Model Econometrics 计量经济学 Parameters of interest代写
Model Econometrics 计量经济学 Parameters of interest代写
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
ECMT 1020: Introduction to Econometrics
Lecture 8
Instructor: Yi Sun
School of Economics
The University of Sydney
Week 8
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Contact Information
Ø Instructor W7-W13: Yi Sun
o Office: Room 483, Merewether Building (H04)
o Office Hours: Tuesday 15:30-17:30
Friday 15:00-17:00 or by appointment
• Some Rules:
o You should contact me by email.
o Use your USyd email - identify yourself with your name and SID
o Any questions regarding the tutorial program including administrative matters
regarding tutorial allocation should be directed to your tutor
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
In general, we are interested the following aspects of a model:
Ø Model and parameters of interest
o What is the model?
o What are parameters we are interested in?
Ø Estimation
o If we have a data set, how do we estimate the parameters we want?
Ø Properties of the estimator (depends on assumptions)
o Are the estimated values of the parameters informative?
Ø Inference (hypothesis testing, confidence interval and so on)
o What can we say about the true value of the parameters?
Ø Interpretation
o What do our results mean in the specific problem we work on?
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Prediction
o How to make predictions based on our model?
Ø Evaluation and Comparison
o Is this a good model that fits the data well?
Ø Important special cases
o Data Transformations
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
For Bivariate Regression
Ø Model:
! = ! ! + ! ! ! + !
Ø Parameters of interest:
! ! and ! !
(Strictly speaking, for this to be a model, we also need “u is an error term”.)
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Estimation: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
• Given the data: ! ! ,! ! ,! = 1,2,…,!, we look for values ! ! and ! ! that
! ! − ! ! − ! ! ! !
• The solutions are:
! ! = ! − ! ! !
! ! =
(! ! − !)(! ! − !)
(! ! − !) !
= !
! !
! !
• Based on the estimators, we define:
o Fitted line, residual, TSS, ExpSS, RSS and so on.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Intuition of the regression line:
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Assumptions:
• Population Assumptions:
1- The population model is
! ! = ! ! + ! ! ! ! + ! ! for all i
2- The error has zero mean conditional on the regressor
! ! ! ! ! = 0 for all i
3- The error has constant variance conditional on regressor
!"# ! ! ! ! = ! !
! for all i
4- The errors for different observations are statistically independent
! ! is independent of ! ! for all ! ≠ !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Extra assumptions we need on Data:
There are some variations in the regressor (so that (! !
−!) ! ≠ 0). And we
have at least 3 observations.
Comments on assumptions
• Assumptions on data are very mild. They just ensure that
o ! ! can be computed from the data using our formula.
• Population assumptions are restrictive, but can be relaxed
o It’s an important topic in more advanced econometrics class. And it is
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Intuition of the population assumptions:
• Assumption 1 – The relationship is linear in parameters.
• Assumption 2 – For any value of !, the error ! on average equals zero. This
implies that error term is uncorrelated with the regressor.
• Assumption 3 –Conditional on !, the variance of error term ! that does not vary
with the value of ! – Homoskedastic errors.
• Assumption 4 – The value taken by the error u for one observation is independent
of the value of the error for other observations.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Assumptions 1 & 2 are the crucial assumptions that ensure that
! ! ! ! ! = ! ! + ! ! ! !
• Assumptions 3& 4 are additional assumptions that are used in determining
the precision and distribution of the estimates of ! ! !"# ! ! .
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Properties:
• ! ! !"# ! ! are unbiased and consistent
• We know how to compute !"(! ! ) and !"(! ! ) using our sample.
o If Assumption 1-4 hold, we have formulas for them
o In general, they are provided in the stata output.
• (! ! − ! ! )/!"(! ! ) has a distribution that we know how to approximate.
This property make it possible to carry out inference on ! ! . Same for ! ! .
• If Assumption 1-4 hold, OLS is BLUE. In additional, if the errors are normal,
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Inference:
What can we learn about ! ! and ! ! given the model and the data?
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Define
! =
! ! − ! !
!" ! !
• Under Assumptions 1-4
o We approximate the distribution of T by a ! distributed with (! − 2) degrees
of freedom.
o This approximation is exact if errors are normal or ! → ∞.
• We use this result for our statistical inference
• Similar for ! !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Interpretation
• ! ! : intercept (predicted value of Y when X equals 0)
• ! ! : slope, or marginal effect (predicted ∆! for a one unit increase in X)
Ø Prediction
• Conditional mean of ! at a given value of !:
! !" = ! ! + ! ! !
• Point prediction of ! at a given value of !:
! ! = ! ! + ! ! !
Values for these two predicted quantities at the same ! are the same, but standard
error for these two predicted values are different.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Evaluation and Comparison
o We can use ! ! to measure the fit of a model when an intercept is included in
the model.
o ! ! only captures linear association between the dependent variable and the
o ! ! can be used to compare bivariate (an intercept and one regressor)
regression models with same dependent variable.
o Low ! ! does not mean the regression analysis is useless.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Ø Important special cases: Data Transformation
o Indicator variable:
§ Interpretation: Difference in means across different groups in data.
o Natural logarithms:
§ Interpretation: proportionate changes, elasticity and semi-elasticity.
§ Prediction: retransformation bias (if dependent variable is transformed).
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Multivariate Data
• We have seen how to analyse univariate data and bivariate data
• Now it is time to move on to working with more than two variables
• Most of what we do in economics uses more than two variables, even if the
question of interest is the relationship between X and Y
• Why? Because we're never in a controlled environment, there are lots of things
other than X and Y moving around, which may affect our analysis.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• For example, suppose we have the following true relation
!"#$ℎ !"#$ !" !"# !""#$%&'( = 1 + 4 ∗ !"##$ − 3 ∗ !"#$%&
!"#$%& = 2 ∗ !"##$ + !"#$%& !""#"
• If we are interested in the relation between death rate in car accidents and speed,
and we estimate their relation using a bivariate regression model, we will get:
!"#$ℎ !"#$ !" !"# !""#$%&'(
= 1 + 4 ∗ !"##$ − 3 ∗ 2 ∗ !"##$ + !"#$%& !""#"
= 1 − 2 ∗ !"##$ − 3 ∗ !"#$%& !""#"
• In this case, the coefficient on speed will be biased, and inconsistent.
• Moreover, the coefficient even has the wrong sign! We will conclude that as
speed goes up, death rate goes down. This is wrong!
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• How to avoid it? Include both speed and safety in our analysis!
• In general, if a variable ! (safety) is correlated with both dependent variable
(death rate) and regressor(s) (speed), then we should include it in our analysis.
• If we omit a variable ! like this, OLS estimators will typically be biased and
• This problem is called omitted variable bias.
• It can happen in multiple regressions too.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
The general plan for studying multivariate data:
• Data description
• Model: Multivariate regression
o Model and parameters of interest
o Estimation
o Assumptions and properties
o Inference
o Interpretation
o Prediction
o Evaluation and Comparison
o Important Special Cases
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Graphing Multivariate Data
• With three variables, you can do a three-way scatter-plot
Model Econometrics 计量经济学 Parameters of interest代写
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• With additional variables, you have to start getting creative (3-D surface with
color, animation to show a time dimension, etc.)
• An alternative is to produce a scatterplot for every pairing of variables
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
0 10 20 30
0 10 20
0 20 40 60
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Graphs aren't going to get us too far with multivariate data
• Instead, the most common approach is to use a multivariate regression model
• This approach assumes that we have one dependent variable of interest (y)
• Now, we have several independent variables (x) and need some new notations
• We now have k random variables:
o Y : dependent variable, outcome, left-hand-side (LHS) variable
o ! ! ,! ! … ! ! : covariates, explanatory variables, independent variables, right-
hand-side (RHS) variables, regressors
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Our model is now:
! = ! ! + ! ! ! ! + ! ! ! ! …+ ! ! ! ! + !
• Parameters of interest: ! ! ,! ! ,…,! !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Estimation: similar to the Bivariate Regression Model, we want to find a “line”
that fit the data “best”.
• In the multivariate case, a “line” is represented as:
! = ! ! + ! ! ! ! + ! ! ! ! + ⋯+ ! ! ! !
• For individual i, we observe the realization of (! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! ), which is
(! !! ,! !! ,…,! !" ).
• And ! ! (the value of ! for individual i predicted by this line) is:
! ! = ! ! + ! ! ! !! + ! ! ! !! + ⋯+ ! !" ! !"
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• ! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! can take any values, so there are many lines.
• Which line should we choose? One that fits the data “best”.
• What do we mean by “best” then?
• The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator for ! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! is the values of
! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! that solves
!"# ! ! ,! ! ,…,! !
! ! − ! !
or equivalently,
!"# ! ! ,! ! ,…,! !
! ! − ! ! − ! ! ! !! − ⋯− ! ! ! !"
! !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• The main idea is the same as in the bivariate regression model.
• The difference now is that we have more variables, and that the minimization is
done by choosing the values of k different coefficients
• To solve this, we would take the derivative with respect to each ! ! and set it equal
to zero.
• This would give us k different equations to solve for k different unknowns
∑ !!!
! ! = 0
∑ !!!
! !" ! ! = 0, ! = 2,…,!
o The residuals sum to 0.
o Each regressor is orthogonal (uncorrelated) to the residual.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Under mild conditions on the data (we need sufficient variations in the data on all
the !), this problem has a unique solution.
• The solution gives us a way to calculate each ! ! as a function of our data
• The coefficients aren't hard to derive if you know a little matrix algebra, but it’s
hard to write it out without using matrix notation.
• Interpretation for ! ! : the partial effect on the predicted value of y when ! !
changes by one unit, holding ! ! ,…,! ! constant. This is also called the effect of ! !
ceteris paribus.
• In general, the value of ! ! is different from the slope in the bivariate regression of
y on ! ! (and an intercept).
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• We'll just use STATA's regression option to calculate them.
• The same STATA command for ! = ! ! + ! ! ! ! + ! ! ! ! + !
reg y x 2 x 3
• The regression output will contain coefficients, standard errors, t-stats, p-values
for all variables (Also ANOVA)
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Earnings Example :
!"#$%$&' = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"#!$ + !
S= years of Schooling ,
EXP= years of labour market experience
• Say we are primarily interested in the effect of S on earnings (! ! ):
ð the model explicitly controls for the effect of experience
ð we measure the effect of S on wages holding experience fixed
ð still need to make assumptions about how u is related to the explanatory
ð in the simple regression model, exper was in u so we needed to assume exper
and S were independent, which is very unlikely
• Note ! ! : measures the cet. par. effect of experience on earnings, which may also
be of interest.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Earnings Example :
!"#$%$&' = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"#!$ + !
S= years of Schooling,
EXP= years of labour market experience
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 537) = 67.54
Model | 22513.6473 2 11256.8237 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 89496.5838 537 166.660305 R-squared = 0.2010
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1980
Total | 112010.231 539 207.811189 Root MSE = 12.91
EARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | 2.678125 .2336497 11.46 0.000 2.219146 3.137105
EXP | .5624326 .1285136 4.38 0.000 .3099816 .8148837
_cons | -26.48501 4.27251 -6.20 0.000 -34.87789 -18.09213
EXP S INGS N EAR 56 . 0 68 . 2 49 . 26
+ + + + − − = =
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 537) = 67.54
Model | 22513.6473 2 11256.8237 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 89496.5838 537 166.660305 R-squared = 0.2010
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1980
Total | 112010.231 539 207.811189 Root MSE = 12.91
EARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | 2.678125 .2336497 11.46 0.000 2.219146 3.137105
EXP | .5624326 .1285136 4.38 0.000 .3099816 .8148837
_cons | -26.48501 4.27251 -6.20 0.000 -34.87789 -18.09213
!"#!!"#$ = −!".!" + !.!"! + !.!"!"#
(4.27) (0.23) (0.13)
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 537) = 67.54
Model | 22513.6473 2 11256.8237 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 89496.5838 537 166.660305 R-squared = 0.2010
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1980
Total | 112010.231 539 207.811189 Root MSE = 12.91
EARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | 2.678125 .2336497 11.46 0.000 2.219146 3.137105
EXP | .5624326 .1285136 4.38 0.000 .3099816 .8148837
_cons | -26.48501 4.27251 -6.20 0.000 -34.87789 -18.09213
!"#!!"#$ = −!".!" + !.!"! + !.!"!"#
(4.27) (0.23) (0.13)
èthe coefficient on S means that, holding experience fixed, an extra year of education
is predicted to increase earnings by 2.68 $
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 537) = 67.54
Model | 22513.6473 2 11256.8237 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 89496.5838 537 166.660305 R-squared = 0.2010
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1980
Total | 112010.231 539 207.811189 Root MSE = 12.91
EARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | 2.678125 .2336497 11.46 0.000 2.219146 3.137105
EXP | .5624326 .1285136 4.38 0.000 .3099816 .8148837
_cons | -26.48501 4.27251 -6.20 0.000 -34.87789 -18.09213
èthe coefficient on S means that, holding experience fixed, an extra year of education
is predicted to increase earnings by 2.68 $
ð equivalently, if we have 2 people with the same experience, the coefficient on
education reports the difference in their predicted earnings when their
education differs by 1 year
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Let’s introduce more explanatory variables – also a slight change in the
dependent variable.
!"!(!"#$%!"#) = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"# + ! ! !"#$%" + !
Where : S=years of Schooling ,EXP= years of labour market
experience, TENURE= years with current employer
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 536) = 71.66
Model | 53.4473557 3 17.8157852 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 133.260288 536 .248619939 R-squared = 0.2863
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2823
Total | 186.707643 539 .34639637 Root MSE = .49862
LogEARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | .1215696 .0090472 13.44 0.000 .1037972 .1393419
EXP | .0290606 .0053196 5.46 0.000 .0186108 .0395105
TENURE | .0112728 .0035815 3.15 0.002 .0042374 .0183082
_cons | .5594394 .1657859 3.37 0.001 .2337697 .8851092
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
!"#(!"!"#!"#) = 0.559 + 0.122! + 0.029!"# + 0.011!"#$%"
èthe coefficient on S means that, holding experience and tenure fixed, an extra year
of education is predicted to increase log(earnings) by 0.122.
èapproximately 12.2% increase in earnings
ð Equivalently, if we have 2 people with the same experience and tenure, the
coefficient on education reports the proportional difference in their predicted
earnings when their education differs by 1 year.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Changing more than one independent variable simultaneously
• Sometimes we are interested in the effect of changing more than one
independent variable at the same time
ð this is straightforward using fitted regression line
ð for example, what is the estimated effect on earnings when an individual stays
at the same firm for another year, and hence both experience and tenure
increase by 1 year ?
The aggregate effect is:
∆!!"(!"!"#!"#) = 0.029∆!"# + 0.011∆!"#$%"
= 0.029 + 0.011
= 0.040 or approximately 4% in earnings
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Fitted Values and Residuals.
• Once we have the OLS regression line, we can calculate the fitted or predicted
value for each observation:
! ! = ! ! + ! ! ! !! + ! ! ! !! …+ ! ! ! !"
• we just plug the values of the independent variables into the OLS regression
line to get the predicted values
• STATA after running OLS regression ( post estimation command)
predict yhat, xb /* “,xb” specifies we want fitted values , and the new
variable name is yhat */
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
The residual for observation i is
! ! = ! ! − ! !
The OLS fitted values and residuals have some important properties:
1. the same average of the residuals is 0
2. the sample covariance between each independent variable and the OLS residuals is
0. As a result, the sample covariance between the OLS fitted values and the residuals
is 0.
3. The point ! ! ,! ! ,! ! ,! ! … ! ! ,! is always on the regression line.
STATA command – post estimation command
predict residual, resid /* “,resid” specifies we want residuals , and the new
variable name is residual */
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• What are the conditions we need on data to have a unique solution ! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! ?
• First, we need at least k observations.
• Second, we need to have adequate variation in the regressors
• What do we mean by adequate variation?
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Perfectly Collinear Regressors: Example 1
• We want to study how earnings vary with age, education and experience.
• True relation:
!"#$%$&' = 10 + !"# + !"ℎ!!" + 2 ∗ !"#$%&$'($
• However, if everyone enters school at age 6 and starts working as soon as they
leave school, then
!"#$%&$'($ = !"# − !"ℎ!!" − 6
• Then we can write
!"#$%$&' = 10 + !"# + !"ℎ!!" + 2 ∗ !"# − !"ℎ!!" − 6
= −2 + 3 ∗ !"# − !"ℎ!!"
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• We can even write:
= 10 + !"# + !"ℎ!!" + 2 − ! + ! ∗ !"#$%&$'($
= 10 + !"# + !"ℎ!!" + 2 − ! ∗ !"#$%&$'($ + ! ∗ (!"# − !"ℎ!!" − 6)
= 10 − 6! + 1 + ! ∗ !"# + 1 − ! ∗ !"ℎ!!" + 2 − ! ∗ !"#$%&$'($
• If we regress earnings on age, school, experience with an intercept, there are
infinite many ways to write down the best fitting line.
• In this case, we don’t have a unique solution for OLS.
• This happens when there is a linear relationship among the regressors. Notice
!"#$%&$'($ = !"# − !"ℎ!!" − 6
holds for each observation in our data set.
• This is called perfectly collinear regressors.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Perfectly Collinear Regressors: Example 2
• We want to study how earnings vary with age, gender.
• True relation
!"#$%$&' = 10 + !"# + !
! = 1 !" !"#!$!#%&' ! !" !"#$
! = 0 !" !"#!$!#%&' ! !" !"#$%"
• Suppose in our sample everyone is male, so ! = 1 for all i.
• Then we can write
!"#$%$&' = 11 + !"#
= !"# + 11 ∗ !
= ! + !"# + 11 − ! ∗ !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• Again, if we regress earnings on age and indicator for male with an intercept,
there are infinite many ways to write down the best fitting line.
• Again, this happens when there is a linear relationship among the regressors.
! = 1 for every individual in our data set
• When this happens, Stata will drop some of the trouble making variables
automatically, and display regression output on the variables left.
• However, we need to understand what is going on, and what Stata is doing.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• In general, we have a problem if one (or more) of the regressors can be expressed
as an exact linear combination of the other regressors.
• When this happens, we don’t have a unique solution for ! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! .
• Stata will drop some of the trouble making variables automatically
• A related problem is multicollinearity. This happens when one (or more) of the
regressors is very close to equalling an exact linear combination of the other
• When this happens, we still have a unique solution for ! ! ,! ! ,…,! ! , and Stata runs
fine. But the estimated coefficdients on the trouble making variables are imprecise
and unstable.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Multivariate Regression: Goodness of Fit
• We can use the same methods as before to measure how good the fit of the
regression line is:
o The standard error of the regression
o The R 2
• We also have another measure called the adjusted R 2
• All of these measures are reported in STATA regression output
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Multivariate Regression: Goodness of Fit
• The standard error of the regression:
! ! =
! − !
! ! − ! !
• This measures the average squared deviation of each ! ! from its predicted value
• It will be smaller the better our fit is but its magnitude depends on the units in
which we measure y.
• Another name for ! ! is the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the residual.
• As regressors are added to a model ! ! may decrease or may increase.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Multivariate Regression: Goodness of Fit
• The ! ! :
(a) Total Sum of Squares è TSS = ! ! − !
! !
(b) Explained Sum of Squares è ExpSS = ! ! − !
! !
(c) Residual Sum of Squares è RSS = ! ! − ! !
! !
!"" = !"#$$ + !""
ð Total variation in the ! ! is the sum of the variation in ! ! and ! !
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
• The R-square (! ! ) is defined as :
! ! =
= 1 −
ð ! ! will be between 0 and 1 if we have an intercept
ð ! ! will be between 0 and 1, the closer it is to 1 the better fit of the regression
line is.
ð The problem with ! ! is that it will automatically increase (or at least stay the
same) whenever we add more regressors
ð We would like a measure that takes into account the number of regressors we
ð For example, we might prefer a line that gives us an ! ! of .7 with only three
regressors to a line that gives us an ! ! of .71 but uses forty regressors
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
ð The adjusted R-square (! ! ) is defined as :
! ! = 1 −
! − 1
! − !
= 1 −
! !
! !
• The adjusted R 2 (! ! ) will no greater than 1, and will be closer to 1 the better
the fit is.
• The adjusted R 2 is less than R 2 due to a modest penalty for the number of
regressors in the model
• Adding a regressor will raise the adjusted R 2 if it lowers the error sum of
squares enough to offset the penalty for increasing k.
• The adjusted R 2 can be less than 0 even if we include an intercept.
• Be careful about using the adjusted R 2 to evaluate models.
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
(a) (b)
!"#$ = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! !"#$ = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"# + !
Number of obs = 540
F( 1, 538) = 112.15
Prob > F = 0.0000
Model Econometrics 计量经济学 Parameters of interest代写
R-squared = 0.1725
Adj R-squared = 0.1710
Root MSE = 13.126
Number of obs = 540
F( 2, 537) = 67.54
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.2010
Adj R-squared = 0.1980
Root MSE = 12.91
!"#$ = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"# + ! ! !"# + !
Number of obs = 540
F( 3, 537) = 46.27
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.2057
Adj R-squared = 0.2012
Root MSE = 12.88
Week 8-‐ Chapter 13 – Recap Bivariate Regression & Multiple Regression
(c) !"#$ = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"# + ! ! !"# + !
Number of obs = 540
F( 3, 537) = 46.27
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.2057
Adj R-squared = 0.2012
Root MSE = 12.88
(d)!"#$ = ! ! + ! ! ! + ! ! !"# + ! ! !"# + ! ! !"#$% + !
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 540
-------------+------------------------------ F( 4, 535) = 34.68
Model | 23064.3736 4 5766.0934 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 88945.8575 535 166.253939 R-squared = 0.2059
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2000
Total | 112010.231 539 207.811189 Root MSE = 12.894
EARNINGS | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
S | 2.646137 .234041 11.31 0.000 2.186385 3.105889
EXP | .4735452 .1375807 3.44 0.001 .2032804 .7438099
TENURE | .1697577 .0935248 1.82 0.070 -.0139631 .3534785
URBAN | .4475683 1.161625 0.39 0.700 -1.834338 2.729475
_cons | -26.06358 4.362455 -5.97 0.000 -34.63322 -17.49394
Model Econometrics 计量经济学 Parameters of interest代写