BSD126 Marketing Plan Xbox Nexba Sumo Salads 代写
BSD126 Marketing Plan Xbox Nexba Sumo Salads 代写
BSD126 Marketing Plan Assignment Instructions
Semester 2, 2017
You are to choose one (1) product/brand from the list below, research the industry and construct a basic marketing plan for how you would market this product and reach your stated marketing goal.
Keep in mind that this is an individual assignment. In class you will be given opportunities to discuss the product and ideas for marketing the product in the situations described below, however, the presentation of your ideas in writing, is individual work.
You will complete this marketing plan in two parts.
Choose one brand from this list as the subject of your marketing plan. Assume the role of marketing manager for the product/brand and your job is to construct a basic marketing plan to grow the brand.
Sumo Salads is healthy eating chain of food service restaurants.
It is set up as an alternative fast food option to the traditional burger and fries menu.
Their mission is to make Australia a healthier place, by offering healthy tasty food in a fun affordable and convenient way.
Sumo Salad has grown to 100 stores and with international locations in New Zealand, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, South America, and the USA. |
Known as the Aussie Boys, Drew and Troy founded Nexba in 2010 to offer people healthier alternatives. By 2015 Nexba had won a prestigious Telstra Australian Business Award for innovation and achievement. In July 2016 Nexba partnered with Coles and took a step beyond tea to reinvent soft drinks.
In 2017 Nexba’s range of naturally, sugar free drinks won Product of the Year, the world’s largest consumer-voted award for product innovation.
A major player in the fight against sugar, Nexba’s mission is to be the fastest growing global naturally, sugar free brand.
Xbox Project Scopio
Microsoft is going to supercharge the Xbox.
The company is currently working on Project Scorpio, a more powerful version of the Xbox One designed for 4K TVs and potentially virtual reality headsets like the Oculus Rift.
The console will be aimed at gamers who value performance over everything else. It's expected to launch in the fall of 2017 |
DUEFriday, 28th July, 2017 by 11:59pm on Turnitin.
I. SITUATIONANALYSIS[approx. 250words]
Thissectionprovides generalinformationaboutthe marketingenvironmentincludingthecompany,itsgoalsand resources.
A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis and CDSTEP (culture, demographics, social, technology, economic and political/legal) profile might be appropriate here. Giventhetightwordlimit, I suggest youonly highlight the twomacro‐environmentalforces (culture, demographics, social, economic, political/legal and technology) thatare mostsalient toyour chosen product.Your choices must be justified. Directioncanbefound inchapter 4 ofthetext, andyour tutorial.
The SWOT analysis can be place in the appendix
II. MARKETINGGOAL[approx. 15words]
Setyour ownrealistic goal.Marketinggoalsshouldhave twothings–afocus(either monetary or non‐monetary)and benchmarks(byhow much andby when). Monetary goalscanbenet income,margins,returnoninvestment, retail sales (andothers)whilenon‐monetarygoalscanbesales volume,marketshare(andothers). The marketing goal will also need to be very clear on where the goals is focused (i.e. at your segment of the market). The goal must be justified by what you write in your Marketing Strategy section.
At itsbasic level,marketing strategyis identifying thetargetmarket,anddefiningthevalueproposition. Youcan find additional resources andframeworks inchapter 6 ofthetext.
Target Customers
Segmentthemarketandidentifyone segment youwill target.Developaprofileofyour targetsegment and justify your choice.
Thevalue propositionisaddressingthequestion “whywillyour targetcustomerswant tobuythis product?” Youshould constructapositioning statement,andyou may want toincludeapositioningmapinyour analysis.
You are expected to use at least 6 different academic/reliable sources, including textbook. You should include a variety of sources.
Youshould citeandreferenceall yoursources of informationinAPA format. Help canbe foundat
BSD126 Marketing Plan Xbox Nexba Sumo Salads 代写
APPENDICES[2 pages maximum,andnotincludedinword count]
Inyour2pages ofappendicesyoucaninclude any supportingdocumentationyouthinkis necessaryto helpthereader understand your marketing plan. It could be:asectionofanindustry report;some graphs or charts; amock‐upfora print/onlineadyouhavegeneratedforyourchosenproduct (orastoryboard foraTV/video ad); amediaalert for the product’s introductionor anythingelse.
**You are expected to submit an electronic copy in the approved format and using the template below to the Turnitintool on BlackBoard. It must be submitted by the due date and time or the Late Policy will apply. Second copies or attachments or amendments made after this FINAL has been submitted, will NOT be accepted. There is ONE FINAL attempt only so ensure your file is complete and that you submit the correct file.
Before starting andsubsequentlysubmitting yourassignment,youshould check‐offeach item inthechecklistbelow:
o Use the assignment templateprovidedon Blackboard, and keepto1.5linespacing anda readablefont suchas Times New Roman or Calibri.
o The 700wordlimit (±70words)is for sections I,II, and IIIonly (including in-text citations), and 800 word limit (±80 words) is for section IV only should be adheredtoorpenalties will apply.
o Includeyour total word count onthe frontpageofyour submission for each part. Use theAPA referencingsystem throughoutyourdocument.
o No table ofcontents,introductionorconclusionrequired.
o As the report is for an actual product, it is acceptable to use the company website once, to introduce the product. All other sources must be academic in nature so Wikipedia and other similar sources are NOT to be used or referenced for this assignment. Useoriginal sources such as books, journal articlesor industryreports
o You should submit to TURNITIN to obtain a text matchingreport,andmake any changes youthinkarenecessaryand then resubmitbythe duedate
o If youhave notcompletedyour assignmentbytheduedate,and do nothavean approved extension, then youshouldsubmit the workyouhavecompletedby thedue date and it will be markedagainst theassessmentcriteria.
o Backupandkeepelectronic copies ofyourassignment.
o When you submit Part B of your report, if you were advised to rewrite goals or target customers by your tutor in Part Asubmission, then do so by writing the revised information on the bottom of the cover sheet of Part B. (This will not be included in the word count).
Part A
TOTAL WORD COUNT [for sections I-III only, should be 700 words +/- 70 words]
[insert your situation analysis here]
[insert your marketing goal here]
[insert your target market here]
[insert your value proposition here]
REFERENCES – separate page
[insert your references in APA format here]
APPENDICES [inset or attach your appendices – 2 pages max
** You must use the headings above.
Late Assignment Policy
Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension. If you don’t have an approved extension you should submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria.
Students should also refer to the university policy on
Late assessment and extension (MOPP E/6.8).
To apply an extension, go to
Academic Integrity
If your submission is identified as containing potentially plagiarised material, your tutor or the Unit Coordinator will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the issue. Please note the university policy on
Academic Integrity (MOPP C/5.3 and Student Rule 29).
BSD126 Marketing Plan Xbox Nexba Sumo Salads 代写