代写 AMB369 Assessment Item #1: Case Study

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  • 代写 AMB369 Assessment Item #1: Case Study

    AMB369 Assessment Item #1: Case Study

      7 6 5 4-3 2-1
    Organisation Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the topic Carefully and logically
    Shows organisation and coherence Shows some attempt to organise in a logical manner Disorganised/
    Attention to purpose Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively and
    Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently and with some attempt to demonstrate imagination Has addressed the main purpose of the assignment Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment Fails to address the task set
    Quality of analysis
    There is evidence of critical reflection; and the work demonstrates some originality of thought, and the ability to tackle questions and issues not previously encountered There is evidence of critical reflection, and of ability to tackle questions and issues not previously encountered. Some evidence of critical reflection, and the ability to make a reasonable attempt at tackling questions and issues not previously encountered. The attempt at analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge and concepts is superficial There is little or no attempt at analysis, synthesis or application of knowledge
    Data/information gathering/processing Selects and processes data with confidence and imagination. Selects appropriate data and processes using relevant tools. Makes a selection from data and applies processing tools. Collects some information and makes some use of processing tools. Random information gathering.  Inappropriate use of processing tools.
    Presentation style Imaginative presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information & generating class discussion Well-structured and signposted presentation.  Generating some class discussion Clearly structured.  Shows some attempt to structure Material is difficult to understand due to poor structure
    Conforming with instructions Presented within time boundaries and within prescribed parameters Presented within time boundaries and within prescribed parameters Presented within time boundaries and within prescribed parameters Deviates slightly from the required parameters Presentation too lengthy with no allow-able reason, or deviates significantly from the required parameters

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    代写 AMB369 Assessment Item #1: Case Study