代写 T2 2016 MWL 101 Assessment 2 T2 2016 MWL 101 Assessment 2 Marking Rubric
Criteria |
Not attempted (F) |
Needs Improvement (F) |
Satisfactory (P) |
Good (C) |
Very good (D) |
Excellent (HD) |
Create your one minute video. ULO 2 Communicate Effectively in oral, written and visual forms. GLO2 - Communication 2.5 marks |
Limited information is presented in the video. The material lacks relevance. Skills, knowledge and experience are poorlycommunicatedor missing. The video presentation skills need to be developed. Your interests and capabilities were not communicated effectively. |
Presentation of information on the video is incomplete and the relevance is difficult to determine. The skills, knowledge and experience are poorly communicated. The video presentation skills are basic. Your interests and capabilities were not clearly communicated. |
Presentation of information includes relevant material but is incomplete. The communication of skills knowledge and experience is limited and provides little demonstration of the capabilities. The video presentation and speaking skills communicate your interests and capabilities. |
Good presentation of relevant material with some attempt to demonstrate capabilities. The communication of skills knowledge and experience is clear and communicates your ability to apply the skills, knowledge and experience. Videopresentation speaking skills are suitable for a business audience, and your interests and capabilities are clear. |
Very good presentation of relevant material demonstrating capabilities, aptitude and job readiness. The communication of skills knowledge and experience is very good and effectively communicates your ability to apply the skills, knowledge and experience relevant to a target business audience. Video presentation speaking skills are at a business ready level, and effectively communicates your interests and capabilities. |
Excellent presentation of relevantinformationdemonstrating capabilities, aptitude and job readiness. Provides very strong demonstration of the skills, knowledge and experience relevant to a target business audience. Video presentation skills are excellent, and communicates your interests and capabilities very effectively. |
Mark breakdown Default |
0 – 0.5 marks 0.25 marks |
0.6 – 1.2 marks 0.8 marks |
1.3 – 1.5 marks 1.4 marks |
1.6 –1.7 marks 1.7 marks |
1.8 –1.9 marks 1.9 marks |
2 – 2.5 marks 2.2 marks |
Create your on-line profile through Deakin Talent. ULO 2 Communicate Effectively in oral, written and visual forms. GLO2 - Communication 2.5 marks |
Limited information is presented in the profile. The material lacks relevance. Skills, knowledge and experience are poorlydemonstrated or missing. Writing skills for an online platform basic. No attempt to connect or network in the online platform. |
Presentation of information on the video and online profile is incomplete and the relevance is difficult to determine. The profile showslittleapplicationof the skills, knowledge and experience. Writing for an online platform or speaking skills are basic.Limited attempt to connect or network in the online platform. |
Presentation of information includes relevant material but is incomplete. The profile shows alimited applicationof the skills, knowledge and experience. Shows some initiative in networking. Writing skills for an online platform are basic. |
Good presentation of relevant material with some attempt to demonstrate capabilities. The profile shows a clear applicationof the skills, knowledge and experience. Shows initiative in networking. Writing skills for an online platform are suitable for a business audience. |
Very good presentation of relevant material demonstrating capabilities, aptitude and job readiness. The profile shows a strong applicationof the skills, knowledge and experience relevant to a target business audience. Shows very good initiative in networking, and contributes to the network. Writing for an online platform is at a business ready level. |
Excellent presentation of relevantinformationdemonstrating capabilities, aptitude and job readiness. The profile shows a very strongapplicationof the skills, knowledge and experience relevant to a target business audience. Showsexcellent initiative in networking, and contributes effectively to the network through shared information. Writing for an online platform is at an excellent level, showing professional and clear communication. |
Mark breakdown Default |
0 – 0.5 marks 0.25 marks |
0.6 – 1.2 marks 0.8 marks |
1.3 – 1.5 marks 1.4 marks |
1.6 –1.7 marks 1.7 marks |
1.8 –1.9 marks 1.9 marks |
2 – 2.5 marks 2.2 marks |
Write a reflective report highlighting your learnings from developing your online profile. GLO 6 – Self-Management 5 marks |
Lacksrecognition of personal development and learning. Lacks connection between new capabilities, the development of the profile and the team feedback. No indication of how improvements can be made. The discussion of the development of team work skills lacks information and relevant insights. Shows no understanding of teamwork dynamics and performance. Lacks insights into the required development of teamwork skills to be considered “employable”. |
Shows little recognition of personal development and learning. Minimalconnection between new capabilities, the development of the profile and the team feedback.Little indication of how improvements can be made. The discussion of the development of team work skills lacks information and relevant insights. Shows little understanding of teamwork dynamics and performance. Limited insights into the required development of teamwork skills to be considered “employable”. |
Acknowledgespersonal development and learning. Some connection between new capabilities, the development of the profile and the team feedback. Indicates how improvements can be made. The development of team work skills are adequately discussed. Shows someunderstanding of teamwork dynamics and performance. Limited insights into the required development of teamwork skills to beconsidered “employable”. |
Clearly recognises personal development and learning. The connection between new capabilities, the development of the profile and the team feedback is clear. Is able to clearly identify areas where improvements can be made. The development of team work skills are discussed effectively. ClearlyShows an understanding of teamwork dynamics and performance.Acknowledges skills needing development and how to improve them in order to be considered “employable”. |
Develops and discusses insights into personal development and learning. Strong connections between new capabilities, the development of the profile and the team feedback are demonstrated. Is able to clearly identify areas where improvements can be made. The development of team work skills are discussed effectively. Demonstrates a very good understanding of teamwork dynamics and performance and how to improve teamwork skills to enhance future “employability”. |
Presents well-structured arguments demonstrating insights into personal growth and learning. The interconnections between new capabilities, the development of the personal profile and the team feedback are well developed and argued. Is able to clearly identify areas where improvements can be made and highlights future actions. Excellent discussion around the development of team work skills Demonstrates an excellent understanding of teamwork dynamics and performance and how to improve teamwork skills to enhance future “employability”. |
Mark breakdown Default |
0 – 1 marks 0.5 marks |
1.1 – 2.4 marks 1.7 marks |
2.5 – 2.9 marks 2.7 marks |
3 –3.4 marks 3.2 marks |
3.5 –3.9 marks 3.7 marks |
4 – 5 marks 4.5 marks |
Work effectively as a team member and provide constructive feedback GLO7 - Teamwork 5 marks |
Does notprovide feedback or critiques to other team members. Makes little effort to connect to team members. |
Provides limited feedback and critiques to team members. Feedback has little relevance. Inconsistent effort to connect to team members. |
Provides some feedback and critiques to team members. Feedback has some relevance to the development and improvement of the profile and video elements. Connects regularly to team members, but may be passive. |
Provides good feedback and critiques to team members. Feedback has good relevance to the development and improvement of the profile and video elements. Connects regularly to team members, and actively contributes to the team development through discussion and feedback. |
Provides very good feedback and critiques to team members. Feedback and critiques clearly contribute to the development and improvement of the profile and video elements. Connects consistently to team members, and helps develop the performance of team members through teamwork, discussion and feedback. |
Provides excellent feedback and critiques to team members. Feedback and critiques contribute to and enhancethe development and improvement of the profile and video elements. Connects consistently to team members, and helps empower team members through teamwork, discussion and feedback. |
Mark breakdown Default |
0 – 1 marks 0.5 marks |
1.1 – 2.4 marks 1.7 marks |
2.5 – 2.9 marks 2.7 marks |
3 –3.4 marks 3.2 marks |
3.5 –3.9 marks 3.7 marks |
4 – 5 marks 4.5 marks |