BX2112: LAW OF BUSINESS Assignment代写

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    SP 2, 2016
    BX2112: LAW OF BUSINESS Assignment代写
    Due date: A written assignment is due by 15 September 2016 at 9am
    Weighting:The assignment is worth 30% of the marks for the subject.
    Individual Assignment:This is an individual assignment – students are not to copy each other’s work.  Rather, their essay is to be a reflection of their original thoughts, analysis and research.
    Lodgement: you must lodge assignments in hard copy at the Law/Business School Office with an assignment cover sheet that has been time and date stamped. You must ALSO lodge your assignment electronically via the LearnJCU website as a backup copy (and to check for plagiarism). Please ensure you retain a photocopy of the assignment. Your electronic copy of the assignment must also be submitted before the due time on the due day. Note the link on the web site to the University’s policy on submitting assignments electronically.
    To submit your electronic copy of the assignment, follow these instructions:
    1. Go to your subject site in Learn JCU, select Assignments from the left-hand navigation bar.
    2. You will see an icon that looks like a blue page - Click on View/Complete.
     3. To attach your file, click on the ‘Browse’ button and double click on the file you wish to submit. You can also write a comment about the file you are sending eg if you have an extension, you might want to say “Extension Granted”   Please note that you are only able to submit the assignment in one document.
    For more information go to http://learnjcu.jcu.edu.au and click on LearnJCU Toolbox under the Support tab.
    BX2112: LAW OF BUSINESS Assignment代写
    Penalty for late submission: the penalty for late submission of assignments without an extension having been granted is the loss of 5% of the total marks available (for the piece of assessment) per day vanishing down to a mark of zero after 20 days.
    In fairness to all students, extensions of time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and where there is cogent evidence supporting the need for extension.  If an extension is applied for close to the due date, normally the assumption of the lecturer will be that the student has had many weeks to work on the task and has done so consistently.  The co-ordinator may require the student to produce their work completed to the time of the request for an extension.
    Word Limit: Assignment –1500-2000 words. Note that your emphasis should not be on length but rather on clarity and precision of thought and expression. You must indicate the length of the assignment on your paper.Wordcount not recorded- Students will be penalized 2 marks for failing to record the correct word count on the cover sheet or assignment.Wordcount exceeded - Students will be penalized 1 mark for each 100 words (or part thereof after the first 100 words) above the 1,500-2000word limit.
                Style Guide: include footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography. These are not included in calculating the paper’s word length (unless the footnote is used for extremely long passages of text that may run the risk of circumventing the word limit).Referencing for all Law assignments must be based on the following – Australian Guide to Legal Citation (latest edition) University of Melbourne.
    Marking Schedule:a marking sheet is attached.Marks will be primarily awarded for content, analysis and reasoning (based on sound research) but expression, grammar and spelling, presentation and form will also be taken into account (especially where such detracts from the strength of the argument/analysis). Regard shall be had to the following criteria:
    1.     Demonstrated familiarity with the relevant law and policies (based on sound research);
    2.     Evaluation of arguments/critical analysis of the relevant law and policies (based on sound research);
    3.     Development of argument (based on sound research);
    4.     Structure and organisation;
    5.     Originality;
    6.     Quality of expression, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; and
    7.     Referencing and bibliography.
    Structure:While there is always a place for creativity in answering the questions set, somewhere towards the early part of the answer, there should be an outline/summary/statement of your argument/answer to the question in a nutshell.   (Where a question includes a quotation to be analysed, ensure that you address the nub of the quotation in all aspects of the assignment).  The assignment should also typically include:  brief statement of the law/development or change proposal/development; analysis (eg what was/is the change meant to achieve and why; has it achieved/is it likely to achieve that goal; is it too early to tell; what does the case law and scholarly analysis tell us?) The conclusion ought to consist of a summary showing how your analysis supports your opinions/deductions.  It is significant to note that good research supports good analysis.  Headings may also be useful.  For the problem section of the question, the IRAC (issue, rule, apply, conclude) technique may be useful.
    Research Skills:Please refer to Milne, S & Tucker, K, A Practical Guide to Legal Research, latest edition, Law Book Company.  You will note from the schedule for the course, that the lecturer takes students through research databases and methodologies that are relevant to the assignment, also.  It is important to attend that class – as it is important to attend most classes.
    Policy on Plagiarism: Please note the link on the web site to the University’s policy on plagiarism. This WILL be enforced. Recent caselaw has confirmed that evidence of plagiarism at University will be considered by a court upon an application for admission. Failure to disclose such evidence is viewed very seriously.
    A.The Enron collapse in America famously took place after a corporate whistle blower expressed concerns that the company was about to implode (see eg Floyd’s SMULR article from 2002-3); yet in Australia, authors such as Lombard and Brand (in their 2014 article in the ABLR) lament the fact that there is not greater protection of corporate whistle blowers in this country.  Are their concerns (still) valid? Critically analyse the legal position of Australian corporate whistle blowers.How have legal scholars regarded their situation over the years?  Have whistle blowers played a significant part in uncovering problems in Australian corporate collapses (eg HIH, WA Inc – and others)?  Why?  Are there possible law reform options we might adopt from jurisdictions like the United States?  Would they work here?  (20 marks)
    B.On July 25 2016 The Courier Mail (p9) published a story “Legally Bombed” (by Jacinta Tutty) on the problems of Simpatico Connection (The CM reports the company is now in liquidation) – which tried to bring Reese Witherspoon to Australia to headline an inspirational conference.   Even at this early stage of the subject, you would be aware of the problems facing concert promoters in Canny Gabriel. Briefly, critically discuss the types of business organisations used in the entertainment industry to promote events and gain finance for eg movies.   How do business people guard against the inherent risks?(10 marks)
    CRITERIA FOR LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT –BX2112Legal Research and Analysis Assignment

    less than 50%
    85% (+)
    LAW/ISSUES: Ability to write a clear statement of the law pertaining to the questionas the basis for the identification  of key issues in question.  Show legal  understanding of question/problem and issues in it.
    30 %
    Has failed to adequately state the law/development. Failed to identify some/most of the legal issues. Failed to address quote/problem as relevant to question. Has stated the law/development in a basic format; identified some of the legal issues; attempted to accurately address the question.
    Has adequately stated the law/development; identified some/most of the legal issues; accurately addressed the question. Has appropriately and adequately stated the law/development and identified most/all of the legal issues and accurately addressed the question. Has clearly, accurately and appropriately stated the law/development and identified all legal issues and accurately and appropriately addressed the question.
    RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS:  Ability to critically analyse the issues and law arising in the question. Evidence of understanding of legal issues, developments and influences on the law supported by scholarly authority and research.
    Has failed to critically analyse question; lacks evidence of understanding of legal issues/developments/ influences on law. Little or no use of scholarly authority to support argument/legal opinion Has attempted to critically analyse the question; some evidence of basic understanding of legal issues/developments/ influences on law/application of law to facts. Some use of legal authority to support argument. Has provided a reasonable critical analysis of the question, which demonstrates reasonable understanding of legal issues/developments/influences on the law. Scholarly authority used to support argument and legal opinion. Has provided an in-depth critical analysis of the question, which demonstrates in-depth understanding of legal issues/developments/ influences on the law. Authority appropriately used where necessary to support argument. Has provided an in-depth critical analysis which has by sophisticated use of legal reasoning demonstrated comprehensive/detailed understanding of issues/developments/influences on the law. Scholarly authority consistently used to support argument.  Understands application of law to facts
    Organisation and structure
    Disorganised/ incoherent Shows some attempt to organise in a logical manner, including linking paragraphs/law to facts Shows organisation and coherence Carefully and logically organised Carefully and logically organised; shows sophisticated attention to purpose
    Written expression, referencing & bibliography quality/form
    Meaning unclear and/or
    grammar, spelling and/or referencing  contain frequent errors
    Meaning apparent but language not always fluent; grammar, spelling and/or referencing may contain errors High standard of conventional English; grammar, spelling and referencing mainly accurate Very high standard of conventional English; grammar, spelling and referencing accurate Sophisticated use of English employing an academic style; grammar, spelling and referencing accurate