代写Advanced Corporate Finance AFIN353
代写Advanced Corporate Finance AFIN353
Administrative Requirements
1. Group Formation and Group Management
Groups will comprise 2 to 4 students and must be from the same tutorial group. Groups must be nominated by week 6. Students are not expected to undertake the assignment individually.
Procedure to set up and manage a group:
i. Each group will appoint a group leader who will be responsible for organising and managing discussions at group meetings, appointing a minute-taker and ensuring each member has an opportunity to contribute his/her ideas, lodging the assignment.
ii. Group members should sign in the group formation form in week 6 tutorial and hand it back to tutors after the class.
iii. The group should prepare a Pre-project Plan (can be found in Assignment section on iLearn) in their first meeting. This details the tasks allocated to each member and the expected milestones, meeting dates, and task deadlines.
iv. The Group Leader is required to keep a record of each meeting (delegating the task of minute-taking is fine) indicating who attended and what contributions are made by each member. Circulate them to your group members to reduce any possible misunderstandings.
The Unit Convenor may request the Group Leader provide the Pre-project Plan and minutes of meetings to substantiate the contribution of each member. Any student may be called upon to defend their contribution to the assignment. Any student who does not contribute, will receive a mark of zero.
NOTE: Working in groups requires a little bit of organisation and a lot of co-operation.
Any group which, after agreeing to their group membership, is unable to obtain involvement from a particular group member, will advise the Unit Convenor by Friday of Week 8. The Unit Convenor will email the individual concerned (to their Macquarie student email address) and may ask that they undertake the assignment individually. In this case, course convenor may grant the individual concerned a penalty up to 20% of the full mark. The remaining members of the group will be asked to undertake the assignment without that person(s) and receive no penalty.
2. Assignment Word Limit
The group will prepare a report of its findings. The report will be Microsoft Word and will not exceed 2000 words (excluding title page, table of contents, references, tables). 10% above or below the word limit (1800 to 2200 words) is acceptable.
Marks will be deducted if the Report exceeds the 2000 word limit by more than 200 words (i.e., lower than 1800 words or more than 2200 words). The penalty will be 3 marks (out of the total 30 marks for the report) for each 200 words or part thereof.
3. Assignment Submission
Group Leaders (only) will submit the report by 23:59 (EST) on the 21st of October, 2016 (week 10)
- To TURNITIN, (with the cover sheet). THE FIRST SUBMISSION WILL BE FINAL. Do NOT submit more than once. Be sure you are happy with the paper before submitting. Make sure to include the following documents in the submission:
o coversheet signed by all contributing group members
o completed ‘Group Contribution form’ detailing the tasks undertaken by each group member, and signed by each group member. A member who does not contribute will not sign the form.
All group members (including group leaders) will submit the Peer Evaluation of Performance forms individually to TURNITIN. Anyone who fails to submit the Peer Evaluation of Performance form will receive 5 marks penalty out of the assignment total 15 marks (yes, 30% of you total mark!).
No extensions of time will be granted. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 2 marks (out of the assignment total 15 marks) for each day (or part thereof) that the assignment is late in being lodged.
4. Report Requirement
Your report will comprise:
1. Title Page (including Title, list of contributing group members; Group Leader, total word count)
2. Table of Contents/Index
3. [Body of Report] You must determine your own headings and subheadings. Ensure that any tables or figures are labelled and are referred to within your analysis.
4. Conclusion – this should capture the key outcomes of your analysis.
5. References – ensure you use correct and consistent citation and referencing. Seek credible information sources. (See some suggestions below, but do not confine yourselves to these)
Do not include Appendices. The report should stand-alone.
Do not fill the report with pages of past financials. You may select the key components of historical financial data and forecasts to include in the report.
Avoid re-writing great slabs of information from the source documents. You should analyse the information from your research.
代写Advanced Corporate Finance AFIN353
5. Marking Guide
This assignment will be marked out of 60 marks and will be reduced to out of 15 marks towards your total assessment. Your group report will contribute 50% (up to 30 marks) to your total assignment score and your individual performance will contribute another 50% (up to 30 marks).
Group performance marking:
Group reports will be marked according to the marking rubric which is posted on iLearn.
Individual performance marking:
Your individual performance will be assessed by the other group member(s) using the ‘Peer Evaluation of Performance’ (PEP) form. You will also have a chance to evaluate your own performance using the “self-evaluation” column in the PEP form. The average mark you received in the PEP form will be used to calculate your relative contribution multiplier (RCM) which then will be multiplied by the group report mark. The final result is your individual mark of this assignment. Your group should consider the rubric in its first meeting.
How will your performance be marked? – An example
Assume Jason formed a group with three students: Neil, Jessy and Lindy. The group received 25 marks in the group report. The other three group members are very impressed by Jason’s efforts and granted 30, 27 and 30 in their Peer Evaluation of Performance (PEP) forms for Jason. Jason gave himself 28 in his self-evaluation. Thus, Jason will receive 30+27+30+28=115 marks from the PEP form. Assume Neil, Jessy and Lindy receive 99, 80 and 65 PEP marks from the other group members. Jason’s relative contribution to the group work will be calculated as: