ACCT1014 assignment 会计作业 代写
ACCT1014 assignment 会计作业 代写
Groups 4 Members
•Major Project Report – Group (10%)
Executive Summary ½ -¾ page overview outlining your research
Introduction- ½ page overview introducing your research
Literature Review – choice of theme your report will take. Select one of the following and discuss in terms of management accounting. It should begin as general discussion/examination on the topic using academic literature and then be concluded with what this theme means for your organisation using case information and other sources(1 - 1½ pages)
1.Social Responsibility
2.Environmental Responsibility
3.Risk Management – strategic; regulatory; financial; operational
You must include references (at least 4 academic research papers/books – source library e-journals); and 4 other references from industry/other expertise (do not cite Wikipedia). Place ‘Harvard Style’ references at end of document.
Method - ½ page overview of data collection sources, such as company website; interviews (who, how many, position); media etc.
Recommendations & Conclusion – see later slide
•Major Project Report – Individual (15%)
The Case Site This is broken up into four (4) individual components). Each student is to take one part which will be marked individually. (It should be around 1 ½ - 2 pages – use tables, charts and/or graphs).
Student 1) Organisation Background & Business Strategy
Provide a description of your organisation, its background, the industry it operates in, the products or services it supplies, its competitors and any other information your group thinks is relevant.
Outline and explain in detail the business strategy (mean of comp. adv. and business mission), key success factors and strategic objectives of your organisation.
Critique the strategy(ies) and show how they support (or not) the theme you selected in the literature review
•Major Project Report – Individual (15%)
Student 2) Organisational Structure:
Outline and discuss in detail your business’s Organisational Structure. Within your discussion you must do the following;
•Explain the type of organisational structure your organisation uses;
•Explain the degree of decentralisation of your organisation
•Explain the type of responsibility centres within your business’s organisational structure;
•Provide a diagram representing this organisational structure;
•Evaluate the appropriateness of your business’s organisational structure in light of the organisation strategy and key success factors you have identified (work with group member who is doing Part 1)
–Explain the link between structure and the theme adopted in the literature review. Does the structure help to manage and control (social/environmental/risk/strategic investment)?
•Major Project Report – Individual (15%)
Student 3) Management Accounting System and Rewards
a)Provide an outline and explanation of the main information your organisation needs to plan, take decisions, control, and influence behaviour.
–Discuss the type of information and how the company collects and analyses relevant information.
–Describe the management accounting techniques that the organisation uses and how they help to support and control the theme you identified in the literature review
–Outline any information you might gather for how employees are rewarded (intrinsic/extrinsic motivation) and how they link with the theme identified in the literature review. You do not need to detail links to performance measures as that is done in part (4)
Note: You are not required to gain private information about actual rewards – just an overview is enough.
•Major Project Report – Individual (15%)
Student 4) Performance Measurement System & Rewards:
a)Describe and discuss how the performance of employees in your organisation (can focus on a single work unit) is assessed.
–You can analyse the procedures and/or the measures employed
–Extend student 3’s work by linking performance measures to rewards.
b)Critically analyse the appropriateness of these performance measures.
–Are they consistent with the strategies, key success factors and organisational structure identified by the other group members’ contribution?
–Are they consistent with the theme you selected in the literature review.
Note: You are not required to gain information about actual performance – just the measures used to evaluate employee performance
•Major Project Report – Individual (15%)
Student 5) Investments
This 5th topic is not required when 4 members only – it is only if an additional student needs to be placed in a group
a)Describe and discuss the investment activities in your organisation (can focus on a single work unit).
–You can analyse the capital investments and/or other ‘non-routine’ investments that are made (i.e. additional investment in people training; advertising etc)
–Extend student 1’s work by linking investments to strategic outcomes.
b)Critically analyse the appropriateness of these investments.
–Are the investments consistent with the strategies, key success factors and how do they impact the organisational structure identified by the other group members’ contribution?
–Are they consistent with the theme you selected in the literature review.
•Group Recommendations and Conclusion
Recommendations - a short summary paragraph from each student on recommendations based on their findings (¾ page)
Balanced Scorecard - as part of your recommendations, construct a balanced scorecard that
reflects your organisations strategies as well as the theme from literature review (1 page table format).
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for your organisation:
–Should include a strategy map, objectives and performance measures within the four dimensions/perspectives of your BSC.
–You can choose to develop a BSC for your organisation as a whole, or alternatively, for a specific work unit within your organisation.
–Make sure that the BSC you develop is consistent with the organisation background, organisation strategy, strategic objectives and key success factors you identified by the group members in their individual contribution.
–Make sure you include factors that are aligned with the theme selected in the literature review.
–Include a justification for the objectives and measures you have included in your BSC.
Summary – a short paragraph to conclude your research
ACCT1014 assignment 会计作业 代写