代写31265 – Communication for IT Professionals
代写31265 – Communication for IT Professionals
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Assignment Sheet
31265 Communications for IT Professionals
This document contains details for assessments for Communications for IT
Professionals (31265). Please refer to the subject outline for important statements
• extensions and late assignments;
• academic misconduct.
There are four assignments in 31265 Communications for IT Professionals which are
detailed below.
Assignment 1 – Professional Engagement with Learning
Weighting 10%
Assessment 2 – Information Search & Evaluation
Weighting 20%
Assessment 3 – Careers Project
Weighting 30%:
• 16% Presentation
• 12% Vodcast
• 2% Time Management Report
Assessment 4 – Research Report
Weighting 40%
• 35% Report
• 3% Draft
• 2% Time Management Report
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Assignment 1
Professional Engagement with Learning
Marks: 10%
Objectives: 1-5
Due Date: Weeks 3-11
Individual Assignment, no group work.
Aims: This assessment encourages students to become self-directed learners within the
university environment, to develop regular study habits, and to engage in effective collaborative
learning with their peers and lecturer or tutor.
Students participate by:
• Answering and asking questions; discussing topics; and presenting, arguing and justifying
opinions in whole class and small group discussions.
• Undertaking individual written homework activities.
• Undertaking online exercises such as questionnaires and discussion board participation.
• Engaging in mini-presentations in their workshop.
• Undertaking individual and group writing tasks in the workshop.
• Supporting fellow students and contributing in a positive way to the learning of the class as a
• Constructively using lecturer and peer feedback to improve the quality of their communication
skills in class.
Assessment 1 Marking Criteria:
This mark is cumulative. From time to time the workshop tutor will assess the quality of the
student’s participation on the class list using criteria and indicator marks similar to those shown
in the table. The indicators will be converted into a mark at the end of semester.
Assessment criteria
In-class participation in learning: Quality of and engagement in presentation
Engaging in effective group exercises
Asking insightful questions and oral participation
Out-of-class participation in learning: Quality of student’s homework and participation in
online exercises
Students should occasionally check the class list that their workshop lecturer or tutor holds to
see how they are going and try to participate more effectively based on feedback. If necessary,
students should discuss strategies with their lecturer or tutor as to how they can improve their
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Assessment 2
Information Search & Evaluation
Marks: 20%
Length: 1,200 – 1,500 words
Due Date: Week 5 - 11:59pm Friday 26th August
Individual Assignment, no group work.
Submission: Submit Report & attached Cover Sheet to ‘A2: InformationSearch & Evaluation’ as
PDF, and submit Appendices as PDF to ‘A2: Appendices’ in UTS Online >>
Assignments. Join Pdfs to make a single PDF where necessary.
Objectives: Assesses objectives 1, 3, 4
Feedback: Assignments will be returned 2 weeks after submission, in the next workshop
that students attend.
Aim: Assessment 2 aims to develop your skills in searching for and evaluating information that
will later form the basis of your Assessment 4.
Task - In this assignment, you will:
• Identify an IT issue or topic with ethical and/or social dimensions. (Your workshop
lecturer or tutor will assist you choose your topic).
• Post a short question about the topic on UTS Online by Week 3. Make sure the question
has two or more sides to it, and is not obvious.
• Locate 4 articles relevant to the issue or topic and of a sufficiently high quality to support
an academic discussion. The articles will be presented in a Bibliography using Harvard
Referencing style. You must source articles from at least 2 different academic
• Select 2 of the 4 articles you have located:
▪ Summarize the main points of each of the 2 articles in relation to the chosen issue or
▪ Evaluate the 2 articles, according to key criteria (relevance, reliability, accuracy, bias,
completeness and timeliness) to assess their relevance to the chosen topic and their
suitability to support an academic discussion. The evaluation will be presented both in
paragraph form and in a table.
• In a final concluding paragraph, try and make sense of the sources you’ve selected and
their relevance to your topic: are they worth relying on, what are their strengths, and what
will you use them to show.
Structure of Assessment 2 (Use section headings to structure the document):
1. INTRODUCTION • Briefly identify the chosen issue or topic and define the
particular ethical or social dimension of the topic that the
articles you have selected will address.
• Summarize the first article, focusing on the ethical and/or
social dimensions.
• State how the article relates to your issue or topic.
• Summarize the second article, focusing on the ethical and/or
social dimensions.
• State how the article relates to your issue or topic.
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
ARTICLES 1 and 2
• In paragraph form evaluate Article 1 according to the key
criteria, referring to your evaluation table.
• Insert the evaluation table (see evaluation table template
online) following the paragraph in which the first reference to
the table occurs - e.g after where you say something like ‘In
Table 1 we …’
• In paragraph form evaluate Article 2 according to the key
criteria, referring to your previous evaluation table.
5. BIBLIOGRAPHY • List the 4 articles alphabetically by author’s surname using
Harvard UTS Referencing style.
6. APPENDIX • A copy of the 2 articles which you summarized and evaluated,
highlighted to show relevant sections used.
• The first page only of the other 2 articles.
• Attach a signed and scanned cover sheet to the report document, which can be obtained at
UTSOnline >> Assignments.
• The assignment should be typed in an appropriate font with adequate margins and should use
1.5 line spacing.
• Do not refer to articles as ‘article 1’ or ‘article 2’, but instead use Harvard UTS in-text citation
format as it is has been taught.
Assessment 2 Marking Criteria:
(12 marks)
Accurate summaries in relation to chosen topic
Complete and appropriate evaluations according to the key criteria
Appropriate selection of 4 articles from at least 2 different databases
(8 marks)
Correct English grammar and vocabulary
Good paragraph structure and organization of paragraphs
Correct placement of evaluation table, reference to the table in the text,
and succinct style of table contents
Appropriate academic style and expression
Correct assignment format
Correct Harvard UTS citation in text
Correct Harvard UTS Referencing in Bibliography
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Assessment 3
Careers Project
Length: Presentation: 20 minutes, plus 5-10 minutes for discussion and
Vodcast: 5-10 minutes (Note: the tutor or lecturer will stop viewing after
10 minutes.)
Team Size: 3-4 students from the same workshop
Due Date: Presentation due as scheduled in class Weeks 6-9
Final Vodcast due in 7th October 11:59pm
INDIVIDUAL Time Management Diary due in 7th Oct 11:59pm
Submission: Submit Scanned Release Form to ‘A3 Presentation & Release
Form’ as PDF (1 submission per group), submit vodcast to ‘A3:
Vodcast Dropbox’ (1 submission per group) and submit Time Management
Report to ‘A3: Time Management Report’ (1 submission per
Objectives: Assesses objectives 1, 2, 5, 6
Marks: 30%
Feedback: Assignments will be returned 2 weeks after submission of all elements.
Group Assignments and Moderation of Marks
All students will receive the same mark for this assignment unless at least half of the team
requests a Peer Assessment. Using Peer Assessment the mark of each member will be weighted
according to their individual contribution as assessed by their peers in the team using the peer
assessment form, and the tutor and subject co-ordinator. The Peer Assessment form is in the
Assignments folder on UTSOnline and must be completed by each student in any team
experiencing problems and handed to your workshop lecturer or tutor individually at the time of
the presentation or vodcast upload. Additionally, information provided in the time management
reports submitted by each student will be user to determine appropriate weighting of results. The
non-submission of a time management report may be considered insufficient contribution should
a peer assessment situation arise, and may support the awarding of zero marks.
Peer Assessment is optional and should only be considered where other methods of
solving group problems have been exhausted. If you have trouble with the operation of your team,
ask your tutor for advice as soon as problems arise, a quick discussion can usually produce a
solution in the early stages, but it is much harder to solve when most of the semester has passed.
No complaints about team operation will be considered after both components of the assignment
have been completed.
This assessment aims to develop your oral and multimedia communication skills, including those
involved in team decision making, interviewing, communicating via a vodcast, and making a live
professional presentation and answering questions. You will develop these skills in the context of
a project which will increase your awareness of the different careers available to graduates in
Information Technology and assist you in making an informed choice of your area of specialization
and your majors.
Project Outline
You will work in teams to investigate an IT occupation, including interviewing a professional
working in the industry. Your team will: research the career thoroughly and then:
a) Manage and document your project, researching the career thoroughly.
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
b) Make a presentation of your findings to the students in your workshop, including a vodcast
of our interview with an IT professional.
c) Prepare a final version of your vodcast for sharing your information virtually with all
students across the subject, either in this or subsequent semesters.
1. Team Formation and Career Selection
In your workshop in Week 3 you will form your working teams, select which IT career you would
like to research and choose the week you would prefer to present. In order to make the career
presentations more interesting and informative for your fellow classmates, each team from your
workshop must investigate a different career. If you know an IT professional working in the
industry, you are encouraged to interview them: by Week 5 you must supply their name,
organization, role and contact details to your workshop lecturer or tutor. If that person is your
parent or someone you know well, you are encouraged to ask a group mate to run the interview.
If you cannot find a professional to interview, one will be contacted for you by the careers
service. Since there are a limited number of IT professionals available for interview and only 1
team will be able to interview each professional, you may not receive your preferred career. It is
your responsibility to manage contacting and arranging this interview, after receiving the contact
details of the interviewee.
2. Background Research
You will use a number of resources to undertake basic research into the career your team is
investigating, for example:
▪ UTS Careers Service: www.ssu.uts.edu.au/careers
▪ IT Student and Graduate Profiles: http://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/informationtechnology/
▪ Internet – websites for companies, research organisations, government departments
▪ Specialist journals and magazines that have advertisements for jobs
▪ Newspaper and online job advertisements, past and present.
3. Audiovisual Equipment
For recording the interview with the IT professional you may use one of several video camera,
microphone and lighting kits that the Faculty has purchased for your use. This equipment may
The hub is open most days from Week 4 onwards but students should check at the Hub for
exact opening times. Equipment should be returned in the first half of opening hours and
borrowed in the second half.
4. Interview
Once you have completed your background research and are confident in using the audiovisual
equipment, you will be in a position to finalise your questions and organise your interview with
the IT professional. Remember that the person you are contacting is a busy professional who
will not be impressed with you if you waste their time. There will only be one opportunity for you
to interview them and the interview will last about 20 minutes. So you must be well prepared,
both in terms of what questions you intend to ask, who will be asking questions and who will be
recording the interview. You may wish to ask questions about:
• What the person does in the job
• Qualifications, experience, skills (including communication skills) and personal attributes
needed to obtain and hold a position in this area
• Where and in what type of companies graduates might find employment in this career
• What positives as well as challenges are associated with the career
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
• Particular ethical issues that are encountered. NOTE – do not ask the professional what
ethical issues they themselves have encountered – that is too specific and may be asking
the professional to divulge personal or confidential information! Ask instead: ‘what type of
ethical issues would be encountered by an IT professional in this role?’.
• Opportunities for career advancement
• Other issues of interest to you. Please write around a further 10 interesting questions to ask
during the interview. Some research on the role, the company and the products or services
they produce may help you to develop some interesting questions to ask.
At the beginning of the interview, you must have the IT professional to sign the Release
Form (see the Assignments folder on UTSOnline) granting permission for the recording of the
interview to be shown to students in this subject in your presentation and via vodcast or audio
slideshow on UTSOnline.
Remember to organize a back-up if one of your recording devices should fail at the interview.
Make sure you are confident in using the recording equipment before the interview and check
that the devices will be available at the time of your interview. If there is no video or sound
recording to support your presentation and form your vodcast you will lose marks. Following the
interview, you should contact the professional to thank them for giving up their time for your
5. Presentation
You will present the findings of your project to your workshop, stimulate discussion about the
career and answer any questions from the audience. Each person within the group is expected
to contribute to the preparation and delivery equally. You must prepare presentation slides to
support your presentation and also incorporate portions of the vodcast from your interview with
the IT professional into the presentation to support it and add to the interest of the presentation.
Remember that you are being marked on you presentation skills and not on your vodcast at this
time. The selections from your vodcast are to be no more than 5 minutes of the 20 minute
presentation (about 1 minute per person). Note: Zero (0) marks will be awarded for the
presentation to any team whose members read instead of present.
6. Vodcast
After giving your presentation, your team should continue to edit the vodcast footage, to develop
a standalone vodcast that will be submitted in Week 12. In Week 12 You should upload the final
version of your vodcast to the Vodcast Dropbox on UTSOnline (not to YouTube or any other
site). The file name should include 3 components: Name of the career_Name of your workshop
tutor_Family names of all your team members - eg.
The vodcast or slideshow will be standalone, based on the recording of your interview with the
IT professional. If the IT professional is reluctant to be identified by name in the vodcast, you
must de-identify it. In order to maximise the impact of your interview recording, you will need to
edit it and add an introduction to say which career is being investigated, transitions showing the
aspects of the career you are discussing, and concluding credits. You do not need to include all
the information you delivered in your workshop presentation. Some useful media training
resources are at: http://ometra.wordpress.com. Also – you will need to compress the video file
to upload it to UTS Online. Please do not upload files larger than 250mb. Note: Zero (0) marks
will be awarded for any vodcast where the team cannot supply a Release Form duly signed by
the IT professional who was interviewed. The Release Form must be scanned and uploaded to
the appropriate section of UTS Online.
Format of Time Management Report
The time management report should be automatically created as the time management system
(we currently recommend www.nirvanahq.com) is used over the course of the semester. The time
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
management report will be a printout of the final state of the time management system. Students
may substitute their own time management system if they wish, but their time management
documentation must still satisfy the assessment criteria. Note that beginning the time
management report after the assignment is complete is not appropriate. Writing the report in a
Word Processor cannot satisfy the assessment criteria, so submissions written in word
documents will attract 0 marks for this section. Also, as mentioned above, the time management
report may be used when a group requests peer assessment.
Assessment 3 Marking Criteria:
TIME MANAGEMENT DIARY (1 per team member):
Documented evidence of advance planning and completion of tasks
Documented breakdown of team project into individual systematically
categorized tasks for each individual student, and awareness of need
to be able to work separately
Accurate and sufficiently detailed description of the career, required
qualifications, etc.
Awareness of ethical issues encountered in this job
Account of the day-to-day reality of the job
Well-organized presentation with appropriate introduction and
Clear spoken expression of ideas and appropriate style
Effective use of movement and gesture
Visually appealing and effective presentation slides including visually
organized information
Effective use of a ‘hook’ of some type to assist listeners to comprehend
and remember the presented information
Effective incorporation of vodcast to support presentation
Ability to answer questions and appropriate leading of group discussion
Vodcast or Audio Slideshow:
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
9代写31265 – Communication for IT Professionals
Communicates significant or interesting information about the career
Portrays the day-to-day reality of the job and the work context in which
the IT professional operates (max. 10 minutes)
A self-sufficient, standalone vodcast (including intro, outro, titles and
subtitles, transitions, etc.)
Creativity in production and content
Production values (e.g., sound, lighting, camera angles, framing, etc.)
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Assessment 4
Research Report
Marks: 40%
Length: 2,200 – 2,500 words
Due Date: Draft Report due in class, 11th October.
Time Management Report due in 21st October 11:59pm
Final Research Report due 21st October 11:59pm
Submission: Bring Draft Report workshop to be marked on 11th October. Submit Final Report
& attached signed scanned cover sheet as PDF to ‘A4: Research Report’, submit
Appendices as PDF to ‘A4: Appendices’, and submit Time Management Report
as PDF to ‘A4: Time Management Report’. Join PDFs where necessary.
Objectives: Assesses objectives 1-6.
Feedback: Assignments will be returned 3 weeks after submission of all elements.
Aims: To develop your skills in researching, critiquing, synthesising and organising information
into a report, and in arguing and justifying a point of view derived from your research.
Task — In this assignment, you will:
• Conduct more extensive research on the issue or topic established in Assessment Task 2.
The topic may be altered with the approval of the workshop lecturer or tutor, but it’s best not
to alter it to a different topic completely.
• Select a minimum of 6 journal articles, conference papers or books relevant to the issue or
topic. (Website articles or blogs do not count towards this total but may still be used).
• Identify the main points that relate to your specific topic, position and argument.
• Organise, synthesise and critique the main points to develop an argument.
• Present your argument, fully justified, in an appropriate report format.
Structure of Draft Report:
In Week 13 students will be required to bring to their workshop a hard copy of their draft report
in order to obtain feedback from their lecturer or tutor and have it marked. It is expected that a
draft report will be approximately 2000 words. This must include the following: the complete
main points completely fleshed out in draft form, the Introduction and conclusion, the complete
Reference List using Harvard Referencing. Your draft must be edited by all other group
members - (use word with track changes, Adobe Reader annotation tools, pages on mac, or an
equivalent editing system).
Format of Time Management Report
The time management report should be automatically created as the time management system
is used over the course of the semester as per instruction in class. The time management report
therefore will be a printout of the evidence of the usage of the time management system.
Students may substitute the recommended time management system for their own system if
they wish, but their documentation of their time management must still satisfy the assessment
criteria. Note that, writing a time management report in a Word Processor cannot satisfy the
assessment criteria, so submissions written in word documents will attract 0 marks for this
Structure of Final Research Report
A signed and scanned cover sheet for each student must be attached. The assignment should
be typed with 1.5 spacing and should follow this outline:
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
Briefly summarize the contents of the report.
Identify and define chosen issue or topic; Set parameters or scope of topic; Indicate
overall findings; Establish your own focus and point of view (your position); Briefly
indicate the organization of the report.
SYNTHESIS OF SELECTED TEXTS (Replace this heading with heading/s more suitable to your topic)
Synthesize the relevant information around 2-5 main points (probably 3). Organize
these points into logical paragraphs that develop your ethical argument. Draw on at
least 6 sources to support and justify your argument.
Incorporates 1 visual presentation you’ve created from data obtained from articles or
Summarize your argument and restate your position.
List the articles or books you cite in your report, arranged alphabetically by author’s
surname using Harvard UTS Referencing style. Note - none of these references
should be a single URL.
A copy of either the first page, or the entirety of each article you cite (or the title and
reverse title page of any book cited), highlighted to show the source.
Assessment 4 Marking Criteria (40% weighting)
MANAGEMENT代写31265 – Communication for IT Professionals
DIARY (2/40)
Evidence of advance planning and completion of tasks
Documented breakdown of assignment project into individual
systematically categorized tasks
DRAFT (3/40
Evidence of planning and drafting
Evidence of group member editing and proof-reading
Reference list in correct Harvard UTS format
(20/40 marks)
Complete, succinct executive summary
Clear introduction and conclusion, content organisation supports argument
Selection of appropriate texts and evidence of wide reading
Awareness of ethical theories and application to ethical question
Main points formed from synthesis of evidence
Quality, elegance and relevance of data visualisation
(15/40 marks)
Correct English grammar and vocabulary
Elegance of paragraph structure
Cohesion of text (organization of paragraphs & sections headings, etc.)
Appropriate academic style and expression
Correct Harvard UTS citation in text
31265 – Communication for IT Professionals: Assignment Sheet
代写31265 – Communication for IT Professionals