FIN 921 Managerial Finance 管理财务 assignment 代写
ASSESSMENT 2 – Group Essay Assignment – MANUAL
This manual outlines the followings:
Topic for the literature review/critique
Description of how to do LITERATURE REVIEW/CRITIQUE
Task requirements
Format and printing requirements
Submission requirements
Provision of topic for the literature review/critique
You need to write a literature review/critique for the following topic.
Book‐tax differences (hereafter called BTDs) are the differences between book incomeand taxable income, which arise due to the differences between the accountingstandards applicable for book income (reported in financial statements) and thetaxation rule for recording taxable income. Recent literature finds that the BTDs aresignificant indicators of firm performance indicating that they convey additionalrelevant information over accounting ratios and stock price information. They claimthat, as large BTDs are associated with poor earnings quality and credit ratingdowngrades, firms with large BTDs could potentially be associated with less persistentearnings, which signals a higher potential for financial distress. (Ayers, Laplante andMcGuire, 2010; Blaylock, Shevlin and Wilson, 2012; Crabtree and Maher, 2009; Hanlon,2005; Noga and Schnader, 2013). Among other potential reasons for these BTDs, anumber of existing studies have shown associations between BTDs and earningsmanagement (earnings growth, accrual quality etc) and tax avoidance (or tax shelters).Find relevant literature (minimum 10 journal articles) on this topic, and carry out theliterature review.
Ayers, BC., Laplante, SK., McGuire, ST. 2010, Credit Ratings and Taxes: The Effect of Book-Tax
Differences on Ratings Changes, Contemporary Accounting Research, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 359-402.
Blaylock, B., Shevlin, T., Wilson, RJ. 2012, Tax Avoidance, Large Positive Temporary Book-Tax
Differences, and Earnings Persistence, The Accounting Review, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 91-120.
Crabtree, A., Maher, JJ. 2009, The Influence of Differences in Taxable Income and Book Income onthe Bond Credit Market, Journal of the American Taxation Association, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 75-99.
Hanlon, M. 2005, The Persistence and Pricing of Earnings, Accruals, and Cash Flows When FirmsHave Large Book-Tax Differences, The Accounting Review, vol. 80, no. 1, p. 137-166.
Noga, TJ., Schnader, AL. 2013, Book-Tax Differences as an Indicator of Financial Distress,Accounting Horizons, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 469-89.
Description of how to do LITERATURE REVIEW/CRITIQUE
You need to write a literature review/critique for the above topic.
The aim of a literature review is to show that the writer has studied existing work in thefield with insight. It is not enough merely to show what others in the field have
discovered. You need to view the work of others with insight to review critically. An
effective review analyses and synthesizes material, and it should meet the following
1. The review traditionally provides a historical overview of the theory and the
research literature, with a special emphasis on the literature specific to the topic.
2. The review must be shaped by a focus on key areas of interest, including research
which provides a background to the topic.
3. It should also be selective – start with the overview and then quickly narrow into
discussing the research that relates to your specific topic.
4. Compare and contrast different authors’ views on an issue.
5. Another way of looking at the process is to think of you as a film director (Rudestamand Newton, 1992). You can think of providing your audience with:
a. Long shots to provide a solid sense of the background;
b. Middle distance shots where the key figures and elements to be examined are
brought clearly into view;
c. Close‐up shots where the precise focus of your work is pinpointed.
6. Classify a group of authors who draw similar conclusions. Note areas where authorsare in disagreement.
7. Criticize aspects of methodology.
8. Highlight exemplary studies.
9. Identify patterns of trends in the literature.
10. Highlight gaps and omissions in previous research or questions left unanswered.
11. Conclude by summarizing what the literature says.
12. Comment and suggest potential research opportunity in the field.
‘Literature’ should refer to journal articles. In your literature review, at least eight (8)
key journal articles MUST be included.
Task requirements
FIN 921 Managerial Finance 管理财务 assignment 代写
1. The essay MUST be completed as a group work (2 people).
2. You must build up your own argument from reading the relevant journal articles.
3. At least 8 key Journal Articles should be included.
4. The maximum length of the essay (including the title page, abstract, body
text, in‐text citation and reference list) is 2,500 words. Essays exceeding the
word limit will be penalised with 10% penalty.
5. An abstract of no more than 150 words is to preface the essay.
6. The essay should follow the structure including Abstract, Introduction, Body text,
Conclusion and the Reference List.
7. The title page must show the subject code, group members’ student number and
name, and the tutorial number.
8. Referencing and in‐text citation must follow an acceptable academic format using
the Harvard referencing style.
All sourced material, including directquotations, must be appropriately acknowledged.
9. Use your own words. Reference wherever necessary. Do NOT plagiarise.
Format and printing requirements
1. The assignment must be typed (word processed), in font size 12 with 1.5 line
spacing, on one side of the paper only.
2. Pages are to be consecutively numbered.
3. You must produce a “title page” with your group information (subject code, group
members’ student number and name, and the tutorial number).
FIN 921 Managerial Finance 管理财务 assignment 代写