代写 MGNT910: Strategic Management
代写 MGNT910: Strategic Management
MGNT910: Strategic Management
Teaching Role
Coordinator and Lecturer
Dr Anil Chandrakumara
Consultation Times
Tuesday 15:15 - 17:15 (Wollongong campus) Wednesday 11:15 - 13:15 (Sydney Campus)
This important information must be read together with the Sydney Business School Student Handbook which contains relevant information on University of Wollongong (UOW) and Sydney Business School Policies. The handbook is found at http://business.uow.edu.au/businesscentral/student-resources/UOW100614. It is your responsibility to comply with these policies and processes.
The Sydney Business School is the graduate school of the Faculty of Business at University of Wollongong. Our courses are delivered from campuses located at Circular Quay in Sydney and Wollongong.
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Your teachers receive many emails each day. In order to enable them to respond to your emails appropriately and in a timely fashion, students are asked to observe basic requirements of professional communication:
Consider what the communication is about
Is your question addressed elsewhere (e.g. in this subject outline or, where applicable, on the subject's eLearning site)?
Is it something that is better discussed in person or by telephone? This may be the case if your query requires a lengthy response or a dialogue in order to address. If so, see consultation times above and/or schedule an appointment.
Are you addressing your request to the most appropriate person?
Specific email title/header to enable easy identification of subject related/student emails
Identify the subject code of the subject you are enquiring about (as your teacher may be involved in more than one subject) in the email header. Add a brief, specific header after the subject code where appropriate.
Professional courtesy
Address your teacher appropriately by name (and formal title if you do not yet know them).
Use full words (avoid 'text-speak' abbreviations), correct grammar and correct spelling.
Be respectful and courteous.
Academics will normally respond within 1-2 days. If the matter is urgent, you may wish to telephone the teaching staff whose contact details are given in this subject outline or contact the School.
Please ensure that you include your full name and identify your seminar or tutorial group in your email so that your teachers know who they are communicating with and can follow-up personally where appropriate.
A guide to eLearning 'Netiquette' is available at http://www.uow.edu.au/student/elearning/netiquette/index.html. The basic principles of Netiquette also apply to email communication.
Commonwealth of Australia
Copyright Regulations 1969
© 2016 University of Wollongong
The original material prepared for this guide is covered by copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission.
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代写 MGNT910: Strategic Management
This subject introduces students to theories, concepts and practical issues associated with strategic management. Topics examined include strategy formulation, choice and implementation; strategy, structure and the organisational context; industry analysis; strategy and competitive advantage.
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
1. Understand and use the conceptual framework of strategic management.
2. Understand and apply key concepts and tools in analysing and developing strategies.
3. Identify issues and challenges associated with strategic management.
4. Explain, critically analyse and wherever possible, propose and justify potential solutions to strategic management problems.
5. Apply principles of social responsibility when critically evaluating situations and making business decisions.
6. Reflect on professional interpersonal skills whilst working with others to produce agreed outputs.
The School is committed to continual improvement in teaching and learning. In assessing teaching and learning practices in a subject, the School takes into consideration student feedback from many sources. These sources include direct student feedback to tutors and lecturers, feedback through Student Services and Business Central, responses to the Subject and Course Evaluation Surveys. These important student responses are used to make ongoing changes to subjects and courses. This information is also used to inform systemic comprehensive reviews of subjects and courses.
Course Learning Outcomes can be found in the Course Handbook http://www.uow.edu.au/handbook/yr2016/index.html.
The Faculty of Business expects all students to attend lectures and tutorials as we strongly believe that students who attend lectures and tutorials usually learn more and perform better in assignments and examinations.
Hill, C.W.L., Jones, G.R. & Schilling, M.A. 2015, Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 11th Edition, Cengage Learning. Stamford, CT USA. (ISBN 9781285184487)
Students are recommended to have or buy this text book ($182.95).
Textbooks are available online from the University Bookshop at http://unicentre.uow.edu.au/unishop/
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The recommended readings below are not intended as an exhaustive list of references. Students should also use the library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources.
Lampel, J., Mintzberg, H., Quinn, J.B., & Ghoshal, S. 2014, The Strategy Process: Concepts Contexts Cases, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Edinburgh Gate. UK.
Further reading:
Grant, R., Butler, B., Orr, S. & Murray, P. 2014, Contemporary Strategic Management: An Australasian Perspective, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons Australia, China.
Hanson, D., Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. & Hoskinson, R.E. 2014, Strategic Management - Competitiveness and globalisation: Concepts and Cases, 5th Asia-Pacific Edition, Cengage Learning, USA.
Johnson, G., Whittington, R. & Scholes, K. 2011, Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases, 9th edition, Pearson Education, Harlow, Essex.
Pearce, J. & Robinson, R.B. Jr. 2011, Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation and Control, 12th Edition, Irwin, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J. D. 2010, Strategic Management, 12th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, USA.
Students are also encouraged to refer to journals and business periodicals such as:
Strategic Management Journal
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Asia Pacific Business Review
Academy of Management Review
Academy of Management Journal
Administrative Science Quarterly
Harvard Business Review
Long Range Planning
The Economist
Australian Business Financial Review
Business Review Weekly
This is not an exhaustive list of references. Students should also use the library catalogue and databases to locate other suitable sources of information.
Many of the listed resources are available via the Library's electronic databases. These resources are very useful for this subject so long as they are used appropriately and with regard to credibility. Internet sources should be referenced if you have considered them to be reputable and creditable sources of information e.g. an official website of a case study company.
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Lecture Times
Lectures will be held on:
Start Time
End Time
SR2, Level 8
Trimester 3
Topics Covered
24 Aug 2016
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
A: Strategy Concepts
Introduction to Strategic Management
Hill et al., Chapter 1
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 1.2 'Strategies for change'
31 Aug 2016
Strategic External Analysis & Formulating Strategy
Hill et al., Chapter 2
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 4.1 'How competitive forces shape strategy'
07 Sep 2016
Strategic Internal Analysis & Formulating Strategy
Hill et al., Chapter 3
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 4.2 'Looking inside for competitive advantage'
14 Sep 2016
Building Competitive Advantage through Functional and Business Level Strategies
Case Presentation Team 1: 'Homegrocer.com'
Peer review : Team 7
Hill et al., Chapters 4 & 5
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 4.5 'Generic strategies'
Textbook Case 4 - pages C59-C76.
21 Sep 2016
B: Strategy & Context
Business-level Strategy & the Industry Environment
Case Presentation Team 2: 'Harley-Davidson's Focus Strategy'
Peer review: Team 8
Note: On-line Quiz 1 to be completed this week
Hill et al., Chapter 6
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 14.2 'Cost dynamics: Scale and experience effects'
Textbook Case 8 - pages C115-C129.
28 Sep 2016
Strategy and Technology
Case Presentation Team 3: 'Intel Corporation: 1968-2013'
Peer review: Team 9
Hill et al., Chapter 7
Lampel et al. Readings - Section 9.2 'Avoiding the pitfalls of emerging technologies'
Textbook Case 11 - pages C173-C185.
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05 Oct 2016
Strategy in the Global Context
Case Presentation Team 4: 'Toyota in 2013: Lean production and the rise of the world's largest automobile manufacturer'
Peer review: Team 10
Hill et al., Chapter 8
Lampel et al. Readings -
Section 11.1 'Managing across borders: New organisational responses' and,
Section 11.2 'Global strategy.....in a world of nations'
Textbook Case 16 - pages C226-C238.
12 Oct 2016
Not applicable - final exam take-home paper
Detailed Information
This take-home assessment requires a student to perform a detailed strategic analysis of a case organisation and to construct and submit a report. The scenario is as follows:
Consider for a moment you are in charge of the family investment money and are currently considering investing substantial funds into one of two organisations which have attracted your general interest after hearing of them in the press. Your clear intentions are to maximise the return on your investment over the long term and as such, you want to be sure to invest in an organisation that will be sustainable and profitable. The two organisations that have attracted your attention are X and Y. For the purposes of this exercise, these organisations are to be considered as profit generating enterprises. X and Y will be identified on the subject Moodle site by Monday in week 8 of
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session thereafter providing students three full weeks to complete this task.
This assessment requires you to select one of those organisations for analysis. Using the strategic analysis guidelines provided in the textbook at the start of the cases i.e. on pages C2-C14, and any appropriate sources you can access for information (correctly referenced of course), perform a thorough strategic case analysis on your selected organisation.
In writing up your analysis, please ensure you comprehensively address all 8 areas identified in the guidelines. The lecturer may also provide additional discretionary guidance/instruction on the content and formatting of the reports as they determine appropriate. In addition, at the end of your report provide a ‘Process reflections’ section which details (a) any difficult and/or complex issues you confronted and how you dealt with them or think you could have better dealt with them in performing your analysis (b) any key learnings on strategic management you feel you have realised or had reinforced in completing this task. Finally, at the end of the report, clearly indicate your recommendation (as per guideline 8) as to whether or not you would recommend to your family to invest in said organisation.
A full marking guide will be separately provided to students via the subject Moodle site at the time of identifying X and Y. However, the 'Process reflections' section will attract 10% of the available 50% of the marks.
Students are to submit their reports (in PDF or Word format) to the subject Moodle page - under the item titled 'Assessment 3 Turnitin'. Instructions for doing that will be available in that item on the Moodle page. No hard copies or emailed copies are to be submitted to the lecturer as they will not be marked. Please ensure you correctly reference all your sources of information. The lecturer will advise by week 8 if he/she elects to allow multiple or a single submission to Turnitin.
Assessed work submitted late will be penalised by the deduction of 10 percent of the maximum possible mark for that assessment per working day or part thereof. The operation of this rule will not result in a negative mark being carried forward.
This penalty for late submission may be waived upon presentation of a medical certificate of illness for a relevant period, or upon evidence of untoward or approved circumstances that fall under the Student Academic Consideration Policy (see Sydney Business School Student Handbook).
Students who suffer illness or other circumstances beyond their control which are likely to affect their academic performance on the day of an examination should not attempt the exam. These students should obtain a Medical Certificate or other approved supporting documentation and follow the University's Academic Consideration application process to apply for a supplementary exam. The School will not approve students to re-sit an examination. See Section C, Student Academic Consideration Policy for further details.
Students approved for a supplementary examination will receive a minimum of five (5) days' notice via SOLSMail, regarding the examination date, time and location. Supplementary exam period dates can be found at http://www.uow.edu.au/student/exams/timetabledates/index.html.
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To be eligible to pass this subject, students must complete all assessment tasks for this subject. In addition, you must achieve a total mark of 50% or over and obtain a minimum of 50% in the final examination or major piece of assessment (where there is no final exam). Students who do not meet these minimum performance level requirements will be given a Fail grade (F) on their academic transcript, in accordance with the general course rules.
Where a student gains a mark of 50 or greater and does not meet the specified level in an assessment task required to pass the subject a Technical Fail (TF) grade will be given. Where a Technical Fail is given the following applies:
a. Failure of the subject;
b. a TF without a mark will be granted;
c. a TF will be presented on the student's academic transcript;
d. The allocated mark of 49 will be used as the WAM calculation for subjects at all levels.
Students who fail a subject will not normally be eligible for a supplementary exam but may be approved if extenuating circumstances exist. Approval for a supplementary exam in these circumstances needs to be given by the relevant Head of School and Faculty Assessment Committee. Students who believe they may be eligible, and who have not already been advised accordingly, should consult their Lecturer or Subject Coordinator.
The University's Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy, faculty handbooks and subject guides clearly set out the University's expectation that students submit only their own original work for assessment and avoid plagiarising the work of others or cheating. Re-using any of your own work (either in part or in full) which you have submitted previously for assessment is not permitted without appropriate acknowledgement. Plagiarism can be detected and has led to students being expelled from the University.
The use by students of any website that provides access to essays or other assessment items (sometimes marketed as 'resources'), is extremely unwise. Students who provide an assessment item (or provide access to an assessment item) to others, either directly or indirectly (for example by uploading an assessment item to a website) are considered by the university to be intentionally or recklessly helping other students to cheat. This is considered academic misconduct and students place themselves at risk of being expelled from the University.
Students should visit the following University website and become familiar with the University's policy on plagiarism http://www.uow.edu.au/about/policy/UOW058648.html.
Plagiarism Prevention
The School has an e-learning module which aims to orientate you with the knowledge and resources to:
avoid problems related to plagiarism
develop your capacity to integrate evidence into your arguments
reference correctly.
The online module is openly available for use by students at any stage in their degree. You are strongly encouraged to use the module to help in assessing the academic integrity of your written work. The module can be accessed via https://moodle.uowplatform.edu.au/course/view.php?id=5679.
Turnitin is a service used by UOW as a tool educating students about the importance of correct citations and referencing techniques in addition to identifying where students have copied or reused the work of others - known as plagiarism. For tips about writing with academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism please see above: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism and http://www.uow.edu.au/student/services/ld/students/UOW021315.html
代写 MGNT910: Strategic Management