澳洲 geography assignment 代写
You should have no contractions
Didn’t, doesn’t, won’t.
Did not, does not, will not.
Capital lettersat the beginning of sentences, please. or I do not know if the sentence should have continued and there was an error with the full-stop.
Also - position
澳洲 geography assignment 代写
Do not put ‘also’ at the beginning of a sentence. It should come between the subject/pronoun and the verb.
He also plays football.
澳洲 geography assignment 代写
between the auxiliary and the verb
He can also play football.
He has also studied the violin over the last 50 years.
or use
In addition, … and…, … too.
Do not use - if it is important mention it. Etcetera suggests you don’t know what else you could write.\
do not use
Besides that …
affect vs effect.
An effect/ to have an effect on somebody/thing
To affect/ to be affected by somebody/thing
out of control = uncontrollable
in control = controllable
apart from not of
The plants grew into bushes. Children grow too they get bigger and bigger until they stop growing.
The economy is growing at a fast rate.
Wow! Your kids are really grown up – mature and well-behaved. They have grown up quickly.
To cost, buy, sell, spend, waste, to sell at a … , to buy at a …
It cost (me) ten dollars.
I bought (it) for ten dollars.
He sold it (to me) for ten dollars.
I spent ten dollars on it.
I wasted ten dollars on it.
Highlight all your verbs and their auxiliaries and check their tense.
Check that your verbs agree with their ‘subjects’.
Should the noun be a plural? Is it uncountable? Should it be singular?
Look carefully for the uncountable/countableness of each noun.
Do each of your sentences start with a capital letter?
Type it out – double spaced, 12 pt font.