Environmental Building Systems ABPL20036 墨大 建筑 代写
Environmental Building Systems ABPL20036 墨大 建筑 代写
Environmental Building Systems
Subject Guide
Subject Coordinator
Xavier Cadorel
Room G11, Baldwin Spencer Building
Senior Tutor
Adrian Chu
Room G11, Baldwin Spencer Building
Subject Outline
Course Structure
Weekly Outline
Lecture Outline
Tutorial Outline
Assignment 1
Weekly Quizzes
Hurdle Requirement
Personal Notes
Additional Resources
Reading List
Tools and Websites
Subject Outline
This subject covers key elements of building services
and sustainability. We will look at main building
services such as heating, cooling, lighting, water,
sewage etc., and how these relate to occupants’
comfort. Sustainability is one of the key elements
of residential (homes), commercial (offi ces and
retail) and other building types (schools, hospitals,
factories, etc.) Most services we will discuss during
the semester use energy and other resources, so we
need to understand how to design and plan for these
effi ciently.
Material covered in this subject includes heating,
cooling, ventilation and air conditioning and related
comfort issues of indoor environment quality, room
acoustics and sound isolation. The subject will also
address services for vertical transportation, fi re
safety, lighting and electrical, telecommunications
and building management systems; as well as special
servicing conditions including hospitals, auditoria,
industrial buildings, commercial kitchens and district
Strategies and technologies for improving systems
effi ciency will also be considered, such as displacement
ventilation, evaporative cooling and radiant cooling
systems, active solar heating and cooling systems,
façade systems, solar technologies, hybrid (mixed-
mode) systems, as well as environmental rating tools
for comparing building performance, and post-
occupancy evaluation.
On completion of the subject, you should be able to:
• Understand the principles and techniques of
environmental control systems.
• Integrate environmental controls and services into
architectural designs in a sustainable manner.
Our aims are:
• To give you the language and concepts to
understand what is needed to make homes and
buildings operational and comfortable.
• Where possible teach you useful rules of thumb
• To support you in your future career in the
industry through teaching you about regulations
and tools.
Online Learning
Every Friday afternoon, online material will be made
available to the students. The online learning content
will include an online lecture, readings from internet
resources and from the recommended textbook, and
videos. Students will be required to go through this
content before the following week’s lecture.
Face-to-face lectures happen for two hours every
Tuesday at 4:15pm in the JH Mitchell Theatre, Peter
Hall Building (former Richard Berry). They will follow
up on the online content and introduce new concepts
on the week’s topic. The lectures will usually consist
of about an hour given by Xavier, followed by a
guest lecturer who will take over the second part.
The lecture slides will be made available before the
lecture. Lectures are recorded and the recordings
uploaded on the LMS within a day of the lecture.
The weekly quiz can happen at any point during the
Tutorials are where students meet with their tutors.
Tutorials run every week for two hours on Thursdays
and Fridays. During the tutorials, the tutors will go
through the contents in more detail, and students will
have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the
content. The format of tutorials varies from week to
week, with the fi rst 5 weeks focused on Assignment 1,
and the rest of the semester shared between normal
in-class tutorial sessions, self directed sessions and
site visits. Please note that tutorial attendance is a
hurdle, and that all students are required to attend
at least 80% (9 tutorials out of 11) of their tutorials
in order to complete the subject.
Time Commitments
Time commitment for this subject is 120 hours, that is
2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of tutorials, and 6 hours
of reading, review and individual work per week.
Your assessments have been designed with this time
commitment in mind.
Recommended Textbooks
• The Green Studio Handbook - 2nd Edition
By Alison G. Kwok
• Australian Government - Your Home
Course Structure
Social Media
We will also be integrating social media as a teaching
tool into the subject to improve communication
between the EBS team and the students. We have
set up a facebook page available at:
This platform will be used to share useful online
resources, as well as being a discussion platform. All
critical information that you will need to successfully
complete the subject will be available on the LMS,
so students who do not have access to facebook, or
who voluntarily choose not to participate will NOT
be disadvantaged.
While the students are encouraged to post and
interact, activity will be monitored and any post that
is irrelevant, disrespectful in any way or which can
constitute misconduct will be censored.
ebs.TV is also an experimental Youtube project
that we have developed a year ago as a teaching
support tool.
Learning Management System (LMS)
The LMS will be the one place where all the material
will be uploaded to. There is a section for every
one of the 3 components (Online Learning, Lectures,
Tutorials) and each component is broken down week
per week.
The LMS is also where we will be making
announcements regarding important updates, and
the FAQ section is here to serve as a platform for
open discussion and sharing of resources.
Owing to the large amount of material mde
available on the LMS, the different components are
colour coded for easier organisation. The colour-
coding is as follows:
Online Learning Lectures Tutorials
One week before the assignment submission, we will
open a link on the LMS where students will be able
to submit their works to Turnitin.
All content (including lecture recordings) are
uploaded onto the LMS.
Students are expected to check their emails at least
onece a day.
Semester Timetable
Date Week Week’s Topic
Peter Hall - JH Mitchell Theatre - Tuesday 4:15pm - 6:15pm
Assessment Tutorial What to bring to tutorial
W01 EBS Subject Introduction
25 July
Lecture 1 - Xavier Cadorel
Guests: Jim Georgiou and Simone Rollason
Quiz Week 1 - Multiple
Choice Questions - Test not
27 July | 28 July
T01 - In class - Intro to EBS, subject assessment, visits
Printed Timetable, notepad and
W02 Passive Design
1 August
Lecture 2 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: Luke Middleton
Quiz Week 2 - Multiple
Choice Questions and
Assignment 1
3 August | 4 August
T02 - In class - Passive design and introduction to
Your drawings with your Week 2
drafts, pencil, ruler and tracing paper.
W03 Services
8 August
Lecture 3 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: Erika Bartak
Quiz Week 3 - Multiple
Choice Questions and
Assignment 1
10 August | 11 August
T03 - In class - How to design services, water, gas,
electricity, data
Your drawings with your Week 3
drafts, pencil, ruler and tracing paper.
W04 Active Systems
15 August
Lecture 4 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest - Ben Callery
Quiz Week 4 - Multiple
Choice Questions and
Assignment 1
17 August | 18 August
T04 - In class - How to design heating, cooling,
lighting, solar PVs.
Your drawings with your Week 4
drafts, pencil, ruler and tracing paper.
W05 Designing for Resilience
22 August
Lecture 5 - Dominique Hes
Round table discussion
Quiz Week 5 - Multiple
Choice Questions and
Assignment 1
24 August | 25 August
T05 - Visit to the Burnley Campus - exploration of
green roofs.
Pencil, ruler, paper, camera.
Hand in Asssignment 1 by Monday 28 August @ 5:00pm - 10 A3 Sheets (hardcopy) to the assignment chute, Baldwin Spencer Building and separately on LMS via Turnitin
W06 Passive Design
29 August
Lecture 6 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: David Ritter
Quiz Week 6 - Multiple
Choice Questions
31 August | 1 September
T06 - In class and visit - walk around the campus
comparing buildings and their passive design
Camera, walking shoes, umbrella,
writing pad, hat, tablet/ipad (option-
al) etc.
W07 Active Systems
5 September
Lecture 7 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest - Michael Jamieson
Quiz Week 7 - Multiple
Choice Questions
7 September | 8 September
T07 - In class and site visit - basics of air
conditioning + visit to the Alan Gilbert building
Memory stick and headphones for self-
directed tutorial in MSD computer labs.
Active Systems and Leading
12 September
lecture 8 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: Richard Noble
Quiz Week 8 - Multiple
Choice Questions
14 September | 15 September
T08 - Self-directed tutorial: learning and testing
design options with a Building Energy Modelling
Camera, walking shoes, umbrella,
writing pad, hat, etc.
Fire and Vertical
19 September
Lectrure 9 - Xavier Cadorel and Adrian Chu
Quiz Week 9 - Multiple
Choice Questions
21 September | 22 September
T09 - In class and visit - walk around the MSD
building to identify and understand fi re systems and
vertical transportation
Camera, writing pad, pen, measuring
tape etc.
Non-teaching period - Monday 25 September to Sunday 1 October
W10 Lighting and Comfort
3 October
Lecture 10 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: Jessica Hogg
Quiz Week 10 - Multiple
Choice Questions
5 October | 6 October
T10 - In class - how to design lighting for commercial
Pencil, ruler, paper and calculator
Acoustics and Building
10 October
Lecture 11 - Amanda Robinson and Adrian Chu
Quiz Week 11 - Multiple
Choice Questions
12 October | 13 October
T11 - In class and visit - walk around the Spot
Building to look at and understand acoustics and
various strategies
14 September | 15 September
T08 - In class and site visit - basics
of air conditioning + visit to the Alan
Gilbert building
Summary and Exam
17 October
Lecture 12 - Xavier Cadorel
Guest: Adrian Chu
Quiz Week 12 - Multiple
Choice Questions
19 October | 20 October
T12 - In class - revision
Pencils, paper and good questions
Examination - between Monday 30 October and Friday 17 November
Assignment 1
Residential Services and Sustainability Design Assessment
The assessment component of this subject is broken down into 3 parts:
1. Assignment 1 (30%)
2. Weekly Quizzes (30%)
3. Final Examination (40%)
This assignment will assess the students’ understanding
of residential EBS, and communicate their designs in
plans, sections, diagrams, and in words.
You are an ESD (environmentally sustainable design)
consultant and your client is a family of 4 (2 adults
and 2 children.) They own a plot of land in one of
Melbourne’s inner suburbs, and already have a
design for the house they want to build. They have
hired you to work on the design of the house and
integrate passive design strategies and services
to provide comfort to the occupants in the most
sustainable manner.
Your task is to produce a set of 10x A3 drawings to
document the strategies you are recommending:
• 1 site plan
• 1 house plan showing material and construction
• 1 house plan showing passive thermal, solar
and ventilation strategies
• 1 house plan showing electrical/telecom layout
• 1 house plan showing water supply
• 1 house plan showing water drainage
• 1 house plan showing heating strategies
• 1 house plan showing cooling strategies
• 1 page for resilient design
• 1 First Rate assessment page
Scope of Intervention
As the main consultant on the project, you will
be allowed a signifi cant amount of freedom to
implement the strategies. However, there will be
aspects of the original design that are not to be
Aspects of the design that CAN be changed:
• Siting and orientation
• Construction types
• Construction materials (including fi nishes)
• Position, size and type of doors and windows
• Wall height
• Roof type
• Furniture layout
• Landscaping
Aspects of the design that CANNOT be changed:
• Position of internal and external walls.
• Room allocation (e.g. a room tagged as a
bedroom has to remain a bedroom).
• Room size (except when affected by wall
• Position of fi ttings and fi xtures (e.g. toilets,
faucets, showers, island benches, built-in storage
• Mirroring is not allowed.
• Adding or removing rooms (including garage)
from the house is not allowed. Adding a
detached, external shed is allowed.
Marks and Assessment
The assignment is marked out of 100 and represents
30% of the total marks for the subject.
Pre-submission Assessment
During the weeks leading to the submission of the
assignment, drafts of the assignment will be assessed
as a work in progress. Failure to demonstrate
adequate weekly progress on specifi c sections will
results in a 25% penalty on the fi nal mark of the
said section.
Please note that the draft assessment will assess the
PROGRESS of the assignment, not its content. As long
as progress is demonstrated, students will not be
penalised for showing drafts that contain mistakes
and will have the ability to add/modify content
prior to the fi nal submission.
Similarly, a draft approved by the tutor does not
guarantee that the content is necessarily correct,
and it is the responsibility of the student to ensure
the accuracy of the assignment based on the content
delivered in class, the resources provided online and
the independent research conducted.
Sections under the pre-submission
The following sections will be assessed in the following
weeks. The minimum list of requirements is outlined.
Failure to meet any of these requirements will incur
the 25% penalty.
Week 2
Site Plan
Environmental Building Systems ABPL20036 墨大 建筑 代写
Client profi le
Sun path diagram (summer + winter)
Position + orientation of house on site
Prevailing winds
Adjacent properties
Week 3
Material and Construction
Redrawn house plan to scale
Indicative furniture layout
Wall and fl oor construction / materials
Window position / size / types
Thermal, Solar and Ventilation
Design of shadings
Consideration of cross ventilation
Preliminary First Rate result
Week 4
Electricity and Telecom
Location of meter and switchboard
Location of power points and light switches
Choice of lamps
Water and Gas Supply
Cold water connection
Hot water connection
Rainwater tank
Gas connection (if any)
Solar hot water
Water Drainage
Sewer connections
Grey water system
Stormwater connection
Week 5
Choice of heating system
Heating layout
Choice of cooling system
Cooling layout
Remember that this checklist is the minimum
requirement for the pre-submission assessment. The
requirements for the fi nal submission are far more
comprehensive. Refer to the assignment matrix for a
more compresensive list of assessment criteria.
It is very important that student keep up with the
weekly tasks of the assignment right from the start
of semester. The assignment is long and complex,
and unless you diligently work on it from Tutorial 1,
you cannot expect to score a high mark, especially
since a lot of what is required for the last few A3
drawings will build from the content of the fi rst A3
drawings of the assignment.
A separate assignment template has been prepared
and is available on the LMS. Please refer to this
document for layout ideas.
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Final Submission
The submission date is Monday 28 August 2017
All the drawings have to be submitted in hard copy
to the assignment chute of the Baldwin Spencer
Building before 5:00pm, and in soft copy onto the
LMS via turnitin before midnight.
Each CALENDAR day the assignment is late will incur
a 10% penalty for the hardcopy submission, and a
5% penalty for the online submission.
Each hardcopy submission needs to be accompanied
by a signed coversheet. Submissions without a signed
coversheet will not be accepted, and late penalties
will apply until a proper coversheet is submitted.
Tips and advice before submitting
• When using colours for services, try to be as
logical as possible (eg blue for cold water and
red for hot water) and make sure the colours
contrast well (blue and pale blue on the same
drawing is a bad idea). Avoid yellow as much as
possible. Good colours to use are red, blue, dark
yellow, green, purple, orange, brown.
• Same goes for line types - if you are using
different dashed lines, make sure they are
clearly distinguishable from one another. Also
remember that dashed lines can also represent
services going overhead or underground.
• Colours and line weights look different on a
computer screen and on paper. Do test prints
early to make sure all the drawings will print
exactly the way you wanted them to.
• For those using AutoCAD, make sure your plot
styles are set properly for line thickness, colour
and type. If you don’t know how to use plot
styles, export your plans from AutoCAD and add
the coloured lines in InDesign or Illustrator.
• If you are using Photoshop, set your resolution
fairly high (minimum of 400DPI) since PS will
rasterise the plans and you may lose some of the
fi ner details if you work at low resolutions.
Please make sure to retain a digital copy of all
your work before submitting.
• Do regular backups of your work, regardless of
whether you are working a computer or doing
the drawings by hand.
• For those using a computer, keep updated copies
of your work on an external hard drive or on a
cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google
Drive. Hit the save button regularly!
• For those drawing by hand, have more
photocopies of your house plan than you think
you might need.
• Computer problems and coffee spilled on your
plans are NOT valid justifi cations for an extension.
• Do not wait until the last minute to print. There
are around 300 students enrolled in this subject
(not counting other submissions that may be at
the same time) and if all of you are queing at the
printroom at 4:00pm, you will have a hard time!
The MSD printroom is on level 1 (atrium level) but
the A3 printers tend to break down when they
print high volumes across the entire day. Some
libraries can print A3 B/W, but most will not do
A3 colour.
• Other places not far from the campus
where you can print include:
1. Scotts Printing on Swanston Street, opposite
2. Dinkums, further down Swanston Street
(opposite the RMIT design Hub)
3. AusCopy on Little Latrobe
4. Offi ceworks QV, accessed from Swanston
or Russel Streets. This particular
Offi ceworks is fairly busy all year round,
so expect queues there. Most Offi ceworks
will have printing facilities.
• Allow a lot more time than you think you need
for the printing. Ideally, you would aim to have
done all printing on the eve or early on the day
of submission.
• Generate and print your coversheet as soon as
it is available. Do not wait until the last minute
to do it as it is easy to fi ll it incorrectly when
you are rushing.
• There will be no stationery at the submission
chute for you to sign your coversheet or staple
your sheets together.
It is equally important for students to understand
concepts and principles, and communicate them
effectively graphically and in words.
Effective communication does not necessarily mean
pretty or stylist - we are aware that many students
at this stage of their studies are still developing their
drawing and representational skills, and that for
many, English is not a fi rst language. However simple
clean drawings and a simple accurate language can
be powerful communication mediums.
Communication starts to fail when the person reading
the assignment needs to start guessing what has been
shown; this can come down to any number of reasons,
from the use of inappropriate volabulary, incorrect
sentense structures, to the use of wrong colours or
line types, or poor printing quality.
Students should be mindful of this as even if there
are signs in an assignment that suggest that the
concepts have been understood, if not presented
properly the assignment will be marked down on its
Mark allocation
Each sheet of the assignment is weighted equally
at 10% (for a total of 100% for the 10 sheets).
Please note that even if no marks are allocated to
referencing, the complete absence of references
and sources will be penalised.
As mentioned previously, the quality of the
presentation is an important aspect of the assignment,
and for each sheet, 40% of the marks will be
allocated to presentation, and 60% to the content.
Submission requirements and checklist
Besides the content requirement, the submissions
will also need to follow a specifi c format. Use the
checklist below to make sure you are are fulfi lling
all the required format. Failure to satisfy one or
more of the criteria will result in a 10% penalty.
Drawings to be printed single-sided colour A3
Each drawing sheet should have a title block
Name and student number
Title of drawing
North Point
Filled coversheet printed on A4 and attached to
the front of the assignment
Declaration on coversheet is signed
QR code on coversheet appears at the top of
All pages are properly secured together with
ONE staple on the top left corner of the sheet
Do NOT submit assignments that are:
Not secured together, as loose sheets
Held together using paper clips
In plastic or cardboard envelopes/folders
In brown paper bags
In transparent sleeves
In display books
Rolled up in a tube
Bound (spiral, comb, thermal, ring etc)
Plagiarism is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without appropriate
acknowledgment of the author or source.
Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole
or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of
two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct.
Plagiarism and collusion are offenses taken very seriously by the University, and penalties can range from a
zero grade in the assignment to expulsion from the University in extreme cases.
For more information please go to the academic honesty website at https://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au
Plagiarism and Collusion
Assignment 1
Assignment Matrix
The assigment matrix lists all the elements that need to be included in the assignment. The students are advised
to work according to the matrix, as the latter is what will be used by the tutors to mark the assignments. Simply
addressing each criterion will allow you to pass the assignment. However, highmarks will be awarded for
innovative, sustainable, effi cient and elegant solutions.
Assignment 1
Integration of heating system with passive thermal strategies
Choice and justification of cooling system
Cooling layout and connections
Solar hot water (or justification of alternative)
Sewer connections
Choice of greywater system + greywater connections
Stormwater connections
Choice and justification of heating system
Natural ventilation strategies
2. Material and construction
3. Passive thermal (ventilation/solar)
4. Electrical and telecom
5. Water and gas supply
Appropriate shading design
Electricity meter, electrical switchboard
Telecom and internet connections
Choice and justification of material and construction types
Insulation and building sealing
Window schedule, including technical details on window types (glazing + frame)
Window position and size shown on plan
Passive solar design
1. Site Plan
Gas connections (or justifications for lack thereof)
Integration of cooling system with passive thermal strategies
Heating layout and connections
6. Water recycling and drainage
Client profile
Siting and orientation (shown using a roof plan)
Site analysis (incl. wind, sun path)
Landscaping and land use
Services connections from the street, to relevant meters and pits, and to the house
Roof equipment
Power point, exhaust fans, smoke alarms
Lighting layout and light switches
Roof design (schematic cross section)
Choice of lamps and lighting calculation (average W/m 2 )
Onsite power generation, storage and distribution
9. Design for Resilience
10. Energy assessment
Final Star Rating
Proposal for a more resilient and future proofed house
7. Heating
8. Cooling
Cold water connection
Justification for choice of hot water system
Domestic hot water connection
Rainwater collection, storage and distribution
Construction systems details (materials, u-value, SHGC etc)
Average energy uses (heating and cooling) ?
Weekly Quizzes
Every week, a quiz will be conducted during the
Tuesday lecture. There will be 11 quizzes over the
semester, starting in Week 2, with each quiz worth
3% of the semester’s assessment. Your best 10 quiz
results will make up 30% of your total class grade.
There will be 6 assessible questions in each quiz
and every question will be based on the information
presented in the online content for that week.
The quizzes can be conducted at any point during
the lectures using Poll Everywhere, and you will have
50 seconds to answer each question in the lecture
theatre before the polling for each question closes.
Attendance at the lectures is required to participate
in the quizzes, so you should consider deferring your
enrolment in this subject if you have clashes, or can’t
commit to Tuesdays between 4:15pm and 6:15pm.
If a student misses any quizzes he/she will need to
have a relevant medical certifi cate or other excuses,
in order to receive an exemption for that week’s quiz.
Setting up your PollEv
Students are pre-registered and only need to sign in
the EBS Poll in order to particpate in the quiz.
Step 1: Open your browser and go to:
Step 2: Click on login/signin
Step 3: Enter your student email. The format should
Your username is the same one you use to
log onto the LMS
Step 4: Enter the password ebs2017
Step 5: Login
The interface may be slightly different on a laptop,
tablet or mobile phone, but the process is the same.
A Poll Everywhere mobile application exists, but we
will not be able to provide support if you choose to
use it.
Final Exam Hurdle Requirement
Student Policy
The 2-hour fi nal exam will consist of 10 written
questions, and can include sketches and diagrams.
Students will be provided with a practice exam
during the Week 11 tutorial. The exam will not test
students on their ability to remember facts - it will
mainly test that the students can take the information
from the subject and use it in a logical and analytical
It is open book, meaning that students are allowed to
bring any printed subject material and other paper
resources with them in the exam. However, we do
encourage students to spend time preparing and
sorting their exam notes and be very selective in
what to bring in. Only one binder and one text book
will be allowed inside the examination room.
The exam is worth 40% of the subject and has a
hurdle requirement, with a pass mark of 40%.
One of the University’s requirements is that students
need to attend at least 80% of their tutorials in
order to complete the subject (which adds up to 9
tutorial sessions out of 11). Attendance is a hurdle
requirement for this subject. Students who do not
meet this hurdle will receive an NH grade for the
Attendance can only be waivered for unforseen
circumstances (eg medical emergencies) and need to
be supported by proper documentation (eg medical
certifi cates). Note that circumstances related to work
and family commitment, clashes with other subjects,
public transport delays etc are NOT considered
unforseen. Tutors reserve the right to mark students
as absent if they are consistently late
Please familiarise yourself with the student policy - this document contains a list of policies that are relevant
for students. A copy of the student policy can be found on the LMS. Please note that any subject requirement
outlined in the handbook takes precedence over the student policy.
Assessment Notes
Weekly Outline
Week 1 will introduce you to the subject content,
structure and assessment. The standards expected
from students will be made clear, and we will
draw a roadmap of what the following 12 weeks
will be like. There will be a presentation of past
student experience, and Jim will give insights from
his experience in the industry and the importance of
understanding the concepts taught in EBS.
The fi rst quiz will be run during the lecture, but will
not be assessed. During tutorials, your tutors will
introduce you to Assignment 1 and will distribute all
the required materials.
Week 2 will introduce basic principles and
terminology of passive design and how it can be
implemented in residential projects in particular. The
material covered in Lecture 2 is directly relevant to
the 1. Site Plan, 2. Material and Construction Plan,
3. Passive Thermal Plan and 10. Energy Assessment
A quiz will be run during the lecture, and will be
assessed from then on.
EBS Subject Introduction
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Jim Georgiou and Simone Rollason
Residential - Passive Design
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Luke Middleton
Week 3 will introduce how building services
interact to make a house functional. You will learn
about water, gas, electricity, telecommunication,
rainwater and sewer. The material covered in
Lecture 3 is directly relevant to the services plans
(4. Electrical and Telecom, 5. Water and Gas
Supply and 6. Water Recycling and Drainage).
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be assessed.
Week 4 will introduce residential active systems i.e.
heating and cooling. You will learn about the different
ways in which heating and cooling can be carried
through the house and how they can sometimes also
be combined with other services to create integrated
systems. The material covered in Lecture 4 is directly
relevant to the 7. Heating and 8. Cooling Plans.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be assessed.
Residential - Services
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Erika Bartak
Residential - Active Systems
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Ben Callery
Week 5 will introduce the concept of resilience and
will discuss the current paradigm shift in sustainability.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
The tutorial will take place at the Burnley Campus
where students will get the chance to see a green
Tutorial 5 will be the last tutorial before submission
of Assignment A1.
Week 6 will be the fi rst week where Commercial
design will be introduced. The same themes as those
introduced in Residential will be covered, but on a
larger and more complex scale.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. During tutorials, your tutors will take you
out on a treasure hunt around the campus to look for
and discuss facades, passive systems, environmental
systems and services.
There may be a prize available for the winners of
the treasure hunt.
Residential - Designing for Resilience
Lecturer - Dominique Hes
Commercial - Passive Design
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - David Ritter
Week 7 will introduce active services on a commercial
scale (mainly HVAC systems). Commercial HVAC
is probably one of the most complex topics of this
subject and will heavily be supported by additional
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. Half of the tutorial will take place in class,
where commercial HVAC will be discussed, and for
the other half of the tutorial, your tutor will take you
on a tour of the Alan Gilbert plant room where you
will have the opportunity to see live HVAC equipment
Week 8 is a continuation of active systems, with a
focus on leading technologies. Case studies from
Melbourne, Australia and overseas will be used to
illustrate the examples discussed.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. There will be no tutorial on that week.
However, there will be an online exercise that you
will be expected to complete. The exercise can be
done from home.
Commercial - Active Systems
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Michael Jamieson
Commercial - Active Systems and Leading Technologies
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Richard Noble
Week 9 will discuss fi re prevention and regulation
in commercial buildings, as well as vertical
transportation, and how these two concepts are
closely connected. Adrian will present the Fire part,
while Xavier will talk about Vertical Transportation.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. Half of the tutorial will take place in
class where fi re and vertical transportation will be
discussed and for the second half of the tutorial,
your tutors will take you around the MSD building
to physically explore vertical transportation and fi re
Week 10 will introduce commercial lighting, and
discuss the different factors that affect comfort inside
a commercial building.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. During the tutorials, your tutors will help you
through the Lumen Method, a mathematical method
used to calculate how many lamps and luminaires
are required to achieved specifi c light levels in a
Commercial - Fire and Vertical Transportation
Lecturer - Adrian Chu
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Commercial - Lighting and Comfort
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Guest Lecturer - Jessica Hogg
Week 11 will discuss basic acoustic theories, building
acoustics and how certain design and building
features can help or hinder proper acoustics. Amanda
will conduct live acoustic tests during the lecture.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. Half of the tutorials will take place in
class where acoustics will be discussed and for the
second half of the tutorial, your tutors will take you
around The Spot Building to look at some innovative
technologies and acoustic strategies.
You will also be given a practice exam that you are
expected to prepare before Week 12’s tutorial.
Week 12 will discuss building classifi cations and will
also briefl y talk about biophilic design and the role
of plants. Week 12 will also be the revision week,
where a summary will be given during the second
half of the lecture.
A quiz will be run during the lecture and will be
assessed. The quiz will potentially assess material
covered throughout the entire semester. During
tutorials, you will have the chance to do the practice
exam and discuss your answers with your classmates
and tutors. Tutorial 12 will be the last time you will
offi cially see your tutors before the exams.
Commercial - Acoustics and Building Management
Lecturer - Adrian Chu
Lecturer - Amanda Robinson
Summary and Exam Revision
Lecturer - Xavier Cadorel
Lecturer - Adrian Chu
Additional Resources
Even though plenty of material is given to the students during the course of this subject, we encourage students
to make extensive additional research, not only to do well for this subject, but also in their future academic and
professional careers. Below is a non-exhaustive list of resources that may be useful.
Websites and Tools
• Your Home
• Ecospecifi er
http://www.ecospecifi er.com.au/
• Good Environmental Choice Australia
• LED Savings Calculator
• PV Watts Calculator
• Tankulator
• National Construction Code
• Green Star
• First Rate 5
• Comfort Calculator
http://wiki.naturalfrequency.com/fi les/wiki/
• Price Industries Webinar
• Infolink product database
Bovill, Carl - Sustainability in Architecture and Urban
Ching, Francis - Building Construction Illustrated
Ching, Francis - Green Building Illustrated
Edwards, Brian - Rough Guide to Sustainability, A Design
Drake, Scott - The Third Skin
Hes, Dominique and du Plessis, Chrisna - Designing for
Keeler, Marian and Burke, Bill - Fundamentals of
Integrated Design for Sustainable Building
Kibert, Charles - Sustainable Construction - Green
Building Design and Delivery
Kwok, Alison - The Green Studio Handbook
Lechner, Norbert - Heating, Cooling Lighting - Sustainable
Design Mehtods for Architects
Very technical
Lechner, Norbert - Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics -
Sustainable Design methods for Architects
McDonough, William - Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the
Ways We Make Things
Mumovic, Dejan and Santamouris, Mat - The Handbook
of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering
Very Technical
Stelmack, Annette - Sustainable Residential Interiors
Szokolay, Steven - Introduction to Architectural Science -
The Basis of Sustainable Design.
Yudelson, Jerry and Meyer, Ulf - The World’s Greenest
Please note that many of these books have been published in the United
States and in Europe so some of the units might be Imperial, and some of
the rules of thumb might need to be adapted to the Australian context.
Personal Notes
Image Credits
Cover Image
A. Chu
Subject Outline
Weekly Outline
http://www.infi nitesuccesses.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/new-beginning.jpg
https://farm1.staticfl ickr.com/53/137310252_8445ea7ae9.jpg
http://www.startupgreece.gov.gr/sites/default/fi les/Energy_0_0.png
http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2007/01/15/bushfi re_wideweb__470x327,0.jpg
Environmental Building Systems ABPL20036 墨大 建筑 代写