MWL101 SWOT Analysis Assignment My Industry 代写
MWL101 SWOT Analysis Assignment My Industry 代写
Trimester 2, 2017
Assignment 1 – My Industry
DUE DATE AND TIME: Week 4: Friday, 28 July, 10am AEST
Word Limit: 1500 – 2000 Words
This is an Individual assessment.
Task Description:
Outline a possible future career path, develop an understanding of your future industry, the likely
changes and evolutions in that industry, and how you can/need to develop in order to meet the
industry expectations.
This assessment is designed to allow students to analyse real-world requirements of their future
careers, and will provide a basis for subsequent plans on how they will be career ready.
There are four key sections of content that you need to address. These are outlined below.
Additionally, another key criteria in this assessment is the use of appropriate business formatting
and language (i.e. develop the assessment in a business report format).
1. Research and critically analyse industry trends for your selected target industry. Forecast
potential changes for the next 5 years. What are the factors causing change at the
a) What jobs are expected to change or disappear?
b) Why is this happening?
c) What changes do you forecast for the next 5 years?
Suitable methods for addressing this section and suggestions for suitable sources will be
covered in seminars 1 and 3.
You should expect that you will need a minimum of 5-6 references for this sections. Please make
sure that the references are current. News articles and academic journal articles from the last
24 months are recommended.
Suggested word count: 400 - 600 words
2. Research and select a job cluster. Why did you choose this job cluster? (see the readings
supplied for weeks 1 and 2)
What skills and knowledge are expected? Consider presenting this in two parts:
a) Personal soft skills (e.g. teamwork, enthusiasm)
b) Technical knowledge and skills (e.g. database management, customer service,
bookkeeping, event management, social media campaign analysis)
Suitable methods for addressing this section and suggestions for suitable sources will be
covered in seminars 1-2.
Suggested word count: 300-400 words
3. Review your current capabilities, discipline knowledge and areas where you are
developing skills or knowledge.
First complete the assessment tools listed below. Make sure you save the PDF, take a screen
shot or scan the results. Full copies of these will be presented in your Appendices. Prepare a list
or diagram showing your key findings.
1. Your professional personality: 16 Personalities
2. Personal performance and learning: SHAPES
(Cottrell 2015, pp. 69-77)
3. Learning Styles:
Honey and Mumford learning style (Cottrell 2015, p. 84)
Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning styles (Cottrell 2015, pp. 85-86)
Then discuss your findings as follows:
a. Review your experiences and identify relevant experiences and results that
showcase your abilities. Use the SHAPES tool to analyse your habits and abilities.
Note that you will have the opportunity in seminars to discuss these, but suggestions
may include community or volunteer activities, school leadership roles, sporting
activities or casual work.
b. Review your academic performance to date. Are there any units where you have
done well, shown specific abilities, or particularly enjoyed?
c. Analyse your key findings clearly demonstrating your strengths and areas for
In seminars 1-3 you will be introduced to a number of self-assessment tools and activities.
Suggested word count: 600 – 700 word
4. Prepare a Gap analysis and SWOT.
a. Describe the skills and knowledge that you need to develop to meet
industry standards.
b. Prepare a SWOT showing your strengths and weaknesses (from section
3) and opportunities and threats from section 1 and 2.
Examples and suggestions will be covered in seminars 2-3.
Suggested word count: 200-300 words
5. Presentation and formatting
The assessment must be presented in a business report format. Tips on how to structure a business
report can be found here:
skills/report-writing. As a business report, it is expected that your work will be free from errors
(spelling and grammatical). It is strongly recommended that you proof read your work and use a
grammar and spell check application prior to submission.
The word limit is 1500-2000 words. This does not include Cover Page, Executive Summary,
Table of Contents, Reference List and Appendices.
Use clear, precise language for all sections. Business writing requires the author to write for
a business audience. Business audiences expect that you will introduce the topic, present all
the key findings or information and then provide a clear result. The result may be a summary
of your findings or conclusion at the end of this assignment.
Students must correctly use the Harvard style of referencing and report format.
Use a clear font such as Times New Roman, Ariel, Calibri or Tahoma. Text font size should be
12 pt. Any tables or diagrams should be 10 pt.
Headings must be bold. Use headings effectively to show the reader how you have structured
your work. It is useful to number your headings; effective number can help the reader/marker
identify content relating to the three areas outlined above.
Submission Instructions
Your work must be submitted as a PDF.
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment
has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced
or corrupted, you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of
detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
You are required to submit an assignment through your Moodle unit site. You should check
that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder
after upload.
Please note: when your submission is being marked, the assignment drop box will be hidden.
You will not be able to view your submission during this time.
Late submission
Extensions can be approved by your lecturer up to 24 hours before the due date. Extensions can
be granted for documented serious illness (not just on the day the assignment is due!) or for
compassionate reasons under special circumstances. The lecturer can ask to see how much
work has been completed before granting an extension. You will be asked to provide evidence to
support your request.
Work or holiday reasons or other assignments are NOT grounds for an extension – you are
expected to manage these issues as part of your studies. You are strongly encouraged to start
early and to continually backup your assignment as you progress. Computer crashes or
corrupted files will NOT be accepted as valid reasons for an extension of any length.
You may find further information about this in the Unit Outline.
Penalties for late submission
The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date
without an approved extension: 10% will be deducted from available marks for each day up
to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be
marked. You will receive 0% for the task. 'Day' means working day for paper submissions and
calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Coordinator may refuse to accept a late
submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.
Students are strongly recommended to check originality through Turnitin, prior to
submitting the final assessment. The core report must be your own work. Your
appendices may show a similarity level of more than20% due to the similarity of
headings and explanations.
You must correctly use the Harvard style of referencing.
MWL101 SWOT Analysis Assignment My Industry 代写
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion constitute extremely serious breaches of academic integrity.
They are forms of cheating, and severe penalties are associated with them, including
cancellation of marks for a specific assignment, for a specific unit or even exclusion from
the course. If you are ever in doubt about how to properly use and cite a source of
information, consult your lecturer or Study Support
Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student’s own work, or
copies without acknowledgement as to its authorship, the work of any other
person or resubmits their own work from a previous assessment task.
Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for
a fraudulent purpose, with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting
an assignment or other work.
Work submitted may be reproduced and/or communicated by the university for the
purpose of assuring academic integrity of submissions.
Can I recycle my own work?
Deakin College students are not permitted to recycle their assessment work, or parts
of assessment work, without the approval of the Unit Coordinator of their current
unit. This includes work submitted for assessment at another academic institution. If
students wish to reuse or extend parts of previously submitted work, then they should
discuss this with the Unit Coordinator prior to the submission date.
Depending on the nature of the task, the Unit Coordinator may permit or decline the
For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions,
and assessment feedback, please refer to the Unit Outline.
Additional Material
When taking a test for an assessment you should never have to pay. Please be mindful of
the tests you complete online. Deakin College does not control or monitor material outside
of Deakin College.
How do I create a Table of Contents?
MS WORD can help you set up a table of contents. To do this, go to REFERENCES in the top
MS WORD ribbon (alongside HOME, INSERT, and DESIGN). Then click on the Table of Contents
icon. When you need to update your Table of Contents, simply right click on the table and
select update entire table. The MS WORD table of contents creator requires that you make
use of the Style ribbon and the Heading outlined within.
MWL101 SWOT Analysis Assignment My Industry 代写