SOC10236 社会学 SCU assignment 代写
SOC10236 社会学 SCU assignment 代写
SOC10236Applied Ethics and Sustainability
Assessment details
Assignment due dates and the examination period provided here apply to the Australian study period. These may be varied for students studying elsewhere, please confirm dates with your local tutor.
Marking criteria
The following marking criteria are used to assess Assignments 1, 2 and 3 in this unit.
Criteria |
Fail |
Pass |
Credit |
Distinction |
High distinction
Depth of research. |
Heavy reliance on unit text & study guide; & low quality websites.
Journal articles selected – insufficient, poor quality or irrelevant. |
Inadequate range or irrelevant academic references.
Heavy reliance on unit text & study guide. |
Reasonable range of quality and relevant academic references selected.
Good range of quality and relevant books &journal articles selected.
Reliable websites used where necessary. |
Extensive range of relevant, high quality journal articles& books selected.
Only high quality & reputable websites used. |
Application of theory. |
Fail to use relevant theories in performing assessment task. |
Identify & apply minimal theory to assessment task. |
Select some relevant theories & demonstrate understanding of its application to the assessment task. |
Successfully apply relevant theories to assessment task. |
Identify most relevant theories & successfully apply to assessment task. |
Analysis & interpretation of information. |
No constructive analysis of information.
Discussion is disjointed.
Inappropriate subheadings. |
Demonstrate comprehension of information collected applying basic analysis which lacks depth. |
Good analysis and interpretation of information with logical conclusions drawn. |
Logical structure using relevant subheadings providing a coherent response to the assessment task. |
Logical structure linking rational & coherent argument, demonstrating depth of knowledge. |
Synthesis, problem solving & creativity. |
Unable to connect information to solve the problem. |
Elementary connection of relevant theory & practice.
No genuine solution provided. |
Information drawn together to produce obvious conclusions with cursory link to assessment problem. |
Logical solution created from synthesis of information presented. |
Relevant information drawn together to provide insightful solution to assessment problem. |
Clarity of expression & grammar; accurate referencing. |
Extensive spelling and/or grammatical errors.Quotedmaterial presented incorrectly.
Incorrect & inaccurate referencing.
Disjointed & fragmented flow of expression.
Expression flows well,but is disjointed in someplaces.
Some spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Referencing not entirely correct. |
Few spelling and/orgrammatical errors.
Paraphrasing correctlyportrays ideas in ownwords.
Expression flows well. |
Clear flow of expression with accurate referencing and few grammatical or spelling errors. |
Excellent expression using appropriate academic language. Precise referencing. Very few grammatical or spelling errors. |
Note regarding references: Wikipedia (or equivalent) is not an acceptable reference for any assessments in this unit. Use the Harvard referencing system (or a suitable alternative) for all assignments in this unit.
Assignment 1, 2 and 3 submission instructions
Assignments1, 2 and 3 are submitted using
Turnitin via the Assessment functionon the MySCU site for this unit.For more information on Turnitin, see .
Your assignments must be submitted as
Word documents.
As part of a University initiative to support the development of academic integrity, assessments may be checked for plagiarism, including through an electronic system, either internally or by a plagiarism checking service, and be held for future checking and matching purposes.
Where a Unit Assessor requires further information to confirm the authenticity of any assignment submission they may contact the student to discuss the process followed to prepare the assignment and/or the content of the assignment.
Submission of assignments 1, 2 & 3– you must follow these instructions precisely.
1. Do
NOT attach an SCU assignment cover sheet.
2. Create your own cover sheet with only the following information –
a. Your name and student number;
b. Unit code;
c. Assignment number (1, 2 or 3);
d. Read SCU Rule 3 Section 18 and add the following statement to your self-created cover sheet which you then sign -
This assignment is my own original work. I have read SCU Rule 3 Section 18 and am bound by SCU rules on Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism.
3. All text that you
copy (or quote) from other sources must be formatted
exactly like this –
“…quoted text here” (author, year, page number
NOTE – you must use
double quotation marks and provide an in-text reference in the prescribed format (ieauthor, year, page number).
4. Do
NOT rewrite the questions in your assignment. Answer each question under a sub heading consisting of
only the question number or letterand
provide a list of references at the end of your assignment. No other introductions or summaries are required.
5. An assignment which has a Turnitin Originality Report which shows a text match of more than
not considered submitted and will
not be accepted.
6. A required objective of this unit is that you learn how to use Turnitin to improve your referencing and academic writing to the required academic standard. Your assignment will not be accepted until you have reduced the text match to 10% or less
by the due date (refer to point 8 below). Note that the first Turnitin Originality Report is generated in 5 minutes, however subsequent reports take 24 hours to produce.
7. It is your responsibility to review the Turnitin Originality Report and remove text matches so that your assignment conforms to the required academic writing standard by the due date.
You remove text matches by strictly following the instructions above (especially instruction 3); and where required, paraphrasing and/or restating text matches in your own original words.
8. If you require an extra 48 hours after the due date to remove text matches this can be requested by email to the Unit Assessor. However you can
NOT add new material to your assignment after the due date as you are only authorised to remove text matches.
9. Do
NOT recycle an assignment used previously in this or any other unit.
Assignment 1 Utilitarian ethical analysis
Due: 31 March 2017 11.00 PM
Length: 1,000 words maximum
Weighting: 10%
You must follow the ‘Assignment Planning’ activities in the SOC10236 Study Guide and all relevant online discussions concerning this assessment to perform well in this assignment.
You are required to select
oneof the five topics listed below andclearly defineone focused and specific ethical question which you will analyse in parts a to f.
The five topics are
1. Information technology and/or social media;
2. Employment practices of multinational corporations;
3. The taking of life: human or animal;
4. The (non) response of business to climate change;
5. Ethical issues relevant to friends and/or family.
Save your assignment as a word document with the following file name:
Topic Number ?Your name.docx
Required tasks:
a. Select one of the five topics.
Clearly and concisely define a specific ethical question in
no more than one short sentence (1 mark).
Note: This is the most important stage of your assignment and it is not as easy as it seems. If you don’t clearly define the ethical problem/question then you cannot perform a focused ethical analysis. It is strongly recommended that you follow the guidelines for forming ethical questions posted on the online discussion forumand engage in the online and class discussions setup for this purpose.
b. Explain why this specific ethical problem is important and in need of analysis?
(2 marks)
c. Identify and fully reference facts relevant to the analysis of your ethical question. (2 marks)
d. Identify gaps in current understanding of this problem. Whatassumptions are required to fill these knowledge gaps? (1 mark)
e. Analyse the ethical act central to your ethical question using act utilitarianism by forecasting three important positive and three important negative consequences. (3 marks)
f. Provide an ethical conclusion which compares expected positive with negative consequences including an estimate as to whether net utility will rise or fall. (1 mark)
(1 marks)
To assist your understanding, interpretation and planning for this assignment a hypothetical example is provided on the online discussion forum.
Assignment 2 Ethical analysis of news issue
Due: 21 April 2017 11.00 PM
Length: 1500 words maximum
Weighting: 30%
Submission: You must follow the same instructions as for assignment 1.
Remember that an assignment which has a Turnitin Originality Report which shows a text match of more than 10% is not considered submitted and will not be accepted.
SOC10236 社会学 SCU assignment 代写
You are required to select an ethical issue which has been reported in the news media in the past 12 months. Collect one recent (2016 or 2017) news article which identifies the issue, and perform further research to collect relevant background information and facts, to enable you to answer each question listed below.
This ethical issue must be different from the issue which you analysed in Assignment 1.
You must provide a full reference for all sources of information you have used to inform your research. Provide separate answers to each of parts ‘a to e’ of this assessment under separate sections:
a. Clearly define the ethical question/problem and provide a brief explanation as to why it is important. (3 marks)
b. Identify facts and key assumptions which are relevant to your analysis of the ethical problem. (6 marks)
c. Analyse the ethical problem using act utilitarianism, identifying all relevant consequences. Compare negative versus positive consequences and assess whether net utility will rise or fall as a result of the ethical act being examined. (8 marks)
d. Apply Kant’s categorical imperative by defining the rule that authorises the act central to the ethical problem you have chosen. Discuss whether this rule can be applied universally. (8 marks)
e. Provide a conclusion comparing results in parts c & d above identifying whether your ethical conclusion equates with your conscience with regards this problem. (5 marks)
You do
not need to provide a copy of the news article but you must provide full references of all articles and other sources you have used to inform your ethical analysis.
Assignment 3 Ethics and sustainability analysis
Due: 26 May 2017 11.00 PM
Length: 2,000 words max.
Weighting: 40%
Submission: You must follow the same instructions as for assignment 1.
Remember that an assignment which has a Turnitin Originality Report which shows a text match of more than 10% is not considered submitted and will not be accepted.
Assessment tasks
1. Select one important sustainability issue of global significance and express this issue in no more than one short sentence (2 marks).
Note: you cannot select a ‘climate change’ related sustainability issue as this is the issue chosen for the demonstration example provided in the online discussion.
2. Describe the main environmental elements of your chosen global sustainability issue (5 marks).
3. Describe the critical social elements of this global sustainability issue
(5 marks).
4. Describe the key economic elements of this global sustainability issue
(5 marks).
5. Identify two major ethical problems which are strongly connected withyour chosen global sustainability issue (2 marks).
6. Discuss the two ethical problems identified in part 5 drawing on relevant ethical theory (8 marks).
7. Your chosen global sustainability issue presents both significant threats and opportunities for business. Discuss these major threats and opportunities.
(5 marks).
8. Your chosen global sustainability issue will contain multiple causes of unsustainability and will cause actions which are considered unethical. You are required to propose an ethical and sustainable solution to the problems which underpin this global sustainability issue. This proposed solution should address causes of unsustainability, as well as financial, technological and behavioural barriers to removing these causes of unsustainability
(8 marks).
Final examination
Exam period: to be advised
Weighting: 20%
The final examination is scheduled for the end of the study period. The exam will be 1.5 hours, consisting of 40 multi-choice questions. The exam will be
closed book.
Note: Students are permitted to take a hard copy standard English translation dictionary into the examination. Electronic translation dictionaries are not permitted.
Given SOC10236 is a first year unit, students who achieve a total mark which is less than that required to pass this unit will be offered one replacement assessment if there is a realistic chance that the student could pass the unit. All offers are made by email to the SCU student email account prior to grades being released. Normally students will have 2 weeks to complete the replacement assessment.
SOC10236 社会学 SCU assignment 代写