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    HM 3031:
    Holmes Institute is committed to providing the highest quality education
    in a dynamic, student-centred learning environment. Holmes Institute fosters in its
    students rational thought, intellectual integrity and social responsibility.



    In today’s complex and everchanging business environment, we hear demands for better, stronger business leadership that is effective in terms of financial results and also responsibility and increasingly sustainability. Leadership is believed to make a direct contribution to corporate results but leaders, corporate and political, are less trusted and  accepted by their constituents. There is much less stability and confidence in our institutional leadership- a growing gap of acceptance that is fuelled by increased gaps in executive remuneration compared to non-managerial staff. .
    There is no shortage of stories and popular theories about leadership: “Charismatic Leadership”, “Transformational Leadership” and “Heroic Leadership”.  Successful leaders are celebrated and books published advancing their “theories”. 
    In this subject we address much more than the popular press stories about leadership. We systematically review theories of leadership looking for evidence. We argue for a situational or contingency perspective that concludes that effective leadership assumes an awareness and understanding of the immediate situation including a deep awareness of followers and acute self insight as well.
    From such a sound foundation of leadership theory based on research, it is hoped that students will critically view the popular press theories of “Charismatic Leadership”, “Transformational Leadership” and “Heroic Leadership” appreciating their strengths and weaknesses.
    The subject also gives students the opportunity to experience leadership development at a personal level through several role playing, team-building and self-assessment activities.  


    On completion of this subject students will:
    ·         1. Lead by using team building skills and facilitating collaborative behaviours in the accomplishment of group goals and objectives
    ·         2. Understand the difference between managing and leading
    ·         3. Recognise and appropriately respond to ethical, legal and strategic concerns relating to human resource and organisational management
    ·          4. Communicate effectively and professionally in business situations through physical and virtual presence, writing, speaking, listening and electronic med
    Subject Coordinator Prof Paul Ryder [email protected]
    Lecturer Melbourne   @holmes.edu.au
    Lecturer Sydney   @syd.holmes.edu.au
    Lecturer Brisbane Prof Paul Ryder [email protected]


    Prescribed Textbook:
    Kramar, R. (2011) Human Resource Management in Australia. 4th ed.  McGraw-Hill 658.300994 HUM.4
    1.         Bennis, W. (2001) The future of leadership: today’s top leadership thinkers speak to tomorrow’s leaders, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
    2.         Dauphinais, G. W., Means, G. & Price, C. (2000) Wisdom of the CEO: 29 Global Leaders Tackle Today's Most Pressing Business Challenges, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
          3.     Quinn, R. E., Faerman, S. R., Thompson, M. P. & McGrath, M. R. (2003) Becoming a Master Manager, Wiley and Sons,
    4..        Tovey, M. (2010) Managing Performance Improvement, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, Sydney.
    5,    De Cieri, H. and Kramer, R. (2005) Human Resource Management in Australia: Strategy, People, 2nd ed., Performance, McGraw Hill, Sydney.
    Lecture Notes/slides: These will be ready for downloading every Friday folder under >Lectures & Tutorials for the following week’s lectures.
    Readings/Tutorial Activities: These will be available in the Weekly folder under
    > Lectures & Tutorials in Blackboard.
    It is the student’s responsibility to check HolmesOnline on a regular basis. It is advised that students view lecture materials and readings before coming to class.
    Assessment type Scheduled Weight
    1. MYERS-Briggs  Test result
    700 words on your thoughts about your MBTI results.  You must provide a
         critique of the instrument supported by the literature

         LEARNING OUTCOMES- 1.2.3,4

    Week 4 16%
        8x250 words each documenting your learning outcomes and difficulties experienced. Academic referencing for each (not in word limit). This is a personal record so there is no incentive for collusion. Safe –assign check is mandatory for this purpose.
    Learning  Outcomes : 1,2,3,4
    Week 10 24%
        All above assessment must be completed to sit Final Exam
         Multiple-choice, short answer and short application questions
    EXAM WEEK 60%

    MBTI and Reflection: Assessment criteria

    Weighting: 16% 1
    Length: 700 WORDS
    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI Test):
    Visit http://www.humanmetrics.com and complete the MBTI Test based on Jung’s Typology Test and take a print out of the resulting type. Read your type description and submit a critique of the test, not just a summary of the results. This assignment needs not to be more than 700 words and should include a copy of your results
    § Print out results  and interpretation
    § Critique the instrument and the results
    TOTAL 16


    Weighting: 24% 2
    Length: 2000 WORDS
    An Individual assignment documenting your weekly achievements and difficulties in an appropriate academic format with referencing and evidence of academic research, covering weeks 2-9  
    A word document submitted through safe-assign . 8 separate entries each of 250 words max submitted as one document.  
    § What you have studied- your understanding including extra reading
    § Critical perspective
    § Referencing, style
    TOTAL 24

    Final Examination: Assessment criteria

    Weighting: 60% 3
    Length: 3 HOURS 10 MINUTES
    Final Examination  
    Further details of the examination will be provided later.  
    TOTAL 60


    Scheduled LECTURE TOPIC and
    Hand out
    Hand in
    1 The Nature and Importance of Leadership Assignment 1
    Assignment 2
    Questions about Leadership to be addressed over the whole Course;
    2 Traits, Motives & Characteristics of Leaders    
    Discuss Method & Requirements for Assignments
    3 Leadership Behaviour, Attitudes & Styles    
    Discussion of Questions from Lecture 1 and 2
    4 Transformational Charismatic and Transactional Leadership
    5 Contingency & Situational Leadership
    Importance of Followers
    Timeline: Development of Leadership Theories
    6 Cognitive Resource Theory
    Leadership Controversies
      Assignment 1
    Friday Dec 2
    Review of Leadership Theories:

    Power, Politics & Leadership    
    Tutorial Exercise: Empowerment
    Teams and team building
    9 Influence Tactics of Leaders   ASS 2
    Fri 21 Jan
    Motivation & Coaching Skills

    All Assignments must be completed and submitted
     in order to sit the Final Exam
    Structured Experience: Goal Setting
    11 Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills  
    Structured Experience: Active Listening
    12 Review    


    ABOUT ASSIGNMENTS AND THE FINAL EXAM: All assignments and other assessed work (quizzes, tests, etc.) must be completed before you will be permitted to sit for your FINAL EXAM. Note: Supplementary/Deferred examinations will be held in March/April 2017.
    Unless medical reasons are proved, penalty points will apply to late assignments.  5 % deduction in marks will apply for every day late.  The maximum deduction will be half of the un-penalised mark.  However, you must still complete all work to pass this subject.  Academic honesty policies apply to all assessment items.
    Assignment submissions must be word-processed. You must submit both hard copies and electronic copies for an assignment to be marked by your lecturer. Hard copies must be submitted to, and signed for by, Reception (Melbourne), Resource centre (Sydney), or Student Services (Brisbane). Electronic copies MUST be submitted using the links in the HolmesOnline subject site (emailed assignments will NOT be accepted). The electronic copies may be used to check that your work is original compared to online sources and other students’ submissions. All marks will be available to students (via HolmesOnline) one week after submission of assignments.
    ABOUT ATTENDANCE: Holmes is committed to working with you to do everything needed to help you pass and achieve your best mark. As established by education research and studies of best practice, this subject will provide you with 3 sources of learning as you complete your assignments and prepare for quizzes and exams:
    1. Interaction with your instructor
    2. Interaction with your fellow students, and
    3. Interaction with learning materials. These include your textbook and other print and online sources available through HolmesOnline and Campus Resource Centre.
    Although attendance to Lectures and Tutorials is not mandatory, please consider that it is difficult to learn the subject requirements without maintaining regular attendance. Holmes prides itself on providing you with access to interact with all 3 sources of learning when you come to campus.
    ·         Holmes Instructors are available on campus all day Monday through Friday, but the best time and place to discuss your learning with them is at scheduled Lectures and Tutorials/Workshops (3 HOURS PER WEEK). These are designed to be interesting, often fun, and always relevant to preparing you for your career.
    ·         Studying with others is the best way to make lifelong friendships and start important professional relationships, and it contributes immediately to your motivation and performance. 
    ·         Your instructors will show you how to use your laptop and the campus wireless network to obtain the online subject information and materials you will need for your study and research, and they will remind you about assignment due dates.  Additional tutorials for study skills and special needs are also available at regularly scheduled group sessions and through individual appointments.
    All these services are available to you when you paid tuition for this subject.  It will be unwise not to take advantage of them. However, to receive these paid-for benefits, you must become a regular member of our Holmes campus community by attending Lectures and Tutorials regularly.
    Consult Student Handbook for complete details on subject administration