BSBADM506 - 代写Manage business document design

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  • Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    BSBADM506 - Manage business
    document design and
    Assessment - 1
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 1 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment: 1
    Submission details
    The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations
    to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
    See instructions below for details.
    You must submit both printed copy and soft copy of your answers.
    Submit the printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the
    "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your
    Upload the softcopy on the link provide in the eLearning site.
    The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of
    appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your
    submitted work.
    The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive
    answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate
    authenticity of your submitted work.
    Assessment Description:
    This assessment has been designed to assess the criteria associated with the
    competency  BSBADM506  -Manage  business  document  design  and
    development. To achieve competency in this unit, a person must be able to
     designing and producing a minimum of 3 completed business
    documents, using at least 2 software applications in the production
    of each document
     using appropriate data storage options
     knowledge of the functions and features of contemporary computer
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 2 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    You must successfully complete all parts of this assessment. Your assessor will
    be marking you against a competency checklist to ensure you have met the
    requirements of each of the relevant competencies. You will be informed should
    you be deemed not yet competent by your assessor and require re-assessment. If
    you feel the decision made by your assessor was in fact incorrect please
    refer to your student handbook for information on the assessment appeals
    process and the steps you are required to undertake.
     Assessment must be typed in 12 font size.
     Assessment must be in the students own words, if the internet is
    used for research, a reference list must be listed as an appendix at the
    end of the assessment.
     No copying from other students.
     Failure to adhere to these rules will result in penalties.
    Part 1- Establish document standards
    Task Description
    The Human Resource department of Clarke & Co, a manufacturing company, is
    responsible for the management of personnel. Two key functions of the
    department are induction of new staff, and ongoing communication with
    existing staff, regarding company policies, procedures and expectations.
    Currently, the department manages a small number of policy documents which
    are periodically created as required. They are often poorly formatted. The HR
    department has a shared network drive for storage of documents, however files
    are often not named so that they are easily retrieved in the future.
    As Clarke & Co grows, so will the level of documentation required, so it is
    important that a system to ensure that policy and procedure document are
    created according to standard guidelines.
    Task 1
    Design a survey/questionnaire that can be used to identify organisational
    requirements for information entry, storage, output, and quality of document
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 3 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    design and production.
    Task 2
    Design a survey/questionnaire that can be used to evaluate the organisations
    present and future information technology capability in terms of its effect on
    document design and production.
    Task 3
    Design a survey/questionnaire that can be used to identify types of
    documents used and required by the organisation.
    Task 4
    Develop a one-page style guide outlining the standards for designing policy
    and procedure documents. The style guide should:
    a) ensure format of documents is appropriate to purpose and intended
    audience for document
    b) displays information in a way that enhances
    c) outline how documents should be named & stored
    d)  address:
    i.  font
    ii.  spacing
    iii.  bullet and numbering
    iv.  headings
    v.  margins
    Task 5
    Use Appendix 1 ‘Clarke & Co Disciplinary Dismissal Policy’ type and format it
    in MS Word according to the style guide you have established.
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 4 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 5 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    Part 2 - Manage template design and development and Develop
    Standard Text for Documents
    Task Description
    The policy and procedure documents managed by the Human
    Resources department at Clarke & Co are designed to communicate
    important information to employees about protocols, systems, rights
    and responsibilities, and expectations.
    The procedures will often require information to be collected or provided,
    and at times will reference specific forms. However, these forms do not
    exist in any set format, but are usually created by employees as required.
    The details required are generally outlined in the policy.
    Now that you have established the style guide for the policies and
    procedures, the HR manager has asked you to create templates for forms
    that can be used by all employees in the organisation. These can be
    electronic or paper-based, but you must keep in mind that the staff at
    Clarke & Co has access only to standard MS Office programs.
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 6 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    Task 1
    a)  Choose the Human Resource Department or ONE department from
    the table below.
    Human Resource
    Stock Inventory
    Prospectus Of
    The Company
    WHS/Accident & Incident
    Petty Cash
    Product List
    Selling Prices
    Delivery Forms Letter Of
    Letter Of
    Business Card
    Sales Docket  Invitation Letter
    For Meetings
    Induction Checklist Form  Tax Invoice
    Gift Voucher
    Internal Memo’s Time Sheet/Attendance
    Request Letter
    Supplier To
    l  b
    b)  Create templates for each of the forms. You must:
      Use appropriate software to create the template.
      Incorporate a range of formulas, functions and
    macros where appropriate, and ensure that data input and
    formatting requirements as outlined in the Scenario above have
    been met.
      Include an electronic section in each template, including
    clear instructions for:
    -  how to provide information for the document
    -  how and where to save the completed template
    -  how and where to submit the completed printed form
    -  Particular sections of the form that should be checked
    prior to use
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 7 of 8
    Level 1 & 2,
    363 - 367 Pitt St.
    Sydney NSW 2000
    T. + 61 2 9268 0809
    Business Institute of Australia
    ABN 18 085 304 570  RTO Code: 91019
    CRICOS Provider Code: 02607G
    •  Ensure templates are appropriately named and stored.
    c) Submit the templates electronically in a template format and also
    printed out.
    Have a student from another group complete the forms following your
    instructions, and provide written feedback on the usability of each form.
    Provide a written statement of possible amendments you could make to
    each form, in response to feedback provided.
    Part 3- Develop and implement strategies to ensure the use of standard
    documentation and for maintenance and continuous improvement of
    standard documentation
    Task Description
    Now that the new templates have been created (Part 2), you are responsible
    to conduct a training session for the staff of Clarke & Co, to demonstrate how
    to use and complete them.
    Task 1
    Write a short report demonstrating how to access, use and complete the
    template. You may use “Review” option available in MS Word to put some
    comments and a completed template as an example
    Task 2
    a) Create a feedback form as part of the strategy for maintenance and
    continuous improvement of standard documentation.
    b) Create a policy on maintenance and continuous improvement of standard
    documentation – include how the review must happen in the workplace and
    the frequency of the review.
    BSBADM506 - Manage business document design and development
    Assessment Task 1
    Updated June 2015 V 1.0 Page 8 of 8