Semester 1, 2017
Due: 8am Monday 20 th March 2017
Submit as one document via LMS
Overall word length: 1,000 words
Individual Assignment - Worth 10% of the total mark for the subject
In order to answer the assignment questions below (see pages 2 and 3) you must read Case Study – Liberal
Inc (see pages 1 and 2).
Required Reading List:
• McShane et al. (2016). Introduction to the field of organisational Behaviour. In McShane et al (Eds. 5),
Organisational Behaviour: Emerging Knowledge. Global Insights. (pp. 1 – 32). Australia: McGraw-Hill.
• Freedman, D. H. (1992). Harvard Business Review, 20(6), 26-32.
• Coy, P. (2007) Cog or CoWorker? BusinessWeek, 58-60.
• Miller, D., & Form, W. H. (1964). Chapter 15: The evolution of managerial philosophies. In Industrial
Sociology: An introduction to the sociology of work relations (pp. 643-686). New York: Harper & Row
Required readings are available on the LMS under the Assessment > Individual Assignment > Required
You must include all of the required readings in your individual assignment. In addition to the required readings,
you must to use at least four articles from academic peer-reviewed journals. You will be given assistance in
how to find and reference such sources in the skill-building sessions held in Week 2 of Semester.
Case Study:
Malcolm and Tony have been members of the Liberal Inc.’s top management team for a long time. In
fact they have been rivals for many years and both have coveted the CEO’s position. Tony joined the
company straight out of university and he has a particular outlook on management shaped by years
of working under a highly successful former “old school” CEO, John. Malcolm, in contrast, has had a
very successful career in a number of agile hi-tech and financial service industries before joining
Liberal Inc. quite late in his working life. Tony was appointed to the CEO position just after Malcolm
joined. This was a time when Liberal Inc. was some way behind main rival Labor Corp. in terms of
market share but Tony’s strategy of focusing on the weaknesses and limitations of the then market
leader’s products soon reversed this situation and by 2013 Liberal Inc. was back in front.
Tony attributed this reversal to his managerial techniques. He had adopted a command-and-control
approach where all important decision-making was undertaken by him and then relayed to his
colleagues in the top management team in the form of very rigid policies and procedures. These
slowly filtered down the levels the organization until they finally reached the foot soldiers who actually
had to sell Liberal Inc.’s products. Those subordinates who did not meet the expectations set by Tony
were treated as trouble-makers and they were quickly demoted or sidelined. This seemed to work
very well when Liberal Inc. was behind Labor Corp. but as business improved, Tony increasingly had
very little regard for his colleagues’ feelings and seemed surprised when they were unable to keep up
with his punishing pace and high expectations (Tony was famous for getting up every morning at
5am and spending two hours exercising). Worse, Tony was unaware of the rumblings of discontent in
his top management team and beyond; it was as if his commitment to his managerial approach made
him oblivious to the ideas and suggestions of colleagues. His view was that, so long as the business
was doing well, why should anyone complain?
It wasn’t long, however, until Liberal Inc. was again behind Labor Corp. in terms of market share but,
instead of adapting to the changing market conditions, Tony’s response was to redouble his efforts to
control his colleagues and stamp out what he saw as dissent. While this was going on Malcolm was
offering an alternative management approach, first in private and then in a much more public
manner. Malcolm’s vision was for a CEO who would consult with his colleagues at all levels of the
organization and tap into their valuable expertise and experience in order to make decisions that
everyone could support. But for Malcolm it wasn’t just an exercise in ensuring conformity and “buy-
in”; he truly seemed to believe that Liberal Inc. could become a better and more competitive business
by being inclusive and listening to the needs of its employees and customers. This had very broad
appeal inside and outside the business so, without any warning, Tony was unceremoniously dumped
in a boardroom coup and replaced by Malcolm. Unusually, however, Tony was allowed to stay on in
Liberal Inc. rather than being pushed out completely. This was presented as a reward for his
unstinting loyalty to the businesses through thick and thin but, in reality, it was done to placate a large
minority of employees who still thought his management approach was the best for the business and
its customers.
For a brief period Malcolm’s approach appeared to work. Liberal Inc.’s market share increased
quickly to unprecedented levels and there seemed to be a new kind of optimism within the top
management team and throughout the business as a whole. At first, Malcolm was true to his word
and decision-making was much more participative. Everyone (apart from Tony and his mates, of
course) felt great coming to work. In short, morale was high as if a breath of fresh air had blown right
through Liberal Inc. It was as if things had really changed and most people felt that they were making
a worthwhile contribution to the business. Better still, business was booming but, just as quickly as
things improved, they started to go backwards again. Some products were rushed to market and had
to be recalled immediately when they proved to be faulty. Once again, Labor Corp. was taking the
lion’s share of the market and, even worse, start-ups like One Nation and the Green Co-Op were
beginning to chip away at the Labor/Liberal duopoly, much like Aldi was threatening Coles and
Woolworth. Worse still, the consultation process promoted by Malcolm turned out to be really poorly
thought-out and messy in operation. People quickly realised that, despite the appearance of being
involved in decision-making, it was more just window dressing; the real decisions were being made
by Malcolm and Liberal Inc. felt just as autocratic as it was under Tony. Some people even began to
think the unthinkable and openly talked about a return to Tony in the CEO’s role. After all, emerging
rival One Nation appeared to be successful under a charismatic and autocratic leader!
ASSIGNMENT TASK (continued):
Question 1 (300 words)
The question of effective leadership in Liberal Inc. would appear to be as much a matter of management
ideology as it is a matter of personality. Drawing on the material from MGMT20001 and any other sources you
think appropriate, identify the management approach espoused by Tony and Malcolm respectively. Be sure to
focus on matters of organization and process rather than personality.
Question 2 (300 words)
Analyse the ideological bases for these contrasting management approaches? Here you should focus on why,
above and beyond any claims of superior effectiveness, Malcolm and Tony believe their approach is the better
Question 3 (200 words)
On the matter of effectiveness, it appears that neither Tony’s nor Malcolm’s approach worked particularly well.
How would you explain this?
Question 4 (200 words
If you were appointed CEO of Liberal Inc. what would you do to reverse the company’s declining market share?
Be sure to focus on internal matters of management and organization rather than actual products.
INSTRUCTION: Please read and follow carefully.
Use double-spacing, and 12 pt font size. Make sure you clearly indicate when you are addressing each
It is essential that you understand the precise meanings of task (or "direction") words in each question. You will
see these words in underlined in the question for the Individual Assignment. A Help Sheet has been developed
by the Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching and is available on the OB LMS page under the links
Assessment Information > Individual Assignment > Task Words.
You will be assessed using the following criteria:
Appropriately addressing the assignment questions.
Understanding of the theories
Definition of terms/concepts.
Analysis and evaluation of the theory to answer questions
Relevant and original argument incorporating reading and research to develop your argument
Use of research beyond set or recommended readings (at least 4 additional to the required reading listed
Written style: expression, spelling and grammar
Structure: all parts of the questions are answered. Correct use of paragraph structure.
Referencing and Citing correctly using the APA referencing system
Include a front page on your assignment as the first page of your assignment and fill in the relevant details
which include: full name, student number, subject code and name, due date and assignment name. If you do
not include these details, we cannot mark your assignment.
Assignment Cover Template available on the OB LMS page under the links Assessment Information >
Individual Assignment > Assignment Cover Template.
All material used must be correctly cited and referenced, using the APA Referencing System which includes:
• In-text citations in the body of the essay.
• A reference list as the last page of your assignment (listing only the references you have cited).
• In-text Citations and Reference List are NOT counted in the word count.
• Material that has not been referenced correctly may be considered to be plagiarised, and as such may be
penalised. We will also look for evidence that material included in the reference list has been used in the
assignment. Including references that have not been used may also result in your assignment being
There is a link to the APA 6 th Referencing System Guideline on OB LMS pager under the links Assessment
Information > Individual Assignment > APA referencing style guide
PLEASE NOTE: Your assignment will also be screened for plagiarism using the Turnitin software program.
More information about the university’s policy and the Turnitin program is available from the following website:
• Presenting material from other sources without full acknowledgement (referred to as plagiarism) is heavily
penalised. Penalties for plagiarism can include a mark of zero for the piece of assessment or a fail grade
for the subject.
• Plagiarism is the presentation by a student of an assignment identified as his or her own work even though
it has been copied in whole or in part from another student’s work, or from any other source (e.g.
published books, web-based materials or periodicals), without due acknowledgement in the text.
• Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own work when it is, in fact, the
result (in whole or in part) of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Both the student
presenting the assignment and the student(s) willingly supplying unauthorised material are considered
participants in the act of academic misconduct.
• The Academic Skills unit has prepared a help sheet on avoiding plagiarism, available at:
Total word limit 1,000 - 10% either way is acceptable (penalties apply for exceeding the word limit – refer to
course outline).
PLEASE NOTE: In-text Citations and Reference list are NOT counted in the word count.
Late submission of an assignment is permitted only where an extension has been granted. Requests for an
extension can be made via the LMS - a link to the online application form can be found in the Assignment
Extension tab for each subject. All requests for an extension must be made prior to the assessment due date.
• Unless an extension has been granted, penalties to the assessment will be applied.
• Penalties for Late Submission and Exceeding Word Limits
• In order to ensure equality for all students, assignments must be completed within specified time limits.
Late submissions will attract a marking penalty where approval for late submission has not been given.
Assignments that exceed word limits may also attract a marking penalty.
• Late submissions of assigned work are only accepted with permission of the subject coordinator for a
legitimate reason e.g., illness and must be supported by appropriate documentation.
• Extensions will only be given where there is a valid and substantiated reason.
• Penalties for late submission: The mark a student is awarded for their work will be reduced by 5% for each
day the work is late.
• Assignments that exceed the word limit by more than 10%, inclusive of footnotes, may attract a marking
penalty of 10% of the marks that would otherwise have been awarded.
• Assignments that exceed the word limit by 25% or more may attract a higher penalty, including a cap on
the maximum grade awarded, unless a student gains an exemption.
• For example, an assignment with a limit of 2000 words will be marked down by 10% if there are more than
2200 words. If there are 2500 words or more, the maximum result that may be awarded is an H2B.
• Students who have been significantly affected by illness or other serious circumstances during the
semester may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration.
• Students apply for Special Consideration through My Unimelb via the Apply for Special Consideration link
under Exams and Assessment in the Admin tab.
• You must submit your online application no later than 4 working days after the due date for submission or
examination of the particular component of assessment, to which your application refers.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS. Please read and follow carefully.
• The LMS allows you to submit your assignment online from home or from any of the student labs on
• You can access the Assignment Submission function by clicking on the ‘Assessment Submission’ tab in
the navigation menu of the OB LMS page.
• Please note that you are required to keep a copy of your assignment after it has been submitted, as you
must be able to produce a copy of your assignment at the request of your tutor or lecturer at any time after
the submission due date.
• Assignment submission guidelines can be found here: