ABPL20034 Urban History 城市 建筑 assignment 代写

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  • ABPL20034 Urban History 城市 建筑 assignment 代写

    Subject Guide and Required Readings
    Semester 1, 2017
    The University of Melbourne
    Melbourne School of Design
    This compilation of student reading material has been made in accordance with the provisions of part
    VB of the copyright act for the teaching purposes of the university. For use only by the students of the
    University of Melbourne enrolled in the subject ABPL20034 Urban History.
    Cover image—Sirius Building, Sydney NSW, V. Kolankiewicz 2016
    ABPL20034 Urban History
    Coordinator details
    Victoria Kolankiewicz   [email protected]
    Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne
    Office hours: contact by email for appointment
    Tutor details may be located on the LMS.
    Subject description
    Metropolitan areas have changed substantially through history. This subject
    examines the ideas, values and forces which influenced the physical growth and
    development of urban areas in the developed world. Using examples in Melbourne
    where possible and focusing on specific features and concepts of space and
    community, the subject considers social, economic, political and environmental
    processes of urban change. it provides opportunities for students to speculate on
    the future of our cities in the twenty-first century and to consider the role of the
    planner, the citizen, governing bodies, and other forces on the shape and changing
    role of the city.
    This subject aims to develop an:
    • Understanding of the major themes in past and present urban development;
    • Ability to critically analyse ideas about urban history and related issues in the
    light of the current state of cities;
    • Ability to discuss, present and write coherently about the debates and themes
    of urban development.
    The following generic skills will be acquired through the successful completion of
    this subject:
    • Ability to analyse social and cultural contexts;
    • Critical thinking and analysis;
    • Development of logical arguments;
    • Critical evaluation of policies and practices.
    Time commitment to study
    The standard total time commitment in the Faculty is 120 hours for a 12.5 point
    subject. Across a 12 week semester, this equates to ten hours a week.
    The class has three contact hours: two one-hour lectures, and one one-hour tutorial.
    Students should expect to spend up to seven hours on private study, which
    should include completing the required reading, and the preparation of assessment.
    Please allow for some variation week by week depending on the due date of
    Students should bear in mind the total time commitment demanded by their study
    when making arrangements for other activities such as outside paid work. The
    Faculty does not consider work commitments as grounds for requesting
    assessment deadlines or special consideration.
    This class can be located on the Learning Management System (Blackboard).
    Students can access this through http://www.lms.unimelb.edu.au, or through the
    link from the front page of the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning website
    (www.abp.unimelb.edu.au). When students log in to the LMS, they will be
    presented with a list of the subjects that they are enrolled in, including Urban
    It is students’ responsibility to refer to this site on a regular basis: that is, at
    least twice a week.
    This reader generally has two or three readings which correlate with each lecture.
    Students are expected to have read these readings for discussion in each week’s
    tutorial. Throughout the semester, additional readings not included in this Reader
    may be made available through the LMS.
    Any errors in this Reader will be corrected on the LMS.
    Lecture time and venue
    Monday 11:00–12:00: Redmond Barry-200 (Rivett Theatre)
    Thursday 10:00–11:00: Medical-C403 (Wright Theatre)
    Lectures will be recorded and made available via the LMS.
    Lecture schedule
    Week Lecture theme Date
    1 A What is this subject about?
    27 February No tutorial
    1 B What was it like to live in a city more than 2000
    years ago?
    2 A What was it like to live in a city 500 years ago?
    6 March
    2 B What was it like to live in a city 100 years ago?
    3 A How do cities get remade?
    16 March
    3 B How do cities get rebuilt?
    4 A How do cities expand or contract?
    20 March
    1 Due 4 B
    How are cities governed?
    5 A What does the city need to function?
    27 March
    5 B How do cities stay healthy?
    6 A How do people move around the city?
    3 April
    6 B Why do we have public spaces?
    7 A What is secret outdoor space?
    10 April
    7 B What about the ‘other’ spaces?
    8 A What makes the suburbs?
    24 April
    8 B Why does the Milleara Estate not exist?
    9 AB How do we make new cities? 1 May
    10 A How are cities ‘protected’?
    8 May
    10 B Who (else) uses the city, and how?
    11 A What has made cities unsustainable?
    15 May
    11 B Why have cities changed so much in the last
    35 years?
    12 A What might make cities sustainable?
    22 May
    2 Due
    12 B How can you pass the exam?
    Making the city Keeping the city liveable Changing the city
    There are no tutorials in the first week.
    Tutorial attendance
    Students are responsible for obtaining any information given out in class and
    keeping themselves informed of the subject requirements. Students who expect to
    miss more than one scheduled class should discuss this with the lecturer and/or
    subject co-ordinator and tutor. The Faculty requires a minimum of 75%
    attendance at all class sessions. This is a hurdle requirement. Students who do
    not fulfil the attendance requirement may, on the recommendation of the Board of
    Examiners, be excluded from the examination.
    The Faculty and subject coordinator will only permit extended absences where
    grounds for special consideration exist, and in these cases, the subject coordinator
    may advise the student to consider withdrawal from the subject.
    As noted above, tutors will mark an attendance roll in the weekly tutorial sessions.
    Attendance and participation in class is worth 10% of the final mark: that is, full
    attendance without participation will mean a much lower mark than 10 out of 10.
    Tutorial number Day Time Room
    1 Monday 13:15—14:15 MSD-228 (Studio)
    2 Monday 13:15—14:15 MSD-227 (Studio)
    3 Monday 14:15—15:15 MSD-227 (Studio)
    4 Monday 14:15—15:15 MSD-228 (Studio)
    5 Monday 15:15—16:15 MSD-227 (Studio)
    6 Monday 15:15—16:15 MSD-228 (Studio)
    7 Monday 16:15—17:15 MSD-227 (Studio)
    8 Wednesday 13:15—14:15 MSD-117 (Studio)
    9 Wednesday 11:00—12:00 MSD-237 (Studio)
    10 Wednesday 12:00—13:00 MSD-227 (Studio)
    11 Wednesday 10:00—11:00 MSD-213 (Studio)
    12 Monday 16:15—17:15 MSD-228 (Studio)
    Subject readings
    There is a physical reader for this subject. Required readings will not be uploaded to
    the LMS. However, where applicable, optional readings may be uploaded to the
    LMS and will be labeled with the relevant week and topic.
    Additional recommended texts
    This subject has no prescribed texts. However, if students are interested in building
    up their own library of excellent urban history and planning books, we highly
    recommend the following:
    Davison, Graeme (2004, 1979) The rise and fall of Marvellous Melbourne Carlton:
    Melbourne University Press
    Forster, Clive (2004, 1999, 1995) Australian Cities: continuity and change South
    Melbourne: Oxford University Press
    Freestone, Robert (2010) Urban Nation: Australia’s Planning Heritage CSIRO
    Publishing, Collingwood
    Hall, Peter (2002) Cities of Tomorrow; an intellectual history of urban planning and
    design in the twentieth century Malden, MA: Blackwell
    Hamnett, Stephen and Freestone, Robert (eds) (2000) The Australian Metropolis:
    a planning history St Leonards: Allen and Unwin
    Mumford, Lewis The City in History (1961) New York: Harcourt, Brace (and many
    other publishers/editions)
    Neutze, Max (1981, 1977) Urban Development in Australia: a descriptive analysis
    Sydney: George Allen and Unwin
    Summary of assessment tasks
    Assessment is based on written work totalling up to 2000 words, in addition to a
    final exam, and class attendance and participation. All assessment must be
    completed and submitted in order for a student to pass this subject. It is your
    responsibility to be aware of submission dates for this assessment.
    The assessment tasks for Urban History include:
    • Written work: 50% total
    First assignment: 500 words, 20% (see page 7)  Due Monday 20 March
    Final essay: 1500 words, 30% (see page 8)  Due Friday 26 May
    • Final exam: 40% 

    ABPL20034 Urban History 城市 建筑 assignment 代写
    Two hour closed book exam during the University’s exam period. See below
    for further details on scheduling the exam.
    • Class attendance participation: 10%
    We expect students to attend and participate in all tutorials. Tutors will take a note
    of attendance and, if relevant, participation at each session. This component of a
    student’s final mark will be especially important if a student is on the border
    between two marks or is close to failing the subject.
    Further information outlining the assessment tasks and criteria are located in this
    subject guide. Feedback and marks relating to your assessment will be returned
    within 14 days of submission.
    Assignment submission
    Students must submit their assignments through the Assignment Submission
    function on the LMS. Students must not submit written work in any alternative way
    —such as sending it to the coordinator by email—as this will be not be
    The proper submission of an assignment will generate a Turnitin receipt which is
    automatically sent to your student email. Please ensure that you have received this
    as it confirms the submission of the assessment task in question: this is your
    responsibility. Where an assignment has not been uploaded, we will not accept
    screenshots or images showing the file and its date of alteration.
    Students’ written work submitted for assessment must meet appropriate standards
    of expression, presentation, and referencing. The Faculty guide to essay and report
    writing is available at http://www.abp.unimelb.edu.au/resources/students/
    Use Australian English spelling only; students should make sure that their settings
    are appropriate in word processing software. All student work should be written in at
    least 10pt—preferably 12pt—with line spacing at least 1.5 spaced, margins of at
    least 2cm, and pages must be numbered. 
    Students must retain a copy of all their written work.
    Requests for extensions or special consideration
    The Faculty policy follows the University policy on Special Consideration (https://
    It is designed to make reasonable allowance for unavoidable or unforeseen
    interruptions or constraints upon student work. It is available to assist students to
    cope with circumstances where their work has been hampered to a substantial
    degree by illness or other causes.
    Only circumstances affecting students for more than three consecutive days,
    or five days in total, are grounds for special consideration. Students must be
    able to supply documentary evidence of their circumstances on the HCAP form
    completed by a health care or other professional.
    Students should complete an online Special Consideration application form via the
    student portal. The Faculty Special Consideration Committee (one staff member
    from Academic Services, Associate Dean (Academic), one academic staff member)
    will consider the application.
    The subject coordinator will then determine the action to be taken and will advise
    the student. Where late submission of work is allowed, students must submit what
    they have completed by the established deadline in order that the subject
    coordinator can assess their progress and the implications of the special
    consideration request. Only one action will be taken in relation to each piece of work
    to which special consideration applies.
    The following are examples of circumstances where special consideration is NOT
    study workload—you should be able to manage your time and workload
    outside work commitments—these are extracurricular activities which we
    cannot factor into our assessment/teaching schedule
    • sporting commitments—see above
    language or other academic difficulties—the university maintains effective and
    appropriate facilities through which these can be addressed
    • misreading of the exam timetable
    computer problems
    Students who are not eligible for special consideration, but believe they may be
    unable to submit a piece of assessment by the due date, must contact their tutor
    and subject co-ordinator as soon as possible. The subject co-ordinator may permit
    students a small extension provided that an adequate justification exists for not
    being able to submit on time. Requests for extensions made following the deadline
    for submission will not be considered. Due dates clashing with other subjects are
    not grounds for granting extensions, nor are work commitments.
    Students are to choose from a small range of citation styles. Appropriate styles for
    use in this subject include Harvard, Chicago and APA. Use of any style outside of
    those stipulated must be approved by your tutor.
    You are to include a reference list with each assessment, noting the source and
    author of each text utilised. Please also note your chosen citation style. Failure to
    cite or reference as appropriate will incur the deduction of marks, as per the
    plagiarism policy below.
    If you require assistance, ensure that you speak with your tutor or subject co-
    ordinators, and visit the Academic Skills unit: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/
    Plagiarism and collusion
    Plagiarism is serious and readily detectable: all submissions for Urban History are to
    be uploaded to Turnitin.
    Plagiarism includes duplication of another author's work (whether in entirety or used
    in segments throughout a submission); submission of one's own prior academic
    work (both within and outside of the University of Melbourne); and 'close'
    paraphrasing (with minor changes to sentence structure or vocabulary, but
    fundamentally identical in terms of meaning, structure, key terms, and logic).
    Collusion—collaboration with other students on individual tasks—is also a form of
    academic misconduct, and instances of this can be readily identified during the
    marking process.
    Plagiarism and collusion are not tolerated and will incur a mark of zero for the task.
    Penalties for breach of word limits
    Standard penalties apply for breach of word limits for undergraduate subjects. The
    Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning’s position in regard to penalties for
    breach of word limits is as follows:
    • Assignments of more than 1000 words: for assignments that exceed the word
    limit by more than 10%, inclusive of footnotes, attract a marking penalty of
    10% of the marks that would otherwise have been awarded.
    • Assignments of less than 1000 words: assignments which exceed the word
    limit by 10% will be capped to a maximum grade of H2B.
    • Any assignments that exceed the word limit by 25% will be capped to a
    maximum grade of H2B.
    For example, an assignment with a limit of 2000 words will be marked down by 10%
    if there are more than 2200 words. If there are 2500 words or more, the maximum
    result that may be awarded is a H2B.
    Please note that word limits do not include the reference list for the assessment
    task. However, in-text citations are included, and this also considers footnotes
    where utilised. Captions and text located within tables or like figures do not
    contribute to the word count.
    Penalties for the late submission of work
    Apart from cases where students have an approved extension of their assessment
    deadline, students must submit all pieces of assessment on the stated dates.
    Standard penalties apply for late submission of work for undergraduate subjects.
    The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning’s position in regard to penalties
    for late work is as follows:
    • In-class tasks: 100% of the mark.
    • All other assessment: 10% of the total possible marks for the task for each
    day that it is late, including weekends and holidays.
    University Policy additionally considers this on the basis of calendar days: work
    submitted late will be regarded as having been submitted the next working day. A
    late submission for a portion of a day will be counted as one day late; a submission
    made the day following the assignment due date will be considered two days late,
    and so forth. As one example, a submission made after 5 pm on a Friday would be
    considered as submitted on the following Monday.
    This means that, after three days, a student originally awarded 75% will be awarded
    45%. After five days the work will not be accepted and will receive no marks.
    Assessors will return assessment, other than the final exam, within two weeks of the
    submission date, or within four weeks for assignments worth more than 25% of the
    final grade. Feedback will give students an indication of the relative quality of the
    piece of work via a grade (see below), along with brief comments and feedback
    explaining the grade awarded.
    Final Results (these results appear on final transcripts)
    Students who wish to appeal against an academic or administrative decision on an
    assessment matter, including appeals against results, should refer to the University’s
    Student Grievance Policy (http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/grievances).
    Students should first discuss the grievance with the relevant staff member.
    University services
    Academic Skills Unit  (http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/asu/)
    The Academic Skills Unit assists both local and international students to
    maximise their independent learning potential by developing academic skills,
    language proficiency, and graduate attributes.
    The ASU offers advice and instruction on academic and language skills. The Unit
    covers a broad range of academic skills, including researching and writing, exam
    preparation, oral presentations, amongst others. It provides:
    individual tutorials
    • workshops and short courses
    online programs
    print and electronic resources
    The ASU is accessible to all students regardless of whether English is their first
    language or not. We recommend that you utilise the Unit to get general help with
    writing and improve your academic results.
    Final Results (these results appear on final transcripts)
    Grade Mark  Descriptor  Comments
    H1  (80% - 100%)  First Class Honours
    H2A  (75% - 79%)  Second Class Honours Division A
    H2B  (70% - 74%)  Second Class Honours Division B
    H3  (65% - 69%  Third Class Honours
    P  (50% - 64%)  Pass  Meets the minimum threshold for satisfactory
    completion of the subject.
    N  (0-49%)  Fail  Students awarded an N grade have failed the
    subject concerned and will not attain any credit
    points for that subject.
    NH  -  Not Completed/
    Indicates that a student has failed the subject
    because they have not satisfactorily completed
    all prescribed (hurdle) requirements. No mark is
    displayed on transcript.
    Disability Liaison Unit  (www.services.unimelb.edu.au/disability)
    The DLU has primary responsibility for meeting the needs of students with
    disabilities in the University community. The DLU’s services are dependent on the
    impact of a disability, which may vary as a result of individual coping strategies,
    functional impairment and educational context. A core competency of the DLU is
    the ability to assess the impact of a disability and identify adjustments that reduce
    this impact in a manner that is congruent with existing University practice and
    The DLU also:
    provides direct support to students with high support needs which can
    include the provision of sign language interpreters, materials in an accessible
    format, notetakers and participation assistance in laboratory classes
    makes recommendations to academic staff about reasonable adjustments
    that can be made to facilitate the participation of students with disabilities.
    Recommended academic adjustments can include alterations to assessment,
    support for Special Consideration applications and access to additional
    learning materials
    • refers students to internal and external support services and agencies where
    appropriate. Internal supports are available across academic and
    administrative departments including faculties, the library, information
    technology services and Academic Services Division
    works closely with departments across the University to reduce systemic
    barriers for students with disabilities
    Counselling Service (www.services.unimelb.edu.au/counsel/index.html)
    The Counselling Service provides free professional counselling services to students
    and staff of the University. This involves initial assessment of presenting issues and
    the development of appropriate therapeutic interventions. It may also include
    external referral. Primarily, the counselling offered is short-term, with regular review
    and ongoing client management.
    When students attend counselling they can expect a professional, responsive and
    respectful service. Counsellors are fully qualified and experienced psychologists and
    social workers with extensive knowledge and understanding of the personal, family
    and work problems of students and staff. A counsellor can assist students to gain a
    clearer understanding of whatever problem they may have, and identify appropriate
    strategies or options to consider. Counsellors aim to be sensitive to issues of
    cultural diversity. Counsellors do not give advice but help to explore alternatives so
    that students can make the best possible decisions. They aim to be independent,
    good listeners, and not blame or pass judgements.
    Assignment 1: The place where I grew up
    Assignment 1 is a written submission totalling 500 words, worth 20% of the total
    mark for this subject. It is due at 5 pm on Monday 20 March. This task includes
    both a written component and research component.
    Assignment objective
    This assignment serves a range of purposes. It initially assists in introducing each
    student to the tutors in more detail than is possible during the first tutorials. It will
    also start you thinking about descriptive academic writing, and how to use
    references to support your observations. These references are to be derived from a
    research process which will entail utilising both online and offline sources.
    Written component
    A written piece of 500 words in length about the neighbourhood where you spent
    most of your childhood.
    Concisely and precisely describe your neighbourhood, the type of house, the
    location of the nearest shops, schools in the area, the main form of transport that
    you used, and how close your friends and family lived. The Lynch reading on LMS
    may guide you in your understanding of the neighbourhood.
    Does the neighbourhood convey particular meanings to you?
    How did the neighbourhood change during the time in which you lived there? Has it
    changed since? If you subsequently left, and have returned, what did you find had
    changed when you returned to visit?
    Research component
    Locate a book about your neighbourhood (or, if this is not possible, the region) in the
    University library catalogue. Go to the relevant library (it will most likely be the
    Architecture, Building and Planning Library on the ground floor of the Architecture
    building, or the Baillieu Library) and photocopy, scan, or digitally photograph the
    cover or spine where the call number appears AND page 20. Include this with your
    The purpose of this exercise is simply to show you are able to locate, retrieve, and
    use a relevant book. It is also advisable to use the book in your research. You are
    not limited to citing this book alone: ensure that all information derived from outside
    sources is cited appropriately.
    Ensure that you provide a full citation for your book. For example:
    Lemon, Andrew (1982). Broadmeadows, a forgotten history. West Melbourne,
    Victoria: City of Broadmeadows.
    In addition to the above, photocopy, scan, digitally photograph, or save a digital
    image of an A4 sized map of your local neighbourhood. Use a local street directory,
    Google Earth, etc. Please note the scale of the map and provide a complete citation
    for your source.
    Upload an electronic version of your paper (including the research component) as a
    PDF to the LMS (via the Assignment Submission tool) by 5pm on Monday 20
    Assignment 2: Final essay
    Assignment 2 is a written submission totalling 1500 words, worth 40% of the total
    mark for this subject. It is due at 5 pm on Friday 26 May.
    This essay must respond to one essay topic to be selected from a range which will
    the listed on the LMS in Week 1 of the semester.
    Your essay must include references to at least five published sources (‘published’
    does NOT include internet sources) although better essays are likely to include
    more. References must come from diverse texts and would ideally include at least
    one primary source and at least one secondary source.
    Citations will ideally follow the style used by the Journal of the American Planning
    Association, the pre-eminent journal in the urban planning field. Further information
    is available at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Please take
    care to indicate page numbers and always make it clear when you are quoting.
    Your essay must be set out in formal style with an introduction, a discussion of
    points, and a conclusion surmising the argument. You are welcome to use pictures
    or diagrams, which must be properly referenced; these do not affect word count, do
    not count as ‘published sources’, and should not exceed three relevant images.
    Upload an electronic version of your final essay as a PDF to the LMS (via the
    Assignment Submission tool) by 5pm on Friday 26 May.
    NOTE: Do not collude (work with others); do not submit portions of work previously
    submitted in other courses; do not cut and paste quoted material without
    acknowledging its source, or cut, paste and then change portions of a paragraph or
    sentence; and do not conduct any other act of plagiarism! (Please see section on
    plagiarism for further details).
    The exam for this subject is of two hours duration, equivalent to 2000 words. It is
    worth 40% of the total mark for this subject. This exam will take place during the
    University’s examination period between Tuesday 6 June and Friday 23 June.
    You may find the following webpage helpful in preparing for your exam: http://
    students.unimelb.edu.au/admin/exams. The exam will additionally be discussed
    in the final lecture of the semester.
    There are few valid reasons to miss an exam. Any student planning to travel must
    book trips outside the exam period, or wait until the final exam timetable is released
    before booking. The subject co-ordinator will not make alternative exam
    arrangements unless the student has an important commitment that requires them
    to be away from Melbourne or otherwise unavailable at the scheduled exam time.
    The subject co-ordinator will assist in making special exam arrangements for
    students who have a temporary or permanent disability which interferes with their
    ability to complete the exam under normal circumstances. Students to whom this
    applies should contact the Disability Liaison Unit on 8344 7068 at least one month
    before the exam.
    Students whose exam preparation is hampered by long or short term medical,
    personal or family issues should sit the exam whenever possible and apply for
    special consideration (see below). Students who miss their exam due to unforeseen
    circumstances of a similar nature should also apply for special consideration.
    Students must lodge special consideration applications within three days of the
    exam date.
    The subject co-ordinator will make alternative exam arrangements only under
    special circumstances for students who know ahead of the date that they will be
    unable to sit their exam at the scheduled time. They will complete a different but
    equivalent paper and must sign a statutory declaration stating that they will not
    discuss any aspect of the exam with any other party. The subject co-ordinator will
    supervise the alternative exam which will be held at a pre-arranged venue.
    Students who are more than thirty minutes late for their exam will not be permitted
    to sit it and should contact the Faculty’s Academic Services team immediately if
    there is a valid reason for lateness: an alternative arrangement for the same day as
    the scheduled exam may be made.
    ABPL20034 Urban History 城市 建筑 assignment 代写