IT 作业代写 java VB .net C语言 assignment 代写
Facebook Questionnaire
IT 作业代写 java VB .net C语言 assignment 代写
(1) Do you currently have a Facebook account? Yes No
If No, why not? (a) Do not have regular computer access (b) Do not have time (c) Not
interested (d) Other
IT 作业代写 java VB .net C语言 assignment 代写
(2) Aside from Facebook, how many social networking sites do you currently use?____________
(If you do not have a Facebook account, please skip to the next questionnaire)
(3) On average, approximately how many minutes per day do you actively spend on Facebook
(posting and/or viewing material)? ____________
(4) How many Facebook friends do you currently have on your profile? ____________
(5) How often do you change your Facebook status or post on your own wall?
(a) More than once a day (b) Once a day (c) 2 or more times a week (d) Twice a month (e)
Once a month (d) Less than once a month (e) Less than once per year
(6) How often do you post on other people’s walls?
(a) More than once a day (b) Once a day (c) 2 or more times a week (d) Twice a month (e)
Once a month (d) Less than once a month (e) Less than once per year
(7) In the past year, approximately how many events have you attended that were coordinated
on Facebook?
IT 作业代写 java VB .net C语言 assignment 代写
(a) 0 (b) 1-4 (c) 5-10 (d) 11-20 (e) 21-30 (f) 31 or more
(8) How would you best describe the subject of the majority of your posts?
(a) Sharing your own personal experiences, including photos (b) Commenting on friends’
experiences (c) Sharing your views on topics which interest you (d) Sharing random material
(e.g., things you find on internet)
(9) If you wanted to get in touch with a friend, most of the time you would:
(a) Facebook them (b) Text them (c) Call them (d) Email them (e) Other
(10) Why do you like Facebook? (Choose the option that best describes your reason for using
(a) It is how I communicate with my current friends (b) It provides a distraction from my
work/study (c) It allows me to communicate with people from my past (d) It allows me to
collect or discuss information I am interested in (e) Other
(11) Out of all your social interactions, what proportion of them happen on Facebook?
(a) None (i.e., 0%)
(b) Some (i.e., 1-20%)
(c) Slightly less than half (i.e., 21-50%)
(d) Slightly more than half (i.e., 51-80%)
(e) Majority (i.e., 81-100%)
Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:
(12) If Facebook was shut down, it would make it hard for me to interact with others.
(a) Strongly disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly agree
(13) When I post something on Facebook, I monitor it closely to see how many people ‘like’ it or
respond to it.
(a) Strongly disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly agree
(14) I personally know most of the people who I interact with on Facebook.
(a) Strongly disagree (b) Disagree (c) Neutral (d) Agree (e) Strongly agree