Silo Pty Ltd Ex Hoon Pty Ltd McMansion Pty Ltd 代写
Silo Pty Ltd Ex Hoon Pty Ltd McMansion Pty Ltd 代写
The assignment will demonstrate the student’s/group’s ability to:
Represent the market of the firm’s product diagrammatically and explain in words the key
factors influencing: demand for the firm’s product; the supply of the product; the price
elasticity of demand.
Illustrate with separate diagrams and explain the words the effect of; i) an external shock
and ii) a change in government policy affecting the market of that the firm operates in.
The assignment will:
Be less than 1000 words with a correctly labelled diagram(s).
Include a title, introduction and conclusion.
Include diagrams where appropriate.
Word processed in 12 point font at 1.5 spacing
Include a statement of authorship on the front page.
Grading process:
Silo Pty Ltd Ex Hoon Pty Ltd McMansion Pty Ltd 代写
Each student in the group will receive the same mark for this assignment. One mark will be deducted
for each day that a group assignment is late.
Groups can consist of 3 or 4 students and you are free to choose your own group. Each group will
provide a statement of the frequency and dates of their meetings and a statement of how tasks for
the completion of the assignment were allocated. In extreme circumstances, the class facilitator
may adjust the allocation of marks in line with individual contributions to the assignment. These
adjustments will be at the discretion of the facilitator
Description of Group Assignment
Students will be allocated one of the following firms:
i. A farming company specializing in wheat and barley production (Silo Pty Ltd). The firm is one
of many producers in the international market.
ii. Dewey, Cheatem and Howe, a law firm specializing in compensation law. The firm is one of a
number of local law firms.
iii. Spend-Easy, a retail chain specializing in the sale of white goods. The firm is one of four large
white goods retailer’s with a 20% market share in Australia.
iv. Ex Hoon Pty Ltd, a producer of auto parts, specializing in high tech safety systems. The
company has recently patented a new technology that will revolutionize vehicle safety.
v. McMansion Pty Ltd, a housing construction business competing with a number of other
construction firms in the State of Victoria.
Part A
In the assignment you are required to describe three factors influencing the market demand and
three factors influencing supply curves for the chosen firm’s product or service (e.g. how would a
change in consumer income affect demand). You are also to explain the concept of price elasticity of
demand and explain why you believe demand is elastic or inelastic in the long and short run.
Marking guide for part A: (10marks)
Introduction and summary (2marks)
Factors affecting demand (2marks)
Factors affecting supply (2marks)
Elasticity concepts and factors (4marks)
Part B
Students are to illustrate and explain, using comparative statics, the impact of the following shock
in the market in which the chosen firm operates.
i. A bumper harvest in the U.S. and South America increase the global wheat yield.
ii. There is a reported dramatic increase in the compensation claims going to court.
iii. A multinational white goods retailer launches a strategy to open 20 new stores in Australia.
iv. Ford to close its Broadmeadows and Geelong plants for which Ex Hoon Pty Ltd is a major
v. The construction industry faces a significant increase in labour costs.
Marking guide for Part B (4marks)
Neatly drawn correct graph(2marks)
Good explanation about the graph(2marks)
Part C
Illustrate and explain with the market demand and supply curve the expected impact of a change in
government policy on the chosen firm/industry:
i. The government introduces a tax on fertilizer used in agriculture due to runoff damages to
rivers and streams
ii. Government disbands the Traffic Accident Commission (TAC), a publicly funded
compensation scheme
iii. The government decides to increase GST from 10 to 15%
iv. The government announces tough new safety standards for all new vehicles sold in Australia
v. The government announces it will scrap the First Home Buyers Grant.
Marking guide for part C:(4marks)
Neatly drawn correct graph(2marks)
Good explanation about the graph(2marks)
Part C
For the firm chosen, what is the market structure that the firm operates in? Why?hint: based on
characteristics of market structure.(2marks)
Silo Pty Ltd Ex Hoon Pty Ltd McMansion Pty Ltd 代写