RSM 221 代写 Individual Assignment

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    Winter 2016
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    RSM 221 Individual Assignment 1
    Individual Assignment Due Date
    •  Friday, January 29 th , 2016 at 5:00pm
    General Instructions
    1. This case assignment incorporates all lecture material up to and including Lecture 3.
    2. Your case response must be written in case format and must include a case overview
    as discussed in Lecture 2. Further information regarding this format is included in the
    specific instructions below.
    3. Make use of the case outline templates (posted on Blackboard) to plan your assignment.
    However, your case outline should not be submitted as part of your assignment.
    4. All assignments are due on Blackboard.
    5. No late case assignments will be accepted. Late assignments will be awarded a mark of
    Formatting Instructions
    You must adhere to the guidelines stated in the course outline which are as follows:
    In order to ensure consistency in the formatting for the individual assignments, the formatting
    guidelines below must be followed (and will be included in the assignment instructions). All
    assignments must be formatted using these formatting guidelines otherwise a penalty of
    up to 25% of the total worth of the total assignment mark will be deducted:
    1. Font: Arial
    2. Font Size: 11
    3. Line Spacing:
    i. Double spacing if written in paragraph form
    ii. 1.5 spacing if written in point form (point form is defined as using bullet points
    that are 1.27 cm or 0.5 inches from the 2.54cm or 1.00 inch margins of the
    page and the use of headings on a separate line to identify different sections of
    the answer).
    iii. It is strongly encouraged that point form be used however it the student’s
    personal decision and no penalty will be given for using paragraph form.
    4.  Character Spacing: Normal
    5.  Margins: 2.54cm or 1.00 inch around the entire page
    6.  Length: Anything after the specified page limit will not be marked
    7.  Header: Student name, student number and UTORid in the upper right hand
    8.  Footer: Must include the page number at a minimum
    9.  Title Page: No title page is necessary
    10.  File Name:
    i.  Individual Assignment 1: RSM221_[Insert your UTORid]_Assignment1
    Winter 2016
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    Submission Instructions
    You must adhere to the guidelines stated in the course outline which are as follows:
    The individual assignments are submitted on Blackboard, marked electronically and will be
    returned to students on Blackboard. Make sure to follow the instructions below in order for
    your case assignment to be submitted correctly. All assignments that are not submitted
    according to these instructions will not be marked:
    1. Look for the link to submit the assignment on Blackboard under “Individual
    Assignments” (Note you must first click on the Individual Assignment folder
    then click on the Individual Assignment link to get to the screen to submit your
    assignment). If you cannot see the link, email the instructor immediately.
    2. Upload your assignment using the “attach file” function. All files must be a file that
    can be opened using Microsoft Word (i.e. a .doc or .docx file not a pdf file or
    any other type of word file) and must not include any electronic errors. If you are
    unsure about the file, you may also copy and paste the case assignment in the
    Visual Editor to ensure that it can be marked (note that all formatting will be lost).
    Any files that are submitted that cannot be read will be considered late and will not
    be accepted (as per the policy and procedure below). It is the student’s
    responsibility to ensure that the file uploaded can be opened and is the correct
    3. When submitting your case assignment, make sure to click “submit” and not
    “save as draft”. If you save your assignment instead of submitting it, the
    assignment will not be electronically forwarded and it will be considered late. Once
    you have submitted your assignment, it cannot be changed so make sure to only
    submit your assignment once it is complete. It is recommended that you take a
    screen shot of the assignment submission for use if there are any technical
    4. Do not leave your submission until the last minute. Blackboard service can be
    interrupted and inability to access Blackboard is not a valid excuse for submitting a
    late assignment.
    5. The link will disappear after the assignment is due. Your case assignment is now
    considered late.
    Specific Instructions
    In addition to the general formatting and submission guidelines above, it is also required that the
    specific instructions detailed below are followed. A penalty of up to 25% of the total worth of
    the total assignment mark will be deducted if these instructions are not followed.
    Specific Instructions for Question 1
    1. The problem portion of this assignment is focused on testing your knowledge of specific
    technical areas.
    2. This portion of the assignment can be written in paragraph form or point form and
    must be formatted as detailed above. There is no preference given to paragraph or point
    3. This portion of the assignment is limited to 1 page (including appendices or exhibits).
    4. All appendices and exhibits can only include quantitative information (e.g. calculations
    Winter 2016
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    Specific Instructions for Question 2
    Case Overview
    1. The case overview is focused on testing your ability to identify the important case facts
    while reading and planning your case response. As such, it is important to only include
    case facts that were pertinent to the analyses performed in your case response. Note
    that the case overview is not considered to be part of the case response (and as
    such it should be written from a student’s perspective who is preparing to adopt
    the role and requireds of the case.
    2. This portion of the assignment is limited to 1 page. The case overview should only
    incorporate important case facts that are later integrated into your case response.
    If any other case facts are included, they will not be awarded any marks. If your case
    overview exceeds the page limit, only the first page will be considered (the rest will
    NOT be marked).
    3. The case overview cannot include appendices and exhibits.
    4. The case overview can be written in paragraph form or point form subject to the
    formatting instructions detailed above. There is no preference given to paragraph or
    point form.
    Case Response
    1. The case response is focused on testing your ability to apply the technical areas of this
    course. As such, it is important to emphasize the analysis of the issues at hand in
    addition to the ultimate conclusion in order to receive full marks.
    2. This portion of the assignment is limited to 2 pages (excluding appendices or
    exhibits). If your case response exceeds the page limit, only the first 2 pages will be
    considered (the rest will NOT be marked).
    3. All appendices and exhibits can only include quantitative information (e.g. calculations
    etc.). All appendices and exhibits must be specifically referred to in the body of the case
    response, must be sequentially numbered and must include a purpose and a
    4. The case overview can be written in paragraph form or point form subject to the
    formatting instructions detailed above. There is no preference given to paragraph or
    point form.
    5. Your response for this portion must be written in case format:
    a. The response must begin with the report/memo format:
    To:  [Identity the user(s) of your report/memo]
    From:  [Insert the role you have been asked to adopt]
    Re:  [Briefly explain the purpose of the report/memo]
    b. The response must identify all important issues, analyze each issue and provide
    a conclusion for each issue and/or all issues as a whole. Note that due to the
    nature of the assignments, it is not possible to discuss all issues presented and
    thus part of the assignment tests the student’s ability to identify the important
    c. The response must be well structured. The structure of your response should be
    planned out in advanced using the case outline template (posted on Blackboard).