Digger J Jones. Close Reading Literature assignment 代写
Assignment 2: Close Reading
This assignment requires you to perform a close reading of a passage from Digger J Jones. It is worth 40% of your marks for this unit.
A close reading, sometimes called an explication, is a very detailed examination of a passage from a text (or scene from a film). A close textual analysis of even a short extract will offer insights into the text as whole.
Undertake a close reading of the passage below. Ensure that you:
· Locate the passage in the context of the plot and themes of the novel as a whole;
· Explain how the narrative and language features of the excerpt are used to position the implied reader in relation to the protagonist and his experience of the politics of the 1967 Referendum and the Vietnam War, by drawing upon and applying aspects of narrative theory from Week 5
· Comment on the protagonist's struggle to reconcile his Indigenous culture and community with the dominant white culture around him, paying particular attention to the notions of hybridity, intersectionality and the representation of identity and history (key ideas from the unit materials for Weeks 6 and 7)
· Support your own original analysis with direct quotation from the relevant e-readings in your study guide and your own independent research (that is, at least one relevant, scholarly source you have found yourself in addition to those supplied for you in the Study Guide).
The close reading should be 1500 words long and written as an academic essay: it requires an introduction, a body of discussion based on evidence, proper citations, and a conclusion and reference list. Information about how to accurately cite material from the primary text (the novel) and secondary sources (e-readings etc.) and construct a list of references can be found at: Harvard Referencing Guide
The close reading should be uploaded to the Assignment 2 Dropbox on CloudDeakin on or before the due date. As for Assignment 1, students who wish to apply for an extension or Special Consideration must do so well in advance of the due date, and provide relevant supporting documentation. Work that is late will be penalised 5% of the overall mark per day overdue.
The passage
Saturday 4th February
The Letter
My big brother is dead. I wanna write him a letter.
Dear Paul,
Maybe you can see the tears on the page. I didn’t know you was overseas. I didn’t really know much about the war. Pop said you gave a good account of yourself. Dad just walked up and down. I never seen him drink before. He had a big talk to me, said I was the eldest now and I had to be more grown-up. Mum just sits there with your photo. The one from when you was a recruit.
All me mates want to know if you got a medal. I tell ’em of course you did.
They are gunna bring your body home next week. I heard the oldies talking about it. Uncle Tim said he’d get ‘em all digging the grave at Condah cemetery. Pop said him and Dad and the other uncles would escort you home. Everyone says you got to be buried at home.
I’m gunna ask Pop if I can escort you too.
I miss you.
Tuesday 7th February,
The army comes to my house
Dear Paulie,
The army came around, an old bloke and a young bloke, and they spoke to the adults. I hid behind the door so they couldn’t see me and listened. They reckon that your body will fly in tomorrow. After they left, Mum and Nan cried. Dad and Pop went outside smoking and I went with them. Dad cuddled me under the clothesline real hard until it hurt.
Pop brushed the hair out of my eyes and said that we’ll be taking you home tomorrow night. He said that I could go with him and Dad if I wanted.
I asked him where you had been and he said Vietnam. I asked him where that is and he said overseas in Asia. I still don’t know where it is.
From Digger
Source: Digger J. Jones, pp. 7-9.
Digger J Jones. Close Reading Literature assignment 代写
Learning Aims and Marking Criteria
The aim of this assignment is to assist students to:
· Evaluate their understanding of concepts and terms introduced to date;
· Practise skills in reading with a purpose;
· Develop greater critical awareness of how narrative and language strategies produce textual meaning;
· Use academic research and scholarship, supplied in the e-readings, to support well-informed analysis;
· Avoid writing based on impressions or uncritical literary appreciation.
When marking your close readings, the marker will assess your knowledge of:
· Digger J Jones as a whole, not just the extract supplied;
· Relevant literary terms and concepts that you apply to the texts;
· Academic citation and referencing conventions (Deakin Harvard) as applied to the primary sources (novels) and secondary sources (e-readings and other material you use).
Your marker will also assess your ability to:
· Perform a close analysis based on original thinking;
· Choose relevant evidence from the set text and critically engage with key ideas found in e-readings to support an interpretation;
· Produce a coherent and logically structured piece of writing with an introduction and conclusion, and correct spelling, punctuation and syntax;
· Complete the assessment task on time and within the prescribed word-length (no more than 10% more or less).
Digger J Jones. Close Reading Literature assignment 代写