Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations 代写
Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations 代写
Assessment 2: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy (20%)
750 Words (+/- 10%)
Due Date: Week 8, Tuesday 2 May 2017 @5:00pm AEDT
Late Submission Penalty: If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension
from the Unit Chair, a marking penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day
for up to five days. If the assessment is submitted more than five days after the due date it will
not be marked and will be awarded zero (0%) for the task.
Students who submit their assessment on time will be provided with written feedback and marks
on CloudDeakin by Tuesday 16 May 2017 @ 5:00pm AEDT.
Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations 代写
Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations (30%)
1000 Words (+/- 10%)
Due Date: Week 11, Tuesday 23 May 2017 @5:00pm AEDT
Late Submission Penalty: If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension
from the Unit Chair, a marking penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day
for up to five days. If the assessment is submitted more than five days after the due date it will
not be marked and will be awarded zero (0%) for the task.
Students who submit their assessment on time will be provided with written feedback and marks
on CloudDeakin by Tuesday 6 June 2017 @ 5:00pm AEDT.
Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations 代写