ARCH1024 Australian Architecture 建筑学 assignment 代写
ARCH1024 Australian Architecture 建筑学 assignment 代写
ARCH1024 Australian Architecture
Major Assessment Task (5% + 45%)
You are to research the topic below and prepare an abstract and essay on this topic.
1. Abstract
Submit a 300-word (on single A4 page) essay abstract to your tutor by the tutorial date shown on the
schedule. This is marked separately and is worth 5%. The abstract should outline what the essay will discuss,
what buildings will be studied and what will be argued. It should also identify the key references that you
intend on using. Attempt to present your abstract to your tutor prior to the submission to obtain important
feedback. This abstract will then be used as a starting point for your essay.
2. Essay
The essay should be 2500-3000 words in length, clearly marked with your name and uploaded onto the
Blackboard via Turnitin. The essay is allocated 45% of the final result.
You are required to illustrate your research through drawings specifically produced for the essay (sketches,
diagrams, re-elaboration of original drawings/images, etc.) as well as, when possible, personal photographs.
You are also required to use images and general illustrative material from archive and bibliographic
You are expected to widely refer to bibliographic support material and appropriately make use of the process
of footnoting, in addition to the production of a general reference bibliography. Essays must be proofread and
spell checked. Marks will be deducted for poor grammar and spelling.
Submission Time & Date
Essays must be submitted DIGITALLY on the Blackboard in the ‘TURNITIN’ folder for your tutorial located in
the ‘Assignments’ tab by the date and time specified on the schedule. For more info on TURNIT IN, see -
Late submission of work without prior notice and Departmental Special Consideration approval will result in
reduction of final mark and may well result in failure. Ensure your name and student number is on the essay.
Essay Topic
In what ways are the expressionist tendencies of the Griffins, Kevin Borland and Edmond & Corrigan a
rebellion against mainstream tendencies and/or a gateway to pluralism within Melbourne architecture?
ARCH1024 Australian Architecture 建筑学 assignment 代写
ARCH1024 Australian Architecture
Assessment Task
Modern Short Essay (15%)
This assessment activity is to be completed individually and requires you to produce a short 500-word essay
that addresses the topic below. The essay is allocated 15% of the final result.
You are required to illustrate your research through drawings specifically produced for the essay (sketches,
diagrams, re-elaboration of original drawings/images, etc.) as well as, when possible, personal photographs.
In addition to these, you are also required to use images and general illustrative material from archive and
bibliographic references. These must be labelled and referenced where required.
You are expected to refer to bibliographic support material and appropriately make use of the process of
footnoting, in addition to the production of a general reference bibliography (refer to suggested readings
below). Essays must be proofread and spell checked. Marks will be deducted for poor grammar and spelling.
Format: A4 black & white or colour hard copy to your tutor.
Submission: This material to be submitted to your tutor in the week outlined on the course schedule.
Essay Topic: What were the expressionist tendencies of the Griffins and how was this reflected in their
design for the Capitol Theatre or Newman College (select 1 to discuss).
YOUR TUTOR, (you will not receive a mark otherwise).
Suggested Readings:
• Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture: A Critical History, Part 11, ‘The Glass Chain: European
architectural Expressionism 1910 – 25’, Thames and Hudson, London. 2007.
• James Weirick, ‘The Griffins and Modernism’, Transition: Discourse on Architecture, No. 24, Autumn,
1988, pp.5-13 (Week 5 reading).
• Jeff Turnbull and Peter Navaretti, The Griffins in Australia and India: The complete works and projects
of Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin, Miegunyah Press, Melbourne, 1998.
ARCH1024 Australian Architecture 建筑学 assignment 代写