ALR276 Ethical Communication and Citizenship 代写
Minor essay overview
You are required to plan and write an essay that answers ONE of the following three questions:
1. Some people argue that the persuasion inherent in public relations practice limits the capacity of practitioners to act ethically. After discussing why the Big Tobacco (Study Guide Topic 1) and/or James Hardie (Study Guide Topic 2) case studies appear to support this criticism, explain how ethical communication and critically reflective practice provide a means of reforming public relations.
2. The communicative actions of Big Tobacco (Study Guide Topic 1) over the twentieth century are often presented as examples of unethical public relations practice. Drawing on relevant theories of ethics explain why this is the case and discuss whether it is possible for practitioners working in contentious industry sectors, such as Big Tobacco, to make ethical decisions.
3. The ‘fully funded’ media release distributed by James Hardie Industries (Study Guide Topic 2) publicised a ‘win win’ situation for shareholders and those affected by asbestos related diseases. Explain why the discourse contained in this media release is ethically problematic and how communication practitioners can avoid the ethical lapses that can occur in ‘closed knowledge’ environments.
Word limit: 1,000 words (+/- 10% ie 1,100 words max)
Submission: CloudDeakin > Assessments > Assignments > Minor essay
• Use the Harvard referencing style
• Write out the question you are answering at the top of the first page
• Write your name/student number in the document footer
• Insert page numbers
• Use 2.5 cm document margins
• Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing
• Use 10 or 12 point font (Arial or Times Roman)
Marking criteria
• Response to the question
• Essay structure and organisation
• Evidence of research (including correct referencing)
• Depth and quality of argument; application of theory and concepts discussed in this unit
• Editing and written expression
ALR276 Ethical Communication and Citizenship 代写