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    School School of Literature, Arts and Media
    Department/Program Art History
    Unit of Study ARHT1001 Style and Substance: Introducing Art History
    Session Semester 1 2017
    Assessment Tasks and Due Dates
    Assessment Name Individual / Group Assessment Type Length Weight Due Time Due Date
    Object Analysis Individual Online Submission
    Short Answer
    1000wd 15% 5pm Tuesday, 18 April 2017
    Research Project Plan Individual Online Submission
    Short Answer
    750wd 10% 5pm Friday, 19 May 2017
    Comparative Analysis (In-Class) Individual Short Answer 1000wd 30% In tutorials, Week 13  
    Research Project Individual Long Answer / Essay
    Online Submission
    1750wd 35% 5pm Monday, 19 June 2017
    tutorial participation Individual Participation   10%    
    All assessment tasks in this Unit of Study are compulsory. To be eligible to pass this course, all assessments must be submitted.
    Unit Coordinators
    Unit coordinators are listed on undergraduate and postgraduate coursework semester timetables, and can be consulted for help with any difficulties you may have.
    Unit coordinators (as well as the Faculty) should also be informed of any illness or other misadventure that leads students to miss classes and tutorials or be late with assignments.
    Unit Coordinator Dr Mark De Vitis
    Location Room N424
    A20 - John Woolley
    The University of Sydney
    NSW 2006 Australia
    Email Address [email protected]
    Phone +61 2 9036 5096
    Consultation Hours Mondays 2:00-3:00
    Unit Teacher/Tutor Stuart Cottle Alanna Irwin Priya Vaughan Tama Woobury
    Email Address Stuart Cottle: [email protected] Alanna Irwin: [email protected] Priya Vaughan: [email protected] Tama Woobury: [email protected]
    This Unit of Study Outline MUST be read in conjunction with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Administration Manual ( and all applicable University policies.
    In determining applications and appeals, it will be assumed that every student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and procedures.
    Last Updated 2017-03-06 10:50:14
    Unit Description
    Taking a diverse, global view of art making from the Ancient to the Modern world, ARHT1001 will introduce students to key philosophical and methodological approaches in the field of Art History. As our experiences are increasingly mediated through a variety of visual platforms, this course will help students develop critical perspectives on visual communication. The development of professional skill sets will be a key focus. As such, the course serves as an essential introduction to Art History for those considering a career in the arts, education, or the museum and design sectors.
    Learning Structure
    1x2hr lecture/week, 1x1hr tutorial/week
    In Semester 1 2017 the structure of the unit is:
    2 x one hour lectures per week (as below)
    1 x one hour tutorial, as per your timetable allocation
    Tutorial times are allocated through the central timetabling system. Tutors do not have access to the timetabling system.
    Your timetable is accessible through the MyUni portal:
    Tutorials commence in week two, there are not tutorials in week one.
    Class Times and Locations
    Monday 1PM - 2PM , New Law School Lecture Theatre 101 F10A
    Wednesday 1PM - 2PM , Eastern Avenue Auditorium F19
    Wednesday 2PM - 3PM , ABS Seminar Room 2110 H70
    Wednesday 2PM - 3PM , ABS Seminar Room 3240 H70
    Wednesday 3PM - 4PM , ABS Seminar Room 2110 H70
    Wednesday 3PM - 4PM , ABS Seminar Room 3240 H70
    Wednesday 4PM - 5PM , ABS Seminar Room 2110 H70
    Wednesday 4PM - 5PM , ABS Seminar Room 3240 H70
    Thursday 10AM - 11AM , Education Seminar Room 458 A35
    Thursday 11AM - 12PM , Education Seminar Room 508 A35
    Thursday 11AM - 12PM , Woolley Tutorial Room N384 A20
    Thursday 12PM - 1PM , Woolley Tutorial Room N401 A20
    Thursday 1PM - 2PM , Woolley Tutorial Room N401 A20
    Thursday 2PM - 3PM , Merewether Seminar Room 3 (Rm 156) H04
    Thursday 3PM - 4PM , Merewether Seminar Room 298 H04
    Learning Outcomes
    Description Graduate Qualities
    A B C D E F
    ARHT 1001 provides a comprehensive entry to the discipline of Art History, and will serve to introduce students to the principles and practices of the discipline, as well as developing knowledge of key art works, artists, movements and debates. Tutorials will offer students the opportunity to engage in focused discussions, developing the knowledge derived from lectures and readings to acquire and evaluate new ideas through independent critical thinking and team based tasks. The tutorial program will enable students to develop their analytical abilities through a series of scaffolded exercises focused on building essential skills for the practice of the discipline of Art History. Students will be introduced to academic research and writing techniques, to help them locate sources and methodologies, and to critically evaluate research materials. The 1001 program is focused on introducing and developing key skill sets for those working in Art History and visual culture, particularly, the ability to analyse the visual qualities of a work of art. Visual analysis allows the beholder of a work to develop an understanding of its meaning and implications through a close study of its formal qualities, such a composition, line, colour, light and space. The histories of visual traditions, as well as innovations made by individual artists, greatly add to our understanding of the significance of individual works of art. The skill of visual analysis will be demonstrated in lectures and readings, and practiced by students in their tutorial groups.            
    Details of the Graduate Qualities can be found in the Appendix
    Unit Schedule
    Semester 1 2017
    Week Week Beginning Monday Lecture Wednesday Lecture Tutorial
    1 6 March Welcome to ARHT1001: Orientation and Objectives Whay Make Art? Pre-Historic Cave Painting and the Act of Representation No tutorial - tutorials begin in week 2
    2 13 March Style: Classicism Style: The Song Dynasty Introduction to ARHT1001
    3 20 March Everywhen: the eternal present in indigenous art from Australia Everywhen: the eternal present in indigenous art from Australia Art vs Culture: Depicting the Wandjina
    4 27 March Substance: Painting in the Renaissance Substance: Materials andSubstance: Painting in the High Renaissance Art Mestering Visual Analysis: Leonardo Da Vinci
    5 3 April Substance: Precious Materials and The Global Market Substance: Painting to Print in Imperial China Visual Analysis: Approaching the Art of Imperial China
    6 10 April Style: Naturalism and the Renaissance Style: The Stylish Style Assessment Preparation: The Object Analysis
      17 April Session Break
    7 24 April Baroque Splendour: The Spiritual and Sensual in Early Modern Rome From Darkness to Light: Caravaggio's Rome Reading Art History: Apollo and Daphne
    8 1 May Assessment Preparation: Planning your Reseacrh Project No lecture: AGNSW Research Project Workshops AGNSW Research Project Workshops
    9 8 May Style: The Rococo Style: Imagination and Invention in Louis XV's France No tutorial
    10 15 May Genre: What Makes a Portrait? Genre: Portraiture at the Imperial Court Comparative Analysis: Portraiture as Action
    11 22 May Art in Context: The Art Gallery Art in Context: Q+A with Art Gallery of New South Wales Staff Research Project Workshop
    12 29 May Revolutions in Art: Romanticism Revolutions in Art: Romanticism in the Digital Age Old Art and New Technology
    13 5 June Then and Now: Looking at Art of the Past in the Present Digital Age: The Art of China in the Digital Age Assessemnt Task: Comparative Analysis
      12 June Stuvac
      19 June Exam Period
      26 June Exam Period
    According to Faculty Board Resolutions, students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are expected to attend 80% of their classes. If you attend less than 50% of classes, regardless of the reasons, you may be referred to the Examiner’s Board. The Examiner’s Board will decide whether you should pass or fail the unit of study if your attendance falls below this threshold.
    If a unit of study has a participation mark, your attendance may influence this mark.
    For more information on attendance, see
    All students are responsible for their own attendance. Satisfactory academic progress and successful completion of a Unit of Study will inevitably be influenced by a student’s attendance at all class components. Students should be aware that absences from classes, or other forms of attendance, will impact on their ability to successfully complete this unit of study. It is each student’s responsibility to contact their Unit of Study coordinator as soon as possible in the event of difficulties that interfere with their attendance and provide supporting documentation wherever possible.
    Reading Requirements
    All unit readings are available in the reader. Readings are prepared before tutorial. The reader is to be purchased from the University Copy Centre.
    Purchase your readers online, here:
    and collect them when you come in to campus.
    Directions to the Copy Centre:
    Online Components
    This unit requires regular use of the University’s Learning Management System (LMS), also known as Blackboard. You will need reliable access to a computer and the internet to use the LMS. The University uses learning analytics to understand student participation on the LMS and improve the student learning experience.
    The easiest way to access the LMS is through MyUni (click on the ‘MyUni’ link on the university home page, or link directly to the service at There is a ‘Blackboard LMS’ icon in the top row of the QuickLaunch window on the left hand side of the screen.
    If you have any difficulties logging in or using the system, visit the Student Help area of the LMS site,
    The University’s Privacy Management Plan governs how the University will deal with personal information related to the content and use of its web sites. See for further details.
    Lecture Recording
    Lectures delivered in University-owned lecture theatres are recorded and may be made available to students on the LMS. However, you should not rely on lecture recording to substitute your classroom learning experience.
    Lectures will be recorded and will be available on the LMS (Blackboard) for the duration of the course. Recordings are not made in tutorials.
    Recordings should only be used to supplement knowledge, and regularly attendance at lectures is strongly encouraged. Research shows that students who attend lectures acquire better skills and achieve higher marks than those who rely on recordings.
    Assessment Tasks and Due Dates
    Assessment Name Individual / Group Assessment Type Length Weight Due Time Due Date
    Object Analysis Individual Online Submission
    Short Answer
    1000wd 15% 5pm Tuesday, 18 April 2017
    Research Project Plan Individual Online Submission
    Short Answer
    750wd 10% 5pm Friday, 19 May 2017
    Comparative Analysis (In-Class) Individual Short Answer 1000wd 30% In tutorials, Week 13  
    Research Project Individual Long Answer / Essay
    Online Submission
    1750wd 35% 5pm Monday, 19 June 2017
    tutorial participation Individual Participation   10%    
    All assessment tasks in this Unit of Study are compulsory. To be eligible to pass this course, all assessments must be submitted.
    Assessment Criteria
    This unit uses standards-based assessment for award of assessment marks. Your assessments will be evaluated solely on the basis of your individual performance
    Detailed assessment briefs will be distributed in tutorials, and will include assessment criteria. Tutors will indicate when students should begin working on an assessment task.
    Submission of Assessments
    Compliance Statements
    All students are required to submit an authorised statement of compliance with all work submitted to the University for assessment, presentation or publication. A statement of compliance certifies that no part of the work constitutes a breach of the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2016.
    The format of the compliance statement will be in the form of:
    a.     a University assignment cover sheet; or
    b.    a University electronic form.
    Assessment Submission
    Submission of assessment tasks will be required by the due date. Written assessments must be submitted online through the LMS. Other assessments, for example visual or oral assessments, must be submitted according to the assessment instructions.
    Work not submitted on or before the due date is subject to a penalty of 2% per working day late. Refer to for the Faculty Resolutions and Provisions regarding late work.
    Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
    Academic honesty is a core value of the University, so all students are required to act honestly, ethically and with integrity. This means that the University is opposed to and will not tolerate academic dishonesty or plagiarism, and will treat all allegations of academic dishonesty and plagiarism seriously. The consequences of engaging in plagiarism and academic dishonesty, along with the process by which they are determined and applied, are set out in the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015. You can find these documents University Policy Register at (enter “Academic Honesty” in the search field).
    According to the Policy, plagiarism means representing another person’s work (i.e., ideas, findings or words) as one’s own work by presenting, copying or reproducing it without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Academic dishonesty means seeking to obtain or obtaining academic advantage for oneself or others (including in the assessment or publication of work) by dishonest or unfair means. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
    ·         Resubmission (or recycling) of work that is the same, or substantially the same as work previously submitted for assessment in the same or in a different unit of study. Every unit of study expects each student to produce new material based upon research conducted in that unit;
    ·         Dishonest plagiarism;
    ·         Engaging another person to complete or contribute to an assessment in your place; and
    ·         Various forms of misconduct in examinations (including copying from another student and taking prohibited materials into an examination venue).
    Academic Honesty Education Module (AHEM)
    As set out in the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015, all students commencing their study at the University of Sydney are required to complete the Academic Honesty Education Module (AHEM).
    AHEM will be located in the My Units of Study section of the LMS. It should take approximately one hour to finish. Although, you need not do the module all at once, it must be completed by the end of your first semester. Students who do not complete the entire module by the end of the semester will be required to start over.
    For further information on academic integrity, check the Educational Integrity webpage.
    Use of Similarity Detection Software
    Students should be aware that all written assignments submitted in this unit of study will be submitted to similarity detecting software known as Turnitin. Turnitin searches for matches between text in your written assessment task and text sourced from the Internet, published works, and assignments that have previously been submitted to Turnitin for analysis.
    There will always be some degree of text-matching when using Turnitin. Text-matching may occur in use of direct quotations, technical terms and phrases, or the listing of bibliographic material. This does not mean you will automatically be accused of academic dishonesty or plagiarism, although Turnitin reports may be used as evidence in academic dishonesty and plagiarism decision-making processes. Further information about Turnitin is available at
    Special Consideration
    Students can apply for Special Consideration for serious illness or misadventure. An application for special consideration does not guarantee the application will be granted.
    Further information on applying for special consideration is available at
    Other Policies and Procedures Relevant to this Unit of Study
    The Faculty’s Student Administration Manual is available for reference here Most day-to-day issues you encounter in the course of completing this Unit of Study can be addressed with the information provided in the Manual. It contains detailed instructions on processes, links to forms and guidance on where to get further assistance.
    Your Feedback is Important
    The Unit of Study Survey
    The University conducts an online survey for units of study every semester. You will be notified by email when the survey opens. You are encouraged to complete the survey to provide important feedback on the unit just before the end of semester. You can complete the survey at
    How Student Feedback has been used to develop this Unit of Study
    As you may have notice above, we have moved from having a two-hour lecture block, to 2 x one hour lectures, based on student consultations. Your contributions are much appreciated!
    Staying on Top of Your Study
    For full information visit
    The Learning Centre offers workshops in Academic Reading and Writing, Oral communications Skills, Postgraduate Research Skills, Honours, masters Coursework Program, Studying at University, and Workshops for English Language and Learning. Further information about The Learning Centre can be found at
    The Write Site provides online support to help you develop your academic and professional writing skills. All University of Sydney staff and students who have a UniKey can access the WriteSite at
    The FASS Writing Hub has a wide range of programs at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels that focus on writing across the curriculum. The FASS Writing Hub offers drop-in sessions to assist students with their writing in a one-to-one setting. No appointment is necessary, and this service is free of charge to all FASS students and/or all students enrolled in WRIT units. To find out more visit
    Pastoral and academic support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is provided by the STAR Team in Student Support services, a dedicated team of professional Aboriginal people able to respond to the needs of students across disciplines. The STAR team can assist with tutorial support, mentoring support, cultural and pastoral care along with a range of other services. More information about support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can be found at
    Free online Library tutorials are available at, with one designed especially for students studying in the Humanities and Social Sciences at
    Mobile Learn is the Sydney Uni App for iPhone and Android. The full set of features available on the mobile app for the University LMS can be found in detail in this PDF document: Features in the mobile App for the University LMS (PDF). Search for University of Sydney on the iTunes store or the Android Marketplace, install the app, and you can access the LMS by clicking on the ‘Bb Learn’ icon. Important: due to the limitations of mobile devices you cannot submit assignments using the assignment tool. You should not complete graded tests (quizzes) using your mobile device due to the possibility of internet drop out.
    Other Support Services
    Disability Services is located on Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building G02; contact 8627 8422 or email [email protected]. For further information, visit their website at
    Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) are located on Level 5, Jane Foss Russell Building G02; contact 8627 8433 or email [email protected]. For further information, visit their website at
    International Student Services are located on Level 3 of the Jane Foss Russell Building G02. You can call the office on 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) or +61 2 8627 1444. For Further information, visit
    Student Representative Council (SRC) are located on Level 1, Wentworth Building G01; contact them on 9660 5222 or email [email protected]. For further information, visit their website at
    Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA) are located on Level 2, Holme Building A09; 9351 3715 or toll free within Australia on 1800 249 950 or email [email protected]. For further information, visit their website at

    Detailed Schedule of Reading and Lectures
    This information is available in the Unit of Study Reader. See above for more information.
    Graduate Qualities
      Graduate Qualities Purpose
    A Depth of disciplinary expertise To excel at applying and continuing to develop expertise in the graduate's chosen discipline or disciplines.
    B Broader skills
    ·         critical thinking and problem solving
    ·         communication (oral and written)
    ·         information/digital literacy
    ·         inventiveness
    To increase the impact of expertise, and to learn and respond effectively and creatively to novel problems and opportunities.
    C Cultural Competence To work productively, collaboratively and openly in diverse groups and across cultural boundaries.
    D Interdisciplinary effectiveness To work effectively in interdisciplinary (including inter-professional) settings and to build broader perspective, innovative vision, and more contextualised and systemic forms of understanding.
    E An integrated professional, ethical and personal identity To build integrity, confidence and personal resilience, and the capacities to manage challenge and uncertainty.
    F Influence To be effective in exercising professional and social responsibility and making a positive contribution to society.