business Review
• Journal of Management
• Journal of Management Studies
• Management Science
• Organisation Science
• Organisation Studies
• Strategic Management Journal
• The Journal of Business
Articles from these journals – and many others – can be accessed through online databases.
You will need to become a member of the State Library of Victoria to access these databases. Your
teacher will instruct on this in class.
• ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)
• ABIX (LexisNexis)
• AIMMAT (Informit)
• APAFT (Informit)
• Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
• Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
• Factiva
• Informit Business
• PAIS International (OCLC)
• ProQuest Business
• PsycINFO 1985- (Ovid)
• SAGE Journals Online
• Science Direct (Elsevier)
• Sociological Abstracts (CSA)
• Web of Science (ISI)
• Wiley Interscience JournalsWebsites:
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Assessment Tasks
Article Review
Up to 2000 words individual assessment.
Group Assignment
Group of three-to-four students. With reference to this subject’s lecture topics, select
a contemporary international business issue and consider its impact on Australia
Tutorial Exercises
Weekly tutorial exercises to be completed in hard copy or e booklet. These will be
checked for completion and recorded by tutor on weekly basis. The aim of the weekly
exercises is to ensure students are regularly revising material covered in weekly
Final examination – 2 hours
Total 100%
_ Assessment 1: Journal article review Due Date % SILOs Assessed
Individual assessment
2000 words
Week 6 – Monday 3 RD of April 2017
Description of Task
You will need to complete an article review for your individual assessment. More information to be
provided in weeks one and two.
You are strongly encouraged to consult guides for the completion of your review.
Examples include:
• Australian National University:
• University of Adelaide:
• University of Sydney:
Grading Criteria and FeedbackSubmission Details
A signed cover sheet must be attached to the front of your assignment.
Remember: you will be expected to use Academy of Management-style referencing in all your
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Group assessment
2000 words
Week 11 – Monday 15 th of May 2017
Description of Task
Form a group of three-to-four students. With reference to this subject’s lecture topics, (from the list
provided in tutorial 6) select a contemporary international business issue and consider its impact on
In the Week 7 tutorial, your team will be expected to provide the tutor with a one-page proposal
- The group’s membership;
- The group’s selected topic;
- The relevance of the topic to Australia;
- A plan for how the assignment will be successfully completed (team responsibilities, resources
required, deadlines).
Submission of this proposal will allow your teacher to provide valuable feedback on its proposed
Non-submission will incur a 10% penalty on the final group submission.
Your team is strongly encouraged to seek out published research available in journals such as those
listed in pages 6-7. There are some ground rules:
- Seek out research published from 2009 onwards. Remember, your team is analysing current issues.
- Avoid using sites such as Wikipedia or QuickMBA … their reliability is questionable.
- Your team must use a variety of sources to build a compelling analysis.
Grading Criteria and Feedback
Tutorial Exercises
Weeks 1 to11
Tutorial exercises to be completed on hard copy or e booklet. The exercises will be checked for
completion by your tutor during each weekly tutorial. A mark of complete or incomplete will be
recorded on weekly basis. In the case of absence, students may show the work or email evidence of
completed questions in order to gain a mark of completion.
The aim of the weekly exercises is to ensure students are regularly revising material covered in
weekly lectures.
_ Assessment 3: Final examination Due Date % SILOs Assessed
Individual assessment
2 hours
Exam period
Description of Task
Your final examination is a comprehensive assessment of your knowledge of topics taught in
Grading Criteria and Feedback
The structure of the exam and mark allocations will be explained in the final weeks of the trimester.
Submission Details
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Grading System
To be awarded a passing grade, students must achieve a mark of at least 50.
The grading system is:
Grade Percentage
A 80 – 100
B 70 – 79
C 60 – 69
D 50 – 59
N (Fail) 0 – 49
Special Consideration and Deferred Assessment
Special Consideration is a process provided for students for whom adverse and unforeseeable
circumstances may have impacted negatively on their ability to complete assessments or sit exams.
A student should apply for Special Consideration if:
He or she is unable to sit/complete an examination or other assessment due to serious
illness or other cause.
He or she believes that his or her performance in an assessment or exam task has been
adversely affected by illness or other cause immediately prior to the due date of the
assessed task.
Applications for Special Consideration will be accepted on medical grounds or under
compassionate or compelling circumstances. Examples of such circumstances include:
Serious illness or psychological condition causing a hospital admission, a serious
injury, severe anxiety or depression;
Distress due to the death of a family member or a family relationship breakdown;
Hardship or trauma caused for example, by being a victim of crime or involved in a
natural disaster.
To apply for Special Consideration you should download the form from the Student Portal (go to
Student – Documents – Forms – Special Consideration). Make your application by filling out the
form and attaching supporting documentation. The student must complete Section A, and a
professional practitioner must complete Section B where necessary. Additional documentation for
other sources, such as the Student Counsellor, may be provided as required. When complete send
In the case of class tests and assessments, the application should be made directly to your teacher
within 72 hours of the due date/test. You should also contact your teacher as soon as possible to
notify them of your intention to apply. If a student wishes the application be treated in confidence,
make an appointment can be made with the student counsellor. They will then make a
recommendation to the relevant teacher/unit.
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BMGT1IB International Business 预科assignment 代写
In the case of exams, the application should be made through the Special Consideration email within
72 hours of the exam time. Special Consideration applications for exams are reviewed by the
Academic Review Committee.
Please refer to policies on our website:
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Academic Misconduct
Plagiarism and collusion are academic offences. They are forms of cheating and severe penalties are
associated with them. If a student is caught plagiarising they may be failed in that piece of
Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as their own another student’s work, or copies without
acknowledgment of its authorship, the work of any other person.
Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose
with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work.
Whenever you refer to another person’s research or ideas (whether directly quoting or by
paraphrasing them) you MUST acknowledge the source. Also, copying paragraphs from web pages
and presenting them as your own work is plagiarism. If you download and copy paragraphs from a
web page, you must identify the source.
La Trobe Melbourne will provide plagiarism detection software to assist both staff and students with
the identification of instances where work intended for submission or actually submitted is
inappropriately copied from another source either in whole or in part.
Refer to La Trobe University’s website for information on plagiarism and acknowledging source
Examination Misconduct
This may take various forms, for example:
Bringing into an examination forbidden material (notes) or gaining access to such material
during an examination (e.g. by communication via mobile phone with another person,
planting material in a toilet, speaking or using hand gestures to communicate with others,
Copying from an adjacent student in a formal examination.
Gaining knowledge of or revealing content of an examination in a circumstance in which a
student has taken the examination earlier or later than the scheduled time.
Any form of misconduct in an exam will be treated as a serious offence and students will face severe
penalties. Where the intent of the student is to cheat they will receive zero marks for their exam.
Should an examination invigilator suspect a student of engaging in examination misconduct, they
shall normally allow the student to complete the examination. They will complete an incident report,
attach any relevant evidence, and submit it to the Academic Director within 72 hours of the date of
the exam. The Academic Director will notify the student of the alleged misconduct in writing via
email and give the student an opportunity to submit their case. The student shall then be notified of
the outcome in writing via email. Please note, some exams are open book. If you see somebody
using notes, this is not an invitation for you to also take out notes. If an exam is an open book exam,
it will be clearly stated on the front page.
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Assignment Submission
Assignments must be submitted by the due date. Students must complete the Assignment Cover
Sheet available from the portal and attach it to their assignment.
Check with your teacher for submission guidelines. Assignments may be asked to be submitted via
the portal or handed to your teacher in class. Assignments are not accepted at reception.
Students must keep a copy of each assignment submitted and must be able to produce the copy in
the unlikely event that the original assignment is misplaced. Students must maintain backup copies
of all their assignment work. Electronic loss of data is possible, but is not a satisfactory excuse for an
extension of a submission date.
Late Submission
Extension for medical reasons:
If your work is late for medical reasons, you will need a medical certificate to cover you from the
time the assignment was due until the time it is submitted. The medical certificate must accompany
an application for special consideration.
An extension of assignment submission for circumstances in the time leading up to the due date
must be applied for in writing to your teacher at least 48 hours prior to the due date.
Penalties for late submission:
Assignments received late and without prior approval will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the
available marks will be deducted every working day the assignment is late. Assignments received
after five working days, and without an approved extension, will receive 0%
Class Attendance
Attendance is an important element of a student’s success in their studies and it is strongly
recommended that attendance is maintained in all classes. All work covered in class is examinable.
Poor attendance can lead to failure to progress academically. Failing to progress may result in
exclusion from study, and for international students, this may lead to cancellation of a student visa.
Attendance will be recorded in all sessions and Foundation Studies students need to be aware that if
they fail to meet satisfactory attendance requirements, as set out by DIBP, they may be breaching
their visa requirements.
For any given trimester, the expected attendance requirement is that all domestic and international
students attend a minimum of 80 per cent of classes over the trimester.
Students are expected to attend the full duration of each class. However, students will be marked as
present for a late arrival within the first hour of each scheduled class. Thereafter, students will be
marked as absent.
Please refer to policies on our website:
Student Grievance Policy
The Student Grievance policy has been developed to ensure all current and prospective students of
La Trobe Melbourne are given access to a fair complaints resolution and appeals process.
Please refer to policies on our website:
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Additional Support
For help with essay and report writing, referencing, oral presentation skills, study skills
For help with any personal issue which is affecting your study
Maths and Stats: To be advertised on the portal.
For help with any subject that involves numeracy and statistics, starting in week 4.
Trimester Dates
Week 1 27 th February
Week 2 6 th March
Week 3 13 th March
Week 4 20 th March
Week 5 27 th March
Week 6 3rd April
Week 7 10 th April
Trimester Break 13 th – 19 th April
Week 8 24 th April
Week 9 1 st May
Week 10 8 th May
Week 11 15 th May
Week 12 22 nd May
29 th May – 2 nd June Diploma
5 th – 9 th June Foundation Studies
Results Released 15 th June
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Trimester Timetable
Lecture Schedule
Week Topic Resources Assessment
1 Introduction Ch.1
2 Globalising markets Ch.2
3 Participants in Globalisation Ch.3
4 Cross cultural communication Ch.4
5 Responsible Business Ch.5
6 Political & Legal systems Ch. 7 Article Review due
7 Economic Integration Ch.9
8 Emerging markets Ch.10
9 Strategy Ch.12
10 Exporting Ch.14
11 Managing people in global firms Ch.19
Group Assignment
12 Examination Briefing / revision
13 Final Examination
BMGT1IB International Business 预科assignment 代写