MAE256 Analysis assignment 代写
MAE256 Analysis assignment 代写
MAE256 T1 2017 – Assignment Details
Due Date:5
May, Friday
Word Limit: 1500 words excluding appendices, figures and tables.
Weight: 20% of overall final grade.
General Details
(1) This is an
INDIVIDUAL Assignment.We strongly discourage plagiarism, as it will be penalized as much as possible. However, it is not collusion if you discuss the questions with other students, but you need to submit
your own original work. Note that we may request you come in and explain your assignment in person if we feel your assignment is too similar to another students’ work.
(2) This assignment
has 2 parts and has in total 30 marks that correspond to 20% of your final grade.
(3) Once completed, you will need to submit your ‘Microsoft Word’ document via CloudDeakin. You must submit a single file only that contains a cover page with your name and student ID.
Please do not submit it as a PDF to enable word counting.
Please ensure the Word document is self-contained (i.e. all your tables and figures should be in the word document). You will
not need to submit a hardcopy.
Part 1:Regression Models using Cross Section Data
Q1. There is a growing interest among economists and policy makers with regard to the effect socioeconomic andpolitical environment has on country specific income and development. The dataset
DATA1_INCPOL.RAWconsists data on log of real gdp per capita in dollars (lgdpc), median age in population measured in years (medage), urbanisation rate with an index of one or less (ur) and political right index that ranges from zero to one (plr) of 126 countries of the world in 2000.
(a) Provide a descriptive statistics of the variables real gdp per capita and
medage. Comment on their mean, median standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.
(b) Plotlgdpcagainst medage and ur in two separate scatter diagrams. What do you observe?
(c) Estimate the following regression model,
Report your computer output and write out the estimated model in equation form.
(d) Interpret the estimates of
in terms of percentage changes.
(e) Based on your estimated model, what are the predicted lgdpc and actual GDP per capita for Australia and Japan in 2000?
(f) Does the variable
plr significantly explain the dependent variable
lgdpc? Explain.
(g) Comment on the overall significance of the model.
[2 + 4+ 4+4+2 + 2 +2= =20 Marks]
Part 2:Time Series Analysis
Q2. Use the data
DATA2_THAIECON.RAW containing data on Thailand’s gross domestic product (gdp), consumer price index (cpi), exchange rate (exrate) and interest rate (ir).
(a) Estimate the following model and comment on the significance of the independent variables,
(b) Re estimate the model in (a) by adding a single lag of all the independent variables and report the results in the usual form.
(c) Compare the estimated long run impact of the effect of interest rate and exchange rates on cpi.
(d) Are thethree lagged variables included in the model in (ii) above jointly significant at the 5% level?
[3 + 3 +2 +2= 10Marks]
MAE256 Analysis assignment 代写