La Trobe Business School |
Subject Learning Guide
Study Period 1
Dr Robert Bai
Table of Contents
Subject Details 3
For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to: 6
http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/get-involved/speak-up/subjects-teaching 6
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines 6
Academic Integrity 6
Special Circumstance Processes 8
Special Consideration 8
Assessment submission 10
Assessment review and re-mark 11
Study Period Dates 12
Schedule of Learning Activities 12
Session Plan 12
Learning Activity Details 14
Student Learning Unit (SL) 14
Learning Management System (LMS) 14
Library 14
Student Support Services 15
Additional Support 15
Assessment and Feedback Details 16
Subject Details
Subject Code: |
Subject Title: |
Teaching Period: |
Study Period 1 |
Location(s): |
Sydney |
Credit Points: |
15 |
Mode: |
On Campus |
Level: |
3 |
Prerequisites: |
Co-requisites: |
N/A |
Incompatibles: |
N/A |
Assumed Skills & Knowledge: |
N/A |
Special Study Requirements: |
N/A |
Role |
Campus |
Name |
Email |
Lecturer |
Sydney |
Dr Robert Bai |
[email protected] |
Business managers request, purchase, assess and use market research to make a wide number of informed decisions. To be able to do this competently, they need to know what market research can provide, what research methods are appropriate for different types of problems, and how results should be interpreted. The aim of this subject is to give you the knowledge and skills, as either a future business manager or a market research practitioner, to make intelligent decisions in your specification, evaluation, and application of marketing research.
<<Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to:>> |
1 |
By the end of this semester, students should be able to identify marketing problems and translate them into research questions for marketing in the context of Business |
2 |
By the end of this semester, students should be able to write a research proposal for organisations in the context of Business |
3 |
By the end of this semester, students should be able to write a questionnaire for organisations in the context of Business |
4 |
By the end of this semester, students should be able to write a research report for organisations in the context of Business |
5 |
By the end of this semester, students should be able to apply SPSS program for marketing in the context of Business |
The following Graduate Capabilities (GCs) are evaluated in this subject: |
GC |
GC Point |
a |
Writing |
Produce a sustained written argument supported by evidence
Present clear, concise and well-structured prose appropriate to the task
Write appropriately for a variety of professional and academic contexts |
b |
Inquiry/Research |
Identify, monitor and manage own learning needs
Seek and make effective use of feedback and reflective practice to inform future professional development
Demonstrate skills to appropriately locate, use & evaluate marketing and other relevant information with minimal guidance
Carry out effective and accurate evidence-based research in order to defend an academic or professional opinion |
c |
Creative Problem Solving/Synthesis |
Autonomously undertake systematic, effective and critical analysis
Effectively identify and define complex problems
Identify key elements of problems and apply appropriate methods to resolve them |
d |
Information literacy |
Able to integrate and utilise an appropriate range of research methods
Use a range of resources and tools to locate and manage relevant information |
e |
Ethical Awareness |
Identify and appropriately respond to contextual needs in a diverse & globally oriented society
Undertake all work recognising ethical implications including individual & corporate social responsibility
Identify and address issue of sustainability across a range of contexts in the field of marketing |
Learning Activity: |
Schedule |
Lecture: Introduction to Marketing Research (Ch.1) |
Week 1 |
Tutorial: No tutorial in the first week |
Week 1 |
Lecture: Describing the Marketing Research Industry (Ch.2) |
Week 2 |
Tutorial: Introduction: expectations and assessment, SPSS Exercise 1 |
Week 2 |
Lecture: Explaining the Marketing Research Process (Ch.3) |
Week 3 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 2: Preparing SPSS files and entering data |
Week 3 |
Lecture: Objectives Understanding Research Design (Ch.4) |
Week 4 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 3: Data screening, cleaning and transformation |
Week 4 |
Lecture: Using Secondary Data and Online Information (Ch.5) |
Week 5 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 4: Descriptive statistics |
Week 5 |
Lecture: Qualitative Research Techniques (Ch.6) |
Week 6 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 5: Testing Hypothesis/Research Proposal and questionnaire due |
Week 6 |
Lecture: Evaluating Survey Data Collection Methods and Understanding Measurement, Developing Questions, and Designing Questionnaire (Ch.7&8) |
Week 7 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 6: Testing for Differences |
Week 7 |
Lecture: Selecting Sample and Determining the Size of a Sample (Ch.9&10) |
Week 8 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 7: Testing for Association |
Week 8 |
Lecture: Dealing with Field Work and Data Quality Issues (Ch.11) |
Week 9 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 8: Predictive Analysis Using Multiple Regressions |
Week 9 |
Lecture: Using Basic Descriptive Analysis, Performing Population Estimates and Testing Hypothesis, and Implementing Basic Differences Tests (Ch.12 and 13) |
Week 10 |
Tutorial: Data Entry from the research project |
Week 10 |
Lecture: Making use of Associations Tests and Understanding Regression Analysis Basics (Ch.14 and 15) |
Week 11 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 9: Reliability Analysis |
Week 11 |
Lecture: The Research Report(Ch.16) and Subject revision |
Week 12 |
Tutorial: SPSS Exercise 10: Working with the SPSS Output/Research report due |
Week 12 |
Further information is available at
Assessment Tasks: |
Due Date |
GCs |
% |
Comments |
Data Collection (DC)/ Data Entry (DE) |
DC (Week 7-8); DE (week 9) |
1,4,5 |
a,b |
5 |
5 respondents per student |
SPSS Tutorial exercise |
Every week |
1,2,5 |
a,b,d,e |
10 |
Research Proposal (team-based, 3-5 students) |
Week 6 |
1,2,3,4,5 |
a,b,c,d,e |
10 |
2,500 words |
Research Report (team-based, 3-5 students) |
Week 11 |
1,2,3,4,5 |
a,b,c,d,e |
25 |
4,500 words |
Final Examination (2 hours) |
Exam period |
1,4,5 |
a,c,d,e |
50 |
15’ reading time |
Reading Type |
Title |
Author and Year |
Publisher |
Textbook |
Marketing Research (7th edition) |
Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle Rvr |
Textbook |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows |
Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
John Wiley & Sons, Australia |
Textbook |
Questionnaire Design and Administration |
Frazer, L. and Lawley, M. (2000) |
John Wiley & Sons, Australia |
The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. The surveys are anonymous, and you will be invited to participate via an email sent to your account during the survey period.
For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to:
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere. You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following:
· Academic Integrity
· Academic Progress
· Assessment and Feedback
· Extension to Submission Dates
· Late Submission of Assessment Tasks
· Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS]
· Privacy
· Special Consideration
· Student Charter
· Use of Electronic Mail
The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at:
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract:
Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating.
Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6)
Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at:
For assistance with referencing visit
Academic Misconduct
Plagiarism and collusion are academic offences. They are forms of cheating and severe penalties are associated with them. If a student is caught plagiarising they may be failed in that piece of assessment.
Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as their own another student’s work, or copies without acknowledgment of its authorship, the work of any other person.
Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work.
The following warning is issued by the University (
Undergraduate Course Handbook: 2015. You can access the Handbook at:
“One form of academic cheating is plagiarism: the reproduction of someone else’s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgment. There are many forms of plagiarism, including the following:
· direct copying of sentences, paragraphs or other extracts from someone else’s published work (including on the Internet and in software) without acknowledging the source
· paraphrasing someone else’s words without acknowledging the source
· using facts and information derived from a source without acknowledging it
· using ideas directly derived from an identifiable author without acknowledging the source
· producing assignments which should be the student’s own, independent work in collaboration with and/or using the work of other people (e.g. a student or tutor).”
Plagiarism and copying the work of other students are forms of cheating and will be treated accordingly. Students found guilty of academic misconduct may receive penalties ranging from a requirement to participate in academic counselling or a reduction in marks for an individual piece of assessment for minor cases, through to suspension from your course in serious cases or repeat offences.
Whenever you refer to another person’s research or ideas (whether directly quoting or by paraphrasing them) you MUST acknowledge the source. Also, copying paragraphs from web pages and presenting them as your own work is plagiarism. If you download and copy paragraphs from a web page, you must identify the source.
La Trobe University Sydney Campus will provide plagiarism detection software (Turnitin) to assist both staff and students with the identification of instances where work intended for submission or actually submitted is inappropriately copied from another source either in whole or in part.
To ensure that you are not guilty of plagiarism you must, in all your written assignments, declare all sources from which you have obtained materials or ideas.
Further explanations for ‘academic misconduct’ and for ‘plagiarism’ are available at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/academic-integrity
It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they are aware of relevant academic requirements (e.g., accurate and correct referencing), and to seek assistance from staff where required. The above policy links provide relevant information about plagiarism, academic misconduct, and penalties that may apply.
Support and advice with respect to the writing of essays/assignments is available through the La Trobe University Sydney Campus Writing Support Workshop.
Plagiarism detection and prevention software (e.g., Turnitin) is used to aid in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism in written assignments.
Examination Misconduct
This may take various forms, for example:
· Bringing into an examination forbidden material (notes) or gaining access to such material during an examination (e.g. by communication via mobile phone with another person, planting material in a toilet, speaking or using hand gestures to communicate with others, etc).
· Copying from an adjacent student in a formal examination.
· Gaining knowledge of or revealing content of an examination in a circumstance in which a student has taken the examination earlier or later than the scheduled time.
Any form of misconduct in an exam will be treated as a serious offence and students will face severe penalties. Where the intent of the student is to cheat they will receive zero marks for their exam.
Should an examination invigilator suspect a student of engaging in examination misconduct, they shall normally allow the student to complete the examination. They will complete an incident report, attach any relevant evidence, and submit it to the Academic Director within 72 hours of the date of the exam. The Academic Director will notify the student of the alleged misconduct in writing via email and give the student an opportunity to submit their case. The student shall then be notified of the outcome in writing via email. Please note, some exams are open book. If you see somebody using notes, this is not an invitation for you to also take out notes. If an exam is an open book exam, it will be clearly stated on the front page.
Special Circumstance Processes
Special consideration may be provided when a student completes a piece of assessment (for example a class test, assignment or an examination) and the student believes there have been adverse circumstances affecting their performance.
Problems, Who to see for help
Challenges and difficulties in a variety of circumstances are not unusual during the years of university studies. If you are feeling pressure about anything, in the first instance, see a
Student Services Officer ([email protected]) who will give you some direction. If your problem is subject specific, and if your challenges and difficulties are seen to need other input, they will help you with a referral to another section of the University such as the on-campus Psychologist.
If there are permanent or ongoing issues that may affect study, further information is available at the below links (note that registration for equity provisions must be completed before census date each study period).
Special Consideration
Special Consideration is an equity measure to ensure that the assessment of students takes account of temporary adverse circumstances that impact negatively on individual students’ ability to demonstrate their learning achievements in an assessed task.
If you consider that your performance during an examination has been adversely affected by illness or other cause immediately prior to, or in the course of, the examination, you may in the first instance; inform the supervisor at any time during the examination.
Students who consider that their performance in an assessed task was adversely affected by compelling or compassionate circumstances may apply to the University for Special Consideration. It is not a substitute for knowledge or skills you should have learned, and because of this you will not be granted special consideration for your performance throughout a study period.
Important Notes
· University Special Consideration Eligibility and links to the online application can be found
· Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration.
· An application for special consideration does not guarantee that you will be granted a special examination or an adjustment to your results. Each application will be reviewed on an individual basis.
· In most cases, you will NOT be given a second opportunity to sit an examination as a result of an application for special consideration. The approval of second examinations is only in extraordinary cases.
· If you do not submit your application on the Application for Special Consideration online, then your application will not be considered.
· If your application does not contain all of the information requested including the required supporting documentation, then your application will not be considered.
· If your application is not submitted within the required time frame (72 hours) after the due date of the assessed task, then your application will not be considered.
· The confirmation of lodgement email you receive once you complete your application must be forwarded to
[email protected]
· Should you apply for Special Consideration during the final exam period due to unavoidable illness, or experience other extraordinary circumstances that prevent you from sitting an exam, your attendance and progress in the unit will also be taken into account with your application.
· To be considered eligible for Special Consideration you will need to have attended a minimum of 80% of your classes and have achieved results that prove you have the ability to pass the final exam for that subject. Providing a valid medical certificate and not meeting these requirements will significantly disadvantage your application.
Who should apply for special consideration?
· A student who is unable to sit an examination due to illness or other cause.
· A student who considers that his or her performance in an assessed task has been adversely affected by illness or other cause immediately prior to the due date of the assessed task.
· Requests for special consideration must be for serious circumstances beyond the control of the student and will usually fall within the following causes:
- Serious illness or psychological condition – e.g. hospital admission, serious injury, severe illness, severe anxiety, or depression (not on-going conditions)
- Loss or bereavement – e.g. death of a close family member
- Hardship/trauma – e.g. victim of crime, sudden loss of income or employment, family relationship breakdown, severe disruption to domestic arrangements.
What documentation should be included with the application?
If your application relates to illness on your part, it must be accompanied by a medical certificate which has been completed by a registered medical practitioner. The following principles will apply in the evaluation of applications involving medical certificates:
· The medical certificate must be completed by a registered medical practitioner. The best way to ensure that this is the case is to ensure the certificate includes a Medicare Provider Number. (This is normally a 5 or 6-digit number followed by 2 letters). Certificates that do not include a Provider Number are not likely to be accepted
· The medical certificate must state that in the medical practitioner’s opinion you were or will be unfit to attend an assessment component or have been or will be adversely affected by illness. Medical certificates in which the medical practitioner reports that you claim to be unwell will not be accepted
· The medical certificate must cover the date on which the assessment is held
· Backdated medical certificates will not be accepted
If you are unable to complete an assessment component or your study is adversely affected due to a non-medical reason, you are encouraged to provide as much documentary evidence as you can to support your application. This should be objective evidence from an independent source. Documentation may include a death notice or certificate, a police report, a letter from an employer, a current letter from La Trobe University Sydney Campus Psychologist. If you have questions or concerns about documentation, see your Administration on your campus for advice. Students can contact
[email protected] with queries about documentation.
What outcomes are possible?
Applications will be assessed and will be assigned one of the following outcomes:
· reschedule an Assessment Task; or
· set a substitute Assessment Task; or
· allow extra time to complete an Assessment Task; or
· award a Reasonable Adjustment of Mark for the Assessment Task or subject for which Special Consideration is sought; or
· a formal Special Examination; or
· decide that there are insufficient grounds for the award of Special Consideration.
How will you know the outcome of your application?
The decision will be emailed to your
La Trobe University email address which is accessible via login in http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/. Please check your email for outcomes.
The following circumstances are not normally matters covered by special consideration:
· If you need support because of a disability, mental health issue, or ongoing medical condition, this is not normally a matter for special consideration. For this type of long-term assistance, contact Student Services to book an appointment with the La Psychologist as soon as you become aware of the need for assistance (and as early in the study period as possible)
· If you have timetable clashes, exams scheduled close together, or more than the usual number of exams because you have been allowed to overload your enrolment, you will not be eligible for special consideration
· Special consideration will not be granted to accommodate travel plans, attendance at social events such as weddings, visits with relatives/friends or any discretionary activities
· Special consideration will not be granted because of avoidable issues related to visa requirements.
Assessment submission
Assignments must be submitted by 5.00pm Sydney time on the day they are due through the La Trobe University Sydney Campus Student Portal
Generally, any assignment worth 5 percent or more of the total mark requires the use of the Assessment Cover Sheet downloadable from the La Trobe University Sydney Campus Student Portal (to be uploaded with your assignment). Re-occurring assessment submitted during tutorial, or any assignments with less than 5 percent of the total marks may not require the use of the Assessment Cover Sheet but it is highly recommended that the cover sheet is used at all times for all submissions
Any assignment worth 10 percent or more of the total mark requires the use of the Statement of Authorship form to be uploaded with your assignment
Assignment Submission
La Trobe University Sydney Campus uses the popular plagiarism prevention technology ‘Turnitin’. This means that, if your assignment is essay-based, it must be submitted to ‘Turnitin’. Your Lecturer may still ask you to hand in a hard copy, but a soft copy must be uploaded and submitted via La Trobe University Sydney Campus student portal.
Students must keep a copy of each assignment submitted and must be able to produce the copy in the unlikely event that the original assignment is misplaced. Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work. Electronic loss of data is possible, but is not a satisfactory excuse for an extension of a submission date.
Late Submission
There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time.
Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:
For equity and consistency it is essential that all Lecturers adhere strictly to due dates and apply the policy for late assignments uniformly.
Late assessments will be penalised by having 10% subtracted for each working day after the submission date (including weekends). Assignments received after five working days, and without an approved extension, will receive 0%.
Extensions can only be given on medical grounds (a medical certificate is required) or compassionate grounds, and cannot be granted because of work commitments. Request for extension must be submitted with supporting documents. Extension will not be granted if a request is made after the due date.
Extension requests accompanied by a medical certificate are granted in the following manner:
· The number of days covered by the medical certificate will be used as a basis for granting the extension. For example, if a medical certificate covers 2 working days, the student will be granted with a 2-day extension
· This will only apply if the medical certificate covers a period of 3-work days prior to the due date. For example, if the due date is Friday 5 September 2008, only medical certificate that covers the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday prior to Friday 5 September 2008 will be considered
· Extension request on compassionate ground will be granted at the discretion of the lecturers and/or the Academic Manager.
Late submission penalty applies to assignments submitted after the approved extension period.
In rare and extenuating circumstances a student may not be able to sit the mid-study period test because of illness or misadventure. In such circumstances the student should apply by filling out the Special Consideration form and submitting it to Student Services
[email protected] within 72 hours after the exam. The form must include all circumstances pertaining to the test, and supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificates), should be attached. The application will be reviewed, and the student will be informed of the outcome.
Assessment review and re-mark
Internal Assessment
Your lecturer/tutor is your first point of contact. If you are still unsatisfied with the explanation from your lecturer/tutor, you can then submit a request to the Academic Manager. In your request, you
must include the following information
Confirmation that you have discussed the paper with your lecturer/tutor
The outcome of that discussion
A clear statement of the reasons for requesting a re-mark; those reasons must provide grounds for believing that the original assessment was not fair and reasonable; merely desiring a higher mark or grade, or adverse circumstances during assessment will not be accepted as grounds for a re-mark
Please note that requests which do not address the point above will not be accepted. The request must be received within a week from the date the internal assessment is returned to the student. The Academic Manager will make a decision on your request and this decision is final.
Final Examination
1. A review request must be emailed to
[email protected] within 5 days of official results release.
2. A copy of your exam script is then forwarded to your Lecturer. You will be given a 10 minute review session at a time organised with the Lecturer. They will explain the reasons behind the marks you have been awarded. You will have the opportunity to check the addition of marks and to look at your paper, but you are not permitted to keep a copy of your exam script. The Lecturer will summarise the review in a report.
3. A re-mark request can only be submitted after a review has been conducted.
4. Requests for re-marks will follow guidelines stated in the La Trobe University policy.
5. In order to request a re-mark, students at La Trobe University Sydney Campus will be required to:
a) Email
[email protected] in a
new email from your student email account titled Request for Re-mark +[ Subject Code ] + Student ID e.g.:
Request for Re-mark MGT1FOM - WEDX1314/1869999
b) Your email must include the date you had a review of your final exam and the full name of lecturer who conducted it.
c) Explain why you should be granted a re-mark, providing any relevant evidence. As per the published procedure, a student may request a re-mark of an assessable piece of work only on the grounds that the original assessment:
· was biased; or
· failed to follow the published assessment criteria or grading scheme for the assessment task.
6. Evidence must be provided to support the claims made.
7. Emails must be received by Academic within 10 days of your review. Requests that do not meet the criteria stated will not be accepted.
8. Your request will be assessed, and you will be informed as to whether or not your request for a re-mark has been successful. Should your request be successful, this simply means that your paper is eligible to be re-marked, not that your mark will change to a higher mark. It will then be up to a marker as to whether or not there will be a change in the mark or grade; should a lower mark or grade be awarded, your original result will stand.
9. If a re-mark is granted, you will be informed via email of the outcome.
10. If, at the end of this process, you are still not satisfied with the mark that you have been awarded, then you may appeal the decision to the La Trobe University Sydney Appeals
[email protected], and finally, the Faculty Ombudsman.
Study Period Dates
Week 1 |
29 Feb |
Week 2 |
7 March |
Week 3 |
14 March |
Week 4 |
21 March |
Study Period Break 25 March– 1April |
Week 5 |
4 April |
Week 6 |
11 April |
Week 7 |
18 April |
Week 8 |
25 April (ANZAC Day 25 April) |
Week 9 |
2 May |
Week 10 |
9 May |
Week 11 |
16 May |
Week 12 |
23 May |
Study Vacation period30 May – 5Jun |
Exams |
6 - 18 June |
Results Released |
4 July 2016 (TBC) |
Schedule of Learning Activities
Session Plan
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Activity |
Assessment % |
Resources |
GCs |
1 |
Intro to MR (Ch.1) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
1 |
A,b |
2 |
MR Industry (Ch.2) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
1 |
B |
2 |
Intro and SPSS exercise 1 |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
B,c |
3 |
MR Process (Ch.3) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
1,2 |
B,c |
3 |
Preparing SPSS files |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
B,c |
4 |
Res. Design (Ch.4) |
Lecture |
Questionnaire Design and Administration, Frazer, L. and Lawley, M. (2000) |
1,2,3 |
B,c,d,e |
4 |
Data screening, cleaning and transformation |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
C,d |
5 |
Secondary data (Ch.5) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
1,2 |
C,d |
5 |
Descriptive statistics |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
C,d |
6 |
Qual. Research (Ch.6) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
1,2,3,4,5 |
C,d,e |
6 |
Testing Hypothesis |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
1,2,3,4,5 |
C,d |
7 |
Ch.7 and Ch. 8 |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
5 |
C,d |
7 |
Testing for differences |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
C,d |
8 |
Sampling (Ch.9&10) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
4,5 |
C,d |
8 |
Testing for association |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
4,5 |
C,d,e |
9 |
Data Quality (Ch.11) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
4,5 |
C,d,e |
9 |
Data Entry
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
4,5 |
C,d |
10 |
Des. Analysis (Ch. 12&13) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
4,5 |
C,d |
10 |
Predictive analysis |
Tutorial |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
A,b,c |
11 |
Association & Regression (Ch.14&15) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
5 |
C,d |
11 |
Reliability analysis |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
C,d |
12 |
Res. Report and Revision (Ch.16) |
Lecture |
Marketing Research (7th edition), Burns, A.C and Bush, R.F (2014) |
4,5 |
A,b |
12 |
Working with SPSS output |
Tutorial |
1 |
SPSS Analysis Without Anguish: Version 18 for Windows, Coakes, S.J and Steed, L.G (2011) |
5 |
D |
30/5 – 2/6 |
6/6 - 18/6 |
Learning Activity Details
Times and rooms are subject to change. To view the full time and location details for learning activities in this subject, please ensure you seek further information available at
You should also regularly check [at least once per week] the subject’s LMS site
(where applicable) for updated information.
Student Learning Unit (SL)
The Student Learning Unit (SL) works closely with teaching staff in the Schools and on the Melbourne and regional campuses to ensure that all La Trobe students – including those from non-English-speaking backgrounds – develop high-level academic speaking, writing, reading, and numeracy skills required for successful learning in their courses. For further information, please see the website at:
Learning Management System (LMS)
The Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet based system which allows you access to learning materials and to interact with other students and teaching staff in activities related to your studies from any location with Internet access. Most subjects have a LMS site into which you are automatically added as part of your enrolment into the subject.
The LMS Sydney Campus can be accessed at:
http://learning.auscampus.net by using your Username and Password provided to you during Orientation.
The LMS can be accessed at:
https://www.latrobe.edu.au/lms/login/by using your Username and Password provided to you on your
Statement of Account. If you are having trouble accessing the LMS or want to find out more about LMS, please see the website at:
The Library has many valuable physical and online learning resources that can help you with your study. On campus students should get to know the physical Library environment by going on a Library Tour. All students should get familiar with the Library website where online resources include:
· LibGuides [
http://latrobe.libguides.com/index.php] – providing specific discipline and subject guides;
· LibSkills [
http://latrobe.libguides.com/libskills] – to teach you library research and information literacy skills;
· LibChat [
http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/] - a library discussion forum allowing you to chat with a Librarian;
· Academic Referencing Modules [
http://latrobe.libguides.com/referencingmodules] – to assist you to understand specific referencing styles;
· Academic Referencing Tool [
http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/referencingtool/non-flash/index.php] – providing detailed referencing examples; and,
· Assignment Calculator [
http://www.latrobe.edu.au/library/assignment-thesis-support] – to assist you in time managing your assignments and submitting on time.
Student Support Services
If you have special needs due to disability or other factors the Equality and Diversity Centre can provide advice and support. This Centre can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9479 2900 (Melbourne); (03) 5444 7410 (Bendigo); (02) 6024 9628 (Albury-Wodonga);
National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired: T: 133677 (within Australia only). Email:
[email protected]or refer to the website at:
Additional Support
La Trobe University Sydney Campus has an onsite psychologist available to assist with any issue which is affecting your study
Psychologist: Jane Rouse
[email protected]
For help with essay and report writing, referencing, oral presentation skills, study skills
Academic Skills Advisor: Julian Ledger
[email protected]
We are also running some mentor programs. Ask at Reception for more information.
Assessment and Feedback Details
Assessment Task 1 |
Due Date |
% |
SILOs Assessed |
Data Collection (DC)/Data Entry (DE) |
DC (Week7-8); DE (Week 9) |
5 |
5 |
Submission Details |
Each student will have to collect data from at least 5 respondents during week 7 and 8. Each student will have to enter the collected data into SPSS in Week 9 during tutorial time. |
Grading Criteria and Feedback |
Full mark is given for students who collect the data and enter the data into the SPSS |
Description of Task |
Every student has to collect the data and enter the data into the SPSS |
Assessment Task 2 |
Due Date |
% |
SILOs Assessed |
SPSS Tutorial Exercise |
Every week |
10 |
1, 2, 3, 4,5 |
Submission Details |
During and at the end of the tutorial time every week |
Grading Criteria and Feedback |
Each student will get 1 mark for attending and doing the tutorial exercise correctly. Feedback will be given during the tutorial time. |
Description of Task |
Each student should come to the computer lab prepared for the tutorial exercise. Different tasks will be given during the tutorial, along with the instructions. |
Assessment Task 3 |
Due Date |
% |
SILOs Assessed |
Research Proposal |
Week 6 |
10 |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Submission Details |
Before or after the lecture |
Grading Criteria and Feedback |
See information below |
Description of Task |
See information below |
Assessment Task 4 |
Due Date |
% |
SILOs Assessed |
Final Report |
11 |
25 |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Submission Details |
Before or after the lecture |
Grading Criteria and Feedback |
See information below |
Description of Task |
See information below |
Final Exam |
Due Date |
% |
SILOs Assessed |
Final Examination (2 hours) |
Exam period |
50 |
1,2,3,4,5 |
Submission Details |
On the day of the exam |
Grading Criteria and Feedback |
Standard grading criteria for every exam |
Description of Task |
The format of the exams will be explained to the students during the last lecture in week 12 |
Marketing Research (MKT3MRE)
Research Proposal (10%)
Study Period 1 - 2016
Group/Students Name: ______________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ___________
Student ID: ______________ ____________ ______________ _____________ _____________
Report submitted on time: Yes No
Report submitted with statement of authorship: Yes No
SPSS data coding files submitted: Yes No
Assessment |
Max |
Total |
Table of contents |
0.5 |
Introduction |
1 |
Research objectives/hypotheses |
2 |
Literature review |
2 |
Methodology: research design, data collection, sample and sampling process and the statistical analysis techniques used |
2 |
Questionnaire/SPSS |
2 |
References |
0.5 |
10 |
Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Marketing Research (MKT3MRE)
Final Report (25%)
Group/Students Name: ______________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ___________
Student ID: ______________ ____________ ______________ _____________ _____________
Report submitted on time: Yes No
Report submitted with statement of authorship: Yes No
SPSS data and Output files submitted with report: Yes No
Assessment |
Max |
Total |
An executive summary |
1 |
Table of contents |
1 |
Introduction |
2 |
Research objectives/hypotheses |
2 |
Literature reviews |
3 |
Methodology: research design, data collection, sample and sampling process and the statistical analysis techniques used |
3 |
Results: sample characteristics, findings and interpretations |
5 |
Limitations of the study |
1 |
Conclusions and Recommendations |
5 |
References |
1 |
Appendices |
1 |
25 |
The content should cover the following:
Explanation, justification and discussion of the analyses.
Communication of findings
Discussion, interpretation, and implications
Conclusions and limitations
Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………