代写 Management Information Systems (115.107)
IT Skills Assignment Management Information Systems (115.107) S1 2016
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IT Skills Assignment
The IT Skills Assignment for 115.107 is marked out of 100 marks, distributed as noted below,
and is worth 25% of your final grade.
This assignment is due no later than 12.00pm on Friday, 22 April 2016.
Submit 2 files via the assignment upload link on Stream
1. An assignment report (documentation) using Microsoft Word
The assignment report is a “paper trail” of what you have done while working on the
assignment. It will include a contents page and many screen shots of your progress. A
suggested template (IT_Skills_Assignment_Report_format guide_MIS_S1 2016.pdf) is available
on Stream.
Make sure that the report is well presented. To fully appreciate your work, markers need to be
able to find your answers, and to understand everything you did. How to style and format your
report is explained in Part 6 of this document. Marks are awarded for the correct use of word
processing features and overall presentation.
2. A database file (the “TravelAgent” database) for parts 3 and 4 using Microsoft Access
You are given a partially completed database, a Microsoft Access file (Library.accdb), which
you will download from Stream. In parts 3 and 4 of this assignment you will add database
tables, add data and create queries / reports on data. This takes place within this database.
How to submit these two assignment files via Stream is covered in Module 1 exercises and further
information is available at the end of this assignment.
When assigning marks, markers will rely on both your report, and on the database. If a feature that
should be both in the database and in the report is present in only one of them (for example, a
database query present in the database, but not documented in the report), you will lose marks for
that feature.
Overview of this assignment
Part 1 – Modelling a business scenario with an entity relationship (ER) model (30 marks)
Part 2 – Designing a database with a relational model (20 marks)
Part 3 – Database implementation (10 marks)
Part 4 – Querying and reporting within the database (20 marks)
Part 5 – Analysing and presenting information (13 marks)
Part 6 – Finalizing the assignment report (7 marks)
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How to approach this assignment
The main aim of this assignment is to test the knowledge and skills you gain by completing software
exercises in modules 1 to 6 of this paper (over weeks 1 to 6). In the exercises you will learn new
concepts and develop hands-on technology skills. You are expected to be working on the software
exercises and on the assignment more or less simultaneously: acquire skills by doing software
exercises and immediately apply them by completing the relevant parts of the assignment.
In addition, the assignment involves a small number of tasks not covered by the exercises. This offers
you an experience in resolving IT problems by relying on using software help systems and the
Internet as sources of technical information.
You should read this entire assignment and understand what is required of you before beginning
work on the deliverables. Also, as will become obvious, it is impossible to complete the assignment
unless you carefully complete the exercises first. Each part of the assignment begins by telling you
what exercises in each module you need to complete first.
Take sufficient time (about 4 weeks)
Skills acquisition takes time and practice. You need about 4 weeks to complete the exercises and the
assignment. Needless to say, attempts to cram 4 weeks of work into one week are unlikely to result
in a good outcome.
Expect to do and re-do most of the deliverables
It is highly likely that you will revisit most of the assignment deliverables more than once. For
example, as you work on the rest of the assignment, you are likely to gain a better understanding of
both the meaning of ER notation and of the exact requirements for the ER diagram you complete in
Part 1. Therefore, you would go back to Part 1 and adjust the ER diagram to reflect your better level
of understanding. Expect to go over several versions of each task you are asked to complete. Do not
expect to "get everything right" on the first attempt.
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Part 1: Modelling a business scenario with an Entity Relationship (ER)
model (30 marks)
Complete Modules 2 and 3 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
Real Time Shopping – An online shop database
Real Time Shopping is an online store to sell mobile phones. The shop does not allow pick-up and
delivery is by post only. Currently Real Time Shopping I operating within New Zealand but has a
plan to extend its operation globally.
To purchase an item, the customers are required to register on the website and provide their name,
address, contact number and email address. However, a customer does not need to supply their
credit card details until they make the first purchase. Every customer needs to register and become
a verified user for the online store. Every customer is verified by sending a letter to their postal
address. The letter contains a secret code that the recipient user need to enter into the real Time
Shop website for the respective user to be verified.
Real Time Shopping purchases mobile phones from different vendors (suppliers) and thus is
required to keep a record of the suppliers including purchase history with each supplier it has
relationship with.
The online shop has three warehouses in Auckland, Palmerston North and Wellington. When a
customer orders an item, the item is supplied from the nearest warehouse to customer’s address.
Apart from maintaining records for mobile phones, suppliers and customers, Real Time Shopping
also keeps record of its employees. A manager for each warehouse is in charge of the warehouse.
An IT technician looks after the IT infrastructure and IT support personnel deals with the online
orders. All transactions are online and no cash is handled at any of the sites of real Time Shopping.
Create a document file using MS Word as your assignment report (a reminder:
IT_Skills_Assignment_Report_format guide_MIS_S1 2016.pdf is a template of this file that is available
on Stream).
1. For Part 1 of this assignment, design the ER diagram describing entities and relationships in
an information system supporting the operation of Real Time Shopping database.
Draw this diagram within the report, using the appropriate features as defined in part 6,
“Finalizing the assignment report” and as practiced in the exercises in Module 2.
2. Create the table of entities and attributes that help to define your ER diagram.
When naming entity types, use singular, rather than plural. For example, in a customer
relationship management (CRM) system there can be any number of customers, but the
name of the entity type would be “Customer”, rather than “Customers”.
Feel free to make assumptions, in particular, to add attributes. But, do not make it too
complex. Read the scenario requirements to identify the minimum number of attributes. Use
your understanding of “how” the attributes may be used in the system to identify their
structure. For example, “address” is rarely a well-structured attribute. To be of practical use,
it is often deconstructed into at least three attributes: Street, Suburb, and City.
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Different students may make different assumptions, and arrive at quite different solutions.
There is no single "correct answer". Please document your assumptions, if you made any.
Reading ahead to Part 3 of this assignment, especially figure 1 and table 1, will also help you
to understand how to document your relational model.
Part 1 deliverables
Include the following items in your assignment report:
ER model for Real Time Shopping
Table of entities, attributes and key attributes.
Part 2: Designing a database with a relational model (20 marks)
Complete Module 4 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
In this part of the assignment you design the database for Real Time Shopping database.
Document the database design in your assignment report including tables, columns, primary keys,
and foreign keys, presented in tabular form in the assignment report, as in Module 4 exercises. When
naming the tables and their columns, you must follow the naming convention rules (see below).
Convert your ER model into a relational data model. Consider which tables and table columns you
need and document them in your assignment report. You may use graphical notation for relational
database design (like the one you may fine in part 3 of this assignment), or list the tables and keys in
a table in text format.
Note that sometimes you may need more tables than there are entity types in the ER diagram – for
example, you need to consider any many-to-many relationships in your ER diagram.
Add information about primary and foreign keys in your report:
o In the report, for each relation / table, list its columns and indicate which column (or
columns) forms its primary key.
o For each of the foreign keys (if there are any) state the table to which it points. Use
Module 4 exercises as a guide how to word this.
In this assignment, we expect you to comply with the following naming conventions:
o A table representing an entity type should be named the same as the entity type (with the
omission of any spaces) + Tbl suffix. For example, a table representing a Customer entity
type in a customer relationship management system should be named CustomerTbl.
o A table representing a many-to-many relationship type should be named the same as the
relationship type (with the omission of any spaces) + Tbl suffix. For example, a table
representing an “is located at” many-to-many relationship type should be named
o Table columns corresponding to attributes of an entity type should be named the same as
the attributes they correspond to (with the omission of any spaces).
o Table columns added to represent relationship types become components of foreign keys.
Whenever possible, such a column, or foreign key, should be named exactly the same as
the primary key column it matches.
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You may find that reading ahead to Part 3 of this assignment, especially table 2, will also help
you to understand how to document your database design.
Part 2 deliverable:
The relational database design presented in tabular form in your assignment report: include tables,
columns, primary keys, and foreign keys.
Part 3: Database implementation (10 marks)
Complete Module 4 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
Consider the following description of a business domain.
UniTravel – An online travel agent
UniTravel is an online travel agent operating in Auckland, New Zealand. Through its website,
customers can search different flight options for their chosen destination(s) and subsequently can
book flights. UniTravel requires its customers to be registered on the system. For any chosen
destination, there may be several airliners offering flight and a customer may choose their preferred
airline. There is option for the customers to cancel a purchased ticket. There is a $25 penalty for each
With the aim of designing a database to manage the operations of the library, a business analyst
created the following ER model:
Figure 1: Entity Relationship Model for UniTravel
Based on the ER model a relational data model has been created as the design of the UniTravel
database. This is presented in Figure 2 below:
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Figure 2: Relational Database Design for UniTravel
By carefully examining the relational model above, you should be able to find the table names and
their fields including primary and foreign key. For example, in Customer table, customerID is the
primary key. This table has a one-to-many relationship with Booking table. In Booking table, you may
find a field customerID which is a foreign key. In the same way, as another example, bookingID is a
foreign key in Cancellation table.
Open the “TravelAgent” database provided with the assignment on Stream (TravelAgent.accdb).
Most of the tables and corresponding data have been implemented in this file. Complete the
database implementation according to the provided database design (relational model) in the
desktop database management system MS Access.
1. Create one new table within the given database – FlightTbl, and set up its columns or fields and
primary keys.
2. Add more test data to the database.
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a. Populate some data into FlightTbl. You are required to input the following data into the
flightID flightNumber originPort destinationPort airlineID
FL001 CZ121 Auckland Dunedin NZ001
FL002 CZ141 Dunedin Christchurch NZ002
FL003 CZ442 Wellington Auckland NZ001
FL004 CZ114 Stewart Island Cape Reinga NZ003
b. In the table FlightTbl, Add a new flight information with ‘Palmerston North’ as originPort and
‘Otago’ as destinationPort. Choose value for other fields in consistent with other existing
records in the table.
c. Add yourself to the database as a registered customer, who
o Has booked 3 flights (you may choose your preferred date).
o Has cancelled 3 flights (you may choose your preferred date).
o You MUST use your real name, but do NOT provide your actual phone number. Put
name of the city only in Address field. Do NOT make any other changes on the
database data apart from those required as above. Choose primary key that is
consistent with the existing ones in terms of convention.
3. Within your database, create a relationships diagram based on the given database design (see
table 2). Ensure the correct use of foreign and primary keys and enforce referential integrity.
Include (paste) a screenshot of the relationships diagram in your assignment report.
Setting up columns or fields in database tables
When selecting data types for columns, you can use “Text” in most cases. You will note that
in the database provided with the assignment “date/time” is used for due dates and
“Currency” for dollar amounts, while the rest of the columns are “Text” data types.
Setting up primary and foreign keys for database tables
Make sure that you set up primary and foreign keys in the database, as shown in the
exercises. To set up the foreign keys, you need to create a relationships diagram. To set up a
primary key consisting of more than one column, in the table design view hold down the Ctrl
key as you click on each column / field to include it.
Adding test data
Fill the table columns you created with realistic test data, but do not change the data that
are provided. When adding new data, make sure that any foreign key value corresponds to
the appropriate primary key value. For example, a booking can be done only by a registered
customer and a cancellation can be done for a booked flight only. If you set up foreign keys in
the database correctly, the software will refuse to accept values that do not comply with this
The above rules are general guidelines for database implementation; you may not need to use all
of them when completing the tasks in this part of the assignment.
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Part 3 deliverables:
Complete the database implementation tasks within the TravelAgent database.
In your assignment report, include (paste) the following screen shots from the database you
o The design view of FlightTbl
o The datasheet view of FlightTbl
o The relationships diagram you created within the database
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Part 4: Querying and reporting within the database (20 marks)
Complete Module 5 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
Query 1: CustomersWhoCancelled
Create a QBE (query by example – using Query Designer to create) or an SQL
(structured query language) query to list all customers who cancelled at least one
flight booking. Only include customers’ first names, last name and cancellation
date in your query output. This query should be saved as
“CustomersWhoCancelled” within the database.
Query 2: MyBooking
Create a QBE or an SQL query to list the bookings made by you. Only include your
first name, last name, booking date and seat number in your query output. This
query should be saved as “MyBooking” within the database.
Query 3: MyAirlines
Create a QBE or an SQL query to list all the airlines your booked flights are
associated with. Only include your first name, last name, flight number and the
airline’s name for that flight in your query output. This query should be saved as
“MyAirlines” within the database.
Query 4:
Create a QBE or an SQL query to list all the bookings that are made in the month of
February. Only include customers’ first name, last name, booking date and flight
number in your query output. This query should be saved as “BookingInFebruary”
within the database.
Query 5:
Create a QBE or an SQL query to list all the bookings that are cancelled until the
end of the month of February. Only include customers’ first name, last name,
booking date, cancellation date, penalty and flight number in your query output.
This query should be saved as “CancelledBookingUntilFebruary” within the
代写 Management Information Systems (115.107)
Create a database report (Access or OO Base) displaying the results of Query 5
(CancelledBookingUntilFebruary) above. The report title (“Bookings Cancelled by
February”) and your name should appear in the report header as the author of the
report. This report should be saved as “CancelledBookingUntilFebruaryReport”
within the database.
Part 4 deliverables:
Complete the queries and the database report within the “TravelAgent” database.
Document these queries and the database report in your assignment report. For each query
include (paste) before and after screenshots, that is, screenshots of the query design (QBE or
SQL), and another of the output from running the query.
Also, include (paste) a screenshot of the database report (‘Database report’ task above).
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Part 5: Analysing and presenting information (13 marks)
Complete Module 6 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
1. Copy or export data from Query 5: “CancelledBookingUntilFebruary” that you created, in Part 4,
into a spreadsheet in MS Excel.
Each task below (2, 3, and 4) is independent and based on the exported data in task 1 above.
The starting point for each is this original copied data. It may be helpful to copy the original
data into different worksheets. The exception is task 5 (chart) which required data from task 4
(pivot table).
2. Apply a Filter and customise it to show only cancellation done in February.
3. Use Conditional Formatting to show booking cancelled after 15 th February as bold, underlined, and in
yellow background.
4. Create a Pivot Table to show total cancellation penalty for each customer who have cancelled
their booking.
5. Plot the data in the pivot table as a bar chart. The bar chart should show total penalty incurred by
each customer.
Part 5 deliverable:
Although you must use spreadsheet software to complete this part, you are not required to
submit the file.
Include the screenshots of the copied spreadsheet data, the filtered data, the formatted
data, the pivot table and the chart in your assignment report.
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Part 6: Finalizing the assignment report (7 marks) and submitting
Complete Module 1 and 2 exercises before you start working on this part of the assignment.
1. Consistently style your assignment report using the style features of the software, which is
introduced in Module 2 exercises.
2. Assign numbers and captions to all tables and figures in your report (e.g., “Figure 1: Entity
relationship model for UniTravel System”). Place table captions immediately above tables, and
figure captions immediately below figures.
3. At the beginning of the report, create a table of contents, a list of all tables and a list of all figures
by using the relevant software features introduced in the Module 2 exercises.
Submit the assignment
Submit the two files – assignment report and database file – to the IT Skills Assignment Submission
link on Stream. Do this no later than 12:00pm on Friday, 22 April 2016.
115.107 does not use the "submit for marking" button. This allows students to change and update
their assignment files up to the due date. If both files are visible on your screen as being in your
assignment folder, then they are considered submitted and ready for marking.
If for some reason you cannot submit your assignment using Stream, please contact the paper
coordinator before the due date to arrange an alternative way to submit your assignment. Your
inability to submit using Stream does not give you an automatic extension. Plan ahead so if there is a
problem you can still submit the assignment on time. Otherwise, late penalties will apply.
If you submit your assignment files incorrectly, so that the paper coordinator may need to ask you to
resubmit, the re-submission date will be counted as the actual submission date, and apply the late
submission penalty.
It is recommended that when using the assignment upload system you employ the feedback facilities
provided by the system. In particular, you should:
Download from the online submission system the files you submitted, and verify that they
are correct and not corrupted.
Before submission, and when verifying the submitted files, make use of the checklist
provided with the assignment.
Retain a copy of the assignment as a back-up.
Late submission and extensions
Extensions without penalty are granted in exceptional circumstances such as a personal illness or
family bereavement. It is understand that unforeseen circumstances might occur and we try to
accommodate these. In almost all cases, documentary evidence of your circumstances (e.g. doctor’s
or counsellor’s certificate) will be required. Please contact the paper coordinator as soon as possible
to negotiate a revised due date. All extensions will take into consideration the fact that you should
have been working on the assignment during the previous 4 weeks; so most extensions will be for a
very limited time.
Assignments submitted after the due date will go to the end of the marking queue. The later your
assignment is submitted, the longer it will take to return it to you.
Assignments arriving after the due date (unless an extension has been negotiated) are subject to a
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1-3 days late: deduction of 5 marks from your final mark in this paper (which corresponds to
20% of credits available for the assignment).
4-7 days late: deduction of 10 marks from your final mark in this paper (which corresponds to
40% of credits available for the assignment).
More than 7 days late: 0 marks for this assignment
A high quality assignment that would have received the full score of 25 marks if submitted by the
deadline would receive a score of 20 if submitted 2 days late, and it would receive only 15 marks if
submitted 6 days late.
If your assignment arrives after the cut-off date -- exactly one week after the submission deadline --
the assignment will not be marked and a score of zero marks will be recorded.
代写 Management Information Systems (115.107)