代写ECON2206: Introductory Econometrics Assignment
代写ECON2206: Introductory Econometrics Assignment
ECON2206: Introductory Econometrics
Assignment 2
Michele De Nadai
Problem 1 (10 points)
The file SLEEP75.dta contains information on sleeping time and demographics
on a sample of 706 individuals. We are interested in the following two
slpnaps = α0 + α1totwrk + α2educ + α3age + α4age2 + u,
slpnaps = β0 + β1totwrk + β2educ + β3age + e,
where slpnaps is the total minutes of sleep, totwrk is minutes worked per
week, educ is years of education and age is age in years.
1. (2 points) Discuss whether or not the above econometric models are
2. (5 points) Obtain OLS estimates for parameters in both specifications
and explain which specification you prefer motivating your answer.
3. (3 points) Using your preferred specification, test whether there is
evidence of functional form mispecification.
Problem 2 (10 points)
The file EARNS.dta collects hourly wages and output for the U.S. economy
from 1947 to 1987. Estimate the regression of growth in hourly wages
(ghrwage) on current and lagged growth in hourly output (goutphr, goutph 1
and goutph 2):
ghrwaget = β0 + β1goutphrt + β2goutphrt−1 + β3goutphrt−2 + u
1. (3 points) Is there any evidence of a transitory effect of output on
2. (3 points) Provide an estimate for the long run propensity (LRP) of
output on wages.
3. (4 points) Consider the following MA(2) stochastic process:
xt = δ1et−1 + δ2et−2 + et,
where et are indipendently identically distributed N(0,σ2) randomvariables.
Derive Cov(xt, xt−2).
Submission instructions
• Submission of one hard copy of the assignment (handwritten or typed
in) is required and it must be handed in to your tutor at your LAST
tutorial class.
• Name, student number, course title, tutorial group number and tutor’s
name should be clearly included in the submission.
• The submission should be no longer than 4 pages.
• Do not use plastic sheets or binders, simply staple the pages together.
• The assignment is INDIVIDUAL work. You may discuss the assignment
with your peers, but you must submit YOUR OWN answers.
• Answers to questions should include a brief explanation of the commands
used to obtain the desired STATA output.
代写ECON2206: Introductory Econometrics Assignment