代写 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) assignment

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  • 代写 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) assignment

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Test 1

    Student number:
    You can delete the instructions below and write your answers under each question.


    Answer all 10 questionsaround 100-150 words each question. The word limit is a suggestion, not a strict limit, but please don’t write more thinking that quantity is quality.
    Each question will be given a mark of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 and summed for a possible total of 20 marks. Bear this in mind if you are fretting about the amount of content needed for each question. I will be looking for enough to give you 2 marks of a possible 2 for each question. Answers that are vague, restating the question, and not giving factual information will be difficult to award marks to.
    You should be able to draw on both lecture material and the compulsory readings in your answers. Don’t worry about formal referencing. We are just looking to make sure that you understand.
    Take care to put your answers in your own words. It’s very easy for assessors to cross check what you have written with the web and other students’ submissions, so be kind to yourself and rephrase material in your own words.
    If some of the questions below sound unfamiliar, it might be that they are drawn heavily from the readings, rather from the lecture content.
    The questions are roughly in order that they were dealt with during the week (intro, international, national, state).
    代写 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) assignment


    1. What have you learned about the political nature of EIA?
    1. What was the American environmental legislation of 1969/1970 that was so important for environmental impact assessment internationally? What were some of the reasons it had such an impact?
    1. What are some of the ways that a project might be modified through the EIA process? In this answer, concentrate on the benefits of EIA.
    1. What legislative protections are there for threatened species found on a proposed development site in Tasmania?
    1. What are some of the problems and advantages with having the developer responsible for preparing the EIA documents?
    1. Why is EIA especially challenging in developing countries?
    1. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Commonwealth of Australia’s responsibilities for EIA.
    1. What is a controlled action under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act 1999)? Use an example in your answer.
    1. What is a pioneer-type problem under federal EPBC Act (1999)?
    1. What is a Project of State Significance in Tasmania and what role does it play in the Tasmanian system?
    2. 代写 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) assignment