Discuss with reference to the capitalist economy.代写
You must write a 2000-word essay on one of the following topics:
‘the capitalistic state must try to fulfill two basic and often contradictory functions – accumulation and legitimization. This means that the state must try to maintain or create the conditions in which profitable capital accumulation is possible. However, the state must also try to maintain or create the conditions for social harmony’
– James O’Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State.
Evaluate O’Connor’s proposition regarding the dynamics of the capitalist state.
Discuss with reference to the capitalist economy.代写
‘Patriarchy… constitutes the mostly invisible underground of the visible capitalist system’.
– Maria Mies, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale
Discuss with reference to the capitalist economy.
‘modern business enterprise took the place of market mechanisms in coordinating the activities of the economy and allocating its resources. In many sectors of the economy the visible hand of management replaced what Adam Smith referred to as the invisible hand of market forces’
– Alfred Chandler, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business
How well does Chandler’s argument capture the nature of large corporations and their position within in the contemporary capitalist economy?
The essay encourages you reflect upon the capitalist economy’s social foundations through critical engagement with the literature and concepts examined in the first 6 weeks of lectures in particular (and the corresponding tutorials). There is no single correct answer that the markers will be looking for. Rather you should use the required and further readings to construct an argument, supported by evidence, which addresses the set topic. Your essay will be marked against the following criteria: