APG5050 – Communication Research Methods assignment 代写
APG5050 – Communication Research Methods assignment 代写
APG5050 – Communication Research Methods Semester 1. 2017
APG5050 – Description – Assessment Task 3 – Research Essay – Outline
Assignment 3: Essay, 40% (35%+5% for draft outline); 3,000 words;
Deadlines. Essay Outline due: Week 7 Tuesday April 11 th , in class.
Essay due: Week 8 Friday April 28 th , 5pm [corrected date]
Draft Outline:
Complete a draft outline of your essay and submit it in class in Week 7. It must be printed. The
Outline should be no more than 2 pages. Submission earns an automatic 5% towards the essay.
The outline should consist of a short description (thesis) of the planned essay (50-100 words), a
list of topics/ideas to be addressed with some supporting points and an initial bibliography
(approximately 5 entries – you may include other references in the actual essay which should
draw from at least 10 articles).
Essay – a brief description:
Write a critical essay, answering one of the set questions below, ensuring that you follow the
Harvard style for in-text referencing and have an appropriately styled reference list. Any essay
question other than the ones distributed must be discussed with the Co-ordinator first.
Questions other those listed must be approved.
Presentation requirements:
The outline should be no more than 2 pages, 12pt font, single line spacing and consist of: a
short description (thesis) of the planned essay (50-100 words); a list of topics/ideas to be
addressed with some supporting points; and an initial bibliography (at least 5 entries, accurately
The essay should be formatted as follows: 1.5 line spacing, 12 point font, 2 cm margins. It will
list at least 10 academic references at the end of the essay with in-text referencing in the body
of the essay. Consistent and accurate use of referencing conventions is important: the Harvard
style is required (see Library guidelines).
Marking criteria:
• A critical and practical understanding of task and topic
• Clear summary of selected sources
• Critical evaluation of selected sources
• Clear presentation
• Clear and fluent writing style
• Finished copy of high editorial standard
• Consistency and accuracy in citation referencing and listing sources
• Appropriate number and choice of relevant academic sources
Learning objectives:
• Familiarity with the major research methods used in communication and media studies.
• An understanding of the difference between research topics and research questions and an
ability to identify productive research questions.
• An ability to apply research methods critically and appropriately in addressing research
• An ability to apply research skills to a range of challenges in communication and media
[cf. Monash Graduate Attributes Policy].
APG5050 – Communication Research Methods Semester 1. 2017
1. “One of the consequences of the widespread use of social media is the equally
widespread availability of once intimate and private stuff: textual, visual and affective. From
this a new form of labour arises: the mining of social media data.”
Helen Kennedy, 2012, ‘Perspectives on Sentiment analysis’, Journal of Broadcasting and
electronic media, Vol.56, No.4, p435
In your essay explore Kennedy’s statement giving attention to the “mining of social media
data”. Describe what kinds of activities constitute “mining social media data” in the context of
everyday social media use. Identify and discuss the purposes and uses of such data collection.
Using research and analysis published in academic journals and books, evaluate the impact that
the collection of this data has on privacy. For instance, you may want to argue about whether or
not privacy remains a viable concept within widespread sharing and collection of personal data.
2. Choose one of these films about media (copies available in the Library) – Her (2013),
Nightcrawler (2014), Kill the Messenger (2014) or Rosewater (2014) – or a film that
foregrounds the role of the media including Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, or Gone
In your essay discuss how the media is portrayed. Relate how media is portrayed to relevant
theories of the media. Also discuss how the film portrays media’s impacts on society. You may
want to address the role of production (media and film-making as industries) or text (the way in
which images and characters represent media). Include in your essay an analytical discussion of
how the film depicts media and the problems it creates for society? This is not simply a review.
You must address the film as a text and identify the argument the film makes about the role of
media and consequently it portrays media’s relationship to society.
3. Increasingly computer technology has opened up ways to share information. At the
same time new forms of commercialization have developed to take advantage of new services
that computing and data management have made possible.
In your essay address the impact of the changing conditions of research in regards to databases.
In particular you could consider one or more of the following questions: What is the ‘open
access movement’ and what are the issues for researchers and academic institutions in relation
to ‘open access’? How is open access impacting on academic practices? What are the
implications of using commercial databases to store research findings and publications?
4. Over the last few years, the idea of ‘the audience’ in Western scholarship has become a
contested area.
In your essay discuss this statement with reference to research that has addressed the changing
approaches to ‘audiences’. You could consider some of the following questions: How has the
theory of audiences changed over time? Why has it changed? What are the main issues that
arise in the reconsideration of audiences as an object of research in recent thinking about
communication and media? In what ways are post-broadcast media audiences different from
mass media broadcast audiences?
APG5050 Communication Research Methods Assessment Task 4 Research Proposal
APG5050 – Communication Research Methods assignment 代写
Updated July 14 2016
Title: A Research Proposal Due date: Assessment Deadline – Proposal – Wednesday, June 7, 5pm.
Details of task:
Develop a proposal for research on a topic of your choice. The research you propose to undertake should
be related to a future project that you would like to do either for a MA minor thesis or for other research
related objectives (for example as a contract researcher). To format the proposal, follow the outline below.
Word limit: 2500 Weighting/Value (%): 30%
Presentation requirements. The proposal must contain the following elements:
1. Title: The title should clearly capture the primary elements of your research.
2. Description: Describe the type of research you will conduct [types include: administrative, research
for internal use by media organisations; academic, a research proposal for Masters or PhD research;
policy, a proposal to conduct research on behalf of government or regulatory agencies].
Describe the problem you are to address in the research; what is the overarching issue you are
investigating. From this formulate a question that can guide your research.
Identify the object or field of your research. This provides the specific focus of your investigation. For
example: a media profession or institution; a collection of documents; a period of time; a specific audience.
Identify any obstacles that may arise in the conduct of your research (hard to access documents or
interviewees etc). Remember, the research must be suitable for postgraduate Masters student work.
If the obstacles will undermine the ability of the research to be conducted you should choose another topic.
List 5 possible chapter headings. Try making the headings related to topic areas (ie content or ideas you
intend to discuss) rather than functional tasks (such as methodology, discussion, conclusion etc).
3. Approach/methodology: How will you collect your data? [activities may include interviewing,
participant observation, literature reviews; policy reviews; archival research]. What approach is best to
ensure you address the problem you identified for your research.
Identify the limitations of your research (that is what you cannot expect to address, even though it may be
related to the topic area). Think about what you may need to argue against and what you need to address
formally. Clearly define what you will cover in your research to ensure it remains focussed. This is an
exercise in how to ‘isolate’ the object of your research.
4. Timeline: Using a period of 10 weeks draw up a timeline that addresses the activities you would
undertake in this completing the research. You will need to include time for both the research and
analysis; writing up the report/thesis (initial draft / redrafted penultimate draft / submission document).
5. Bibliography: List ten (10) relevant sources with correct Harvard referencing, including academic
(books AND journal articles) and other sources if they are relevant to the topic, For the purpose of this
exercise, add a short sentence beneath each reference that states why the source is relevant to your research.
Criteria for marking:
• A well constructed, realistic proposal for research appropriate for a postgraduate student researcher;
• That the task is completed to the required specifications;
• Clear summary of selected sources;
• Clear presentation;
• Clear and fluent writing style;
• Finished copy of high editorial standard;
APG5050 – Communication Research Methods assignment 代写