MGTS 7329 being in a new cultural environment代写
MGTS 7329 being in a new cultural environment代写
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 1
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MGTS 7329Assignment Guide
Guidelines for presentation of assignments
(i) Ensure you have consulted the assignment guide.
(ii) Ensure that when submitting assignments that all parts are included.
(iii) Assignments should be typed, or legibly handwritten, on one side of the paper only with double or one
and a half spacing. Font size should be legible (12 point). An ample margin of 2.5 cm should be left on
both sides of the page. Number all pages (except the title page) consecutively. A list of works consulted
works must be included and referenced appropriately; see referencing style criteria below.
(iv) Ensure you append an Assignment Cover Sheet to the front of your assignment.
(v) You must submit your assignment on-line to Turnitin via Blackboard including references and all
appendices in Word document (i.e. interview transcripts and consent form(s)).
(vi) Appropriate referencing is compulsory.
UQBS recommend Harvard style; this can be found on the library web site and on Blackboard for this
course. If you do not reference properly, it may be interpreted as plagiarism.
The following are examples of plagiarism where appropriate acknowledgement or referencing of the
author or source does not occur:
Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence;
Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence with
an end reference but without quotation marks around the copied text;
Copying ideas, concepts, research results, computer codes, statistical tables, designs, images,
sounds or text or any combination of these;
Paraphrasing, summarising or simply rearranging another person's words, ideas, etc. without
changing the basic structure and/or meaning of the text;
Offering an idea or interpretation that is not one's own without identifying whose idea or
interpretation it is;
A ‘cut and paste' of statements from multiple sources;
Presenting as independent, work done in collaboration with others;
Copying or adapting another student's original work into a submitted assessment item.
Submission of assignments on-line submission only – in word document file (no hard copy).
Suggestions for attaching cover sheet
Olde school method:
1. My suggestions is for you to print a hard copy of the form,
2. Each member sign it,
3. Scan or take a picture, then
4. Paste the scanned page or picture on to the Word document.
Tech savvy method: (each member must have Adobe software)
1. Use the place signature function, each member place their own signature, name, and date
2. Pass it on to next member and so forth
3. Paste it on to the Word document.
NOTE: If you have successfully submitted your file, you should be shown a screen with all the
information below listed on the screen. For your own benefit you should print your digital receipt.
If you do not receive a receipt, then you have NOT successfully submitted your test. It is your
responsibility to make sure that you have successfully submitted your assignment.
Congratulations - your submission is complete! This is your digital receipt.
You can print a copy of this receipt from within the Document Viewer.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 1
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Assignment title:
Submission title:
File name:
File size:
Page count:
Word count:
Character count:
Submission date:
Submission ID:
Final grades will not be released prior to official University publication date and are made available by Central
Administration (Examinations Section). They are not released to students at the School level.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 1
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Referencing Style
The UQ Business School’s preferred referencing style is Harvard. Details explaining this referencing technique
may be found on the library website:
The referencing style guides from the website above are also found on Black Board in the assignment
information menu.
• There are various ways of setting out references / bibliographies for an assignment.
• “Harvard Style” is a generic term for any referencing style which uses in-text references such as (Smith,
1999) and a reference list at the end of the document organised by author name and year of publication. There
is no manual of the “Harvard Style” and there are many versions of the “Harvard Style”. For example, the
commonly used APA Style is a “Harvard Style”. In this guide, we are using a “Harvard Style” based on an
Australian style manual (AGPS style) but now revised by Snooks & Co, 2002. The style is based on the author-
date system for books, articles and “non-books”.
Based on style manual for authors, editors and printers revised by Snooks & Co. 2002 there is a distinction
between a bibliography and references.
� FOR A Book
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 1
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MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide
Team Experiential Assignment and Presentation (30% of Final Mark)
Mini Culture Immersion Analysis Assignment (Consist of 3 Parts)
The goal of this project is to experience, observe, and reflect about your reactions to the disorientation of
being in a new cultural environment. The activity is based on the premise that culture shock is a natural part of
the process of adapting to a new environment, and that the negative and/or positive experience associated with
it can be managed by recognizing and reflecting on them. The purpose of this exercise is to provide a small
dose of “culture shock” in order for you to reflect on the experience and to consider the coping mechanisms
you can develop in order to prepare yourself for your global career.
It is an active learning assignment, thus part of the assignment is to think about the activity and choose one
that will enable you to abstract learning concepts, develop a topic, and research which you will share with your
peers as part of the peer learning experience. So doing some research about the activity and topic will be
important before undertaking the activity.
This immersion experience is to be conducted together by the team and experienced as a team (in Australia)
where the environment chosen is extremely culturally foreign to all or at least 2/3 of the team members. This
can be an ethnic neighbourhood, a cultural or other community centre, a house of worship, a hospital, etc.
Together as a team, all members must spend at least 2 hours immersed in this culture—as a participant in the
activity, so choose something with a relatively high degree of interaction with members of that cultures. As
much as possible, attempt to immerse yourself directly in the activities of your chosen cultural milieu. Keep a
notebook to record your experiences, thoughts, and feelings in this “foreign” environment. When your team
end your experience there, recall the experience.
For example, depending on your interests, the location and activity you choose, it may be one of the following
(as a team):
Participating in an unfamiliar religious ceremony; attending an (ethnic) church service delivered in their
native language.
Participating in an ethnic or traditional formal event, e.g., weddings, rites of passage ceremony, etc.
Visiting a nearby small town or ethnic neighbourhood and speaking with local residents about their life
there; or
Spending an evening at a gathering of an unfamiliar ethnic (e.g., Chinese, Russian) or other cultural team
(e.g., homeless—if you have never been poor, gay—if you are straight and unfamiliar with gay culture,
country club—if you grew up poor); attending and interacting in a feminist action group (if you are a
conservative male).
You should attempt, as much as possible, to select a location and activity that makes you react, “I wouldn’t go
there!”, “What would I do there!”, and in general seems to be challenging and far outside your typical comfort
zone. Remember, you wish to use this incident to inform others about a cultural concept, theme or issue
underlying the encounter - not merely a story telling exercise.
Team Written Research Assignment – (worth 15% of your final mark; overall approximately 3000
words; 10% latitude)
1) Description of mini-culture shock experience (no more than 1000 words; in essay format)
During your cross-cultural encounter, identify a concept(s) or events to develop as a research topic.
Describe the concept(s) or events that are different to what you are used to, and analyse how you think those
behaviours are relevant to managers or business situations.
o You may include:
o Who were involved? Include a description of people's cultural and professional backgrounds (if
o Relevant information, such as context (the scene and any important environmental factors).
o Describe the encounter and significant critical incidences, if appropriate your expectations.
o What information was lacking, or what change occurred during the encounter, confusion over roles?
2) Cross-cultural analyses of the experience (approximately 2000 words; in essay format)
By using appropriate theories and/or frameworks relevant to the course, write an essay that analyses,
explains your/your team’s experience. What can you learn from this analysis that you did not already know?
You may include
Emotions your or your team encountered, how did you/your team feel?
What would you/your team like to have done or said that you were not comfortable at the time?
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Discuss how the events you observed and participated in can be abstracted and applied to managing across
cultures in a domestic or international organisation. It can be related to the culture(s) you encountered.
E.g., What lessons can be applied to management and/or international business practice.
Each team will be required to conduct further research to identify an emic concept(s) from the activity.
Information gained from this research can be the basis for a role-play to be presented when the team
presents. In short, emic concepts are culture specific concepts that are only applicable within that culture
thus cannot be used to analyse other cultures.
Your marks will be dependent on how you develop the concepts/topics, analyse the concept(s) or events and
application of their relevance in management situations.
This assignment is worth 30% of your final mark; it consists of three parts.
Part A: The written component should be approximately 3000 words (10% latitude), not including
references and appendix (Weight: 15%). Due in week 6, this written assignment is linked to additional
parts. Submitted on-line via Turnitin in Word document; ONE assignment per team.
Part B: Team Oral Presentation of the experience (Weight: 7.5%; approximately 12-15 min.; date to
be determined in week 2), and
Part C: Team Teaching Lesson/Role Play/Skit (7.5% approximately 3-5 min.) to be presented on the
same day of presentation. Note: The teaching role play/skit is not a re-enactment of the experience,
but rather based on abstraction of concepts the team learnt during the cross-cultural experience.
o The role-play should be based on concepts you abstracted from the experience and what you found
in your research. So develop a role play that teaches the class something about that concept in a
cross-cultural setting.
o It is not simply are re-play of your cultural immersion (mini culture shock) experience – it must
include management concept(s).
All students in the team will receive the same mark for the written assignment, presentation and teaching
lesson/role play/skit
An opportunity to evaluate the contribution of team members will be provided at the write-up due date and after
the presentations. This peer evaluation may result in the increase or decrease of individual marks, as such will
be taken seriously.
Each student rates the contribution of all students, including self.
We will determine the total mark for the contribution for each student and determine the average rating
within the team.
Average, above average and below average
An individual with an average rating will receive the “team mark”
Individuals with above or below average ratings will have their “team mark” moderated.
Have fun with the assignment, but treat it seriously!
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 1
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MGTS 7329 Written Mini Culture Immersion Analysis Criteria: 15% of Final Grade
Approximately 3000 words (in essay format; 10% latitude ), not including references and
Student Name & ID Number:
Criteria Weight & Mark
Writing, Coherence of Argument/Information
Clearly defined concepts/topics to be discussed.
Met word quantity criteria.
Concepts/topics are developed throughout the assignment and relevant issues
Information is well structured, integrated and comprehensible.
15% of total
Research and Effective Application
Mini Culture Shock/Immersion activity.
Relevant extensive research/reading demonstrated.
A minimum of 7 peer reviewed journal articles, at least 3 after 2012. If you only
meet the minimum criteria, then only minimum marks are awarded.
Materials should go beyond assigned readings, including journal articles.
Research effectively and appropriately used to develop concepts/topic.
Emic concept effectively addressed.
Culturally relevant research.
15% of total
Demonstrates understanding of relevant aspects of concepts/topics.
Clear elaboration of how culture influenced concepts/topics.
Use of appropriate theories and/or frameworks to analyse concepts/topics and
demonstrated understanding.
Successfully conveyed relevance of concepts/topics for cross-cultural management
and/or international business.
Emic concept effectively addressed.
Independent interpretation/original approach.
60% of total
Professional presentation.
Correct grammar and punctuation.
Neatly presented including correct and consistent citations.
10% of total
Overall Mark
Grade 1
Serious Fail
% Range 0-29 30-44 46-49 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+
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MGTS 7329 Mini Culture Immersion Analysis Rubric
The assignment’s grades are allocated according to the following four criteria. Each criterion will carry the weight shown
in the Rubric.
Writing, Coherence of Argument/Information (15%)
1 The essay is incoherent and has major style and structure problems.
2 The essay has major style problems and/or fails to meet word quantity and structure requirements.
3 The essay has style problems and/or fails to meet word quantity and structure requirements.
4 The essay meets the basic style and structure requirements for the assignment. UQBS writing style guidelines are not
adhered to.
5 The essay is well written and meets the style requirements specified. UQBS writing guidelines are generally adhered
to, but some inconsistency still present.
6 The essay meets the requirements outlined and is clearly written and well presented. Adherence to UQBS writing
guidelines is good.
7 The essay shows excellence in writing style, structure, and presentation. UQBS writing guidelines are adhered to
Research and Effective Application (15%) must include “Mini Culture Shock/Immersion Activity”.
1. The essay has not attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text books; not met minimum research
criteria. Have not demonstrated understanding of the materials, not applied them effectively and appropriately.
2 The essay has attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text books; not met minimum research
criteria. Have not demonstrated understanding of the materials, but attempted to apply the research materials.
3 The essay has not adequately drawn upon literature; not met minimum research criteria. Relevant information from
research was not included. Only demonstrated minimal understanding of the materials and used them at a surface
4 The essay has conceptually drawn upon research and/or course textbooks to a basic standard; only just met minimum
research criteria. Only demonstrated minimal understanding of the materials and used them at a surface level.
5 The essay demonstrated the ability to conceptually draw upon research and demonstrated selection of relevant
literature; met minimum research criteria. Have also demonstrated some understanding of the materials, used them
effectively and appropriately.
6 The essay has successfully conceptually drawn upon research and a selection of mostly relevant academic literature
(peer-reviewed). Extensive research over and above criteria, and demonstrated understanding of the materials, used
them effectively and appropriately.
7 The essay has successfully conceptually drawn upon research and a selection of relevant academic literature (peer-
reviewed). Has demonstrated extensive research over and above criteria, in addition clearly demonstrated
understanding of the materials, and used them effectively and appropriately.
Analysis (60%)
1 The essay does not develop a topic, has not identified emic concept.
2 The essay attempts to develop a cross-cultural topic and attempted to identify emic concept.
3 The essay only describes a cross-cultural topic and the emic concept.
4 The essay develops a cross-cultural topic, in addition demonstrates a basic analysis of the theoretical issues involved
and touched on the emic concept.
5 The essay develops a cross-cultural topic and in addition demonstrates a clear analysis of the theoretical and applied
issues involved in cross-cultural management as well as the emic concept.
6 The essay develops the topic, demonstrates an excellent analysis of the theoretical and applied issues involved in
cross-cultural management, and the emic concept. The essay also contains an analysis of how the issue(s) affects
managing across cultures in a domestic or international organization. Emic concept effectively addressed.
7 The essay develops concepts/topics and in addition demonstrates an excellent analysis of the theoretical and applied
issues involved in cross-cultural management. The essay also contains an excellent analysis of how the issue(s)
affects managing across cultures in a domestic or international organisation. Emic concept effectively addressed.
The essay reflects an excellent understanding of all the concepts and issues discussed within the essay.
Presentation (10%)
1 The essay is not presented in a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous grammatical and/or punctuation
errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
2 The essay attempts to present a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous grammatical and/or punctuation
errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
3 There is demonstrated effort to present essay in a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous grammatical
and/or punctuation errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
4 The essay is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have some grammatical and/or punctuation errors, have
some missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
5 The essay is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have minor grammatical and/or punctuation errors,
have minor errors in citations and references.
6 The essay is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, has no grammatical and/or punctuation errors correct,
have minor errors citations and references.
7 The essay is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have no grammatical and/or punctuation errors correct,
flawless citations and references.
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PEER/SELF EVALUATION FORM: MGTS 7329 (Written Assignment– Part A)
The purpose of this form is to assess a team member’s contribution to the team effort. There are various
dimensions along which team members may have contributed to the team. These include their attendance at
team meetings, their level of preparedness for team meetings, the quality of their contributions to team
discussions, whether they delivered what they promised to the team in a timely manner, and their ability to
work towards consensus. Use the 7 point rating scale given below to rate yourself and members of your team.
Please be as objective as possible, taking behaviours rather than personal style into consideration:
1 = person did not contribute to team activities
2 = person contributed to team activities, but his/her contributions were minimal
3 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were substandard
4 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were adequate
5 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were good
6 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were very good
7 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were exceptional
Name of Student / Student Number Quality Score Effort Score
Your Name / Student Number: Self Evaluation Quality Score Effort Score
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________
Comments are required to validate the ratings provided. The average, above and below average ratings
options will be used to moderate marks. Peer reviews must be submitted in hard-copy within five
working days of assessment due date, otherwise it will be imputed that all have contributed equally.
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MGTS 7329 Mini Culture Immersion Presentation Criteria
Research Oral Presentation 7.5% of Final Grade (approximately 12-15 min.);
Teaching Lesson/Role Play/Skit 7.5% of Final Grade (approximately 3-5 min.).
Student Name & ID Number:
Criteria Weight & Mark
Demonstrates understanding of relevant aspects of concepts/topics.
Clear elaboration of how culture influenced concepts/topics.
Use of appropriate theories and/or frameworks to analyse concepts/topics and
demonstrated understanding.
Emic concept effectively addressed.
Independent interpretation/novel approach.
The presentation stimulates thought or debate.
Contributed to learning of concepts related to cross cultural management and/or
international business.
Handout of presentation with reference list.
80% of total
Oral Presentation Delivery
Appropriate use of materials (visual etc.).
Innovative/original approach.
Good time management.
Clear presentation, well structured.
All members demonstrated understanding of materials.
10% of total
Created class discussion & engaged class throughout presentation.
Fielded and answered questions from class.
10% of total
Teaching Role Play/Skit
Clear discussion & analysis of concepts/topics.
Demonstrated understanding & research in presenting the role play.
Successfully conveyed relevance of concepts/topics for cross-cultural management;
including emic concept.
Engaged class during the teaching lesson/role play/skit.
Out of 100
Overall Mark
Research Presentation
Role Play
Grade 1
Serious Fail
% Range 0-29 30-44 46-49 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+
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MGTS 7329 Mini Culture Shock Presentation Rubric
The assignment’s grades are allocated according to the following four criteria. Each criterion will carry the weight shown
in the Rubric.
Research and Effective Application in Presentation (80%)
1 The presentation does not draw upon research and/or course text book materials (show evidence) and has not
addressed emic concept; have not used of theories, frameworks, concepts.
2 The presentation has attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text book (show evidence) but not
met minimum research criteria, has not addressed emic concept, and have not used of theories, frameworks, concepts.
3 The presentation has not adequately conceptually drawn upon research, thus have not elaborated on the emic concept
effectively and only attempted to apply theories, frameworks, concepts.
4 The presentation has drawn upon research and/or course textbooks to a basic standard; only just met minimum
research criteria thus only show superficial understanding of issues and emic concepts, as well as superficial use of
theories, frameworks, and concepts.
5 The presentation has demonstrated good evidence research and demonstrated selection of relevant literature,
addressed the emic concept to stimulate thought and demonstrated the use of theories, frameworks, concepts.
6 The presentation has successfully applied research and demonstrated selection of relevant literature, addressed the
emic concept to stimulate thought and successfully used theories, frameworks, and concepts to provide insights to the
7 The presentation demonstrate excellent application of research, addressed the emic concept in some depth to
stimulate thought and successfully used theories, frameworks, concepts to provide deep insights to the phenomenon
and learning in cross cultural management and/or international business.
Presentation Delivery (10%)
1 The presentation does not use visual materials, way too long or short and poorly structured.
2 The presentation has some visual materials, too long or short and poorly structured.
3 The presentation used visual materials, too long or short and poorly structured.
4 The presentation used visual materials, on time, but poorly structured.
5 The presentation has creative visual materials, attempted to be innovative, on time, and organised.
6 The presentation has creative engaging visual materials, innovative, on time, and organised.
7 The presentation has excellent creative engaging visual materials, very innovative, on time, and organised.
Interactivity (10%)
1 The presentation has no interactivity with audience during research presentation and role play.
2-3 The presentation has no interactivity with audience during research presentation, but some during role play.
2-3 The presentation has some interactivity with audience during research presentation, but not during role play.
4 The presentation has some interactivity with audience during research presentation and but not during role play.
5 The presentation has some interactivity with audience during research presentation and some during role play.
6 The presentation has good interactivity with audience during research presentation and during role play.
7 The presentation has excellent interactivity throughout.
Teaching Lesson/Role Play/Skit
1 The role play does not draw upon research and/or course text book materials (show evidence) and has not addressed
emic concept; have not used of theories, frameworks, concepts; have not engaged audience.
2 The role play has attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text book (show evidence) but not met
minimum research criteria, has not addressed emic concept, and have not used of theories, frameworks, concepts
have not engaged audience.
3 The role play has not adequately conceptually drawn upon research, thus have not elaborated on the emic concept
effectively and only attempted to apply theories, frameworks, concepts; have attempted to engaged audience.
4 The role play has drawn upon research and/or course textbooks to a basic standard; only just met minimum research
criteria thus only show superficial understanding of issues and emic concepts, as well as superficial use of theories,
frameworks, concepts; have engaged audience.
5 The role play has demonstrated good evidence research and demonstrated selection of relevant literature, addressed
the emic concept to stimulate thought and demonstrated the use of theories, frameworks, concepts; engaged audience.
6 The role play has successfully applied research and demonstrated selection of relevant literature, addressed the emic
concept to stimulate thought and successfully used theories, frameworks, concepts to provide insights to the
phenomenon; engaged audience well.
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PEER/SELF EVALUATION FORM: MGTS 7329 (Presentations – Part B)
The purpose of this form is to assess a team member’s contribution to the team effort. There are various
dimensions along which team members may have contributed to the team. These include their attendance at
team meetings, their level of preparedness for team meetings, the quality of their contributions to team
discussions, whether they delivered what they promised to the team in a timely manner, and their ability to
work towards consensus. Use the 7 point rating scale given below to rate yourself and members of your team.
Please be as objective as possible, taking behaviours rather than personal style into consideration:
1 = person did not contribute to team activities
2 = person contributed to team activities, but his/her contributions were minimal
3 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were substandard
4 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were adequate
5 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were good
6 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were very good
7 = person contributed to team activities, and the contributions were exceptional
Name of Student / Student Number Quality Score Effort Score
Your Name / Student Number: Self Evaluation Quality Score Effort Score
Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________
Comments are required to validate the ratings provided. The average, above and below average ratings
options will be used to moderate marks. Peer reviews must be submitted in hard-copy within five
working days of assessment due date, otherwise it will be imputed that all have contributed equally.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 2
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MGTS 7329 Managing Across Cultures
Individual Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment Assignment -
30% of Final Mark; Approximately 3000 words (in essay format 10% latitude) .
The assignment must be submitted to Turnitin via Blackboard in Word document.
Task and objective
The objective of the assignment is to learn about cross cultural work experiences and/or general
adjustment processes of working in different a culture or cultures. Thus analyse the applicability of
management concept(s) across cultures and/or issues that face people when they are placed in a new
work environment in another culture or cultures.
The project requires that you interview a person(s) who has had work experience in another nation
apart from their home nation for longer than six months (Eisenberg et al., 2013). The interview will be the
basis of a case study on how culture affects work and/or general adjustment to work environments in
Australia or other nations. Students will need to be creative to develop the topic.
Participant criteria
Participants to be recruited are individual(s) who have had work experience in another nation apart from their
home nation for longer than six months. As such, the interview participant can be someone the student knows
who has had managerial and/or supervisory work experience in another nation other than Australia. However,
the interview participant cannot be the student’s parent(s) and/or relatives.
Recruitment procedures
There are two options to recruit interview participant.
Option A: Students can recruit potential participants by way of acquaintance. (Please do not approach
lecturers at UQ)
Option B: Students can recruit potential participants by approaching a company and asking the company to
refer a candidate that fits the participant criteria. (Please do not approach lecturers at UQ)
Step 1: Step 1 will apply to students who chose Option B above (via company)
The student will approach the company by contacting by sending the human resource manager or personnel
manager the prepared introduction letter (attached in this application).Once the company consents to
participation (Company Project Consent Form) and refers a potential interview candidate, the student will
contact the candidate.
Step 2: Here after, the steps will apply to all potential participants.
Each interview candidate will be provided with an information sheet that outlines the task for the assignment
(attached in this application). Each student is required to answer any questions the participants have. Potential
interview candidates are also allowed to contact the lecturer. The lecturer’s contact details are found in the
participant information letter.
Step 3: After each potential participant has understood the projects goals and their involvement in the project,
as well as had an opportunity to ask questions. Each interview candidate is then required to sign the
Individual Participant Consent Form. You must attach this consent form to your submitted assignment,
if not; your assignment will not be marked!
Each participant will be assured that the analysis and information provided by the interviewee will be
confidential. Therefore, you are not to share any information provided by the interview participant including
the final write-up with anyone apart from the lecturer. The interview is to be conducted outside of work hours
unless the organization agrees that the interview can be conducted during work hours.
Eisenberg, J., Lee, H. J., Brück, F., Brenner, B., Claes, M. T., Mironski, J., & Bell, R. (2013). Can business schools make
students culturally competent? Effects of cross-cultural management courses on cultural intelligence. Academy of
Management Learning & Education, 12(4), 603- 621.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 2
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Which company should I approach for Option B?
It is normally expected that you will locate a manager for study and/or an organisation to approach to assist you
in finding a manager for study. It may be an employing organisation, an organisation where you were
previously employed, an organisation, which your parents own or work in, or one where you have another
Approach a responsible person when seeking permission to conduct the project. Normally this will be the
Chief Executive of the organisation or the Human Resource Manager. Advise the CEO or manager that you
wish to do some research on an individual in the organisation, and provide him or her with "Company
Information Sheet" which explains the nature of the exercise. (Make sure you write your own name at the
appropriate point in the Company Information Sheet). Re-iterate that the interview is to be conducted outside
of work hours unless the organisation agrees that you can interview the individual during work hours.
Answer any questions about the project to the best of your ability. The manager needs to sign Company Project
Consent Form before you interview anyone. (Add the necessary identifying information to the top of the
consent form before the manager signs it). If the manager does not want the organisation to take part, his or her
wishes must be respected, and you must find an alternative organisation. If at any stage you run into problems,
feel free to contact Dr. Pekerti for advice - preferably during consultation hours.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 2
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Information to be included in your written project
The project should consist of the description and analysis of one or more aspects of organisational behaviour
concepts covered in the course. The project will normally:
1. Provide relevant information concerning the participant's (interviewee) native culture.
2. Provide relevant background details of the individual and their job/organisational task;
3. Describe the phenomena and organisational concepts under study, e.g. adjustment, motivation,
performance, communication, and/or cultural concepts, etc.
4. Analyse relevant differences and/or similarities between management and/or organisational practice in
Australia versus management and/or organisational practice of the participant’s native origin, or another
nation that he or she came from.
5(a). Analyse and critique these phenomena and/or events in terms of (a) theories and principles
learned on the course;
5(b). Provide ideas you may have about "good organisational practice" for dealing with expatriates,
sojourners and/or migrants.
6. If appropriate make recommendations for the organisation and individual for managerial adjustment
a. If so, include expected outcomes from these suggestions.
7. If appropriate you may wish to collect information by interviewing members of the person’s family
keeping a formal record of what they say (you must get their written consent as well.
However, if the above format does not suit, alternatives may be acceptable. If you want to try something
different, see Dr. Pekerti to discuss it.
8. Questionnaire(s)
9. In your project, after you make your analyses, discuss the limitations of your study.
10. Append interview transcripts (questions and answers) and/or original interview notes. Transcript is to
be appended & included via Turnitin in Word document.
11. All consent forms.
Note: The assignment will not be marked unless consent forms are included in the assignment.
If you are conducting interviews via the telephone or e-mail participants are able to “sign” their
consent form by adding a specific statement in the e-mail. See “ INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANT
You must attach the actual e-mail from the individual, with all the header information! I.e., not just a
typed version of the letter.
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Ethical issues relating to the project
While your enquiries may be worthwhile from your own point of view, remember that there are others
involved. The people you study have certain rights, which it is your duty to respect. In particular, they have
the rights to be informed of the purpose of the study, to refuse to participate if they wish, and to privacy and
confidentiality of information.
The University of Queensland Ethics Committee that reviews all research projects involving human
participants to ensure they are conducted ethically. The Committee has already given approval for this class
project, but students must follow precisely the terms and conditions that have been agreed.
Included in your Assignment Briefing are
1. Website address to National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans
Note: you are to follow this guideline in the strictest sense.
Please note that the ethical procedures not only protect participants from unwarranted intrusion etc., it also
protects you and the University in the unlikely event of legal action by participants who felt that they had not
been properly dealt with.
2. Copies of participant information sheets and consent forms, which you will need to use while gathering
information, see below.
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How to proceed
1. Think carefully when choosing an organisation to refer you to an individual. You may use again an
organisation that you have already used for other course projects.
2. Make sure the interviewee understands that any interviews you conduct will be confidential to the
interviewees, so you will not be able to pass on any of the information.
3. Prepare carefully for interviewing. Make sure you have a focus for the interview, and a rough schedule
of topics to be covered, and/or questions to ask. At the same time, remember that an interview is
primarily a chance to let the interviewee talk, and be prepared to listen to novel material that may
increase your insight.
4. When you contact interviewees through an organisation, make sure they understand that the manager has
agreed to the organisation taking part in the study.
5. Prior to your interview, make sure that the interviewee has understood the “Individual Participant
Information Sheet” and has been allowed to ask questions. Make sure you write your own name at the
appropriate points in the Individual Participant Information Sheet”. Make sure that the interviewee has
signed the Individual Participant Consent Form. (Add the necessary identifying information to the top of
the consent form before the interviewee signs it).
6. Keep as good records as you can of the interviews. If the interviewee agrees, you can record the
interview. If you are not clear afterwards what was said, or find that there is additional information you
need, do not be afraid to call people up a second time.
Note: The goal of an interview is to uncover the participant’s point of view.
7. Make sure you are constantly relating your interview material to theories as described in your textbook
and other readings.
8. When you feel you have gathered the information you need and completed your analysis, write it up in
the format suggested above, or something like that format. Remember that this project is designed to be
read by your examiners, not by people in the organisation, so you should feel free to "tell it like it is",
even if you wish to be critical of the organisation or people within, it. Your examiners guarantee
absolute confidentiality for this material. At the same time, if you wish to protect the confidentiality of
those involved, make a note of this in the beginning of your project write-up.
9. This, the project on which your 30% marks for the course will be assessed, should generally be
approximately 3000 words (10% latitude). Diagrams and Appendices will be additional to these limits.
10. If applicable: Those that approached organisations to recruit their participant may be asked to provide a
report back to the organisation. If you have been requested to provide a summary of your project.
You should prepare a report designed to go to the individual who first gave you permission to conduct
the study. This should:
Be brief - never more than two pages;
Be a summary of your main project;
Ensure that the guarantees of confidentiality you have given are respected;
Be phrased so as not to give offence;
Be attached, in draft, to the Assignment, and not sent to the organisation until, it has been
approved by your examiners. (Note, however, that you will not be assessed on this report).
Note: Before any report is sent to the organisation and/or the participant, your examiners should
approve it.
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1. Company Project Information Sheet
2. Company Project Consent Form
3. Individual Participant Information
4. Individual Participant Consent Form
5. E-mail response Consent Form
If you are conducting interviews via the telephone or e-mail participants are able to “sign” their
consent form by adding the following statement in the e-mail.
You are still required to append this e-mail in your assignment.
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UQ Business School
The University of Queensland
Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
Telephone (07)3365 6283
(International +617 3365
Facsimile (07) 3365 6988
CRICOS No. 00025B
Professor Andrew Griffiths
Company Name:
We were pleased to hear that you had initially agreed to allow students from our Graduate Diploma of
Business/Masters of Business/Master of Communication program enrolled in the Cross Cultural Management
course to undertake assignment work on “Cross Cultural Work Adjustment Case Study”. I would like to
introduce the student officially and explain the nature of their assignment.
The student’s name is ______________________________________________________________.
Contact detail: ___________________________________________________________________.
The objective of the assignment is to learn about cross cultural work experiences and/or general adjustment
processes of working in different a culture or cultures. Thus analyse the issues that face managers and/or
workers when they are adjusting to a work environment(s) in another culture(s). The project requires that the
student named above interview individual(s) who has had work experience in another nation apart from their
home nation for longer than six months. The interview will be the basis of a case study on how culture affects
work and/or general adjustment to work environments in Australia or other nations.
Participation on this project is completely voluntary; therefore, your company is under no obligation to
participate. The interview should last approximately one to two hours outside of work hours. A follow-up
interview may be required should the student have additional questions, however, this is dependent on the
individual’s discretion.
If your company can assist the student by referring him or her to someone in your company that fits the
interview candidate description please let the student know by filling in a consent form and sending it to the
student or phoning the student. The student will then contact you or someone whom you have referred to assist
the student to make an appointment, and interview them on their own time.
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It should be noted that by signing the consent form, your company consents to a staff member being
approached to participate. However, the decision to participate in the interview project is entirely at the
discretion of individual staff members.
We hope that there will be a mutually beneficial outcome to the study. We recognize that all information given
to the study will be treated in commercial confidence and that you may wish to restrict the publishing or use of
any information gained during the study. The student will comply with all company policies, procedures and
protocols and health and safety requirements for visitors while on site.
It should be noted that the process of adjustment to a new culture, generally, involves some level of emotional
stress. Therefore, the individual may experience some discomfort while recalling his or her experiences during
this adjustment period. This is a common phenomenon and participants will not be traumatised by the interview
recall, as such should not be alarmed by the discomfort. Should you agree to participate, as we hope you will,
we would require your signature to the accompanying consent form thereby confirming agreement and
conditions on participation.
Thank you very much for your time and help in making this study possible. If you have any queries or wish to
know more about the project, please do not hesitate to contact the student. Alternatively, you can contact me.
Andre Pekerti PhD
The University of Queensland
Business School
Ph: + 61 7 33468132
We will endeavor to minimize disruptions to your business and coordinate our activities directly through you or
whomever you designate to act on your behalf. We look forward to working with you in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Andre Pekerti PhD
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Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Degree course: Graduate Diploma of Business/Masters of Business/Master of Communication.
Project description:
The objective of the assignment is to learn about cross cultural work experiences and/or general adjustment
processes of working in different a culture or cultures. Thus analyse the issues that face managers and/or
workers when they are adjusting to a work environment(s) in another culture(s). The project requires that the
student named above interview individual(s) who has had work experience in another nation apart from their
home nation for longer than six months. The interview will be the basis of a case study on how culture affects
work and/or general adjustment to work environments in Australia or other nations.
I confirm that the above named student from the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, may
undertake project work in this organization within the restrictions described below.
Special restrictions and considerations:
(Please use separate sheet if necessary)
The study will adhere to the ethical guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland.
You are welcome to discuss your participation in this study with the student/s or their academic advisor/s, or to
impose conditions, or withdraw from the study at any time. If you would like to speak to an officer of the
University not involved in the study, you may contact the Chair of the UQ Business School Ethical Review
Committee on 33653924.
I have been given a participant information sheet introducing me to the student and the project’s objectives.
I have had an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.
I agree for a member of my company to take part in this research.
I also understand that by signing this consent form, my company consents to a staff member being
approached to participate. However, the decision to participate in the interview project is entirely at the
discretion of individual staff members.
Signature: ……………………………………. Date: …………..……
Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Position: …………………………………………………………………………
Contact address: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact number: …………………………………………………………………………
Please return this completed form to the student named above.
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UQ Business School
The University of Queensland
Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
Telephone (07)3365 6283
(International +617 3365
Facsimile (07) 3365 6988
CRICOS No. 00025B
Professor Len Coote
My name is _______________________________________________________________________ I am
pleased that you have agreed to be contacted regarding participation in an assignment that I am conducting in
fulfilment of the requirement for the Cross Cultural Management course. The course is part of the Graduate
Diploma of Business/Masters of Business/Master of Communication program at the University of Queensland.
This letter is to introduce myself and explain the nature of my assignment: “Cross Cultural Work Adjustment
Case Study”.
The objective of the assignment is to learn about cross cultural work experiences and/or general adjustment
processes of working in different a culture or cultures. Thus analyse the issues that face managers and/or
workers when they are adjusting to a work environment(s) in another culture(s). The project requires that the
student named above interview individual(s) who has had work experience in another nation apart from their
home nation for longer than six months. The interview will be the basis of a case study on how culture affects
work and/or general adjustment to work environments in Australia or other nations.
Participation on this project is completely voluntary; therefore, you are under no obligation at all to be
interviewed. The interview should last approximately one to two hours outside of work hours. A follow-up
interview may be required should I have additional questions, however, this is dependent on your discretion. I
may audio-tape the interview but this would only be done with your consent and could be turned off at any
time. You can also you can withdraw your participation or any information from the interview at any time.
It should be noted that the process of adjustment to a new culture, generally, involves some level of emotional
stress. Therefore, you may experience some discomfort recalling your experiences during this adjustment
period. This is a common phenomenon and participants will not be traumatised by the interview recall, as such
should not be alarmed by the discomfort.
Part of the project’s requirements is to identify operational concerns and to make recommendations for
improvement. Therefore, the interview may proof to be beneficial to you and your company, since you may
identify some adjustment issues that can be addressed to improve work performance. The analysis and
recommendations will be incorporated into a 3000 word write-up for which the student will be assessed as part
of their program. Upon request you will be provided a brief summary of the project.
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All information given to the study will be treated in commercial confidence and your company will not receive
a copy of the project. I will comply with all company policies, procedures and protocols and health and safety
requirements for visitors while on site.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration in participating in this project. If you have any queries or
wish to know more about the project, please do not hesitate to ask or contact me or write to me at:
Should you agree to participate, as we hope you will, I will require your signature to the accompanying consent
form thereby confirming agreement and conditions on participation.
The consent form will have tick boxes that will allow you the choice of revealing your identity in the project if
you wish. You are also given a choice of whether you are willing to be contacted by Dr. Pekerti for the future
development of an education case study.
Yours sincerely,
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Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Degree course: Graduate Diploma of Business/Masters of Business/Master of Communication.
Project description: The objective is to analyse the issues that you faced when you were adjusting to a work
environment(s) in Australia or other culture(s). Therefore, this project involves the analysis of your cross
cultural work experiences and/or general adjustment processes working in different a culture or cultures. The
project requires that the student named above interview a person who has had work experience in another
nation apart from their home nation for longer than six months.
The interview will be the basis of a case study on how culture affects work and/or general adjustment to work
environments in Australia or other nations
The study will adhere to the ethical guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland.
You are welcome to discuss your participation in this study with the student/s or their academic advisor/s, or to
impose conditions, or withdraw from the study at any time. If you would like to speak to an officer of the
University not involved in the study, you may contact the Chair of the UQ Business School Ethical Review
Committee on 33653924.
I have been given a participant information sheet introducing me to the student and the project’s objectives.
I have had an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.
I agree to take part in this research.
Please tick the box – If you wish to reveal your identity in the write up of this project.
Please tick the box – If you willing to be contacted by Dr. Pekerti for future development of an
education case study.
Signature: ……………………………………. Date: …………..……
Name: …………………………………………………………………………
Position: …………………………………………………………………………
Contact address: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Contact number: …………………………………………………………………………
Please return this completed form to the student/s named above.
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 2
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This e-mail certifies that:
I have been given a participant information sheet introducing me to the student and the project’s
objectives for “Cross Cultural Work Adjustment Case Study” project.
I have had an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.
I agree to take part in this research.
Please delete as appropriate:
I wish to reveal my identity in the write up of this project.
I am willing to be contacted by Dr. Pekerti for future development of an education case
(Interview participant’s name)
You must attach the actual e-mail from the individual, with all the header information! I.e., not just a
typed version of the letter above. See example below.
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Recommended readings
Recommended reading for interview assignment to help you with understanding the topic
This material can be found in the library and on Blackboard.
Bock, P. (1970). Foreword: On “culture shock”. In Philip Bock (Ed.) Culture shock. New York: Alfred A.
Furnham, A. (1988). The adjustment of sojourners. In Young, Y. Kim and William, B. Gudykunst (Eds.),
Cross cultural adaptation (pp. 42-61). Newbury Park: Sage.
Ivancevich, J. & Matteson, M. (1999). Organizational Stress: An individual view. In Organizational behavior
and management (pp. 261-297). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill.
Kim, Y. Y. (2001). The structure of cross cultural adaptation. In Becoming intercultural, (pp. 71-94). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kim Y. Y. (2002). Adapting to unfamiliar culture. In W. B. Gudykunst and B. Moody (Eds.) Handbook of
international and intercultural communication (pp. 259-273). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Others listed on Blackboard are to help you with interview ideas.
Additional recommended reading for interview assignment
Sam, D. L., & Berry, J. W. (Eds.) (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Other Recommended Readings
House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. W., & Gupta, V. (eds.) (2004). Culture
leadership and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Sage, London.
Leung K., Bhagat, R.S., Buchan, N.R., Erez, M. & Gibson, C.B. (2005). Culture and international
business: recent advances and their implications for future research. Journal of International Business
Studies, 36, 357-378. 3609
MGTS 7329 Assignment Guide: Assignment 2
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MGTS 7329 Individual Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment Assignment Criteria
30% of Final Grade Approximately 3000 words (in essay format; 10% latitude ) not including
references and appendix. Assignment must be submitted to Turnitin via Blackboard including
references and interview transcript in Word document.
Student Name & ID Number:
Criteria Weight & Mark
Coherence of Argument/Information
Clearly defined topic(s) to be discussed.
Topic(s) is pursued throughout assignment and relevant issues addressed.
Limitations addressed.
Information is well structured, integrated and comprehensible.
10% of total
Research and Effective Application to Work Adjustment Experience(s)
Relevant extensive research/reading demonstrated.
A minimum of 7 peer reviewed journal articles, at least 3 after 2012.
Materials should go beyond assigned readings, including journal articles on adjustment.
Research/reading information utilised effectively and appropriately.
15% of total
Demonstrates understanding of relevant aspects of issues surrounding concepts discussed.
Clear elaboration of ideas and explanation of phenomena studied.
Use of appropriate theories, tools, techniques and frameworks.
Demonstrates understanding of theories and research materials used.
Independent interpretation / novel approach.
55% of total
Professional presentation.
Correct grammar and punctuation.
Neatly presented including correct and consistent citations.
10% of total
Theory based.
Consent form(s) – no mark for assignment if missing.
10% of total
Overall Result
Grade 1
Serious Fail
% Range 0-29 30-44 46-49 50-64 65-74 75-84 85+
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MGTS 7329 Individual Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment Assignment Criteria/Rubric
The assignment’s grades are allocated according to the following five criteria. Each criterion will carry the weight shown
in the Rubric.
Writing, Coherence of Argument/Information (10%)
1 The assignment is incoherent and has major style and structure problems.
2 The assignment has major style problems and/or fails to meet word quantity and structure requirements.
3 The assignment has style problems and/or fails to meet word quantity and structure requirements.
4 The assignment meets the basic style and structure requirements for the assignment. UQBS writing style guidelines
are not adhered to.
5 The assignment is well written and meets the style requirements specified. UQBS writing guidelines are generally
adhered to, but some inconsistency still present.
6 The assignment meets the requirements outlined and is clearly written and well presented. Adherence to UQBS
writing guidelines is good.
7 The assignment shows excellence in writing style, structure, and presentation. UQBS writing guidelines are adhered
to fully.
Interview of Work Adjustment Experience(s) (10%)
1 The assignment does not present a cross-cultural work adjustment interview/experience(s) as required by criteria or
present the transcript.
2 The assignment attempts to present a cross-cultural work adjustment interview/experience (s) as required by criteria
and present the transcript.
3 The interview only superficially addresses cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s).
4 The interview develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s).
5 The interview develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s), and
demonstrates theoretical elements (i.e. relevant concepts surrounding the topic(s).
6 The interview is comprehensive and develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment
experience(s), and in addition demonstrates theoretical elements (i.e. relevant concepts surrounding the topic(s).
7 The interview is comprehensive and develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment
experience(s), in addition demonstrates in-depth theoretical elements (i.e. relevant concepts surrounding the topic(s).
Research and Effective Application to Work Adjustment Experience(s) (15%)
1. The assignment has not attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text books; not met minimum
research criteria. Have not demonstrated understanding of the materials, not applied them effectively and
MGTS 7329 being in a new cultural environment代写
2 The assignment has attempted to conceptually draw upon research and/or course text books; not met minimum
research criteria. Have not demonstrated understanding of the materials, but attempted to apply the research
3 The assignment has not adequately drawn upon literature; not met minimum research criteria. Relevant information
from research was not included. Only demonstrated minimal understanding of the materials and used them at a
surface level.
4 The assignment has conceptually drawn upon research and/or course textbooks to a basic standard; only just met
minimum research criteria. Only demonstrated minimal understanding of the materials and used them at a surface
5 The assignment has demonstrated the ability to conceptually draw upon research and demonstrated selection of
relevant literature; met minimum research criteria. Have also demonstrated some understanding of the materials, used
them effectively and appropriately.
6 The assignment has successfully conceptually drawn upon research and a selection of mostly relevant academic
literature (peer-reviewed). Extensive research over and above criteria, and demonstrated understanding of the
materials, used them effectively and appropriately.
7 The assignment has successfully conceptually drawn upon research and a selection of relevant academic literature
(peer-reviewed). Has demonstrated extensive research over and above criteria, in addition clearly demonstrated
understanding of the materials, and used them effectively and appropriately.
Analysis of Work Adjustment Experience(s) (55%)
1 The assignment does not present a cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s) as required by criteria.
2 The assignment attempts to present a cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s) as required by criteria.
3 The assignment only describes the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s) as required by criteria.
4 The assignment develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s).
5 The assignment develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s), and
demonstrates some clear analysis of the theoretical issues involved.
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6 The assignment develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s),
demonstrates very good analyses of the theoretical issues involved and implications for cross-cultural management.
7 The assignment develops relevant topic(s) surrounding the cross-cultural work adjustment experience(s),
demonstrates excellent analyses of the theoretical issues involved and implications for cross-cultural management.
The assignment reflects an excellent understanding of all the concepts and issues discussed within the assignment.
Presentation (10%)
1 The assignment is not presented in a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous grammatical and/or
punctuation errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
2 The assignment attempts to present a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous grammatical and/or
punctuation errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
3 The assignment demonstrated effort to present assignment in a neat and/or in the prescribed format, have numerous
grammatical and/or punctuation errors, have numerous missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
4 The assignment is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have some grammatical and/or punctuation errors,
have some missing and/or incorrect citations and references.
5 The assignment is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have minor grammatical and/or punctuation
errors, have minor errors in citations and references.
6 The assignment is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, has no grammatical and/or punctuation errors
correct, have minor errors citations and references.
7 The assignment is presented in a neat and in the prescribed format, have no grammatical and/or punctuation errors
correct, flawless citations and references.
MGTS 7329 being in a new cultural environment代写