OMGT 1044: Retail and Service Logistics 物流assignment 代写
OMGT 1044: Retail and Service Logistics
S2 2016
Assessment 1 details
Course co-ordinator: Dr. Kamrul Ahsan
1. Group project report and presentation
Under this assessment, students will work in a group to performcertain research and analysis task on an allocated case study. Output of the research should be prepared through a report (20%) anda presentation (10 %).
Student group formation
Maximum four students will be allowed in a group. Groups will be formed during the session 2 or 3 class. Students may form their own group; otherwise the lecturer will assist in group formation. Once groups are firmed up, no group member changes can be permitted.
Task description and Schedule
The schedule of case study/task will be available in Blackboard under the assignment folder.
Report preparation and submission (20%)
On allocated case study a written business report of word count (2000 words ± allowance 10%) is mandatory for each group. The report must have an executive summary and business report section.The business report part is must be based on allocated case study/task. Reports will cover student’s answers to the set of questions on the case study/topic. The report should establish links between the key points you have learned in the classroom and the academic literature.
Consider the preparation of assessment tasks based on the following points and assessment rubrics (available on blackboard)
Suggested points for Business report:
1. Executive summary:
· The executive summary is a stand-alone document which summarisesthe background, objectives / aims, issues / problems and recommendations of your report. The executive summary can only be written of course, after you have finalized the report.
· You are strongly encouraged to avoid simply paraphrasing and / or repeating the information presented in the case study itself (this simply wastes word count!). Your opportunity – and learning responsibility – is to apply the concepts, principles and relevant techniques that are the basis of this course’s educational content, so reading the relevant sections of the textbook.
2. Report preparation:
This report format is provided as a guide and will not 'fit' every situation where a business report has to be written, but students should be able to adapt it to suit any case study / report writing situation. It is useful to consider the case study questions as a guide to the necessary paragraph headings.
· Table of contents
· Introduction: Importance of the topic, 'background' to the case study situation/problem. Be selective and reflect only the case’s main / essential points about the company / organization. (This is basically he first point of your assigned task)
· Research/report aim: It assists you to keep focused on what your objective is in the case study. Often you can use the case study questions to assist you draft the “Aim”. Keep the “AIM” as brief as is necessary - sufficient to describe what your report is about. Usually, only a few lines are necessary to define your “AIM” in most case studies. Example: "The Aim of this Report is to examine / investigate / identify / analyse / review / report on the logistics / supply chain “case questions” in XYZ Company and answer the case questions / recommend an appropriate set of solutions".
· Discussion: Discuss the questions from the prescribed group project topic. Discuss other major issues. Moreover, the case narrative may often lead you to deduce that additional problems (implicit) can possibly be identified and therefore these also need to be addressed.
· Conclusion: The conclusion 'wraps up' your report. It summarises the issues/ problems and how you resolved them. Don't be concerned that you will duplicate most of the conclusion in your executive summary..
· Recommendation: Do not confuse with the “Conclusion”. Here all you are doing is listing the recommendations for approval or endorsement (as may be required by the case study).
· Reference- The assignment should be appropriately referenced (using the RMIT Business (AGPS) Harvard referencing style), including a bibliography (for a useful resource, please visit:
· Annexes or Appendixes – best to avoid these unless you consider it essential to include an explanatory diagram or model. Models or diagrams or data will not be included in word count but excessive words will be! All material presented in an Annex or Appendix must be referred to in the body of the report.
· Use Font Size 11– NO Smaller !!Answers should be 1.5 lines spaced, with 2.5 cm margins.
· Keep the report to the allowed word count!
3. Report submission
a. Please submit your report through blackboard group pages
b. Include an RMIT Business Assignment Cover Sheet (as first page) which requires details of all students in the group, relevant student numbers and signatures
c. Late submission of report after the tutorial session will not be accepted, unless a relevant medical certificate is provided no later than the next working day.
Presentation (10%) Outline:
Each group will present case study findings to the class, i.e. for the semester each group will make ONE presentation on a topic/case to the class.
· Group presentations will run from session 5–8 inclusive, or until such earlier time, when all student presentations have been completed.
· Presentation duration: Each group will be given max 15 minutes for their presentation (each group member speaking on an equal time basis), and 5 mins for relevant question and answer. A penalty of up to two (2) marks per group will be incurred for not complying with this requirement.
· PowerPoint submission:Each group is requiring upload their presentation slides on blackboard on the presentation day before the presentation. No Turnitin submission is required for presentation slides.
· Presentation marking criteria: Lecturer/tutor will assess the group presentation based on marking criteria. Marking criteria will be based on: content and communication. It is important to focus on critical analysis of the case/topic, discussion of background theory, teamwork, and involvement of audience. Reading out from slides or notes during presentation is highly discouraged and will be reflected through lower marks. A marking criteria/rubrics will be available on blackboard under the assignment folder.
· Others: It is essential that you reference (use all material presented, if not originally developed by member(s) of your group. Use RMIT Business Style.
Presentation submission
· Please submit your presentation through blackboard group page
· Late submission of report after the tutorial session will not be accepted, unless a relevant medical certificate is provided no later than the next working day.
OMGT 1044 –SEM1, 2017
Assessment 1 Topic/Case Listing and submission dates
As part of assignment 1, each group needs to select two retailers and then consult with lecturer to prepare a detail plan to work on the project
Assessment 1 Topic
Assess, and compare the distinctive characteristics of the service operations delivered by the two competing retailers (your team can select any two retailers working in Australia say X and Y. X and Ycould be (service retail or traditional retails or e-tailers).Examples of retailers: restaurants, hotels, brick and mortar retail (Aldi, Bunnings, IKEA, Costco, IGA, Early Settlers), e-tailers(Iconic, Milan Direct, Kogan etc.), multichannel retailers (Woolworth, Coles, Myer, GAP, David Jones, Zara, H &M, UniQlo, Rebel Sports, Harvey Norman, JBHiFi, Samsung, Target, Kmart etc.).
- Introduce your presentation / report with a brief overview of the “retail organisations” you are investigating. Introduction could be in terms of products and services or products they offer/sale, location of the business, approximate business volume, marketing channels used etc.). Also add how do these organization/retailer add value to the product or service bought by consumers?
- Assess, and compare the product varieties and assortments delivered by the two retailers.
- On the basis of the dimension of service quality (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles) discuss how the service organization and retailer perform (similarities/difference). How to improve their service productivity?
- On the basis of the four generic supply chain service outputs (spatial convenience, lot size, waiting time, and product variety) discuss how the competing organization/retailer (say X and Y) perform (similarities/difference) in the level of each service output provided to customers.
- In your team’s observation are there any service gaps (knowledge gap/standards gap/delivery gap/communication gap)? How do they can minimize the gap(s)?
- Research, identify and report on the usefulness, characteristics and outputs of various information communication technology applications installed at retails.
- Investigate the existing retail channels (Omni channel/multi channel) and discuss the issues and benefits of using the channels. What are the benefits and limitations of selling online compared to traditional brick and mortar type retailers. Discuss the online channel product delivery, returns and related customer service issues.
1. Perhaps you can visit the organisation or call them as a customer and ask them for some specific information then evaluate their services.