THS3THS ASSIGNMENT simulation SWOT analysis 代写

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  • THS3THS  ASSIGNMENT simulation  SWOT analysis 代写

    The assignment should include an assessment of the final overall condition of your company in both the short run and the long run.
    The specific items that you should also cover include at a minimum (students are strongly encouraged to add advanced analysis beyond this list);
    1.        An assessment of industry environment (Recap of inherited hotel position).
    2.        Intended strategy (what was your team trying to achieve).
    3.        Realised strategy (summary report of what the strategy became).
    4.        Any deviation in strategy (difference between realised and intended).
    5.        Strengths and weaknesses of your firm - full (at the end of simulation).
    6.        Financial condition (present and future); include at least the following 5-year data in graph format;

    Graph A. Total Revenue
    Graph B. Overall ROE
    Graph C. Occupancy Rate
    Graph D. REVPAR
    CRITICAL NOTE: Just presenting graphs is not enough. There is a need to discuss what the graphs reveal and the implication(s) for your firm.
    7.        Strategic recommendations for the new, incoming management team that are thoughtful, specific, detailed and clearly supported by information previously presented in the analysis.  What do you recommend the new management should do? 

    8.        An overall conclusion.


    La Trobe Business School
      Tourism and hospitlality simulation
      Subject Learning Guide

    Second Semester
    Subject Coordinator(s):Paul Strickland
    Table of Contents
    Subject Details  3
    For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to: 4   4
    Policies, Procedures and Guidelines  4
    Academic Integrity  5
    Special Consideration   5
    Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties  5
    Results, reviews and re-marks  5
    Schedule of Learning Activities  5
    Session Plan   5
    Learning Activity Details   7
    Student Learning Unit (SL)  7
    Learning Management System (LMS)  7
    Library   7
    Student Support Services   7
    Peer Learning Advisers   7
    Assessment and Feedback Details)  8
    COMMENTS: 12
    Detailed Grading Criteria  13
    Assessment Task 2, 3, 4  13


    Subject Details


    Subject Code: THS3THS Subject Title: Tourism and Hospitality Simulation
    Teaching Period: Second Semester Location(s): Menzies College – SW -111 – Computer Laboratory
    Credit Points: 15 Mode: On campus and online Level: 3


    Prerequisites: MKT1MDP, THS1THE
    Co-requisites: No
    Incompatibles: THS31HSM
    Assumed Skills & Knowledge: None
    Special Study Requirements: This subject requires the learning of the HOTS computer simulation in a team environment


    Role Campus Name Email Telephone Room
    Subject Coordinator Bundoora Paul Strickland [email protected] 94795029 SS 225
    Instance Coordinator N/A        


    This subject explores the real-time working of a hotel through the use of a computer-based simulation, HOTS.Based in teams, students will be able to use the HOTS software to simulate the business decisions of a hotel over a five year period. Students will apply their knowledge of service operations and marketing principles through SWOT analysis, cash flow statements and other appropriate methods of interpreting data. The HOTS program simulates real decision-making and prepares students for working in teams and in the hospitality industry.


    Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to:
    1 Make business decisions in a team environment.
    2 Develop a marketing strategy including a S.W.O.T. and P.E.S.T. analysis.
    3 Demonstrate leadership and decision making skills.
    4 Interpret financial data and make decisions based on this information.
    5 Ability to respond to business market forces and hotel competition.


    The following Graduate Capabilities (GCs) are evaluated in this subject:
      GC GC Point
    a Team Work Capstone
    b Oral communication Capstone
    c Writing skills Capstone


    Learning Activity: Schedule
    Computer simulation Weeks 1-11
    Individual Report Submission Week 12
    Further information is available at



    Assessment Tasks: Due Date SILOs GCs % Comments
    Computer simulation (team/group activity)
    Hotel Objectives, SWOT and PEST
    Background document questions to be answered.
    Will be assigned in the first tutorial
    Week 3
    Week 4
    1, 2, 3, 4 a, b, c 10% Groups will be formed with 3 or more students and a group leader will be assigned.
    Group presentation Week 10 1, 3, 4, 5 a, b 10% All group members must contribute to electronic presentation
    Group report Due at group presentation. 1, 4, 5 a, c 20% Individual contribution to the group report will be 500-800 words sent electronically
    Individual report 16th October 2017 3, 4, 5 c 60% 2000 words - sent electronically


    Reading Type Title Author and Year Publisher
    Required HOTS background documents and training manuals HOTS (2017) Online
    Recommended Business Relationship Management and Marketing Mastering Business Markets  Kleinaltenkamp, M.(2015) Springer ebooks - Online
    Recommended Strategy for Action - The Logic and Context of Strategic Management Gandellini, G., Pezzi, A. and Venanzi, D.(2015) Springer ebooks - Online
    Recommended Decision Making in Service Industries : A Practical Approach Faulin, J., Juan, A. A., Grasman, Scott E. and  Fry, M.(2012) CRC Press - Online


    The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. The surveys are anonymous, and you will be invited to participate via an email sent to your account during the survey period.

    For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to:



    Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

    The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere.  You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following:
    ·         Academic Integrity
    ·         Academic Progress
    ·         Assessment and Feedback
    ·         Extension to Submission Dates
    ·         Late Submission of Assessment Tasks
    ·         Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS]
    ·         Privacy
    ·         Special Consideration
    ·         Student Charter
    ·         Use of Electronic Mail
    The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at:


    Academic Integrity

    Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship.  La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract:
    Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating.
    Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6)
    Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating.  You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at:
    For assistance with referencing visit


    Special Consideration

    Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account.
    Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it.  Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration.
    Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at:


    Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties

    There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time.
    Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:
    Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at:

    Results, reviews and re-marks

    If you believe your assessment task has been marked incorrectly you may request a review of your marks.
    Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:

    Schedule of Learning Activities

    Session Plan

    Week Date Topic Activity SILOs GCs
    1 Week starting
    24 July
    Introduction to Hospitality Service Delivery Strategies and subject overview.
    1.       Review the welcome video on LMS.
    2.       Access to HOTS from tutor.
    3.       Review of Background Document and User Guide.
    ·         Review using HOTS video clips.
    Computer simulation and online material 1 , 2 b, c
    2 Week starting 31 July 1.        Students to form teams.
    2.        Undertake S.W.O.T. and P.E.S.T analysis based on HOTS background document.
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate in a trial period.
    Computer simulation and online material 1, 2, 3 a, b, c
    3 Week starting 7 August 1.        Teams to create hotel name, vision statement and 3 objectives/goals for the hotel.
    2.        Submit SWOT and PEST via LMS.
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate in a trial period.
    Computer simulation and online material 1, 2, 3 a, b, c
    4 Week starting 14 August 1.        Submithotel name, vision statement and 3 objectives/goals for the hotel via LMS.
    2.        Complete multiple choice quiz based on User Guide and Background Document via LMS.
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate for Year 1.
    Computer simulation and online material 1, 4, 5 a, b, c
    5 Week starting 21 August ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate for Year 2. Computer simulation and online material 1, 4, 5 a, b, c
    6 Week starting
    28  August
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate for Year 3. Computer simulation and online material 1,2, 3, 4 ,5 a, b, c
    7 Week starting
    4  September
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate for Year 4. Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5 a, b, c
    8 Week starting
    11 September
    ·         Enter decisions into HOTS and evaluate for Year 5.
    ·         End of HOTS simulation.
    Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5 a, b, c
    9 Week starting
    18  September
    Students to work in teams on the group report and group presentation Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5 a, b, c
    10 Week starting
    2 October
    1.       Teams to upload presentation to
    2.       Teams to submit group report via LMS
    Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5 a, b, c
    11 Week starting
    9 October
    Students to work on the individual report. Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5  c
    12 Week starting
    16 October
    Students to submit the individual report by 16 October via LMS. Computer simulation and online material 1,3,4,5  c


    Learning Activity Details

    Times and rooms are subject to change.  To view the full time and location details for learning activities in this subject, please ensure you seek further information available at 
    You should also regularly check [at least once per week]the subject’s LMS site(where applicable) for updated information.

    Student Learning Unit (SL)

    The Student Learning Unit (SL) works closely with teaching staff in the Schools and on the Melbourne and regional campuses to ensure that all La Trobe students – including those from non-English-speaking backgrounds – develop high-level academic speaking, writing, reading, and numeracy skills required for successful learning in their courses.  For further information, please see the website at:

    Learning Management System (LMS)

    The Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet based system which allows you access to learning materials and to interact with other students and teaching staff in activities related to your studies from any location with Internet access.  Most subjects have a LMS site into which you are automatically added as part of your enrolment into the subject.
    The LMS can be accessed at: using your Username and Password provided to you on your Statement of Account.  If you are having trouble accessing the LMS or want to find out more about LMS, please see the website at:


    The Library has many valuable physical and online learning resources that can help you with your study. On campus students should get to know the physical Library environment by going on a Library Tour.  All students should get familiar with the Library website where online resources include:
    ·         LibGuides [] – providing specific discipline and subject guides;
    ·         LibSkills [] – to teach you library research and information literacy skills;
    ·         LibChat [] - a library discussion forum allowing you to chat with a Librarian;
    ·         Academic Referencing Modules [] – to assist you to understand specific referencing styles;
    ·         Academic Referencing Tool [] – providing detailed referencing examples; and,
    ·         Assignment Calculator [] – to assist you in time managing your assignments and submitting on time.

    Student Support Services

    If you have special needs due to disability or other factors the Equality and Diversity Centre can provide advice and support.  This Centre can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9479 2900 (Melbourne); (03) 5444 7410 (Bendigo); (02) 6024 9628 (Albury-Wodonga); National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired:  T: 133677 (within Australia only).  Email:[email protected] refer to the website at:

    Peer Learning Advisers

    Peer Learning Advisers (PLAs) are successful and experienced students who are trained to assist fellow students. PLAs are located in the library and can assist students with a range of inquiries. For more information refer to the website at:


    Assessment and Feedback Details

    Assessment Task 1 Due Date % SILOs Assessed
    Computer Simulation (Group activity) Weeks 2-8 10% 1, 2,3, 4, 5
    Submission Details
    Attendance, participation, scorecard position and background document answers will all be considered in this assessment task.
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    The grading criteria for this assessment task are subject to attendance through role call and subjectivity of the tutor’s opinion.  Part of the 10% will be allocated by the tutor by witnessing actual team input in oral, written and computer based assistance. Individual results may vary within the same team.
    Description of Task
    During the HOTS simulation, participants will be working in teams.  It is up to each team to determine the role(s) of individuals within the group. Students will be allocated into a team during the first tutorial/computer laboratory. 
    These teams will compete in a ‘virtual hotel market’ using the HOTS simulation program. The teams enter decisions directly into a PC, and feedback is given in the following session. The trading results are published in various formats including Standard Chart of Accounts, graphs and weekly/monthly indicators and may be printed during the computer laboratories.
    The software will provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge of Business Strategy, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Operations and Human Resource Management by the development of a business plan for a hotel and implementing it through a series of decisions over a simulated period of up to five years. In addition to gaining business skills, participants will also gain an insight into the challenges and of group decision-making and group dynamics in a simulated management team.
    In order to compete successfully in the simulation, it is essential that teams meet prior to computer simulation sessions, in order to determine their strategies and for the next trading period. The meetings may be face-to-face or via electronic channels such as e-mail or LMS. It is up to the team to determine, when they will meet and their mode of communication, as well as how they will make their decisions.  As the software has a “real-time” clock, if the group does not input new trading data by the end of the input period, the previous data inputs will prevail. That means that, participants will be hampered by the cost structures and hotel revenues that were entered in the previous period if no updated decisions are entered.
    Some teams may choose to allocate members specific portfolios such as Director of Rooms Division, Director of Marketing, Director of Food and Beverage, Chief Financial Controller or General Manager, or the teams may choose a more collective approach to decision-making.  What is important is to realise that the costs and revenues of each “portfolio” cannot be taken in isolation.  Each cost will impact on cash flow and the opportunity to invest in other areas.
    One of the key challenges is trying to anticipate what your competitors are doing in the virtual market, and position your hotel appropriately to respond to the changing market conditions.  It is important utilise business tools such as planning budgets, revenue estimates, SWOT analysis, marketing and promotional plans and positioning charts etc. External factors such as interest rates, the state of the labour market, commodity costs, will impact on your borrowings, costs and your ability to service your debts.
    The objective of this exercise is to provide participants the opportunity to manipulate business inputs, in a simulation, without the risks associated with operating a business in the real world and reflect on the appropriateness of their strategic decisions.
    Assessment Task 2 Due Date % SILOs Assessed
    Group Video Presentation Week 10 10% 1, 2, 3
    Submission Details
    All team members are required to contribute to a 10-15 minute video presentation regarding their overall hotel position in the HOTS simulation at the end of a 5 year trading period.  This is an opportunity for students to be creative in way business decisions and financial data is communicated. It should be factual and entertaining.
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    Group Oral or Video Presentation – Worth 10% - Criteria Assessment Sheet
    Team Members: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
    Team Name :     _______________________________________________________________________________________________
    Assessment Criteria
    0 = unsatisfactory
    1 = satisfactory
    1.5 = above satisfactory
    2.0 = exceptional
    Logical structure – introduction, body, conclusion
    SWOT, PEST, hotel goals and any deviations
    Interpretation of results and hotels financial position through graphs
    Entertainment value, clear video and audio
    Overall time management of presentation and presenters professional mannerisms
    Overall comments:
    Description of Task
    End of Simulation Evaluation of Performance viaVideo Presentation
    After the computer simulation is completed each group will make a formal, 15-minute video presentation. The video presentation is to be a case study analysis of your firm's actions and results from the above criteria.
    The presentation is to include SWOT, PEST and 3 hotel goals/objectives, an examination of your intended strategic plans as well as your realised results, and especially deviations from intended plans and must include all team members at some point.
    The 15-minute video presentation should be entertaining and informative with viewers having a sound financial understanding of your hotel’s position. As the video can be rehearsed, scripts can be written and creativity is encouraged.
    Please upload to and send link to Paul.
    Assessment Task 3 Due Date % SILOs Assessed
    Group Report Week 10 20% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Submission Details
    Students must submit the group report electronically in week 10.  Students are to contribute individually 500-800 words towards this report and each contribution to be collaborated in report format to the total of 2000 words.
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    Students will receive electronic feedback via email.
    Group Report – Worth 20% - Criteria Assessment Sheet
    Student Names:         ______________________________________________________________________________________
    Tutorial Group:   ______________________________________________________________________________________


    0 = not included
    2.5 = satisfactory
    5 = above satisfactory
    3 objectives/goals
    Intended Strategy
    Realised Strategy
    Any deviations
    Positioning strategy (star rating)  
    Pricing tactics
    Appropriate advertising expenditure
    FINANCIAL and OPERATING RESULTS                    
    Interpretation of operating results  
    Graph A. Total Revenue
    Graph B. Overall ROE
    Graph C. Occupancy Rate
    Graph D. REVPAR
    CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS & JUSTIFICATIONS                                                      
    Are the justification processes clear and backed up with suitable references to ‘expert’ opinion   
    Clear argument summarising main points
    Hotel financially sustainable long term?
    Advice of future hotel direction
    TOTAL RESULT OUT of 20 %  
    Description of Task
    This group report is based on the group presentation. It is important that the recommended strategies, actions and recommendations are supported by relevant research and are appropriately referenced in Harvard style. Graphs are not included in the word count.
    The assignment should include an assessment of the final overall condition of your company in both the short run and the long run.
    The specific items that you should also cover include at a minimum (students are strongly encouraged to add advanced analysis beyond this list);
    1.        An assessment of industry environment (Recap of inherited hotel position).
    2.        Intended strategy (what was your team trying to achieve).
    3.        Realised strategy (summary report of what the strategy became).
    4.        Any deviation in strategy (difference between realised and intended).
    5.        Strengths and weaknesses of your firm - full SWOT analysis (at the end of simulation).
    6.        Financial condition (present and future); include at least the following 5-year data in graph format;
    Graph A. Total Revenue
    Graph B. Overall ROE
    Graph C. Occupancy Rate
    Graph D. REVPAR
    CRITICAL NOTE: Just presenting graphs is not enough. There is a need to discuss what the graphs reveal and the implication(s) for your firm.
    7.        Strategic recommendations for the new, incoming management team that are thoughtful, specific, detailed and clearly supported by information previously presented in the analysis.  What do you recommend the new management should do? 
    8.        An overall conclusion.


    Assessment Task 4 Due Date % SILOs Assessed
    Individual Report Week 12 60% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Submission Details
    Students must submit the individual report electronically by 16 October 2017. This is a 2000 word report.
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    Students will receive electronic feedback via LMS.
     THS3THS  ASSIGNMENT simulation  SWOT analysis 代写
    Tourism and Hospitality Simulation
    Individual Paper – 60%
    Criteria Assessment Sheet
    Student Name:           ________________________________________________________________________________________


    Critique of Strategies Employed                                   20%                
    Discussion of Theory                                                      25%  
    Report format, layout, grammar                                   10%  
    Referencing                                                                     5%  
    Total Mark out of 60 %  is                                               %                                            
    Description of Task
    Students must submit the individual report by the last day of Semester 2.  Students must sign the statement of authorship.  Students are to write 2000 words towards this report.
    There are many leadership styles in business and team environments. This formal report should reflectFOUR documented leadership styles and FOURfollow-ship styles. These may include:
    Leadership Styles& Theory
    ·         Authoritative
    ·         Participative
    ·         Laissez Faire
    ·         The Great Man Theory
    ·         The Trait Man of Leadership Theory
    ·         The Skills Theory of Leadership
    ·         The Style Theory of Leadership
    ·         The Situational Leadership Theory
    ·         Contingency Theory
    ·         Transactional Leadership
    ·         Transformational Leadership
    ·         Leader-Member Exchange Theory
    ·         Servant Leadership Theory…………………………………….among others
    Follow-ship Styles
    ·         Effective Follower
    ·         Alienated Follower
    ·         Conformist Follower
    ·         Passive Follower ………………………………………………..among others
    This must be in correct report format and is an opportunity to analyse grounded leadership and follow-ship theory and apply it to the team environment of the HOTS simulation. Students must try and identify the most appropriate leadership and follow-ship styles that the team experienced and either agree or disagree if it was the most efficient and productive style. Students may suggest their preferred style of leadership and follow-ship style and justify their responses with at least 15 references.



    Detailed Grading Criteria

    Assessment Task2, 3, 4

    Detailed Grading Criteria

    Assessment Task 2, 3 and 4

      Fail 49-0 D 50-59% C 60-69% B 70-79% A 80-100%
    Overall application of PowerPoint presentation No submission or an answer that had no relevance to or did not answer the questions. Broadly completed but some parts are superficially treated, misunderstood or nearly overlooked. Sound conceptual development, problems encountered have been satisfactorily solved, resulting in well-presented work Material presented is strongly linked to task; comprehension of task is high. Sophisticated concepts communicated through advanced use of technique Exceeds or refines the basic task requirements.
    Interpretation of overall financial statements and hotel positioning Theories and concepts are lacking and not applicable to the questions. Generally very limited application; some misunderstanding or quite superficial treatment. Relevant concepts, etc. applied in a generally appropriate and thoughtful way. No major misunderstanding; logical connections between ideas; no serious omissions. Critical or evaluative thinking about how concepts/theories are applied; little inaccuracy or misunderstanding. Creative or reflective processing of theories/concepts; understanding of how and why they are used; critical and evaluative thinking.
    Academic structure and appropriate layout of assessment tasks Structure and organisation of the case study is poor; needed to focus upon the questions. Well enough structured to make sense; could be better organised and more tightly focused upon the questions. Instances of irrelevance or confusion. Sequence and structure are logical and easy to follow. Ideas are sequenced in a logically satisfying way; connections between different themes or sections are well made. Structure and sequence are used effectively to help integrate ideas or support logical argument. Soundly structured throughout.
    Language use Not able to be understood; confused or unclear expression. Spelling, punctuation & grammar unsatisfactory. Some confused or unclear expression. Spelling, punctuation & grammar generally satisfactory but likely to need attention. Language is generally sound and clear throughout. Language use demonstrates precision and expressiveness as well as clarity. Confident and precise use of language; mastery of style and tone.
     THS3THS  ASSIGNMENT simulation  SWOT analysis 代写