The Chinese government can fix it problem GEOG 20010 代写
Urban housing demolition-induced conflicts in China are the result of a host of factors. Discuss
The Chinese government can fix its regional inequality problem
GEOG 20010 代写
China transition
- Choose one topic from the following list and write a research essay:
o Total Word limit:
2200 words (excluding reference and footnotes)
o References should be Harvard style.
o A minimum of
10 ‘proper’ academic references .
Topic 1:
In recent years, increased urban housing demolition and the emergence of so-called ‘nail households’
– house owners who refuse to accept compensation from a property developer for its demolition – have become the major source of social instability, such disputes representing the conflict between private rights and the public interest.
The central government has recently spoken out against forced evictions, but those directives are often ignored at the local level.
Write a research essay to critically discuss the following statement:
“Urban housing demolition-induced conflicts in China are the result of a host of factors. Discuss”.
Topic 2:
China has encountered serious inequality in regional development between inland and coastal areas, as well as between its rural and urban areas. Imbalanced regional economic growth and enlarged differences in living standards are key indicators of this issue. In order to fix the regional inequality problem and realise the promised trickle-down effect of Deng Xiaoping’s coast-led-development-strategy, several strategies, including the recent One Belt, One Road strategy, have been implemented. Write a research essay to critically discuss the following statement:
“The Chinese government can fix its regional inequality problem”
Urban housing demolition-induced conflicts in China are the result of a host of factors. Discuss
The Chinese government can fix its regional inequality problem
GEOG 20010 代写