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Evidence-Based Medicine vs. Evidence-Based Public
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Fundamental differences between the fields of medicine and public health demand unique
approaches to evidence-based practice for each discipline. Evidence-based public health is
defined as “the development, implementation, and evaluation of effective programs and policies
in public health through application of principles of scientific reasoning, including systematic
uses of data and information systems, and appropriate use of behavioral science theory and
program planning models.” (Brownson, EBPH, 2003). The chart below outlines the major
differences between evidence-based medicine and evidence-based public health.
Evidence-Based Medicine
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Evidence-Based Public Health
The process of systematically
finding, appraising, and using
contemporaneous research
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findings as the basis for clinical
The process of systematically
finding, appraising, and using
contemporaneous clinical and
community research findings as the
basis for decisions in public health
1. Formulating a clear
question from a patient’s
1. Formulating a clear question
from a public health problem
2. Searching the literature
2. Searching the literature
3. Appraising the evidence
3. Appraising the evidence
4. Selecting the best evidence
for clinical decision
4. Selecting the best evidence
for a public health decision
5. Linking evidence with
clinical experience,
knowledge, practice, and
the patient’s values and
5. Linking evidence with public
health experience,
knowledge, practice, and the
community’s values and
6. Implementing findings in
clinical practice
6. Implementing findings in
public health practice and
Steps in the
7. Evaluating results
7. Evaluating results
The best possible management of
health and disease in individual
The best possible management of
health and disease and their
determinants at the community level
Source: Jenicek, Milos and Sylvie Stachenko. 2003. Evidence-based public health, community medicine,
preventive care. Medical Science Monitor: 9(2): p, SR2.
Critical Appraisal of Research Evidence 101