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    ASSIGNMENT 2: Media Report
    Description: Individual written analysis of a media article
    The required length of the report is 1,500 words +/- 10% excluding the cover page and reference list (you must use at least 7 academic references to support your argument/analysis). Students will source a media article from the past ONE years on a cross cultural management topic, online or from any other media source like newspapers, magazines, radio or TV, and explain, discuss and critique how the article illustrates one or more theoretical principles of cross cultural management studies. News items are expected to be not more than 1,000 words, and must be included with the online assignment submission. Examples of media analysis reports are available on iLearn. While scanning for relevant articles online please use the chapter topics from your text book to identify appropriate articles.
    All assignments submitted for assessment must adhere to the following standards:
    1. Cover Page
    For each of the assignment, you must use a cover (or title) page that provides the following information:
    a) Your full name and student ID number;
    b) Contact details: email address;
    c) Your tutor's full name;
    d) Your tutorial day and time;
    e) Unit code and name;
    f) Assignment number and assignment title;
    g) An exact word count of the number of words in the body of your assignment. (Use Word’s Tools menu and click on Word Count.)
    2. Presentation of Assignments
    Assignments should meet normal academic and professional standards of presentation, including:
    a) All pages, excluding the cover page, should be numbered;
    b) Page margins should be 2.54 cm (default margin settings) on all four edges and double spaced;
    c) Times New Roman font type and font size of 12 points should be used;
    d) Assignments should be free of typographical and grammatical errors;
    e) Harvard referencing system should be used.
    3. Submission Procedure
    Students are required to submit their electronic copy of assessment to Turnitin via the Internet as part of the submission process for assignment. Your assignment will then be automatically compared to work of your classmates, previous students from Macquarie and other universities, with material available on the Internet, both freely available and subscription-based electronic journals.
    Before submission, name your electronic file in a Word document with the correct file name, that is, your TUTOR'S SURNAME first then YOUR SURNAME, then your student ID WITH ONLY AN UNDERSCORE FOR SPACING, e.g., WHITE_JONES_20141234. To avoid any potential plagiarism issues you or your group can submit the assignment more than once up to the due date.
    4. Important Note on Late Submission:
    No extensions will be granted. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission – 20% penalty). This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application for disruption of studies is made and approved. No submission will be accepted after solutions have been posted.
    5. Turnaround Time
    Assignment will be marked and returned in Week 9.
    Marking rubrics can be seen on iLearn.
    This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
    Become aware of the diversity of cultures and its implication as they relate to business management and demonstrate a consciousness of the intricacy of operating in the global market.
    Present a range of culture-based perspective concerning the need for social responsibility and ethical behaviour in multinational enterprises.
    Describe major cultural differences in views on strategy for international alliances, including controls, labour relations and management and a range of culture-based tactics for international negotiation.
    Develop critical thinking ability and problem solving skills through experiential learning activities and case studies.

    Dr Candy (Ying) Lu
    Teaching team
    Unit convenor and lecturer: Candy Lu
    Tutors: Fu Dai (2 tutorials)
    Cathy Xu (2 tutorials)
    Somi Alizadeh (2 tutorials)
    Candy Lu (1 tutorial)
    Graeme Taylor (1 tutorial)
    Contact details
    Lecturer: Dr Candy Lu
    Office: Room 345, E4A
    Phone: 9850 8518
    Consultation: Tue 2-3pm and by appointment
    Email correspondence
     Please contact your tutor first
     When sending emails to staff, please ensure that you include a
    clear “subject line” in your email.
     Messages sent to the Lecturers from generic (e.g. hotmail)
    addresses and with non-specific subject lines (e.g. “enquiry”,
    “important”, “urgent assistance”) stand the risk of being
    deleted as spam without having been read! Please use instead
    a clear indication that your email is genuine, e.g. “BBA340
    exam query”.
    Introduction to the unit
     Information about BBA340: assessment
     Learning goals and outcomes
     The content of the course
     Case study (tutorials) 30%
     Group case analysis report (1,500 +/- 10%) 15%
     Group presentation (40mins) 15%
     Individual report (due on 14 Apr 2017) 30%
     Submit to Turnitin in Week 7 (1,500 +/- 10%)
     Final exam (exam period) 40%
    Learning Goals
    Change behaviours
    Change attitudes
    Gain knowledge
    Active learning and experiential learning
    Unit Learning Outcomes
    1. Become aware of the diversity of cultures and its implication as they
    relateto business management and demonstrate a consciousness of
    the intricacy of operating in the global market.
    2. Present a range of culture-based perspective concerning the need for
    social responsibility and ethical behaviour in multinational
    3. Describe major cultural differences in views on strategy for
    international alliances, including controls, labour relations and
    management and a range of culture-based tactics for international
    4. Develop critical thinking ability and problem solving skills through
    experiential learning activities and case studies.
    5. Effectively collaborate as a group to reach a collective goal.
    Content of the Unit
     Please refer to the Unit Guide
     13 lectures : chapters, videos & student activities/discussions
     Attend all lectures if possible
     12 tutorials : case studies, presentations, & discussions
     Must attend atleast 80% of the tutorials
     Attend only the tutorial allocated to you
     Tutorials will begin in Week 2
    Resources and Readings
     Prescribed text:
     Richard Steers, Luciara Nardon & Carlos Sanchez-Runde,
    Australasian edition, 2016: Management Across
    Cultures. Published by Cambridge University Press.
    ISBN: 9781316604359 .
    It would be
    appreciated if
    phones and music be
    turned off
    during lectures and
    Class Etiquette
     Please act in a professional manner at all times.
     Please do not speak while others are speaking or
    have conversations during lectures.
     Please respect other students opinions.
     Please be courteous when you enter and leave the
    classroom. Please leave at appropriate times only,
    particularly if a guest is speaking or a student
    (group) is presenting.
    Malcolm Gladwell
    Outliers: The Story of Success
    The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes
    Interview :
    Why Koreans Don't Make the
    Best Pilots (3:52 mins)
     Korean culture may offer clues in Asiana crash
     Blogger Completely Dismantles Malcolm Gladwell Theory Connecting
    Korean Culture To Plane Crashes
    Week 1
    The challenges of international management
    (Chapters 1&2)
     LO1: Globalisation and internationalisation
     LO2: Defining international organisations
     LO3: Challenges of international management
     LO4: External environment (Rules of the game set
    by each country)
    What you will learn
    Globalisation and internationalisation (LO1)
    “… is the inexorable integration of
    markets, capital, nation-states,
    and technologies in ways that
    allow individuals, groups,
    corporations and countries to
    reach around the world farther,
    faster, deeper and cheaper than
    ever before.”
    Steers, Nardon, & Sanchez-Runde (2013:13-16)
    is the process of a business crossing
    national and cultural borders
    • Increased complexity
    • More ambiguity
    • Heightened uncertainty
    • Greater competition

    Defining international organisations (LO2)
     International firms are importers and exporters, they
    have no direct investment outside of their home country
     The multinational corporation (MNC) is a company
    with significant direct foreign investment in at least one
    foreign nation other than its home country and it has
    actual management responsibility for those foreign
    operations. (Examples?)
    International management is the practice of
    managing business operations in more than one
    Defining international organisations (Cont’d)
     A global organisation is characterized by
    having integrated systems of international
    operations and management that bind the
    company together as an interdependent endeavour.
     A transnational corporation (TNC) is
    described as a “globally integrated” organisation,
    which is a multinational, yet distinct in its
    expansive interests; its pervasive markets and
    transactions; and its interdependent management
    Challenges of international management (LO3)
     Contingency role of the
    international manager
     Rules of the game set by each
     Political and economic agenda
     Legal and regulatory
     Technological environment
     Socio-cultural factors
    Video: The Key Challenges of a Global Manager
    The contingency role of the international manager
     Planning
     implement strategy, decision-
     Leading
     effective interpersonal relations
     Organising
     coordinating the workforce
     Controlling
     managing the interdependent
    relationship between the firm
    and the host country
    Rules of the game set by each country (LO4)
     Political and economic
     Legal and regulatory
     Technological
     Socio-cultural norms
    Political and economic agenda
     Political Risk
     The extent to which actions of a country or its people may
    affect the viability of a firm.
     Types of Political Risk
     Macro-political risk: affects all foreign firms doing
    business in a country or region
     Micro-political risk: affects a particular firm, project, or
    Political and economic agenda (cont’d)
    Occurs when a government forces the transfer
    of ownership from private to state control
    Occurs when a government compensates a
    company after nationalizing its assets
    The principle that no nation has the right to
    challenge the internal actions of another state,
    if that state has proceeded justly
    When nationalization of foreign firms occurs
    with little or no compensation offered
    Political/Economic Environment Risk
    Figure 2.4 A Method for Rating Political Risk across Countries
    Political and economic agenda (cont’d)
    2015 terrorism and political violence map
    Legal and regulatory environment
     Confusion and challenge for the MNC due to many
    different laws and regulations in global business
     MNCs must carefully evaluate legal framework in
    each market before doing business
    Legal and regulatory environment (cont’d)
    • Common law
    • Pastcourt decisions act as precedents to the interpretation of the law
    and to common custom
    • The UK, Australia, NZ, USA and 25 other countries of English origin
    or influence ruled by common law
    • Civil law
    • Interpreted by reference to codes and statutes
    • About 70 countries, predominantly in Europe (e.g. France and
    Germany), are ruled by civil law, as is Japan.
    • Islamic law
    • Dominant legal system in Muslim countries
    • Based on religious beliefs
    • Combines civil, common, and indigenous law
    Legal and regulatory environment (cont’d)
    Technological environment
    Internet censorship
    Top ten national internet censors (2015)
    • North Korea
    • Burma (Union of Myanmar)
    • Cuba
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Iran
    • China
    • Syria
    • Tunisia
    • Vietnam
    • Turkmenistan
     China probably has the most
    sophisticated censorship system
    in the world, “the great firewall"
     The government can block all
    websites it considers unfriendly.
     Google had to quit ...
    Socio-cultural norms
     Attitudes toward managers
     Perceptions of authority
     Inter-organizational cooperation
     Attitudes toward achievement and work
     Class structure and individual mobility
     Attitudes toward wealth and material gain
     Attitudes toward scientific management
     ……
     The dangers of doing business overseas
     Fatburger CEO Andy Wiederhorn on why the company
    has expanded overseas despite the risks.
     Step 1 – Form a group with the people raised in
    geographical areas closest to you (no larger than 5
     Step 2 – Introduce yourself and where you are from
     Step 3 – Discuss the following questions:
     What factors does a company need to consider if it wants to
    expand business in your home country? (e.g.,
    cultural/social/political/legal/economic/technological factors? )
    And why?
    Group discussion
    Reminder for Week 2
     Lecture - Chapter 8 : International ethics and social
     Tutorial – case study: Hollywood
     Please read the case before the tutorial
     You can find the case on iLearn