Academic Paper代写 occupational theraphy代写
Academic Paper代写 occupational theraphy代写
Academic Paper (1,000 words)
‘World Health Issues – a critical comparison across two countries’
The assignment should demonstrate your ability to find information, analyse it critically,
reference it correctly and write well. The essay title is very broad; you will need to narrow it
down to a particular health issue. For example with the topic of Malaria, you could narrow
the topic to treatment, transmission, or prevention in the two countries of choice.
Steps to get you started:
1. Choose any health topic of interest
2. Choose 2 countries, must be one from each of the following;
OECD country and a non‐OECD country
3. Create a title to identify your topic and countries of comparison
4. Meet the following expectations and assignment format
This assignment is primarily an essay assignment that relates to a number of the course
1. Demonstrate you have critically reviewed a range of data and have synthesised and
compared the information
2. Compare and contrast several contemporary approaches to health care
3. Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills;
Construct a good essay in terms of an introduction, body and conclusion
Present a good argument
Make use of their own voice
Identify and use good quality resources
Use adequate and correct referencing skills (Harvard referencing style)
4. Incorrect referencing will result in the assignment losing marks and being returned for
resubmission. If the referencing is still not correct the assignment will receive a F1
Please make use of the resources within the course website to help you focus and synthesis
your ideas for this assignment.
This assignment must use the following layout: font size 12, 2.5cm margins all round.
Student name and student ID must be located in the document header and include the word
count at the end of your document. Assignments not meeting these criteria will be able to
be resubmitted (prior to the assignment being marked). No penalty will be imposed on
grading. No other changes can be made to the paper. To do so will be considered academic
misconduct. All assignments must use the Harvard style of referencing. Do not use dot
points, or abbreviations.
The word count for this paper is 1,000 words and includes all in‐text referencing and tables,
but not the reference lists. There is no 10% rule. Words over this limit will not be marked.
Referencing style
The Harvard Author Date system is to be used for all referencing by staff and students.