MCD2110- Buyer Behaviour 莫纳什 assignment 代写
MCD2110- Buyer Behaviour 莫纳什 assignment 代写
Monash College 1
MCD2110- Buyer Behaviour
Assignment 1
Status: Group task (3-4 people)
Weighting: 15%
Word Limit: 2500 maximum. This word count does not cover the reference list,
executive summary nor any appendices.
You are required to provide the word count of your assignment on your Title page.
Marks will be deducted if the maximum length is exceeded.
Due Date: Week 7, Monday 5pm (online submission-Clayton Campus-Important:
one member submits only once)
Background information: Structured business report with sub-headings.
This assignment aims to introduce you to the concepts of consumer behaviour. The
focus of this assignment is on the broad internal individual characteristics of the
consumers in the market for your selected offering.
Consumers are different and may display different inner characteristics relating to
their needs, motivation, knowledge, perception, and learning in relation to the same
product or service.
Marks available
Task Components % of Available
Executive Summary 5%
Introduction 5 %
Develop a profile of one segment for each
company. You might include some brief
demographic, behavioural and psychographic
characteristics (not more than 100 words for the
segment). You could use a table.
Discuss the broader, inner characteristics/differences
between two segments .
Hint 1: look for brands and therefore
segments that are different rather than
Hint 2: Each topic should be one heading in
your assignment. You could also use
Motivation, risks, resources/ability and
opportunity (10%)
Unit Outline | MCD2110 Buyer Behaviour |
©Monash College 2
Exposure, Attention, Perception (10%)
Memory and Knowledge (10%)
Attitudes formation and change (10%)
(Chapters 2-6)
Recommendations 10%
Conclusion 10%
Quality of references (use of academic
references ) and in-text use
Layout / Formatting / Spelling / Grammar 10%
Total 100%
Assignment Requirements:
In relation to the assigned product category (below) select two brands that relate to
your product category. After developing a brief profile for each segment, outline the
broader inner characteristics of the consumers in the market for your two selected
brands or selected lines within the brand category. You will then discuss, compare and
contrast how the consumers of your two selected brands may differ in terms of their
inner characteristics
Product categories are:
• International or local dairy brand
• Local hospital
• International or local car manufacturer
• International or local charity
This report is designed to help you recognise the variability (differences) among
consumers and how different brands appeal to different consumers. Recommendations
should include two areas for improvement for each selected company.
Within your conclusion section, you could address how marketers use the knowledge
of these inner characteristics to make marketing related decisions (e.g.,. decisions
relating to product design, persuasive communication, etc.).
Reference list:
• It is expected that you will provide at least 15 references that are a
combination of journals, periodicals, newspaper and magazines, web sites and
• You may also reference specific brand advertisements to support your
arguments. This will require that you append copies of these materials to the
back of your assignment. You must cite the sources for each advertisement.
You must also label the advertisements very clearly. You can do this by
Unit Outline | MCD2110 Buyer Behaviour |
©Monash College 3
MCD2110- Buyer Behaviour 莫纳什 assignment 代写
placing each advertisement into a separate appendix. In the body of your essay
you will refer the reader to this Appendix (eg. “See Appendix 1.”)
Assignment Cover Sheets
Clayton Campus only: Turnitin submission does not require Assessment declaration
sheet as per instructions on Moodle.
Other campuses:
No assignment will be accepted or marked if it is not accompanied by a signed
Assignment Cover Sheet.
Return of Marked Assignments
Assignments will be returned in the same way as submitted. Make sure to read all
comments and request more feedback if needed.
MCD2110- Buyer Behaviour 莫纳什 assignment 代写