Code: BUS702 Title: Economics for Managers代写

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  •   Code: BUS702 Title: Economics for Managers代写Course outline

    Code: BUS702
    Title: Economics for Managers
    Faculty of Arts, Business and Law
    School of Business
    Teaching Session: ATMC Semester 2
    Year: 2016
    Course Coordinator: Dr Tyron Venn
    1. What is this course about?
    1.1 Course description
    This course aims to provide you with a systematic overview of economics as a foundation study in business, covering microeconomics, macroeconomics and introducing international economics. Business managers need to be aware of the economic environment in which they work, and the impact this environment has on their decision-making.
    1.2 Course content
     Introduction to Economics
     Economic Policy and Growth
     The market system and pricing
     Competition and market power
     Market and government failure
     Labour, investment and the environment
     Introduction to Macroeconomics; price stability
     Interest rates; unemployment
     Fiscal policy and the business cycle
     Introduction to international economics
     Labour flows; the balance of payments
     Exchange rates
    2. Unit value
    12 units
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    3. How does this course contribute to my learning?
    Specific Learning Outcomes
    On successful completion of this course you should be able to:
    Assessment Tasks
    You will be assessed on the learning outcome in task/s:
    Graduate Qualities
    Completing these tasks successfully will contribute to you becoming:
    Demonstrate knowledge of microeconomic principles and the ability to apply these principles to business decisions.
    1 and 3
    Demonstrate knowledge of macroeconomic principles and apply these principles to judging economic policy.
    1 and 3
    Demonstrate the ability to structure an economic argument and support it with relevant theory and evidence.
    Creative and critical thinkers.
    4. Am I eligible to enrol in this course?
    Refer to the Coursework Programs and Awards - Academic Policy for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites”
    4.1 Enrolment restrictions
    Must be enrolled in a Postgraduate program
    4.2 Pre-requisites
    4.3 Co-requisites
    4.4 Anti-requisites
    MBA708 or EMB758
    4.5 Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills
    5. How am I going to be assessed?
    5.1 Grading scale
    Standard – High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL)
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    5.2 Assessment tasks
    Task No.
    Assessment Tasks
    Individual or Group
    What is the duration / length?
    When should I submit?
    Where should I submit it?
    On-line tests
    Will vary from 15 to 25 minutes
    Weekly Weeks 2 to 11
    Online via Blackboard
    2000 words (excluding graphs and bibliography)
    Week 8, Monday, 5pm AEST
    Final open-book exam
    2 hours
    Exam week
    Online via Blackboard
    Assessment Task 1: On-line tests
    To demonstrate and apply knowledge of economic principles. Economics uses a range of tools and models which may be new to many students and which build up as the course progresses. These tests have been designed to help you check that you have understood important new ideas step by step.
    Answers to objective test items.
    Each week from weeks 2 to 11, a short test containing objectives items will be available on-line. It must be answered within a time limit (which will vary from 15 to 25 minutes) by choosing or entering the correct answer.
    Only the best 5 results (out of 10 tests) will count for 4% each, giving a possible total of 20%.
    Accuracy of answers.
    Generic skill assessed
    Skill assessment level
    Problem solving
    Assessment Task 2: Essay
    The topic will require you to apply your knowledge of the economic theory you have learned in the context of a contemporary problem. In doing this, you will develop skills that will allow you to understand current economic events..
    This is an individual assessment.
    Introduction and conclusion
    The introduction should be one paragraph that introduces the topic of your essay, answers the question, and shows how you intend to address this topic.
    The conclusion should summarize the major points covered in the essay and bring these together in a way which follows logically from the body of the paper. New ideas should not be introduced in the conclusion.
    While essays should be written in a formal tone, they should also be written clearly and concisely. This means you should use paragraphs composed of short sentences and
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    choose the simplest words that convey your meaning accurately. Your essay should also be structured so that your argument flows logically from point to point.
    The content of your argument should be factually correct and relevant to the question.
    Research and references
    The essay should demonstrate the depth of your reading on the subject.
    Reference your discussion in Harvard style. This means that whenever you draw on another author’s argument or theory; include the author’s name and the year of the publication in brackets at the end of the sentence. If you quote directly from that author, use inverted commas eg ‘……’ around the quote and include the page number in the brackets. Do not use footnotes for references. This link at ANU gives some simple examples of how to use Harvard style , as well as links to further detail:
    At the end of your essay, you should include a bibliography, which lists more complete details for the sources you have referenced within the body of your essay. The citation for each reference should be author, year of publication, title of the book or article, publisher and city of publication. If you are citing from a newspaper or journal article, the citation should be author, year of publication, title of the article, title of the newspaper or journal, volume and issue number or date if it is a newspaper article, page number(s) of the article.
    Spelling, grammar and presentation
    Attention to the final edited version of your paper is important. It is expected that you will not have spelling or grammatical errors in your presentation and that your essay will use idiomatic standard English.
    You are required to word process your essay. Type on one side of the page only, using double-spacing, font size 12 and wide margins.
    Graphs or statistical information do not contribute to the word count but may be a useful part of your essay. It is important that they are relevant to the argument that you are developing, are actually referred to in the discussion component of your answer and are presented in your assignment as close as possible to this discussion. It is quite acceptable to use hand drawn graphs, provided they are correctly and neatly labelled, and all graphs are relevant. Hand drawn graphs can either be scanned into your essay in order to facilitate electronic submission.
     Economic analysis
     Correct and clear argument
     Communication
     Referencing - Harvard system,
     Grammar, spelling and presentation
     Essay structure
    Generic skill assessed
    Skill assessment level
    Information literacy
    Assessment Task 3: Final open-book exam
    To demonstrate an understanding of both the macroeconomic and microeconomic principles developed in the course and of their application.
    Final exam
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    This assessment task will be made up of short answer questions. The exam may cover all parts of the course. A sample exam will be provided on blackboard during the course. The final assessment will be available by noon on Friday before the exam week and must be submitted by noon on the following Friday.
    Short answer questions
    The answers provided will demonstrate a depth of understanding of the applications of the theoretical material and economic concepts learned during the course.
    Although the assessment is open-book, researched answers and references are not required. Students should answer from the knowledge they have acquired during the course.
    Generic skill assessed
    Skill assessment level
    Problem solving
    5.3 Additional assessment requirements
    Plagiarism In order to minimise incidents of plagiarism and collusion, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks, when submitted to Blackboard, are electronically checked through SafeAssign. This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that SafeAssign has access to.
    Eligibility for Supplementary Assessment Your eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying: a) The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4% b) The course is graded using the Standard Grading scale c) You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct
    5.4 Submission penalties
    Late submission of assessment tasks will be penalised at the following maximum rate:
     5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) per day for the first two days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.
     10% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the third day
     20% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.
     A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task.
    Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late. To request an extension you must contact your course coordinator to negotiate an outcome.
    6. How is the course offered?
    6.1 Directed study hours
    On campus Lecture: 3 hours per week
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    6.2 Course activities
    Week / Module
    What key concepts/content will I learn?
    What activities will I engage in to learn the concepts/content?
    Directed Study Activities
    Independent Study Activities
    Introduction to Economics
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapter 1
    Economic Policy and Growth
    Interactive Lecture
    Refer to Blackboard
    The market system and pricing
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 3, 5 and 7
    Competition and market power
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 6 & 8
    Market and government failure
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 9
    Labour, investment and the environment
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 11
    Introduction to macroeconomics, price stability
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 3 & 10
    Interest rates; unemployment
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 10 & 13
    Fiscal policy and the business cycle
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 3
    Introduction to international economics
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 14
    Labour flows; the balance of payments
    Interactive Lecture
    Text Chapters 14
    Exchange rates
    Text Chapters 14
    Please note that the course activities may be subject to variation.
    7. What resources do I need to undertake this course?
    7.1 Prescribed text(s)
    Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below:
    Study Guide for BUS702, which will be available to purchase in printed form from Print Services and also will be downloadable (free) from Blackboard.
    Cohen, Ivan K.
    Economics for Business: A Guide to Decision Making in a Complex Global Macroeconomy
    Kogan Page Limited ISBN 978 0 7494 7019 7
    7.2 Required and recommended readings
    Lists of required and recommended readings may be found for this course on its Blackboard site. These materials/readings will assist you in preparing for tutorials and assignments, and will provide further information regarding particular aspects of your course.
    7.3 Specific requirements
    7.4 Risk management
    There is minimal health and safety risk in this course. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Health and Safety policies and procedures applicable within campus areas.
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    Course Outline: BUS702 Economics for Managers
    8. Links to relevant University policies and procedures
    For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including:
     Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs
     Review of Assessment and Final Grades
     Supplementary Assessment
     Administration of Central Examinations
     Deferred Examinations
     Student Academic Misconduct
     Students with a Disability
    Code: BUS702 Title: Economics for Managers代写