C5374 –Diploma of Accounting (FNSTPB503) 代写

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  • C5374 –Diploma of Accounting (FNSTPB503) 代写
    RMIT logo 35mm bw
    Vocational Business Education
    Assessment Record & Cover Sheet
    Assessment information:Research Presentation
    Program Name: C5374 –Diploma of Accounting (FNSTPB503)
    Course(s) LAW5732C Apply Legal Principles in Contract and Consumer Law
    Semester& Year Semester 1, 2017
    Teacher Name & Contact Details Leanne Ryan
    [email protected]
    Date handed out Week 3
    DUE DATE Week 6
    Student to Complete:
    Student Name(s)/Number(s): SHIHUI MAO/ s3594809
    Title of Assessment Task: Research Presentation
    Student Declaration:
    I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I / we have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration.
    Assessor to Complete:
    Assessment Result:  
    Comments/Re-submission Arrangements (if applicable):  
    Teacher Name: Leanne Ryan
    Resubmission Assessment Result: (if applicable)  
    Teacher Name: Leanne Ryan


    Assessment Information

    This is assessment task 1 of 3 assessment tasks. You must successfully complete all 3 tasks to achieve competency in this unit.
    You must be able to show evidence of the ability to research legislation in relation to contract and consumer law and apply that knowledge to a specific situation.
    This assessment is competency based and a CAG (competent) must be achieved for this assessment. The assessment will be graded (once competency is achieved) according to the grading policy for assessments those being, CAG (competent), CC (credit), CDI (Distinction) or CHD (High distinction).
    Assessment Task:
    For this task you will assume that you are employed by a large accounting firm, and are working in the legal department within that firm, reporting to one of the organisation’s senior managers.
    You are required to work in pairs to research the function of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). You must report to your senior manager on how the Act has been enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in the last six (6) months. You are to do this by drawing on a recent example (of not more than six months ago) of the ACCC enforcing the consumer protection provisions found in Schedule 2 of the Act. You are to research, analyse and explain a specific example of conduct that would be found to be in contravention of Schedule 2, and summarise what action the ACCC took against the offending corporation.
    The presentation: You are required to prepare your report in the form of a PowerPoint or Prezzi..You may use a combination of content forms, such as text, audio, images, animations, video or interactive content. The presentation should be designed in a manner that would be suitable in the workplace. Your presentation should cover the main points of your findings, and must be submitted on the Blackboard. You must prepare a minimum of eight (8) slides and a maximum of twelve (12).
    Submission Instructions:
    You should fill in this sheet with your name, number and the title of the assessment, attach your assessment and submit it on the Blackboard on or before the due datei.eno later than 11.59pm on the Friday of week 6.
    Marking Guide:
    Assessment marking criteriafor competency
    This marking criteria will be used by the assessor to assess your research report presentation. Following this marking criteria is your best strategy for a good result.
    Requirement Competency
    Resubmission Outcomes  (if applicable)
    ·           Demonstrates research relevant to contract and consumer law legislation, regulation and practice
    ·           Identification of the legal principles applicable to consumer law matters
    ·           Outline of the function of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
    ·           Outline of the function of the regulatory bodies in enforcing consumer law legislation
    ·           Explanation of how the Competition and Consumer Act has been enforced by the ACCC
    ·           Relevant recent example of the ACCC enforcing consumer protection provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act
    ·           Summary of the action taken by the ACCC against the organisation being investigated
    ·           Exploration of issues and expression of ideas succinctly, using clear language and correct spelling,grammar, and legal terminology
    ·           Interact with others to share knowledge and information as an integral part of a working relationship
    ·           Appropriate use of digital technology to presentinformation. Power Points are formatted in correct and logical order.
    C5374 –Diploma of Accounting (FNSTPB503) 代写
    Criteria for Grading
    The Grade below is for this assessment only. Students only receive a grade when this assessment has met the criteria for competency. When competency has not been achieved students will receive either a DNS (Did Not Submit) for assessments not submitted or completed or an NYC (Not Yet Competent) where the assessment has been completed but not to the required level of competency.
    Important:Where the minimum requirement has not been met, in order to achieve competency the student will have the opportunity for one (1) resubmission only. Please note that students only need to resubmit that part of the assessment task deemed not yet competent.
    Students who take more than one attempt to pass this assessment can only be given a (CAG) Competent grading for this assessment.

    Criteria CC: Credit CDI: Distinction CHD: High Distinction
    Research legal aspects of contract and consumer law Displays evidence of good research of all relevant aspects of contract and consumer law, but lacking in detail. Displays evidence of sound research of all relevant aspects of contract and consumer law, and shows good detail. Displays evidence of thorough research of all relevant aspects of contract and consumer law, with outstanding detail.
    Application of knowledge of contract and consumer law legal principles and relevant regulatory bodies Demonstrates an understanding of the relevant legislation and regulatory bodies without error. Demonstrates sound understanding of the relevant legislation and regulatory bodies. Demonstrates thorough understanding of the relevant legislation and regulatory bodies.
    Analysis of the legal issues involved with the example chosen, and the consequent implications for the offending organisation Provides a good analysis of the legal situation and reports well on the implications for the organisation. Provides sound analysis of the legal situation and reports accurately on the implications for the organisation. Provides thorough analysis of the legal situation and reports accurately and succinctly on the implications for the organisation.
    PowerPoint/Prezzi content relevant for presentation in the workplace Well-developed content material. The content has been expanded and conclusions are feasible. PowerPoints are formatted and logical. The PowerPoints/Prezzi are concise and flow well. They have developed content. PowerPoints are easy to read and appealing in presentation. PowerPoints/Prezzi display clarity and are compelling to read. Content very well analysed and displayed. PowerPoints are of superior standard.
    Spelling and Grammar Minimal spelling and grammatical errors. All words spelt correctly, no grammatical errors. Accurate spelling and grammar, and well structured and relevant sentences.
    Work organisation and planning Requires only minimal supervision. Demonstrates a good understanding of the benefits of effective planning and organisation skills in the performance of the task. Works soundly to achieve desired outcome while demonstrating consistent initiative. Displays a high standard of effective planning and organisational skills in the performance of the task. Works autonomously to complete the task and demonstrates a high degree of independent thought. Displays exemplary planning and organisational skills in the performance of the task.

    C5374 –Diploma of Accounting (FNSTPB503) 代写