S c h o o l o f A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d P l a n n i n g
A R C H T C 1 0 2 / 1 0 2 G S e m e s t e r 2 2 0 1 7
Dr Farzaneh Haghighi
Assignment 1: Case Study
• Weight: %20
• Word Count: 800-1000 words maximum (excluding the questions)
• Submission date: Friday 18.8.2017, 16:00 pm
• Hardcopy submission: Level 6 Assignment Box, Building 421 (Architecture Building), 26 Symonds Street.
• Electronic copy submission: Directly in Canvas
The objectives of this assignment are to develop:
• Your ability to conduct a literature review and synthesise information
• Your ability to understand and describe buildings
• Your skills in clear, effective written communication, employing recognised academic and professional
• Your skills in citing and referencing the resources correctly following academic and professional conventions
• Your skills in visual analysis
• Your ability to identify scholarly research
For this essay, you will be assigned one building or a project from those included in the list provided at the end of
this document. Your assigned building can be found in Canvas. You are required to introduce that building through
formulating FOUR questions and providing answers for them.
Each answer has to be at least 100 words and the questions have to be broad enough to cover a range of
descriptions. For instance, ‘who is the architect?’ is not broad enough to cover a 100 words response. Instead, you
might ask ‘what is the relationship between the architect of this building and the dominant architectural style of his/her
time?’ Each question has to target a specific aspect of the building and the answer has to describe that aspect. The
whole body of four questions and answers have to present a comprehensive description of the building. To be able
to describe a building, you will need to find exterior and interior photographs, floor plan/s and, ideally, sectional
drawings (i.e. a cross-section and/or a longitudinal section). It is expected that the assignment addresses all these
• Introductory information
Name of the building, designer, client, location, type of building
• Siting, urban context and landscape
Relation of building with its physical context and the wider landscape, architect’s strategy in relation to the
• Exterior form and materials
Exterior form and appearance of the building, materials being used externally, external architectural
expression, proportion, window arrangement.
• Planning and circulation
Planning of the building, type of activities taking place, entrance, circulation, public/private relation, internal
and external activities.
• Interior spaces and materials
Main interior spaces, their scale, proportion, materials, colour, the detailing of floors, walls, ceilings, doors
and windows, the quality of light and, the quality of acoustics, natural/artificial light, furniture.
Acknowledgement of sources is an important aspect of academic writing. The University’s Referen©ite website provides students with a one-stop online resource for academic referencing needs.
Referen©ite explains the essentials of referencing and how to avoid plagiarism. It also includes practical tools to help
students reference correctly and use references effectively in writing, and presents examples of the various different
referencing formats.
• This is an individual assignment.
• Essay must be written on a computer.
• A4 format, portrait, with simple top left staple (i.e. no spiral binding; no plastic sleeve);
• Essay must employ footnotes at the bottom of each page and include a bibliography, both formatted
according to the Chicago referencing style.
• Total word length, excluding questions, captions, footnotes and bibliography: 800-1000 words.
• Give the word count at the end of your essay.
• Illustrate your essay with relevant images, including plans, sections and/or photographs. Splice your images
into your text, i.e. do not present them as an appendix. Every image must have a caption immediately under
it or just to one side of it. The caption should say what the image is of (briefly), and should then identify the
source for the image using the footnote format for short citations, i.e. author’s surname, short title and page
number if you take it from a book or journal. Include the full reference in your bibliography.
• Give consideration to how the final assignment looks like, that is the photographs are places beautifully
within the text and the captions are placed in an appropriate place with a readable font-size.
• Full documentation (footnotes, bibliography and sources of illustrations) is essential. If your writing is
unreferenced, you will not pass.
• Plagiarism will lead to failure – use your own words, except when using direct quotations.
• Read through and edit your essay several times before submission. You might read it out for yourself or ask
a friend to read it for you. This will help with editing.
• You are required to submit both a hardcopy (paper copy) of your assignment and an electronic copy. The
deadline for hard-copy and electronic copy is the same.
• Attach a School of Architecture and Planning Assignment Cover Sheet to the hardcopy. Before you submit,
you must fill out the Cover Sheet and sign it.
• Submit your electronic copy directly in Canvas.
• Upload you assignment only as a Word File (doc).
• You cannot submit multiple file uploads. Make sure the files being uploaded is the correct version.
• You cannot resubmit your assignment or submit the assignment past the due date.
• Watch this video on how to submit on Canvas:
The following have been put on Short Loan for this assignment:
• Banham, Reyner. Guide to Modern Architecture. London: Architectural Press, 1967, c1962.
• Banham, Reyner. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1980, c1960.
• Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture. 2 vols. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971.
• Ching, Francis D. K., Jarzombek, Mark, and Prakash, Vikramaditya. A Global History of Architecture. 2 nd ed,
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011, c2007.
• Colquhoun, Alan. Modern Architecture. Oxford History of Art Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
• Colquhoun, Alan. Modernity and the Classical Tradition: Architectural Essays, 1980-1987. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1991, c1989.
• Curtis, William J. R. Modern Architecture since 1900. 3 rd ed. London: Phaidon, 1996, c1982.
• Conrads, Ulrich. Programmes and Manifestoes on 20th-century Architecture. London: Lund Humphries,
1989, c1970.
• Fletcher, Banister. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method: For Students, Craftsmen and
Amateurs. 16th ed., London: Batsford, 1956, c1896.
• Frampton, Kenneth. The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture: A Synoptic Account. Wien: Springer; China
Architecture & Building Press, 2007.
• Frampton, Kenneth. Cava, John, and Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Studies in
Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1995.
• Giedion, Sigfried. Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition. 5th ed. Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 2008, c1967.
• Goldhagen, Sarah Williams and Réjean Legault (eds). Anxious Modernisms: Experimentation in Postwar
Architectural Culture. Quebec: Canadian Center for Architecture and the MIT Press, 2000.
• Roth, Leland M. Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning. 3 rd ed. Boulder: CO
Westview Press, 2014.
• Tafuri, Manfredo and Francesco Dal Co. Modern Architecture. 2 vols. New York: Electra/Rizzoli, 1986.
• Unwin, Simon, Analysing Architecture, 4 th ed. London: Routledge, 2014.
• Vidler, Anthony. Histories of the Immediate Present: Inventing Architectural Modernism. Writing Architecture.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.
If you are having trouble accessing books and would like a greater number placed on short loan, please identify the
authors and titles and let Farzaneh know via email.
This assignment is worth 20% of the marks for this course. Assessment criteria are:
• The extent to which the assignment proposes thorough questions and presents concise answers
• The extent to which the assignment offers a comprehensive description of the building
• The extent to which the assignment is well written, and written in your own words
• The extent to which the assignment is fully referenced, in accordance with established academic
• The extent to which images have been used to portray the building
• The extent to which scholarly resources are used
Your mark for your assignment will not be credited to your mark for the course until the electronic copy has been
received in Canvas. If Farzaneh has to chase you up and prompt you to submit your electronic copy, you will lose
5% from your essay mark.
S c h o o l o f A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d P l a n n i n g
A R C H T C 1 0 2 / 1 0 2 G S e m e s t e r 2 2 0 1 7
Dr Farzaneh Haghighi
Assessment Sheet for Assignment 1: Case Study
Student name:
D- (0-39) D (40-44) D+ (45-49) C- (50-54) C (55-59) C+ (60-64)
B- (65-69) B (70-74) B+ (75-79) A- (80-84) A (85-89) A+ (90-100)
Received in Canvas? No, so mark for essay
not credited to mark for
Yes, but needed chasing
up so -5% from essay mark
Yes, submitted on time so
no marks deducted
Inadequate Adequate Good to v. good Excellent
Criteria D- to D C- to C+ B- to B+ A- to A+
1. Questions/Answers
the extent to which the
assignment proposes
thorough questions and
presents concise answers:
Questions are not
adequate and the
answers are
Some consideration
has been given to
formulate questions
covering most
features of the
Good to very good
consideration has been
given to develop a
sophisticated question
with comprehensive
Full, complete and
detailed consideration has
been given to propose
excellent complex and
sophisticated questions
with comprehensive
2. Structure
the extent to which the
assignment offers a
description of the building:
Lacking a structure to
explain basic aspects of
the building.
Basic understanding
of how to introduce a
A clear structure and effort
to describe and
contextualise the building.
Well-considered structure
and wide-ranging
questions and answers
introducing the building.
3. Writing
The extent to which the
assignment is well written,
and written in your own
English needs more
work; clarity of
communication is
English is fair and
content generally
English is good and
content clearly expressed.
English is excellent and
content very clearly
3. Reference
The extent to which the
assignment is fully
referenced, in accordance
with established academic
Referencing (footnoting
and/or bibliography) is
incomplete and largely
incorrect in form.
Referencing has been
attempted but is not
correct in formatting
and/or you need more
Referencing is mostly
complete and a good
attempt has been made to
follow the Chicago
referencing system.
Referencing is complete
and an excellent effort has
been made to follow the
Chicago referencing
system correctly.
5. Visual
The extent to which
images have been used to
portray the building:
Images have not been
used to support the
points. More care is
needed when writing
captions and providing
sources for each image.
A reasonable number
of useful images have
been used. Some
effort has been made
to provide captions
and sources for each
A good range of useful
images has been used.
Images are sharp, located
to support the points being
made in the text, and
supported by captions and
An excellent range of
useful images. All images
are sharp, carefully placed
to support the points being
made in the text, with
useful captions and full
6. Resources
The extent to which
scholarly resources are
The information is based
on irrelevant,
unimportant and non-
reliable sources.
Some effort has been
made to use a
reasonable number of
relevant scholarly
A good range of reliable,
scholarly relevant sources
have been used.
An excellent range of
academic resources,
peer-reviewed journals,
books, book chapters,
well-known architectural
periodicals have been