代写 DE42 Bachelor of Design Architectural Studies
代写 DE42 Bachelor of Design Architectural Studies
DE42 Bachelor of Design (Architectural Studies)
School of Design
Faculty of Creative Industries
Queensland University of Technology
Weeks 9-‐13 – Climate Responsive Building Design
Dr. Veronica Garcia-‐Hansen
To save paper if you are printing this document, please print only your chosen Original Cabin Plan
with this document.
The history of vernacular architecture shows how climate and light have a fundamental role in
the formation of buildings. Socrates taught ‘correct’ building design with respect to an idea of
form and orientation over 2400 years ago. Vitruvius in The Ten Books on Architecture discusses
the appropriate choice of orientation with respect to activities and an appropriate daylighting
However in the 20th century we saw, amongst many other rapid changes, a decline in the
commitment to climatic factors and daylighting as principle design criteria. This was principally a
consequence of the innovations, inventions, and advancements in the use of gas, electricity, and oil;
and compounded by the introduction and availability (thanks to modern logistics and transport) of
new building materials and construction techniques. The pervasive attitude (while perhaps not
spoken) was that these energy sources were abundant and everlasting; the environmental
problems we understand now were not widely acknowledged.
In the 21 st century, designers have many responsibilities and among these realising a
sustainable built environment is now at the center of the discourse. This assignment is a small
step towards empowering you in gaining mastery in this aspect of design. The knowledge you
have gained through all the tutorial exercises and lectures is your starting point for this
Project Aims:
The project aims to integrate the knowledge developed in lectures and tutorials with
architectural design. You will need to demonstrate the ability to successfully apply the principles
of climate responsive design to a small-‐scaled project.
The objective of the project is to demonstrate design outcomes that exemplify principles of
climatic responsive design. The aims of the design project submission and presentation are to
demonstrate :
• An understanding of bioclimatic classification (Psychrometric chart analysis) on your 2
climatic regions,
• An understanding of the different requirements for various climatic regions as factors
influencing architectural design ,
• Ability to design buildings appropriate to a specific climatic region,
• Ability to use the knowledge you have gained through the hands-‐on experiments, carried
out during the semester, to inform and discuss architectural des ig n decisions,
• The ability to use daylighting, solar protection, natural ventilation and passive solar
strategies for heating and cooling to make informed architectural decisions with respect to
form, function, fenestration and articulation.
• Ability to communicate and justified climate base design strategies through the use of tools
(simulation, graphic drawing, calculations) and theory
Project Scenario:
For this project, you can use your design of the cabin for the Design studio, or we are providing you
with some examples of cabin designs, which are the initial design for your client. These cabins are
annotated with as follows and consists of some of these spaces:
• ‘L’ Living space ,
• ‘W’ Working space (if the cabin you choose doesn’t have one you can add a working space) ,
• ‘D’ Dining space ,
• ‘K’ Kitchen or ki t chene tt e ,
• ‘S’ Sleeping space,
• ‘B’ Ba t hroom .
The client LOVES your design and really wants to go ahead with the project BUT… wants one small
change. The client and her/his partner are moving cities and want to build the cabin on a new site.
They explain that this should not be too much trouble as they have even narrowed the site down to a
shortlist of two cities!
The Task:
• Either use your cabin design for DAB310 Architectural Design 3 or choose one original cabin plan
and design (You have been provided with 10 original, basic cabin Plans which are at 1:100 on A4)
two complete cabins for two different locations. You all have to make necessary improvements and
changes in your buildings to demonstrate through design how your building responds to the two
different climatic conditions (e.g. cold climate and hot dry).
• For doing this, you are to position your building on a chosen site (urban, natural, etc)
located in 2 different and contrasting climatic zones (such as hot-‐arid and cold regions).
• You are to demonstrate design outcomes that exemplify principles of climatic responsive
design for these regions through class presentation and documentation as explained under
submission requirements.
• The progress of the design is to be facilitated through the tutorial workshop sessions on
Weeks 9 through to 12 culminating in a presentation on Week 13.
Every week there will be a pin up with individual feedback given in a group conte x t.
The submission for this assignment consists of 2x A1 panels describing your design and entails an
oral presentation (no presentation counts as no submission).
Design Panels
2xA1 panels with Completed drawings of both buildings showing:
• plans/sections/elevations @ 1:50 and
• site plan @ 1:100
• 3D representations as required
Each panel is to be divided (across its shortest length) into 2 sections . On the left of the panel you
are to communicate and document your research and conceptual development of your project
(through annotated illustration-‐vignettes). On the right half you will demonstrate the design
outcomes and the implementation of the concepts.
See the CRA sheet for guidance. It should be as visual as possible in the form of a series of
supporting diagrams close to 1:200, with bullet point notes, easy to read from minimum 1 meter
away .
Research and concepts should include (but is not limited to):
• Weather, solar radiation and wind effects for summer and winter (use ecotect solar tool and
weather tool) for determination of building site, orientation, form etc.
• Design for thermal comfort (use psychometric chart for selection of passive solar
strategies) and visual comfort (use luminous maps or, heliodon or simulation for the
design of openings and solar control strategies and internal colour design)
• choice of building materials and colour from thermal and sustainability points of view, etc.
• Ventilation, air movement through your main living areas, use graphic tools taught in week 3
• Shading devices and solar patches, use graphic tools taught in week 8.
Visual journal with supportive evidence
The visual journal must provide the supportive evidence for your design and the research your have
done for your project. This must be an edited visual journal where the annotated illustration-‐
vignettes from the panels are explained/developed in detail, using graphical techniques, simulation
tools (revit-‐simulation tools), calculations and/or theory.
Visual journal: A4
代写 DE42 Bachelor of Design Architectural Studies
Oral Presentations:
• You will have 6 minutes for your presentation + 2 minutes of question time. Because you
have to be very brief, please practice and come prepared for the presentation.
• Start with how you assessed the climatic data, and how this informed your design.
• Follow the CRA sheet items to describe your project.
• A hard copy of your visual journal has to be given to the tutor during the presentation
Submission Details:
Blackboard submission: electronic submission through blackboard by 11.59pm on the May 31 st
Panels presentation in Week 13 Wednesday (hard copy) in the lecture/tutorial time
• As in any exam, you must be present on Wednesday June 1 st at 1pm (this time to be
confirm closer to the day) with your panels (2 x A1 presentation panels) and visual journal
(A4 bound) to defend your panels and there will be no extensions to this date or time.
• We are not going to keep the panels, and therefore, in order to have a copy of you
submission for moderation (the same submission the tutor will see during the
presentation) we need you to submit the panels, and visual journal on blackboard the
night before (As with previous assignments there will be a link for submission). However,
submission onto blackboard, but not being present on June 1st will count as a non-‐
Cabin: 01
Original Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Original Latitude: 49.87 N
Cabin: 02
Original Location: University Park, PA, USA
Original Latitude: 40.79 N
Cabin: 03
Original Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Original Latitude: 45.47 N
Cabin: 04
Original Location: Austin, TX, USA
Original Latitude: 30.32 N
Cabin: 05
Original Location: Austin, TX, USA
Original Latitude: 30.32 N
Cabin: 06
Original Location: New York, NY, USA
Original Latitude: 40.78 N
Cabin: 07
Original Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
Original Latitude: 42.38 N
Cabin: 08
Original Location: Pittsburg, PA USA
Original Latitude: 40.45 N
Cabin: 09
Original Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA
Original Latitude: 39.14
Cabin: 10
Original Location: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Original Latitude: 18.24 N
代写 DE42 Bachelor of Design Architectural Studies