EDF5031 English education in the primary years 代写
EDF5031 English education in the primary years 代写
EDF5031 Assessment Task 2 – Literacy planning resource Name
You provide a rationale that
details your understanding of the
affordances of the text for
students’ learning.
10 marks.
Includes rationales that
clearly justify the text chosen
and critically analyses the
literacy learning affordances
of the text.
Includes strong reasons for
the text chosen and details a
comprehensive range of
literacy learning opportunities.
Includes reasoning that
justifies your text selection and
details opportunities for
literacy learning.
Includes discussion that
demonstrates a basic
understanding of the text and
the opportunities for literacy
Does not include a rationale that
justifies the text chosen and
provides a poor account of the
learning opportunities.
You have developed a teaching
and learning sequence to support
students to respond to the text
and maximizes students’ literacy
15 marks
Shows an excellent
understanding of a teaching and
learning sequence that
integrates language, literature
and literacy to ensure a rich and
comprehensive response to the
EDF5031 English education in the primary years 代写
Shows a very good
understanding of a teaching
and learning sequence,
integrating language,
literature and literacy
ensuring an effective,
engaging response to text.
Shows a good understanding of a
teaching and learning sequence
with some links to language,
literature and literacy. The
sequence supports students to
respond to aspects of the text.
Shows an understanding of a
teaching and learning sequence
that supports students’ literacy
learning though lacks breadth
and depth. Opportunities to
respond to the text need to be
Does not show a good
understanding of a teaching and
learning sequence with limited
opportunities for students to
respond to the text.
You have included details of the
performance indicators that
demonstrated students’
engagement with the learning
5 marks
Performance indicators are
integrated into the teaching
sequence and demonstrate
students’ understanding and
effective engagement with the
learning tasks.
Performance indicators
connect well with the teaching
sequence and provide clear
details of students’
engagement with the
learning tasks.
Performance indicators relate to
the teaching sequence and detail
measures to assess how well
students’ engage with the learning
An attempt has been made to link
the performance indicators to
the teaching sequence.
Performance indicators are limited
in scope and not reflective of the
teaching sequence nor do they
detail the ways student
demonstrate engagement with the
learning tasks.
Your paper draws on substantive
and authoritative sources to
support your contentions, with
emphasis on our subject's course
readings. 10 marks
Excellent range of high-‐quality
papers referenced with
evidence of wide reading.
Wide range of papers
referenced to ensure a
breadth of views and range of
positions covered.
Relevant papers referenced to
explore the topic area.
A limited range of papers
Professional sources not used or
cited inappropriately
Your writing demonstrates a
well-‐expressed, clearly proof-‐
read and coherent
development of ideas and your
paper complies with the word
limit set for this task
(plus/minus 10%).
6 marks
The text consistently follows
the conventions of English
language use. The text is
skillfully crafted showing
stylistic control and uses a
broad vocabulary appropriate
to academic writing and
complies with the word limit
set for this task.
The text follows the
conventions of English
language use. The text is well
structured and uses
appropriate, varied vocabulary
choices to enhance meaning
and complies with the word
limit set for this task.
The text includes language
conventions errors that do not
detract from the development
and meaning of the discussion.
Text structure presents content
logically and clearly and
complies with the word limit set
for this task.
The text contains language
errors that detract from the
quality of the discussion but
meaning is maintained. Text is
poorly structured and presented
and complies with the word
limit set for this task.
The text contains numerous
language conventions and word
usage errors, which impede
communication resulting in an
incoherent development of ideas
The paper does not comply with
the word limit set for this task
(plus or minus 10 %).
You have used correct citation
conventions and accurately
recorded the bibliographic details
of texts cited in your paper.
4 marks
APA style is applied with
consistent accuracy.
APA referencing style is
used consistently with
irregular errors.
APA referencing style is used
with errors suggesting specific
areas of confusion.
Numerous errors in the
application of APA referencing
style are evident.
Attention to APA referencing is
EDF5031 English education in the primary years 代写