Understanding the influences on a consumer’s buying behaviour
Assignment 2: Understanding the influences on a consumer’s buying behavior
Length: 1,800 – 2,000 words
This assignment continues on from Assignment 1. The aim of this assignment is to understand the buying influences on a consumer when they purchase a particular product and use this information to identify the implications to marketing.
The assignment is in two parts.
Part (i) – primary and secondary research (1,400 words)
You are to analyse the internal and external influences of a consumer who purchased the product that you discussed in Assignment 1.
In order to complete your analysis you will need to research the information available, including collecting marketing intelligence, and any other relevant resources (like the research you gathered in Assignment 1).
If you have access to the consumers from Assignment 1 you are free to interview them again to assist in providing further information for this assignment. If you don’t have access to the interviewees again, use evidence from the organisation’s marketing collateral or information from credible sources to assist in answering the question.
Credible sources can include journal articles, media reports, qualitative information gained from Assignment 1 and industry information.
Using this information: